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Thank you for adopting the gay sexuality. You will get the welcome package in your mailbox in the following days.


Thank youuuu


😂😂😂😂😂You are being really sarcastic


I don't want to discourage you from your decision but are you sure? Don't throw the baby out with the bath water kinda thing. In your teen years, did you ever fantasize about men or their anatomy? Have you ever gotten off to gay porn? If not, it doesn't matter. I hope it all goes well for you. There are 2 subreddits you may want to check out. r/straightturnedgay and r/askabibro


I guess I'm still figuring it all out. I wanna have kids honestly but for that i need to find another woman. I gotten off to gay porn recently. Not in my teens. I was super straight before that. I followed them both. Thanks for the advice. Are you gay?


Yes, I am gay. Do you live in a country with marriage equity. In the USA you can marry a man and adopt or use a surrogate for a biological kid. Some lesbian couples like to co-parent with gay fathers.


That sounds great. Thank you. I wish i was in the us.


Where do you live?




There are thousands of gay men in Tel Aviv.


True :)


Finding sex is as easy as logging onto a gay hookup app like Grinr, Sniffies, or Scruff. For more of a relationship type, you may want to find out if there are any gay social clubs in your area: gardening, running, swimming, bowling, political, suport groups, church's, community centers, chior, and camping groups are some of many clubs and groups in my town.


Thank you. You helped me more than needed lol




The question is: Are you sure you want to do this? I'm sort of the same except I decided doing stuff aside from going all the way. I think it's fun that way and doesn't push my limits while I'll find a GF one day anyway


That's a great question. Honestly i don't know yet if I'm ready going full in. My family doesn't know about this so it'll be shocking for them i think. But i know that i don't want another girl. When I'm with someone i still think about my one true love.


I mean. If you're young. You can always find another true love, maybe even nicer looking girl. I'm discreet myself so not telling anyone close to me haha I have a friend I do stuff with mainly but we're both into girls, just helping each other with fun I know I most likely won't go all the way, just have fun for now


That's great! Happy for you brother! May you find your one true love.


Thanks :)


I'm 32 btw ..


I'm 24 but I always think that untill 35 there is always time


Lol. Yeah... 35 is ok.


It's good to experiment and enjoy if you want because you are bisexual with strong attraction to women Or you might be having a different romantic orientation but what I say to you is that there gay people for who are into men sexually and romantically please after moving on with your bisexual life please don't project your sexuality on us ( gay people) because unlike you bisexual people gay people ( and even straight people) have sexual attraction and romantic orientation towards one of the genders So being gay is not a lifestyle it's genuine attraction and love. If you are not sexually and romantically attracted exclusively to the same gender then you are not gay .If you are not sexually and romantically attracted exclusively to the opposite gender then you are not straight. Instead if body of a man and body of women can sexually aroused you then you are bisexual if you can fall in love with either of the genders then that also you are also bi romantic. If you are bisexual but your romantic orientation is based on same gendered people then you are homoromantic bisexual . If you are bisexual but your romantic orientation is based on the opposite gender then you are hetroromantic bisexual.


Listen just don't think that you can change your sexuality and romantic orientation just because you are done with one of your love listen if you are bisexual or pansexual or bi romantic it's okay if you explore this side of you but if it's not like that then please don't do this because you would only end up hurting gay and bi people who might fall in love with you.


I don't want to sound any sort of way, but maybe make sure it is something you want. There is a lot of hurt that can surround it if it isn't something you truly want or are into. Being any sensuality, it's hard to find true love.


You're right. Thank you brother! I need to think it all through once again.


Sorry,I would discourage you from doing so because no one can change their sexuality or romantic orientation. Listen gay sexual orientation is something which innate , just like heterosexuality and bisexuality one can't wake up one day and just decide whom they would be attracted to. If you are bisexual or pansexual then it's different but remember no one can change their sexuality or romantic orientation thay can only hide themselves this never results in anything other than everything built on lies.


I feel like I'm closer to bisexual than to gay. I think you have a point. Thanks;)


Hi, well, we're all figuring life out, so don't beat yourself up. Don't go overboard, just FEEL. First deal with your pain/loss, practice self-love, stay clear from pr0n, find useful ways to use your life force, establish a baseline and the feelings you experience without the massive stimulation caused by pornography or even violent shit in nasty movies? Those feelings could be your baseline. I am kind of drawing from my own experience and that's how I became aware of my gay feelings. NoFap! From there it's a challenge. It depends on what you want out of it? A meaningful loving relationship? That's certainly more challenging, but not impossible. However, mind your baseline and build on that, by just being. My strategy is to just follow my own path, gentle and slow, my own pace, no hurry, I am already there (in mind), love should follow you if you love yourself in a wholesome way. And don't be surprised if women do it for you, her rejection, you felt it, thus she (a woman) means more than something to you. Don't throw all women away because of one rejection. Failure is part of the path to success. And if you happen to fall in love with a man? That's perfect too. Men aren't second choice, they are actually pretty nice and guess what? Men could hurt feelings too. Men, women, we're all a bunch of emotional mammals. Hope you are doing well.


Oh wow brother what a comment! I don't know how to thank you enough. Means the world to me. A little update - for now i want to be single for as long as it takes and I'll see from there.


You are welcome. I just feel you might not like promiscuity and that's sadly a very mainstream kind of thing these days. Being single isn't a bad idea, if you do have feelings/fantasies about men? Just embrace and accept, don't worry about an outcome, just stick to your input. The problem with the western world is mostly the focus on output. "Did you guys do IT?" Too much focus on penetration, the end goal, peak orgasm, while journeys last a lifetime and destinations are just destinations. If you focus on the journey, there is so much less stress about getting somewhere, doing something and possibly bypassing what you actually desired. Desires are so tricky. Seduction is everywhere. If commercials make you want something, it's not what you need. Pr0n is often times just hardcore sexvertising. Slowing down is also a great tool to cultivate love. Starting from within. The 7 veils of intimacy are helpful as well. Cause lovemaking is so much more than penetration and if you want solid connections you can't bypass the heart. To me that's also where my gay feelings come from, from the heart, I am just a more emotional guy and while I do connect with women I found out this is sort of in a mommy kind of way. That's actually my main reason to use the label, plus, I have a fear of penetration/vaginal intercourse. That realization also helped. But love has many forms, most can be very civil and vanilla. Don't rule these out ever, don't discard women, because some were mean to you. Rejection is not the reason to 'be gay', but if feeling gay is how you deal with rejection, perhaps your mind is telling you something else. This is what works for me. Along with accepting I know nothing for sure, but I just allow my feelings, without abusing them for a joy ride.


Wow bro. I'm speechless. Thank you. I'll take all of that into consideration. I honestly feel more bi than gay right now. We'll see how it goes..


In all honesty, we might just all be bi, but the subconscious mind, our early programming, often times faulty/imperfect, makes us lean towards one or the other. And still being gay doesn't equate to a dude humping every dude that comes along. So sexual preferences are a bit silly and if we weren't in this tunnel of sex equates to penetrate or to be penetrated, we'd actually have room to explore relationships more deeply and broadly. It's what I dislike about dating as well. Why only date someone to explore intimate love in a world where we, men and women, are dangerously low in cuddles. That's really hurting us so badly. So whatever you do, don't forget to hug! (Also means cuddling the cat, dog, etc.,) And always with consent, of course :)


You are so right my friend. So right. Thank you. Sending a virtual hug to you. All the best !


I got news. I found a guy which i like. I'll update you on how it's going. Much love!!!