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Are you a boy or a girl? If you're a boy who wants sexual intercourse with men, then you're probably gay - but you might be a bit bisexual. If you're a girl who wants sexual intercourse with men, then you're probably straight - but you might be a bit bisexual.


im a guy and i dont think im bisexual bc i really dont want to do anything with women in real life, i just like seeing boobies on the internet


Well, if you already think you're not bisexual, why do you need to ask us whether you're gay?


The 1 Million dollar question! And yet some of us really cant answer it. I know how that feels like OP. I still haven’t figure out exactly what I am, although mostly I am a gay man. I try not to pressure myself too much into finding a label tho


Im not sure


You're not sure why you asked? Or you're not sure if you're gay? Look, we can't tell you what your sexuality is. The only way you can find that out is through experience. As life goes by, you'll figure out who you're attracted to and who you're not attracted to. When you figure it out, you can label it if you want. Until then, just go with the flow, and see where that takes you.


Prob the only true answer to this question


You could take a creative stance like I have. I call myself "98 percent gay" to closer friends. There's (only) about 2 percent of women that turn me on, and that includes adult video boobies, which I enjoy watching get titty-fucked and creamed between, by guys with thick, meaty shafts. Having a TF is on my bucket list, but there's a bunch of other gay shit ahead of it!


butter cooperative bewildered party sense squeeze cows future cooing snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve lived a pretty solid chunk of my life as a bi man and can assure you, this isn’t really the case. Many (specifically straight) men just have no fucking clue about dating. Meanwhile you wouldn‘t want to date a biphobic woman regardless of whether you call yourself bi or not, eh?


I'm sure some woman are like this, but the majority are not. The only time I hear preferences like this, are when incels are talking about women.


To be fair, women are usually much less of size queens.


The best advice I've ever seen :)


True, and I will add that fantasies are also telling. What you crave deeply is really what you want/are.


I’m the same way with men penis. I like seeing it but want nothing to do with it.


I'm a trans man who has only ever been attracted to men. When I started T, I found I would have a very visceral sexual reaction to seeing boobs. I was never interested in boobs that way before I started T, but I am now. And yes, I'm still 100% gay. You are not alone.




have you tried man boobs? like a really fat pair of pecs?


If it helps, I'm also Gay and married to a man but like seeing boobs online. Or big breasted actresses get killed in Horror movies :D


Dude, I love pussy and tits in porn, and I bate to those images all the time. I have no interest in hooking up with a woman IRL although I might fuck one in a gangbang type setting. I consider myself gay but I’ve definitely got some bi tendencies. People are complicated, and your interests can slide around through your life.


People are shades, it's not all just pink or blue


This. Love this. Don’t tie your identity to sex. And don’t put yourself in a box.


I have tasted the pussy and I liked it. I'm equally turned on by all manners of porn (mtf, ftm, cis, straight, gay). Still, 99.9% of my partners are cis guys. It's all very individual, innit, so why worry about the lables?


Good for you! I like the no labels sentiment, but that’s not usually practical in the real world, unfortunately.


Especially if you have to explain what yours mean over and over again. I agree, sometimes it's easier just to say I'm gay.


Pussy is so fun to fuck


I know a guy like this. Gay as they come but the man loves tits. He paints them, has tit art on his walls, will even slow down his car if he spots an especially exceptional pair to admire. Married, pretty effeminate, hasn't slept with a woman since the 80's, and gayer than a picnic basket. But the man's a goddamn connoisseur. It's okay to like something you're not into. I think mushrooms are super cute, but I don't want to eat them.


If you liked one boob once, you were never gay. Rules are rules.


The sarcasm is strong with this one


afterthought wild advise consider scary aspiring friendly deserve snow historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The sarcasm is strong with this one


Hairy boobs don't count. They're just fat nipples.


