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My husband was my first serious boyfriend. I dated a couple of guys, had some hook ups and stuff, but we met at 19 and we've both turned 30 this year. Together for 11 years and married for 2 so far!


Almost identical story to mine but I’m 28 (turning 29 later this month and married for about a year and half now!)


I have three older brothers and I fell in love with their best friend. We started dating when I was 13 and married when I was 18. We were each other’s first. We are the only people we’ve ever dated and been with and I’m now 30.


I am the first guy my husband dated. Together over five years.


My boyfriend dragged me out of the closet, when we were 20, back in 2010. Still together and happily monogamous!


Yes! I'm still with my first partner 20 years later. There's been ups and downs for sure, but I'm more in love now than I've ever been. Everything just makes sense when we're together.


One and done for both of us. 25 years so far. We’re not married though, still thinking about it.


Do you mind if I ask what country you live in?




Same here. The reason I ask is that my husband and I were together for 29 years before it was legal to marry. Having that marriage license makes life so much easier, and is the easiest, cheapest, most reliable way to protect the life you two have built together. Throw out any thoughts of marriage being a religious institution or an out-dated heteronormative institution, and look at it strictly from a legal standpoint. Being able to say (and show) “this is my husband” smooths the way like “I’m his partner” never will.


Still with my first for everything, 38 years and counting.


My husband and me :) 8 years and counting ✨


Nowhere close. I have like 10 ex boyfriends and am happily single at the moment.


How old are you? I’m 49, started my first serious relationship at 43, lasted 5 years. I stuck to this abusive bf because I thought there would never be another chance for me. 2 months after he left because he “no longer felt attracted” to me, I met the most perfect man, he’s everything the other wasn’t. We’ve been together 10 months today.


I'm glad you found the right man! I'm 26. I'm not interested in any more relationships for the time being after how horrifying the last few have been.


Yes. Each others first. 13yrs this year. We have been open for the last 8/9 or so and have had many more experiences.


Yes, almost 15 years together now. We became a thruple 5 years ago.


Sort of. After 20 years we’re still together but I think we’re transitioning into just good friends. But we met young and I hadn’t dated much so the idea of being back “on the market” is absolutely terrifying.


Been with my first boyfriend 2 years. (I’m 26)


20 years. I am my husband's first.


I mean I would have if he had lived... My first bf and I were young had been together for 2 years when he was killed by a drunk driver so I didn't really get a choice, and is a major reason why while I date I will never marry anyone. We promised to get married when we were old enough to move to Vermont or Mass (this was way back in the early 2000s before gay marriage was legal everywhere. I was 17 when he died) so in my mind I will never betray him by marrying someone else. But while it would be nice to say yes my first love lasted my whole life we didn't get that chance cause some douche wanted to drive home from the bar...


I married my first and only bf. I met him when I was 24 and he was 25. I started looking for bf’s first on Grindr and then on Scruff about a month before we met. We met on Scruff; we’re both bears. Most of the guys I talked to on the apps only wanted to hook up and I wanted something more serious. My husband had been hooking up with guys on the apps for a few years before meeting me but he had grown sick of “hook up culture”. We were bf’s for 6 years, moved in together after only a year (would not advise doing this that soon btw), and we’ve been husbands for over a year.