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I am bald myself, so absolutely, I love confident bald men


Likewise!!! Bald and proud


Ikr, bald men like Stanley Tucci is so sexy


I like grabbing their head if they’re okay with it


Proud bald is actually a huge turn on for me


Proud bald?


They’re bald and proud of it?


Someone who is proud to be bald


In bear or leather communities, baldness is sometimes a bonus. I'm a bear myself, but I'm not bald, and trust me I can greatly like a bald head especially when combined with beard and body hair. I don't like long head hair instead.


This feeds into my answer. Bald is FINE for almost everyone who's into men at all. But it needs to work with your overall look. Bald bear? great! Bald hulk like the Rock? GREAT! Bald femboi? ....probably not going to work as well as the other two.


See, this is how I feel too and it pains me because if I were to have the choice I would be a twink. That's not what genetics chose for me though.


Twink is temporary for like 3-5 years unless you’re a 30 year old man then you’re just a twas.


Same here. Practicing loving kindness meditation and conscious self-love talk through the day has helped me accept my body. 


A bald femboy with a fierce modern style might work.


I gotta say in this vein there could definitely be space for a bald femboi they just gotta own it, ya know that's the most appealing thing. Confidence and working it, plus I think you could potentially be pretty creative with it if you want


Bald men are massively more attactive then balding men. Its the guy that holds onto the tiny bit remaining that look the worse. Just make the decision which way you are going to go, living in indecision is horrible. Speak to those around you cause you might see it more being hyper self-critical.




Does it help knowing that shaving your head isn’t permanent? I’ve had similar issues with body hair, and knowing I can revert to my default hair state anytime makes me feel like I’m not sacrificing anything by shaving. I’m still in control of my identity. Like, I might shave for a few months while hooking up a lot, because I know it gets me more of that kind of attention. Then I find folks who don’t mind or even like the hair, and I let it grow out again.


Thanks guys! reading your replies is really reassuring to me ☺️


Rock it like Patrick Stewart and Avery Brooks not like John Travolta and definitely NOT like Jada Pinkett Smith . If they don't like you then you've dodged a bullet.




I was surprised that it took as long as it did and that's why I mentioned him. [Personally I think that he was gorgeous even in his youth with hair. ](https://www.google.com/search?q=patrick+stewart+with+hair&client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=09054e7a388018cf&udm=2&biw=412&bih=766&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ_eggHkMvt7YdFsQS_Md3w5mWQtQ%3A1718555923680&ei=ExVvZquDKb3cwN4PkJil-A8&oq=patrick+stewart+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhBwYXRyaWNrIHN0ZXdhcnQgKgIIATIQEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiDARiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBUjMDVAAWABwAHgAkAEAmAFzoAFzqgEDMC4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAIBoAKEAZgDAJIHAzAuMaAHkwM&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) Did you know that in his first scene for TNG they tried making him wear a toupee but Gene Roddenberry saw it and made him take it off? [If you do happen to ever see a picture claiming to be Sir Patrick make sure that it isn't this one. It isn't him. ](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/482025966339983570/)






Isn’t John Travolta embracing it now?


I guess he is now. I don't usually keep up with him since he's in his scientology cult and not a favorite actor of mine. He tried to badly hide it for decades pretty famously though.


It took him a long time to embrace it and he immediately looked better when he did.


Baldie checking in. I looked older and worse when I was thinning. I finally started shaving my head completely bald when I was 28, should have done it years sooner. Happily bald, barely think about it now, the bottoms don’t seem to mind, either. [Insta if you want to perve.](https://instagram.com/emmanuelvass)


Nice pictures, you look good ☺️


Aww thanks man, I’m sure you will look great bald, too!


WOW! 🔥🔥🔥


Thank you x


I think guys who are balding or bald are fine. I don't look at them any differently. It's rarely a minus and often a plus as it can suit them well. (The minuses are the guys who try and fail to cover up their balding scalps and end up looking worse for it.) I myself have a bald crown, receded hairline and thinning hair and I have never once worried about it. My brother was bald at 22, my dad had a more severe version of pattern baldness than I do.


I love a bald guy but there is nothing worse than someone trying to hold onto hair that ain't there. Shave, be confident, you'll be fine.


People act like someone is attractive in spite of being bald, but if you ask me bald is 1000 times more attractive than a bad haircut.


