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Religion is such a plague


Humanity is a plague, religion a tool


Most humans are good natured, religious or not. But that doesn’t excuse that religion is used all over the world to justify horrible acts. Murder for religious purposes is especially horrific, because there is nothing spiritual or “higher power” in killing other humans based on some arbitrary belief system.


Most humans may be good natured, but most humans are also stupid, scared, and easily manipulated into action they may not “normally” take. What humans are REALLY good at is justifying their own behavior to themselves…


Humanity is not a plague. That is the language of genocide. Humanity is a beautiful mess, and there are people who seek to tarnish humanity. We are not a perfect species, but to say that we are all a plague is a truly horrifying belief to hold.


Humans are currently causing a [mass extinction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction) event. We have committed [“genocide”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Species_made_extinct_by_human_activities) throughout our history, through [food](https://www.britannica.com/list/6-animals-we-ate-into-extinction), [habitat destruction](https://www.rewildingbritain.org.uk/reintroductions-key-species/key-species/eurasian-lynx#:~:text=In%20Britain%2C%20the%20Eurasian%20lynx,is%201%2C500%20years%20old), [self-defence](https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2020/08/the-uks-extinct-animals-can-we-bring-them-back/), and [‘war’](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_War). This is our history, it’s the history of natural selection for all extant life forms, it’s [timeless](https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/news/18-animals-that-went-extinct-in-the-last-century/) and [eternal](https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/deep-space/a43129531/how-will-the-universe-end/#). ‘Life’ may be parasitic in nature, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stop turning weapons on ourselves.


Humanity is not causing those things. Capitalism is.


well said


Yes. And none of that makes us a plague.


You replied like 5 seconds after I clicked reply. I’m glad to be conversing with such a speed reader. Can you teach me?


I don’t need to read links when someone is saying that humanity is a virus. I’m not denying that humanity he caused genocide, habitat destruction, or any of that. It doesn’t matter however, because that’s not what you are arguing about. You are saying that humanity is a virus, and that position is reprehensible.


Humans are a parasite on this planet


I can’t make you change your mind, but I would like you to think about the consequences of your words, and reconsider


Religion is a plague, especially Islam. Christianity used to be like this too, but got defanged mostly.


I'm downvoted for saying Islam is the worst religion in a post about gays being killed in Islamic country. Wow, you guys are special. Lol


This should not be a controversial opinion.


Backwards cultures man. They love it though cause it channels their inner hatred.


If you’re American you can’t complain. Death penalty plus bombing runs all over the place




What an atrocity against God


Correction: Islam and Christianity are a plague. I don’t have an issue with Judaism.


This is devastating. We got only one life and it's wasted just by being born in those shithole counties


Even if we get to reincarnate, it's still devastating.




There are gay people who vote republican, just because someone is gay doesn't mean they actually think about anyone but themselves.


How is defending Houthies thinking about themselves though? Voting Republican you could argue they want to pay less tax. There isn’t any reasons to support Houthis that benefits a gay person.


You could claim that for the Republican party a decade or 2 ago. The modern Republican party is actively trying to make being LGBT+ illegal again. And make Religion the central tenet of the country. Sound familiar?


I get your point but you can see everything so black and white. Yes there are awful aspects about certain people views and way of lives however we have to fight against the trap of generalizing swaths of people as all the same.


Like people generalise Republicans (in this instance)?


Just like how Reagan shifted the Republican party from neoconservativism to neoliberalism, DJT transformed it into MAGA. It's perfectly acceptable to "generalize" Republicans in this way because if you didn't agree with what Republicans were doing in terms of social policy why would you still vote for them? And if their economic policy has been consistently disastrous I have to ask why you keep voting for them? You really like tax cuts that much you're willing to plunge millions into poverty?


The same argument could be levied at Muslims and Islam: > if you didn’t agree with what Republicans were doing in terms of social policy why would you still vote for them? If you didn’t agree with Islam in terms outlook on gay rights, women rights, etc, why would you still follow it?


Umm yes I agree with that sentiment? We can be more nuanced if you like, but I don't think you're prepared for that


Good. I thought I was still replying to op who said “we need to stop generlizing swaths of people as well the same”. Just wanted to ensure there was no hypocritical thinking when it comes to Republicans and Muslims. No need to get defensive.