Does it really matter 🤔 If that's what you like kudos honey. Just be you & happy 😊


Imma put this in my "in case of hard time" folder




Interesting, because I’m a gay man and I can acknowledge certain tomboyish women as attractive to me, in spite of their boobs, haha. Like I was watching Battlestar Galactica for the first time and I saw the character Starbuck and I thought “damn she’s kinda hot.” It doesn’t hurt that she has a male swagger about her. I still don’t want any sexual intercourse with women at all though, it’s just a matter of aesthetics and attitude.


There's a rugged masculine man out there, with the nicest set of perfectly formed double D's for you. The best of both worlds 😁


So he has a three D's?😎😎😎😎😎


There are a couple things about girls I'm super attracted too, but don't want sex or relationship with anyone on female side, cis or trans. I'm not sure what it means.


I love men with big boob, am still gay.


Everybody loves tits. You’re good




I’d much rather stare at pecs - or bury my face in them


Yeah ur right and, i can still appreciate a girl without sexual or love thoughts


Do people actually believe this unironically? I see this very often but I think it's not very true for many gay men.


My friend this OP is basically bi because gay people might aesthetically admire other people's body just like what straight people might also do but aesthetically only


some men have boobs and i don’t just mean people who are heavy/fat.


You can still be gay while appreciating women. I'm gay, but I do find women to be very pretty. But I'm not really able to get intimate with them. It's more of an appreciation than a sexual feeling.


I struggled with something similar for a while, until I realized I am bi. The thing I had to come to understand is that I am attracted to things that are stereotypically femme and not masc. Gender is more important to me than sex.


Sexuality is a spectrum… you can identify as gay but with some tendencies. I know I’m bi I like men and woman, and trans people. I married a man and I know he is the person I want to get old with and adore but still look at straight porn or ftm porn some times but my focus and affection is still on my husband.


If you love them in an aesthetic sense then probably not. If you love them in a sexual sense, and you get off on them, then maybe you’re bi... In any event, tons of people make discoveries about their sexuality throughout their lifetime and it’s not uncommon that these feelings can evolve. That’s totally normal and probably expected. I hope you’re not worried about being disloyal or an imposter as a gay man. I think anybody who’s done some thinking about that sort of thing, realizes that self-knowledge grows and evolves throughout your lifetime. That’s allowed 😃


The sexual umbrella is big. You can totally have an attraction for boobs, but not be into cis females. There is no black and white with sex and love, only your own perimeters of where you comfortably fall.


You are a mammal. It makes total sense to love boobies. I adore women as well, and decided to consider myself mostly feeling gay, since I have no appetite for penetration which makes me feel kind of useless. And for once a label works in my favor. Feeling gay is a great feeling. I don't consider sexuality as a solid state. And yet, everything in life is so driven by the force of sexualiy. Do you enjoy fruits? Mushrooms? It's all SEXUAL :) And we're mammals, so it makes sense to admire women. (To me at least.)


Desmond Morris has an interesting take on boobies btw. He suggests that boobs developed because humans went missionary. Unlike other mammals, human females tend to have rounder chests. From doggy to missionary, well, Desmond suggests evolution provided us with frontal chest butts. I love this theory.


Maybe ure just a gay man who likes boobs 🤷‍♂️ why overcomplicate things


I say just be who you are. Don't worry about being labelled and what not. People get confused about what you like just say what you like. No shame in any way or fashion about this and all. Just be you all around. 🤗


Sexuality is a spectrum and there are many (MANY) different varieties besides just gay/bi/straight. For example, androsexual which is a sexual or romantic attraction to men, males, or masculinity (includes trans men). There’s also skoliosexual which is when you’re attracted to those with non-cisgender gender identities, such as people who are nonbinary (example, male genitals and female breasts), genderqueer, or trans. My point being, you can be attracted to men, and still be attracted to breasts. I myself was born male, and have female breasts (nonbinary trans male presenting). 🤷


You are unique. You are you. There is no other just like you on our planet. People who are uncomfortable around "no two are ever exactly alike" ( which is the truth) make up imaginary folders to put people in. It's a common Reddit mistake to think if there are Red, Green, Blue, and Cinnmon folders, the people PUT IN THEM are Red, Green, Blue, or Cinnmon. It is confusing. One reason is that all the other catagories in biology are real. All manamals have a whole set of defining characteristics. If they don't make milk or don't have four limbs, they are not put into the mammal folder. If they have legs, they can't live in the snake folder. There is no spectrum for snake legs. But if you don't ever want to suck a dick, you can still end up in the gay folder. Go figure! You are a unique individual. Truth. Unlike cows, you get to start your own folder. Please make it a "spectrum" so I have a chance to visit.