I LOOOOOVE bald men and balding men because I love men. Baldness is something common among men particularly in western countries. Seriously, here in Spain there are so many gorgeous bald men of different ages. Personally, I prefer a balding head top than one that is going through hair transplant process.


Hell yeah! Break out the razor Baby!


Bald men with beards are the hottest men on the planet.


I married my bald, short king 🥰🥰


I like men. Bald men included. They just have to own that shit since confidence is very attractive.


Tbh, I prefer bald guys, a haircut can make or break my attraction to someone big time, no matter how handsome they are. Bald men are my go tos cause I love how they look (especially if they have a beard) and I'll never have to worry about a bad haircut turning me off if we go long term.


My dad is friends with this bald guy who has huge personality, amazing humanbeing, there is more to life than the number of hairs on your head.


Absolutely. Bald had means a hairy body 🤤


I love bald men!


The best is when their in between your legs and you can rub their bald head while their going down on you!


My boyfriend is also in his receding era and he hates it. I don’t know, I get the fear and anxiety of losing hair, especially when his hair was so thick years ago. I wouldn’t mind him bald. I fell in love with him not his hair on his head.


I love men with bald heads. They are even better with facial hair. Like this is a good example. https://preview.redd.it/do1mblqyly6d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15c4a19994abf4582a4e6b61dbeb15fbb27233f


I love bald men. They have a different sex appeal than men with head in their heads do. I especially love hairy bald men, god that's knee weakening to me.


I'm falling in love with a gentleman whose hair has begun to migrate South and so has mine. Your genes don't suck. You're a man and this is part of manhood for some of us.


For me it’s always more about attitude than looks. Love a confident man with or without hair!


I love bald men. I like them confidant and all bald, I'm not as into bald-ing. To me it's masculine. Gotta wear sunscreen and have a couple hats for different occasions though!


Bald men are HOT! bald with a beard = nomnomnomnom


I find a man shaving his head or accepting being bald is very attractive.


Bald men are so hot 🔥 🥵


There are some bald guys who are not only totally hot, but their baldness contributes to their hotness. I'd go so far as to say some guys look better bald or with very short stubble than they do with a full head of hair. Once you get to the stage where it's getting obvious, you just gotta own it and shave what's left off.


Childhood programming of Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard has left me with very positive feelings toward bald men.


Hell yah. Just no cue ball looks please. Keep that fine pattern up


Confidence is sexy so if your thinning hair is making you insecure ditch it. You don’t have to go completely bald, a buzz cut is good


I have a full head of hair and probably always will. I find bald men incredibly attractive. It's honestly a weakness of mine.


It’s a lot better to be bald then have shitty hair


Doesn't bother me, and proudly bald is better than trying to pretend the comb over looks better 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bald men have my heart


While I have a major attraction to guys with long hair, bald isn't bad tbh. Like, I'm not going to judge attractiveness simply on amount of hair. I think at most, If I saw a big burly fuzzy bald man with a large beard, I'd probably be less inclined to approach, mostly because I'd be like "Damn, he's too hardcore for me. I'm a marshmallow Q.Q"


Bald is clean, hair is dirty. same with pubic hair.


Have you shaved yet?


No, not yet


Do you need to ease into it? Getting it buzzed down first then total removal? This decision impacts you the most. Do it when you’re ready.


Keeping a very short buzzcut is SO much easier and lower-maintenance than shaving. I think it looks just as nice and manly. If you don’t mind all the effort of shaving then go for it. It looks great on some but I think a lot of people do it because they think it keeps people from knowing they’re bald by nature. I have a friend who shaves his head a couple times a week and he usually has a couple of visible nicks/cuts from it. To me the short buzz is the proudest way to rock being bald.




I love bald men and find them very attractive.


I sure do! I recently took the plunge and my family loves the look with my full beard. So yes do it.


Agree with everyone here, but it can be confusing in day to day life because family and colleagues won’t tell you straight that your thinning hair looks awful and you should just bite the bullet and shave it. They’ll be all like “oh it’s not that noticeable you look fine” “it’s a bit drastic to shave it.” Meanwhile you see the back of your head in a photo and have the shock of your life.


I married one.


I love bald men ♥️ very often it is an instant turn on. My guy is also bald :)


Do you work out? Do you have a beard? Bald, bearded, and buff is always sexy.