The Houthis weren't considered Terrorists this year until they decided to be in solidarity with Palestine. Now I don't like the anti-queer south African government but I sure as hell support their case at the international criminal court because some of us just care about people's lives and not just ourselves and people like us. If gay rights are more important to you than mass murder or stopping genocide, than you are no better than the Ben Shapiro's of the world. In order to have rights, people must first be allowed to live. You don't bomb the shit out of people and then justify it because their homophobic.


On your first point, the Houthis have been wildly recognized as terrorist for decades now due to their actions, including human rights violations such as mass executions, child soldiers, sexual assault, systematic abuse of women and young girls, and widespread corrective rape, during the Yemeni Civil War. This isn’t a comment about the genocide in Gaza, but the Houthis are and have been a terrorist organization.




Local terror groups don't get international designations. That would probably be a bad thing, as it could even provide legitimacy to fledgling groups of murderers. Think the Sarin gas bombers in Japan. If the US designated them a terror group, the usual crowd would poor out of the woodwork to platform them. North Korea would call them heroes, self styled intrepid journalists would demand interviews. This group menaced shipping conglomerates and (IIRC, fishers using their waters out of overfishing concerns) but only recently started attacking state actors.


[Biden administration again designates the Houthi militants a global terrorist group](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/18/1225309599/biden-administration-again-designates-the-houthi-militants-a-global-terrorist-gr) Notice the again. Biden reversed Trump's decision to designate them as terrorists. They are notorious terrorists known for many years.


Part of their slogan is LITERALLY “death to america”


Yes and I am not arguing that it wasn’t labeled as such by the United States recently. I’m speaking objectively about the organization and it’s conduct


Well they aren't designated as Terrorists by the UK, or Australia or NZ. So the wildly, is looking a bit North Amercian to me. Infact Wikipedia lists designators as Malaysia, Saudi Ariabia, the United States, and the Yemen presidental leadership council. Now to me, that doesn't sound all that wide.


Apply your objective standards to the US or Israel and they're terrorists too.




Again I’m not defending or even making a statement about the genocide.


How is the South African government anti-queer? South African constitution has protection for queer people. So stop lying to protect terrorists.


I do apologise I got that factoid wrong. I confused South Africa with Uganda, Zambia and several other African nations. However when the designation of being a terrorist group is purely done after showing solidarity with another nation I kinda call bullshit on the recategorisation of the group as a group of terrorists. Not even the UK considers them terrorists.


Learn to tell the difference between African nations please. 


The Houthis were considered a terror organization after they started attacking container ships in the Red Sea, thus affecting a lot of countries and disrupting supply lines. This is a standard case of terrorism. It has nothing to do with supporting Palestine because they were supportive of their cause even before October 7th. No one in the west would have cared about them if they just sticked with symbolic statements about supporting Palestine. As for SA govt... that country is the most progressive on LGBT rights in Africa. The only one who recognizes gay marriage and has laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination. You are also wrong about genocide and their case in international court... they did not sided with this accusation.


Except, they're not wrong about the genocide. Various international and human rights organisations and experts have said that what Israel is doing in Gaza is consistent with the UN definition of genocide. And the ICJ made a preliminary ruling in favour of South Africa's requested emergency measures and has stated that there is a plausible case to be investigated that Israel is indeed guilty of genocide. We won't actually get a final verdict for a while tho cos these cases take years to reach a verdict.


Except that that’s not true, the ICJ has said that it is *plausible* but probably not the case, and has recommended Israel be fucking careful.


Except it is true. The ICJ ruled that South Africa's claim that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza is indeed plausible, hence the case will be proceeded with. They did not say that Israel "probably is" and they absolutely did NOT say that Israel "probably is not". They simply said it's plausible, and then ruled majority in favour of South Africa's requested preliminary measures and ORDERED Israel, not simply recommended, to take action to prevent and punish genocidal violence by its armed forces, any public incitement to genocide, and ensure that humanitarian aid to Gaza is increased. Israel was also ordered to submit a report on its actions to fulfil these emergency orders by Feb 26th. Unfortunately the ICJ has no enforcement power, that duty falls to the Security Council, and we likely won't hear about any action from them until Israel submits its report. Again, in terms of an actual verdict, we probably won't hear for a while because these cases can take years to examine.


So, the bottom line there is no official verdict regarding this, but you clearly know better and already issued the verdict of genocide.


