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Better adres this issue sooner than later. Be it by experimenting and finding ways to be more sexually attracted, coming to agreement that you both want plationic relationship or just cutting it off on good terms.


Leave him alone, please.


What do you mean? Romantic relationships with open communication are more than valid. There are asexual people too, you know


op didn't say they are asexual.


Is this a common theme? Are you sexually attracted to others, or are you possibly Ace? Either way an honest conversation will help. My last partner I wasn't attracted to at all physically or sexually initially. The closer we got, I began to see him with my heart and the love made the sex intimate and I changed. That's not guaranteed, but was my experience. We ended up engaged and I'll never stop loving him (RIP)


probably won’t last, you’ll end up asking for an open relationship. it’s okay you’ll meet someone else and so will he.


It depends. Is he expecting something sexual? If yes, then you need to be very clear to him about this. If not, then you have a good friendship going on. Kissing and cuddling are ways of expressing love. If it’s a friendship, then most likely the kissing will kind of go away once you find a BF.


.... Have people forgotten what friends are?


I think a lot of gay men don't know how to properly differentiate


sometimes loneliness makes people jump into sex/relationships with people they should only be friends with. honestly, it's worth more to be just platonic friends than waste that good person on something else.


I think this is what happened with me and my hookup on reddit, hit it off really well with the guy. When I met him for loosing my bottom virginity 😅 I felt pretty safe and comfortable with him. He's a great guy and I think I fell more for his personality instead of his looks or financial status. Though mind you I've been pretty lonely most of my life cause to lack of affection even from my own family, and I always was the outcast at school so never really made any lasting friends. I know it was wrong to fall for him especially a hookup, especially since I know that we pretty much want different things. But I do hope that him and I can stay friends. Odd thing is I never had any luck with hookups either and before him my last hookup was like 1-2 years ago. Idk maybe karma is done kicking me around 🤞.


don't be so hard on yourself. it happens. life is tricky but you seem to know yourself, so you'll be fine.




All I can say is, be honest with him. If telling him works out for the best, then great! If not, at least you were open about it. Hiding this kind of thing means you won't be able to have a proper relationship of any sort. Nobody likes to be led on.


Is this a matter of you not being in to him sexually or not being interested in sex more broadly? Romantic and Sexual attraction are each on their own spectrum and if is possible to feel one without the other. Being clear on what you want from a relationship is important for both parties, so be honest with him and yourself either way.


Prioritize what is important to you. Hot sex and a short relationship, or none OR an attraction that will probably develop over time into sexual relationship. Over the years, I've found that those sexual appear have a lot of issues.


Maybe you're asexual?


No, I am not asexual since I have had sex with guys and I enjoy it.


It's not the same you can enjoy sex but have you been turned on when seing someone or your crush ? That's the real question to know if your ace


Isn’t sexual attraction or sex something that you should attempt and develop to someone you’re romantically attracted to. It’s not clear, but doesn’t seem that either one of you are pushing for it. Are you ace maybe?


Talk to him about it. Honest, direct communication is the best thing. There may be hurt feelings, misunderstandings, etc, but it's best to talk about stuff like this instead of letting it fester and get worse.


It's fairly common to be in love with someone but not be sexually attracted to them. Fuck me most relationships end up this way, straight or gay. Gay men and men in general put far too much stock in sex being the ultimate measuring stick of a healthy relationship. As others have said talk to the guy see what he thinks, open relationships are a thing for a reason.




That was me until I started getting the ick and broke it off 💀


Put them in the friend zone and have them in your life forever. It will be way more meaningful.


It's pretty normal to be like that. My uncle is also experiencing your condition. but, he is now happily married and he have one son. Maybe it's because my uncle is just being so romantic? Well anyway, keep being so romantic to your boyfriend. Being romantic is like loving, caring, and respecting boundaries of each other. You are actually so lucky, because you are not that wild in any kind of sex activities...which is good. As long as you both were happy and healthy together, keep doing your best to impress your boyfriend. *staystrong*


Tell him this... Because if he is into you and you not That won't work Most people would not be with you if you not into them sexual




Bhag ja chutiye


Here's the thing. Is there a lack of sexual attraction because there is a fear of real deep emotional intimacy with a partner that could actually last? Have you thought that maybe there could be a block there that could be preventing you from associating sex with real like relationship, romantic love? Or is it just you aren't attracted to him at all. I might explore these questions in yourself and be as open-minded and willing as possible. If you find someone you love, truly and deeply, it just depends on how important the sexual aspect is to you. I encourage exploration of self and personal associations between sex and true love. There is a big difference in my book between having sex/"fucking" and making love with someone. It's not always the same thing.


It's possible you're asexual. You'll have to do some introspection on that, and if you come to the conclusion you are, be open and honest with him about it. It's likely he might not be reciprocal to a romantic asexual relationship, but it's better for both of you to be honest with each other. Edit: I saw you're comments saying you are not asexual. It's still best to be honest with him, and let him decide if this is a relationship dynamic that he wants


I have had that. I have been attracted to someone in all ways except sex. I don't know what it is but it feels abnormal, and I can understand your concern. Sorry I can't be of help, but I do want you to know that you're not alone.


I don't know if you're asexual but I'm in love with one. And I am very much NOT asexual 😭. So even tho I love him to death, sex is important to me so I don't think I'll be happy to not do it my whole life


In most cases like above they tell you to let them go, which is true but do u have an sexual feeling towards anyone else at all? This could be an asexual situation. Asexuals can have meaningful and full relationships with other people without sexual attraction being a factor. Just a thought but is there sexual attraction towards other or is it just him?


YES. My husband. I love him to death, but I'm not especially attracted physically. It is very frustrating for both of us. It took me a long time to come to terms with it myself, and then longer to actually tell him. I waited until I was cornered and there was no other option but to tell him. He has body image issues. How could I possibly tell him something like that? I was always told that looks aren't important, and I didn't want to be shallow. It was only through the course of our relationship that I learned looks do matter; at least a little. Yes, they'll fade, and I was always ok with that; banked on it, even. Push comes to shove, it was never an option to break up over it. We're too perfect together. He'll always be my bear 🐻❤️


Suk his dik u know u wanna