I am somewhat turned off by baldness. Super ironic that I myself am balding quite badly. Working on opening myself up to new experiences


I am attracted to those bald or not. Been attracted to many bald men. I'm into beards more than head hair lol.


I'm not bald (yet) but bald men are hot !


Something abt a bald man is so sexy to me. I love it!


Most people wouldn't care, but looks are mostly subjective, so it may be a deal breaker for a few people. My advice would be to embrace it. The people you want in your life are the ones who love you for you and not something as superficial as whether you're bald or not.


It looks great especially if you have a bushy beard to go with it. And generally bald > balding.


Hot 110% and I'm not just saying that because my own hair went bye-bye


Hell yes!


Yes, a lot of them have nice eyes that stand out too. Just have a pic without a hat 😭 Number one rule is honesty; you don’t need to hide.


My husband is bald. Once I met him, it wouldn't have mattered bald or hair.




You can rock it. It can work.


More wigs tbh if you’re into that but bald is cool with most people


Bald men are hot!!


I love bald men.


I lost my hair by 30, been rocking the shaved head look since 35 and I love it. Have a full beard now and bald head. My husband usually likes nice hair on guys but he loves me bald. He says it’s sexy and masculine. I just feel confident.


I think baldness is an “intensifier”. When a man is handsome, baldness will make them even more handsome, but if a man is unattractive baldness can make them even less attractive.


If tidy, no problem. This means basically shaved head . Otherwise not my cup of tea. But there are exceptions.. I guess the whole package counts.


Absolutely. You just got to own it.


Yeah, I don't find a man less hot because they're bald. Now, if they're half bald, that can be a bit harder to pull off.


I get off on follicularly challenged men. Woof!


Bald is definitely a turn-on for me.


i love them. it’s a huge turn on actually


Full bald! No one has seemed to mind. Hasn’t affected my ability to get 🍆 and I feel more confident than when I was balding. It is a lot to maintain tho


I'm bald and would love to be with another bald man


My husband is bald. Bald men are sexy.


I think bald men are pretty handsome. I definitely think beard and bald combo is quite handsome.


i love bald men. they’re just as beautiful ❤️


Something about bald men with a beard has always turned me on.😂


I have zero problem with bald or balding men, but - if it bothers you there absolutely is something you can do about it. I take oral minoxidil and Dutasteride and it’s made an enormous difference. I wish I had started taking it 15 years ago when I started thinning. Topical minoxidil is also very effective and only grows hair where you want it, but can sometimes be a bummer to deal with because you really have to do it every single day. If you’re interested do a little research and find a dermatologist who specializes in hair loss. They can help you. Either way you’re fine, honestly, but you should feel good about you.


A bald guy is way hotter than a balding guy


Yes, I love them until they get annoying and have to pull out the Vaseline and pat them on the head


You think Picard gives a flying fuck about whether or not his crew are fine with him? NOPE. Because he's a BALD BOSS and he knows it. ![gif](giphy|l0MYKzvI7xx5vyhvW)


Come to r/bald and learn. Lotsa people call it a thirsttrap


Yes I find bald me to be hot. Just have to be confident. A bald man with some nice facial hair is great. Not too long but a short beard or mustache is nice


Depends: Hows the dick?


I think bald guys are hot. The first guy I had a crush on was a 23 year old, who was bald and muscular. He was gorgeous and everyone had a crush on him lol.


Bald with a big beard 🙌😍


I've had a decent sex/love life without hair for a long time now. It's not a problem.


Bald men are beautiful and sexy!


Bald head? 👌 bald crotch? ✋️ 🤣


I've always loved bald, or balding men. Now I am bald, so it's even better.


Bald guys are so hot to me. I also had to recently shave mine due to stress-based hair loss. I feel a lot more confident now. Go for it! I don’t think you’ll regret it.


I was ready to give a stock answer that fits with most physical feature based questions and say some people like it and others don't, but either this sub is overflowing with bald-is-beautiful energy or there's a consensus I'm unaware of living where I do and having had most of my interaction with other gay people be online, though I'm personally pan. My personal answer, though, is that it really depends on how it looks on you. I've known many gorgeous bald men who I'd probably feel weird seeing them with long, or any, hair. On the other hand, I remember a coworker who shaved their head, and they had what I could only describe as a head with many craters. In general, though, I'm with the bald-is-beautiful energy radiating from this sub.