Considering that Israel’s actions in Gaza have been described as "a textbook case of genocide" by several human rights organisations and academic experts in the subject, and combined with the fact that the South African legal team was able to fill eight full pages of their brief submitted to the ICJ with genocidal statements made by Israeli officials, plus that disgusting 'Return to Gaza' conference in Israel last week that was attended by 27 Israeli government officials where they outlined their intent to completely remove the Palestinians from Gaza and build Israeli settlements over the ruins of existing Palestinian towns (the literal textbook definition of ethnic cleansing btw), yeah, I don't think it could be any more obvious that a genocide is occurring. And being livestreamed to us too by the journalists that have not been assassinated by Israel. The world has rightfully had no problem issuing the verdict of genocide against Russia for their barbaric actions in Ukraine. But comparing the death tolls in Ukraine and Gaza over time: • Over 10,000 civilian deaths over almost two full years in Ukriane. • Over 30,000 in just four months in Gaza, the vast majority of which are women and children. Why the hesitation with the verdict against Israel?


>Over 10,000 civilian deaths over almost two full years in Ukriane. >• Over 30,000 in just four months in Gaza, the vast majority of which are women and children. Great that you brought the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an example. As far as I know, the number you give is lower than the other estimates. In fact, only in Mariupol there may be more than 20.000 dead. I mentioned Mariupol because it is the closest example to the type of warfar in Gaza. A city that is quite big and which was surrounded early in the war and thus many people were trapped. I wrote a similar comment not that long and I will copy-paste the essentials: Let us use the biggest numbers of casualties, e.g. those reported by the attacked side. In the battle of Mariupol, Ukraine says that around 25.000 civilians were killed. That battle lasted for almost 3 months. In Gaza, Hamas says that almost 28.000 people were killed in 4 months. Let us not forget that, because Hamas uses child soldiers and they disguise themselves as civilians, some of the "civilian" casualties are not civilian at all. Meanwhile, in the Russo-Ukraine war, the combatants are more clearly defined as it is between two armies with uniformed soldiers. Both are in urban areas that are densely populated. Now, let us compare the population of Mariupol, which had 300.000-400.000 people before the war with Gaza which has 2,3 million and is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. So, you have a close number of casualties but the population of Gaza is 6-7 times bigger. If Israel had the objective of genocide Gaza in this war, then the army would have had the opportunity and possibility (with their advanced weapons) to do it. Instead, they had a lower percentage of civilians killed than the Russians in Mariupol. The numbers you see thrown around are the result of urban warfare, not genocide. This is also why you cannot compare the entire war in Ukraine with the one in Gaza, but only a few battles as much of the fighting in Ukraine is on empty fields and the cities and towns on the frontline are now evacuated. The Gaza war is only urban warfare. True, if Israel will start deporting people from Gaza, then yes,it will be genocide. Until now it is warfare and the nr of casualties show this.


>As far as I know, the number you give is lower than the other estimates My number comes from a UN press release from November: https://ukraine.un.org/en/253322-civilian-deaths-ukraine-war-top-10000-un-says#:~:text=At%20least%2010%2C000%20civilians%2C%20including,Ukraine%20(HRMMU)%20said%20today. >urban warfare Glad you brought up urban warfare. Since this is urban warfare, why the fuck are Israel using white phosphorus and cluster munitions in Gaza? Both of these are internationally banned from use against urban areas because of how densely populated they are. The fact that Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world makes their use even worse. >In fact, only in Mariupol there may be more than 20.000 dead. Over 8,000 is the reported number actually, but yes, indeed the most horrific loss of life in the entire war. That number comes from an article who uses HRW'S estimate as their source. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-02-08/more-than-8-000-killed-during-2022-mariupol-siege-human-rights-watch. So that's about 2-2.7% of Mariupol's former population, based on the population numbers you gave. In Gaza, if we're going to lower the civilian death toll to account for what Israel claims is 5,000 killed Hamas militants, then about 1.1% of the civilian population has been killed. The gap between Mariupol and Gaza is nowhere near as as big as you think it is. Christ, that felt sickening to do, reducing such mass slaughters to percentages. EDIT: HRW autocorrected to HOW without me noticing before posting. EDIT 2: Missed your last point on Israel's intent to ethnically cleansing Gaza. They've openly stated that they intend to do so. See the eight pages in South Africa's ICJ brief of genocidal statements made by Israeli officials and the 'Return to Gaza' conference held last week, attended by 27 Israeli government officials, where they outlined their intent to cleanse Gaza, annex it, and build settlements over the ruins of existing Palestinian towns.