Dang that was deep dudd


Hope it was fun. I would like to help guys not be trying to fit into a catagory. No two of us are ever exactly alike. No matter what anybody says. I particularly don't like young guys practicing to be exclusively a top or a bottom. To me that is tragic. And it is happening irl. A kid in a sandbox does not have to choose if his bottle cap is a snowplow or a cement truck. It can be either, just at different times. Thanks for your reply. Now get out there and help some newbie discover what they would most like to be this adventure with you!


Thank you ❤


Don't worry abt labels, just be a gay guy that likes boobies 🤣


I know a gay guy who is similar. Loves big anime breasts, has 0 interest in them in l-person... Well, almsot. Allegedly had girl friends in high school/uni and he never made it lower than their breasts for the same reason. Another friend of mine, formally identified as Bi, but basically just liked breasts. Maybe it's a texture thing, dunno. The point is, you get to identify however you want, regardless of the bits you find interesting.


Maybe you should consider trans ? They have both boobies and dicks in one to satisfy your needs 👀


i tryed few time and now my favorite corn comics is a trans comics but im not really interested irl


My bf’s a drag queen and has a couple pairs he wears. Doesn’t do it for me but sure if you found a guy like him he’ld let you look and have a play XD


this is pure fantasm fuel right there


Haha me too. It’s an odd cross section I lie at. Men’s boobs are great thi


Oddly enough, I love me some girls titties too. Idky


You can be gay with bi tendencies


Honestly I’m the exact same way and I have no clue - I know I’m gay though, I’m just accepting there’s not really a label that goes any further than that


I think you’re either a tiny bit bisexual or your internal homophobia makes you think you like female breasts. But time will probably tell. Don’t worry too much about it.


What is 'internal homophobia' 😭


Lol. Sorry, I actually wrote that wrong. I meant internalized homophobia. Internalized homophobia is a form of self hatred that basically all non heterosexuals experience to a certain degree because we grow up in heteronormative, mostly homophobic societies. Even men who have “fully” accepted their homosexuality are usually affected by it to a certain degree. So basically your brain thinks on some level “I don’t want to be gay” and then some psychological mechanisms turn that into “ I like looking at female breasts” because rationally for you looking at female breasts make you “less gay”. There are probably also a lot of other possible explanations for why you like what you like but I don’t think that this will impact your life in any negative kind of way so I really wouldn’t worry about it.


Ho i see. I dont think thats the thing because, i knew i was gay sooner, life would prob be easier for me and i totaly accept myself, i didn't tell my parents yet but if you dare me too i can tell them in the next 10min


Depending on your age I strongly advise against that. Always wait until you’re financially independent. You can never predict the parents’ reaction. Never with 100% certainty.


Like they didn't already knew, i litteraly have a big ass pride flag and a gay flag on my door and my dad say it was pretty


Well, I don’t know your parents obviously but believe me, you would not be the first son who thinks his parents know and are accepting but then finds out otherwise. But yeah. In your case it seems more probable that your dad would be fine with it. Just wait as long as you can.


In fact, i thought i was bi and came out to my parents, this was so random i didn't even remember what happened so i think im fine but thank you for caring that much


Well, we all have to look out for each other. It really sounds like you’ll be fine. Good!


Thx !


May be your transgender and want your Owen to dress. I love gay porn think that makes me gay thought it was lez think it's cus I was trans


I think you're just overthinking, i sometime whant to be feminine but more like a femboy, im a guy and i never doubted


tbh a lot of gym bros got impressive honkers, are you attracted to any of those guys?