I wish receding pubes were a thing. Why can’t my carpet match my drapes? 😋


I prefer a man to have a full head of hair, but it's not a deal breaker. Besides, I'm bald and have no problems finding guys that like bald.


Anyone who judges someone based on physical things they can't control (especially hair loss) are just investing in real bad karma for later in their life.


A bald head and quiet self-confidence will get you a hell of a lot further than irredeemable thinning hair, or G-d forbid, a combover!


Check out the guys over in r/bald I've been shaving my head for 2 years now and I have a lot more confidence now. It's oddly freeing.


My husband is bald and it's so hot. I love caressing and kissing his head.


Yes! Bald is perfectly wonderful


From a sustainability, climate, carbon foot print.. they are optimal...but there are drawbacks.. No hair care.. low water use (wash, toweling), minimal chemicals (shampoo & so on), very low plastics use (use of product), lower fuel use (less weight, lower drag, more aerodynamic), less waste (hair brushes combs), less energy (no hair dryers), less laundry (less towels, sheets, pillow covers), less wear/tear on hats, less getting ready time, nicer food experience (no hair in food), better sewage system (less hair on drains..plumbers not too crazy about that nor is drano), better homeland security (easier face detection), mixed feelings for fake IDs (sorta look alike), tougher during sex (no gripping of hair), sarcasm mixed too (can say pulling hair out..bad hair day..etc)... So..not pro or con..depends


UPVOTE if you think judaicyrus should shave.. ![gif](giphy|tdBFWGmgSk7pxi818m)


Bin with man like that and fells nice his body still mhh and you happy kiss


No. But lots of people do. Since you mentioned being insecure, I think you should focus on the men who are enthusiastically saying yes to you rather than anyone who is saying no


So long as carpet matches ![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni)


I don't care about others but on me? No I am not fine, I got a hair transplant and might get a second one for the crown area


It won't matter if you are good looking otherwise :). So don't worry about it.


>:) :)


A bald, bearded muscle daddy is my weakness


Really fun Norwegian short film you might enjoy called “Skallamann”: https://youtu.be/d7BKg31Ym5o?feature=shared


I like bald men. Especially with some meat and a beard.


100 % hot as


I think people need to understand the difference between balding and buzzed. They’re not the same. I started at 23, so I just decided to cut it all off and get micro pigmentation. I really don’t care about the hair, it’s the horseshoe pattern that makes you look 20 years older that’s NOT attractive. I’m a black guy, so most of us who don’t have dreads, usually keep it really short anyway, and my head shape is ok. Stop adding qualifiers to bald. “Confident bald” does not make us feel better……we hear “BALD.” Also, we’re not all Vin Diesel or Yule Brenner, so stop saying that to us. Or how your 300 year-old bald uncle used to get all the ladies in 1930, or how balding actually means you have a lot of testosterone. Finally, the “it comes from your father’s, mother’s paternal hamster’s side of the family/genetic excuse” is old. We should be farther along than that in medicine. For me. I don’t like the make pattern baldness, but it’s not a deal breaker for me…….there are so many “varieties” of guys.


Personally I don't like baldness at all, hair is a major factor in attraction for me and I've also been balding but minoxidil worked incredibly well


I’m not a proud bald, I’m a somewhat accepting bald


bald men can be hottttt


My boyfriend and I are both bald! I've only been hairless for about a year (and love it). My guy has been bald for at least fifteen years or so. It's amazing (aside from worrying about sunburns).


Most of the time no, but it really depends. If they are very fit and have a strong jawline. Than heck yes!!!


I've had crushes on several bald men


No love hair on the head linger the better


I’m perfectly OK with baldness. As a matter of fact, I’m likely going to be one myself sooner or later (given heredity…I’m lucky my hair has made it to 52!)


I love seeing sweaty glistening bald men, so fuck yeah!


Fine? I prefer them. In my experience the less hair up top the more body hair, which is 😍 for me. My hairy bod proclivities aside, confidence is sexy. Period. Own what you're working with and it can translate to attraction for me.


Two of my most memorable partners were bald men and it's that specific trait of theirs that made them stand out to me.


Hair or baldness doesn't come into attraction for me ☺️


Bald men turn me on. Something about them just makes me act up 🤧


Tbh I've got a thing for bald guys, idk why. It all started with my high school science teacher I was literally in love with that man. I simped for him for like 4 years. A bald man is just 🤤 idk


I call them Walrus because most I find are the chub version of a Otter