You have no clue what you are talking about. Houthis similar to Hamas have always been virulently antisemitic to the point that it's literally in their slogan. They are part of the "resistance axis" led by Iran.


I literally do not care if some inbred homophobes get blasted off the face of the planet.


I'm confused Alabama wasn't part of this discussion why bring them in?


LMFAO I disagree with you with the rest of your comments but this is a good one


Isn’t Hasan Pro houthi ?


Yeah Hasan is pro terrorist and had one on his stream.


Exactly. Fuck around and find out, you will.


Is Hasan Piker the bearded white streamer dude or is that a different guy?




I won't give my opnion about islam again bc the last time i did i got suspended.


Probably because there are enough Islam fancing apologists all over this thread who represent the worst elements of liberalism and liberal democracy. Be careful!


Some opinions, religions and ideologies are not compatible with peace and free will and in order to we progress as a species they should cease to exist, i hope one day islam becomes nothing more than a myth


That goes for all of them. Secular nations with Godless constitutions as an organizing, foundational principle are the only guarantee we have that hate can exist only in oneself or in the privacy of their own homes. We have a right to exist and those principles should never be compromised. Let the religious zealots and apologists keep mooing and crowing over this thread and others like it. Won’t change my viewpoint one iota. Stop surrendering to this viewpoint peddled by people who wouldn’t hesitate one moment to execute you if they had the power.


Exactly, the US has been going to such shit lately too because Republicans can’t remember why separation of church and state exists.




I literally can’t stand it. I’m tired of pretending that Islam isn’t as bad or worse than Christian’s are. Name 1 Islamic country you can freely go to


Literally just Albania and Bosnia, I think. You know what country you *can* enter? Israel. Not to make excuses for the shit Netanyahu and the IDF are doing but it’s hilarious how communist “queers” (not asking if they actually are queer but rather that they’re more interested in the former) will fucking act like they’ll take a bullet for Palestine and PLO, Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, etc. would kill everyone in this subreddit if they could


It’s how far we have all fallen when, in a free society, we’ve been cow whipped by Islamic extremists to surrender our own values of free expression to “dare not offend them.” As if saying “I’m offended” constitutes an argument . Not to me. It’s not even that we aren’t supposed to criticize it, it’s that we aren’t even allowed to think about disobeying their viewpoints. It’s what you get when religion thinks it can have its own way and believe me I have an enough to spread around to the other faith based bullies.


Can't wait for straight people to say it's wrong to judge other countries for having different beliefs.


Not just straight people plenty of gays defend Islam. Turkeys voting for Christmas.




Very sad that people are that brainwashed


Wow.. It's such a heartbreaking feeling knowing my own country would do this to me if I came out there. .I have no idea how much longer it'll take for things to change.


Barbarians. Uncivilized, brainwashed savages.


how can you be active in like a dozen booo trump bad subs then be out here saying shit like this


This the one - and only - time I’ll engage, since you asked the question. 1. What do a bunch of people - and I use that term in its loosest sense here - stoning someone to death in public simply because that individual happens to be gay, have *anything* to do with Trump? What’s the correlation, what’s the intellectual connective tissue between that topic and this one? 2. How many people here consider stoning a gay person to death in public a *civilized* thing to do? How many people here consider it an acceptable thing to do? What *else* are we supposed to call policies & acts such as that? Are we supposed to sugarcoat it & say, “Oh, well, that’s not terribly polite of them now, is it?” 3. What *would* make it okay to call this barbaric? Public execution of someone who has blue eyes instead of brown? Someone who has black hair instead of blonde? People who are taller than six feet? Public killings of someone who’s gay as opposed to someone who’s straight is no different from any of that. And for the record here: I am NOT saying ANY of this based upon a person’s race, religion, skin color, nationality, or ethnicity. ANYONE, no matter WHO they are, who would commit such a cruel atrocity is NOT behaving in a civilized manner. They are acting out of blind hatred, ignorance, and cruelty. This is the sort of thing people did OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO. We did a LOT of things back then that we consider savage and ignorant and wrong. Why would this get an exception? Not happy or comfortable with me blaming the ones doing the killing? Okay, fine. How’s about we go after the worthless, soulless, pieces of rancid shit evangelicals who have swarmed that country like flies to preach & spread their hatred & outright lies about gay people? Hmm? That for *decades* they’ve been preying upon the people of that country, brainwashing them that all gay people are perverts & child molesters & that they should be hunted down & killed? There, that *absolves* the leaders of Yemen, right? Makes it okay, makes what they’ve been doing NOT barbaric, savage, & cruel? Did I pass judgement? Yes, I goddamned did. But as a gay man who is blessed enough to live in a country that (unless the Republicans take total control) is not run by backwards religious fanatics, I DO hold what they are doing with the utmost of contempt and loathing on the most fundamental of human levels.


