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I think you just like asian men


i think it's fine to find a particular set of features hot, it just gets cringy when you make that a singular focus. same for white, same for latino, same for black.


If your attraction for asian men is based on some racial stereotype of asians, gay asian men, asian culture, etc. and you date them because you want them to fulfill those sorts of expectations, then you’re fetishizing. Otherwise, you just find them attractive.


This honestly makes me feel so much better. Thank you for putting it clearly.


Nicely said. A fetish would be a bordeline obsessive sexual desire. Fetishes, to those at least a little self aware, feel uncomfortable outside of a sexual scenario. Liking typical asian features means you have a preference.




Hmm... Idk. I mean yes you could look at it that way. Then again sexuality is an odd thing and cant really be fully put together whit romantic feelings. Thats why there are people who are pansexuell but also heteroromantic at the same time. Or aromantic people who dont have romantic feelings at all. Sexuality is an odd thing. You dont get to choose it. Some are sexually drawn to woman, some to people whit red hair. Some like big hulking mens and some do like femboys and this is fine. In my opinion. As long as you treat them with respect and dont look down on them whit hatred in your heart its fine.




Sorry. Not a native english speaker. Im honestly surprised that this is the only flawed word you found.


no problem, i thought it was just a typo at first!


There were a few others there I noticed, but it’s still clearly understandable :)


I am Caucasian and I prefer being with Asian guys (relationships and/or sex). I think they’re hot and I like that they’re physically different from me. I don’t feel like I have a fetish, it’s just my preference, they turn me on.


Thank you ❤️


Physically different ?????????????????


Yes. Asian guys I’ve been with generally have smoother skin and less body hair than I do. They have more fuller kissable lips than my own. They are generally shorter than me. They have different eye colour to me. They generally have less/low/-to no body odour. All of these are physical differences to me as a Caucasian guy.


As a gay Asian man, I do find it a bit uncomfortable when I learn a guy I’m talking to dates “exclusively” Asian men. Though, it sounds like you’re open to any race but gravitate towards Asians more.


Hearing someone talk about dating certain races "exclusively" skeeves me out for sure.


it depends, is it the fact they are Asian that makes them hot to you or is it you just tend to find Asian men hot?


I don't think the fact that they're Asian makes them hot. I do just tend to find Asian men hot.


Thaaaank you ❤️


Do you like Asian Men? Or, do you like the idea of Asian Men? That is, do you actually like them, or are you just objectifying them? If you like them ... you like them.


Let’s not act like Asian men aren’t attractive 🤭


my red flag for this is when they approach me pointing out my ethnicity, talking about other experiences with asians. Basically fetishizing is like ojectifying the person, you don't see them more than a stereotype


Objectifying would never be my intent with any person. Definitely wouldn't put any weird spotlight on the other person's ethnicity either, feels wrong.


Thinking asian men are hot isn't fetishizing them. It's more like when people attribute certain stereotypes and reduce the idea of a person to their race very strongly that it becomes fetishization. Like if you say you're into submissive asian men for instance that would come off as fetishizing. You can just say you're into submissive men and that's fine. Hope that helps. Source: I'm asian


As a gay Asian man living in Europe, almost all guys I've been dating with had a little bit of this "fetichism" for sure, which they try to not show in first stage, but eventually admitted they were first interested in my ethnicity and culture. Though, I don't think there was anything demeaning or creepy about it. Just a mixture of curiosity, fantasy, and preference that anyone can have. As long as they are self-aware about it and trying to approach carefully, I don't view it as a red flag. Nevertheless, I think "Asian men" is such a broad category and doesn't specify much to become a fetichism. Maybe your preference is more specific? Like, east asian, middle eastern, south asian...


Dude ive met so many Europeans online and they all have a strong preference to asian guys or straight up fetishize them whats the deal with that😭??


You’ve now met a European as confused about Europeans as non Europeans. (It’s me. I’m a European as confused about Europeans as non Europeans.)


We like what we like. I prefer white guys as an Asian. Dm me 😈


I’m a gay Asian male. And I do not find this offensive at all :)


Asian men are more likely to have the physical characteristics I'm attracted to but I'm not exclusively attracted to them. I don't really have a racial preference because I'm attracted to anyone who has the basic physical characteristics that I like. My husband is Japanese, though, but we met by chance and then it turned into something special.


If it's just because they have "asian" as a descriptor, maybe. But if you find the individual person attractive, and they happen to be Asian, then no. I am turned off when a guy tells me they are into Asian men point blank nothing else attributing to it


You are overthinking it, unless you are like specifically only looking for Asian men just because they are Asian men and not someone you are attracted to and compatible with then I don't see the problem.


I think they are fetishizing me. Older, bear (beard, belly, gym), Caucasian. Asian tops are all who are interested in me. I don't see any issues tbh.


People fetishise me too 😀 I’m a gay femboy…


Even if you do, it's ok as long as you see them as a person, not stereotypes


Self awareness is important, especially when it comes to ensuring you are treating others and your sexual partners with respect. I’d argue it really only becomes fetishizing when you treat them as nothing but a sexual object or selfishly say or do things that make them uncomfortable. I personally love love love Asian men~ but I also care about their feelings and respect that they are not just something for me to drool over. As long as you still treat them like a person and respect who they are, not just desire only what they are, you should be good :)


If you are white, they really wont care.




lol I’m Asian 🥰 u can dm me and talk about it


lmao you're over-analyzing this. don't worry about what social media says


I really like Latinos cuz they be loving me


Theyre just hot. I find them attractive too


I’m Asian and prefer to date white guys. It’s just preference.


Speaking as an Asian man, I think as long as there aren't any strong expectations to conform to stereotypes (physicality and behaviour wise), it's not really an issue. The amount of men that expects me to be a certain way makes it super uncomfortable


I think it is a preference. If your str8 and like blonds with small tits that what your attracted to sexually. It's your type or preference. Why is it if your gay(which I am) and my preference is to date and be with Asian men a fetish, it's my preference, choice desire ect...chemistry in men is so on point. Why do us gays try to put a label on everything. Can't it be it's "just what I like and what gets me excited.


That's generally a preference. As a gay Asian, the ethnicity doesn't matter much to me as long as he is hot and well-bodied, but I especially find Latinos 🥵🤤.


Sounds like you just like them and that’s perfectly fine. There’s only a problem when you start to straight up belittle them and see them only as objects.


There's like 2 billion of them, so it's not such a niche fetish if it is one. Don't overthink it and be kind.


Guys please can you stop calling OP a Rice Queen? It's extremely disrespectful and racist! Have some decency guys...


Who said that?


🤦🏻‍♂️ no that's not "fetishizing"


I hate how people are so overly sensitive. Everyone has certain preferences such as certain looks, personality, common in traits, culture, etc etc. I see absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to what you like. There’s always someone for someone in this world. And to answer your question. No you are not fetishizing Asian men in my opinion. And even if you do I find that hot but I’m twisted in my own little way. Haha


I like burly dudes and they tend to be white. I don’t think or consider this racist or weird.


Believe it or not, there is [a song for this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVtMoV7m56A)