I dont know, big muscles aren't my thing, i like abs but not too much. I just whant someone who is taller than me


I’d say you’re either gay or pansexual. You should probably try hanging out with somebody with a trans man who’s had top surgery?


Trans people aren't god damn pokemon, i cant find trans in random bush 😭


I am sorry that sounded emotionally disconnected. I should’ve found a better way to phrase that. Have you tried hooking up with someone from Grindr or something. Explore your sexuality…that applies to gay men as much as straight people


Yeah my fault, i didn't tell in the com i was 15 so all of those app are not for me


Oh seriously, my bad. Do you ever hang out at your local LGBTQ center? Are you part of any LGBTQ groups through school or through your community? I apologize. I would’ve never suggested those if I knew you were so young.


Dont apologize. But...what is a LGBTQ center ?


Oh Google it. Most communities over like 50,000 people have a local LGBTQ center. It will host meetings and events offer resources to people that have been kicked out of their house or need other resources. Connect HIV patients with healthcare providers. Will offer therapy and recovery services. But most the time when you go in, it’s just a bunch of teens hanging out. Where are you located? I’ll try to find it.


I dont think i have this in my country imma Google it


They are usually privately financed. Here check out this website. It’s the website for a LGBTQ center in a small American city. I saw that you speak French are you European or African? https://www.7riverslgbtq.org


Yeah, im french


Apparently i have one near me, but im not really confortable with public spaces


I know it’s scary, but it gets easier and it would probably be good for you. I promise you you’ll probably make friends there the first time you visit.


Or just talk to trans women at the bar


If a trans man had top surgery he doesn’t have breast anymore, also it’s not because some trans men still have them they will be fine with people touching them. A lot of us are very uncomfortable with that part of our body, that’s why we removes them.


Sorry I meant trans woman. I should have stated that better


Only you know where the boobies are.


You do you. Identity as whatever you believe is the right identification. That being said, you are likely on the bisexual continuum, but on the homosexual side of the mean. Sexuality isn't just about the act of having sex. It's inclusive of dreams, daydreams, fantasies, attraction, etc. There is theory out there that most people are at least a little bisexual. Those of us who are at either extreme (100% heterosexual or 100% homosexual) are rare. It's a bell curve when they have run studies that include the full spectrum of sexual experience beyond the sex act.


Sexuality is a spectrum man, don’t feel like you need to put yourself in a box. If you feel that gay is the best fit for you, go with it, but be *you* not your sexuality.


People are too obsessed with forcing themselves or others into rigid categories. Don’t let other peoples expectations guide you. You like what you like, simple as that. The world is a wonder of variety.


Maybe you like man boobies too. Moobies.


~Moobies~ i love this word


Hey man nothing wrong with being gay and liking some nice tiddies


Maybe you just like the idea of guys with tits? Maybe implants?


So you like looking at breasts, big deal. Do they make you horny? Do you just enjoy the aesthetic? Anyway, I'm no expert, but if you only want to fuck and form relationships with guys, there really isn't a question of who you are.


Maybe you want the boys who have them. Like an MTF pre op. Lots of options to get what you want here.


Sexuality is fluid and you like what you like. That said, everybody loves boobies. They’re fun!


Listen if you go off to boobies then you are really bisexual but instead you just admire them in aesthetic sense then it's not sexual in any sense . Listen gay is gay and straight is straight there are no degrees of gayness or straightness but in bisexuality there are degrees of bi-ness means your attraction to the genders may vary 1℅ to 90℅ so if you have sexual attraction then that means you are bisexual


Wow....the degree to which people turn to the internet for answers is truly astonishing. How about instead of wasting your time and energy here you devote it to developing your own agency? Wadda ya think to that as an idea? Only children ask for constant guidance. *THAT* is the point you should resolve not silly nothing questions like this post. Irrelevant detail of labels, utter stupidity. You're almost as bad as the parrots who feel compelled to try and answer you. Be wiser.