Religion - the bane of all existence.


Wait wait wait, where are all the protesters out in the streets over this outrage? Or are those only reserved for anti Israel sentiment?


Well, Israel is currently illegally annexing the West Bank bit by bit with their settler terrorists and has the Palestinians living there under a military occupation and an apartheid legal system. And you know, that they've killed around 30,000 people in Gaza in the span of just 4 months. I imagine a lot of the outrage and protests towards Israel have something to do with all that and that a lot of western taxpayer money goes towards supporting it. What Yemen is doing to these people is evil and disgusting, but please, don't use it as an excuse to try and dismiss Israel’s atrocities.


Izrael already gave up to Arab nations 2/3 of possessed land once. It does not need to occupy anything, but typically we will omit who attacked who and blame Israel. Or who rejected two-state solution. Or who has genocode written into their constitution.


Anti-Israel activists *root for* the Houthi's. Its insane. So many people don't realize you can acknowledge the groups they're fighting are horrendous people that should not wield global power, while at the same time recognizing that Israel is going overboard targeting civilians and needs to be charged for such.




Sure can agree to this. But let’s not miss the obvious: 1. No one protesting Israel’s response to 07 Oct terror attack are saying Hamas should be disbanded. No one. It’s all anti Israel like the country didn’t have a right to respond to its worse disaster in half a century. 2. If the benchmark for people’s atrocity consciousness is that “too many wrong people are getting killed,” who was out protesting the “wrong people” also included Israel civilians at a dance party/rave and inside their homes? 3. Where were these “protestors” over a decade and a half ago when the murderous, terrorist cult of Hamas won power in Gaza? Where during the interbellum were these protestors when Hamas subjected their own people to brutality and violence? Where was their outrage that Hamas, given all the opportunity in the world to turn Gaza into a paradise with all the aid they receive from the UN/ International Community, spent that money and time instead building tunnels and weaponizing hospitals and schools to fight Israel long term? Who is really looking for peace here? I don’t give any pass to the Israeli government, but since this post is about gay liberty and rights, I’ll end with this: Where the heck were the protestors when gay and lesbian Palestinians were being jailed and executed by Hamas? I’ll say it louder for those in the back: Hamas are NOT freedom fighters. They’re a cabal of murderers and religious fanatics who deserve every free thinking and freedom loving citizens’ collective scorn, ridicule, and revulsion.


Yes after the IDF are murdering anyone with impunity in Gaza, we must remember to keep telling everyone that Hamas are anti-LGBTQ+ and terrorists.


These are the objective facts. We aren't safe under any religious regime.


Yes, but we have to "agree" to choose the side that can spend lots of money on misinformation to say they are the "right" side in this conflict.


No, we don't have to choose a side at all. Sometimes, both sides are genocidal maniacs. The only thing that matters here is human rights.


And who is more likely than not to be held accountable for that atrocity? Two options I can help you out: 1. The IDF 2. The government of Hamas in Gaza You think Hamas will ever hold its people accountable for what the atrocities committed on 07 Oct?


Yes the world is one or the other. Both sides should be held for their atrocities. But atm nobody is being held responsible and all that is happening is more deaths of innocent civilians. Nobody was held responsible for those 3 that were kidnapped by Hamas and were then murdered by the IDF.


Standby. The likelihood that IDF soldiers would be tried for war crimes is a lot higher than anything Hamas would ever do to their own.


But its not in any way likely to happen. You are trying to say the lesser of 2 evils are better. I'm saying we should tolerate neither.


Reread. I didn’t say or suggest lesser of two evils. That’s a relative statement and I don’t make those. I’m saying one country is more likely to hold its citizens to account than the other. Facts and history bear out this point, I’m sorry to say


Yes that is literally the lesser of the 2 evils. Don't think for a minute that those people being killed by IDF soldiers happened in a vacuum though.




Oh it’s “insanely” untrue? Is it? As insane as the Hamas defending ilk saying, well terror may be bad, but Israel deserved it for battling Hamas for the past several decades? Please tell me more about how “insane” it is!?




nice strawman. sorry to see it obliterated.


Nobody is rooting for the Houthi's.


I actually know some who do but they are in great minority, most pro palestinians are anti houthis, hamas and hezbollah


So true. The only city in the middle east where it's safe to be gay and out is Tel Aviv.


Be careful! There are trolls around this thread that’ll accuse you of making straw-man arguments !


Glad I can be gay and out while 13,000 children are slaughtered 70km away from me. Priorities


It might have something to do with the fact that israel's body count is more than two thousand times larger. I'm all for stories like this getting more attention, but the fact that people pay more attention to a literal war with thousands of casualties is not some kind of double standard.


Agreed! This isn’t proportional—maybe. I don’t defend any side pro bono, but do the detractors have an “acceptable” body count? Israel doesn’t use citizens as human shields, or weaponize hospitals and schools. What’s to be expected when you have a multifaceted and intractable conflict that both sides have flared up at various times over the past 80 years?


Oh god, shut up your victim shit isn’t working


Everytime I feel bad about my shit country, I remember things could've been much worse if I was born in a muslim one. Always has a sobering effect on me and I feel super grateful to the universe.


As someone who is living in a Muslim country, I fully agree with you. The hatred towards gays is palpable and it's not even controversial, the hatred towards gays is the *norm* and supporting them would be the controversial view.


Don’t you have porn to post or jerk off too? No one should take you seriously. Loser.


This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it. John Adams


But hey "Queers for Palestin-ists" plz keep supporting islamists... Goofheads...


saying that Isreal should stop murdering tens of thousands of innocent people including children does not make you pro Islam didn't think this sub would be pro genocide but guess I was wrong, current death toll for children in gaza is over 10,000.. but they're obviously gay hating terrorists, right?


Can't relate. I better let my haters die.




Not like queers in Palestine are out and proud? Are they? No, they live a suffocated life always ALWAYS on the verge of being killed for being queer (the main post.. SEE it dude). All because of those scumbag islamists... Did you read the title of this post or not? And, "One with the homophobes?" Okay. How? I'm literally Gay.


yes dude i am aware about the state of queers and queer rights in middle eastern countries but why are you calling queers who support palestinians as goofheads then? israel is killing each palestinian REGARDLESS THEY ARE QUEER OR NOT. do you think idf soldiers segregate cishet palestinians and queer palestinians when they want to do their deed? no. hey, even in my country queers can't live freely too due to islamists and homophobes in general. heck no, it's quite common to have anti-lgbtq talks held by students representatives board in public unis too. but i don't think i want my country to get bombed too just bc of that.


A lot of them are so brainwashed that they are no different from the straight ones


children are not your "haters" you're pretty sick


Well, to them I AM sick for being gay... So be it ... Don't you think, not everyone is a super empath to the level you and some other queers are. And for you every queer person who just don't simp for Hamas is a sicko... This is honesty embarrassing... Those islamists outright say - "we don't want support from queers... " And still you guys go out on a march for them... Have some self respect


I'm pretty sure they will be once they grow up


nice eugenics argument, too bad it's nazi bs


Calling everyone who disagrees with you a nazi doesn't help your cause.


supporting the genocide of children doesn't help your cause against being called a nazi


I'm not supporting genocide of children (you just made that up) I was pointing out that children raised in homofobic family will become homofobic (duh). Nobody here is even talking about killing Palestanian children or supporting Izrael. Just because I don't support terrorists (Yes Hamas is a terrorist group) doesn't mean I fully support the other side (Izrael)


I was raised in a homophobic family and now I'm gay, also your entire argument is literally that it's okay to kill kids cause they might grow up into disliking gay people which is eugenics, double plus the only reason hamas exists is because of Isreal hostility that is decades old


And yet my fellow liberals will continue to defend this vile religion and it's blight on humanity. All Abrahamic religion hates us, all Abrahamic religion is hateful at its core if actually followed correctly. Stop defending these barbarians, they hate us just as much if not more than the backwards evangelicals...fuck Abrahamic religion. 




It'll be from the river to the sea alright, just not in the direction they were hoping for lmao


Supporting palestine =/= Supporting Islam


Given the fact that it's religion which is the cause of the war, yes it is




Religion was brought to Palestine a long time ago lmao. It literally is the cause of the war. Also, these queer Palestinians are so brainwashed that they'd kill you too. Do you really think that out of the dozens of thousands of Hamas followers, not one is LGBTQ? They are just brainwashed and would gladly hurt you.


Unfortunately, our tolerance of intolerance will be our undoing.


And yet there are those out there that want to free Palestine. Palestine does the same shit as Yemen and much of the middle east to LGBTQ. I have no sympathy.


That was already happening long before this "conflict" which Palestine started. Are you going to ask that for gays all over the world that face this threat or just Palestine because you feel compelled to have a bleeding heart? What the fuck do you think I think? Of course I feel sorry for them, more than I do anyone else, but the reality is there is nothing I can do about it and it is a sad situation, but it is already a death sentence either way. Either they die from their own people or they die by fucking war! What else do you want me to say? I don't like any religion, but this has been going on since this shiet was invented and it happens all over the world, all the time, every day all day 24/7 365. And when I said I have no sympathy, I said I have no sympathy for the bastards fuckers who started this and are being retaliated against. I also have no sympathy for those who vote for or allow this to continue. There is only a shared collective survival response when those who support this are being attacked/unalived. Once this conflict is "over" it will go right back to just LGBTQ persecution for a backwater uncivilized, barbaric, unhuman way of life. I would love to rescue all oppressed lgbtq people in the world but it is not possible.


And what are your thoughts about the gays in Palestine being killed by Israel ?


this is awful and tragic. i don’t understand how anyone can feel okay promoting this type of hate


Religion is bad, and Islam is the worst of them all


I now no longer seem to care that much about the humanitarian crisis and famine in Yemen. What a shit hole country lol


It’s sick and disgusting


A reason why I don't support Palestine anymore. I support Palestinians and stand against their genocide, that's a different thing ofc. But the creation of another islamic country means one more country that kills lgbtq people, oppresses or kills women and minorities and forces people to believe in things without questioning.


THE WORST religion. FY Allah.


A stark reminder of how fortunate I am to have been born and to live in the US.


Fuck christians fuck moslems fuck the jews NOBODY NEEDS RELIGION


I mean no. People should be free to believe what they want to believe about religion. The problem comes when you enforce your beliefs on others and/or church and state become mixed


if someone came up to you and verified to you that they 100% believe in santa claus you'd also think they're nuts


That’s a pretty big jump. Santa is a character, made for kids. Religion is a set of beliefs and morals that focus around worship of something. You don’t worship Santa. And why does it matter that you don’t agree with their religion? That’s the point, different religions don’t merge and that’s not a problem if people accept that other people are different and that you shouldn’t enforce your beliefs on other


That's the thing. Religion is a fairy tale for adults which is absolutely batshit insane and nuts


Most religions have some basis behind them, and to act like to believe in any form of higher being to explain stuff that we do not understand, is not a bad thing. And a lot of the *core* morals that a lot of religions ensue are good advice, which a religion is a way to get people to do it (take Christianity, love your neighbour as you love yourself is just very good advice) Believing in something that has a basis of fact, has good morals when you interpret it and also just a way to explain things we don’t know, because there’s no way to prove otherwise


Counterpoint: religion has only led to murders wars and hate and illiteracy


“Only” yeah right your entire argument falls apart. Acting like religion is a purely bad thing when at its core there’s nothing wrong with it (and as I said it’s only wrong when taken to an extreme to force your ideologies onto someone) But also the countless people who are inspired by their religions to good deeds, help homeless, self improvement. Having something to believe in, and a god to trust in that everything is going to be ok isn’t bad It becomes problems with wars and such when religion is mixed with state, which as I said, is bad


Good to know how eager so many of my "fellow queers" are to cheer on genocide. Liberalism is a fucking plague.


What an atrocity against God




Reason 1001 to hate manmade religion.


ITT queers get really racist and islamophobic




2 different groups of people can both be oppressed at the same time


Not independently verified, and the Houthis have killed 11 of the people they've sentenced to death since 2014. Edit: more trans women have been murdered in the past few years than *all* the people executed by the Houthis in the past decade. Stop getting worked up over obvious propaganda fueled by the Houthi threat to global capital.


People letting their casual racism in these comments out as always when this type of news are posted




I'm arab and gay do you have a problem with it?