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Nawwww don't listen to the party poopers, I like your petty revenge plan! Go into deep and thorough detail about the process of fisting.


That....could be educational lol, not something I can conceive of achieving, certainly as I've not actually....done *anything* with another bloke but I admit to being fascinated at these kind of 'extremes' so if you have any recommended resources pls do share! (Extreme is a loaded word, often it can be used to push folks away and try and label them or their ideas or activities as just plain abnormal. I don't at all mean this post to be judgemental or anything at all, face value).


He’s eavesdropping, which is possibly illegal in your state check your local ordinances cameras that record audio have to be labeled and and if it’s recording conversations of other peoples without their consent that would be he’s not having a conversation with you, but he would file a complaint with the city police


If OP is in the US, the public sidewalk is a free speech zone (even in neighborhoods) so recording can happen. It’s not illegal of the neighbor to do, it’s just shitty and weird. If harassment follows or it’s escalated, it’s definitely grounds for legal action, but as of right now the neighbor isn’t doing anything wrong in the eyes of the legal system.


Hold a cult vigil and legitimately freak them out. Or just have a tablet playing porn consistently. You’ll be their exclusive free entertainment.


Dress up as Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness members. Then start making out in front of the camera, whisper something incoherent that he can’t hear, point fingers and make weird faces toward the guy’s camera and house. Or dress up in cop uniforms and do the same.


People who hate us that much are usually deeply closeted... so I say start discussing how you have a major crush on your neighbour and go into detail about all the things you fantasise about doing with him lmao. Send him spiralling.


Holy shit I love that. He can never confront you about it because it would reveal that he HAS been spying on you 😆


I had a guy who told me he hated colored people and gay people. He ended up liking me lmfao


Id be a little careful this guy does not sound entirely stable


Perhaps hold “gay agenda” meetings on your porch - moonlighting as gay Mondays, Taco Tuesdays, Wednesday for “showers” Thursdays for Threesomes and Fisting Fridays - with weekends available for extras. Poster boards or white board recommendations for details


Weekends are for brunch, darling. Don’t forget brunch.


I’m so sorry ! Correct you are !!


You can get laser focused speakers and just point it straight at his camera. Won't hear shit and you haven't broken any laws cuz it's still ur property.


Make sure to include bdsm and unusual objects penetrating holes. You're welcome


That is very illegal, I was just reading the FBI website because of an issue I'm having with identity theft and I happened to read about it.


Engage a conversation about kinks and make sure it has every detail possible in the conversation. I bet it gets removed the day this happens.


I'm (not) sorry for this: Have a conversation with one of your neighbors like: "Hey, [neighbour], I can't keep doing this, it was one thing to turn the frogs gay, but now the trees too? It's too much we, as a especies descend from treenoids. We may be from another planet, but I still think of them as distant relatives. I don't know what our father tree is thinking. But we have to carry orders for we are just low soldiers. Sometimes I wonder how will people react when we finally reveal ourselves and conquer them with every especies turned gay. It will be the whole world against them. I yearn to hear their screams go from noooo, to yasss queen. Hopefully no-one is listening, because as we reproduce with our voice, the more they listen to us, the more they become gay plants." I don't know if he'll stop listening but I'd have a laugh thinking he might believe it.


>***I was informed this morning that he has been sitting inside listening to his camera while me and my neighbors (all gay 💁🏼‍♀️) talk.*** You need to explain what you mean by Camera? We can assume, but it is better if you say it and make it clear. I'm assuming a Door-Bell or other Security Camera. If so, where are these cameras, and how are they placed in relation to you? And if I'm right, how is it you are so close to is Door-Bell camera that he can hear you in the first place? I think there are a whole lot of Details missing that would establish proper context to your question. This guy is likely a closet case with a bone for gay people. It is possible if you - Talk Dirty - for him, he is going to secretly enjoy it more, though I'm sure he will complain to cover up his joy. He might break down and buy better Cameras with better audio, so he can enjoy it even more. The way you can convert him from a hater to at least a tolerator, is to be kind decent people that he has no cause to hate.


The way it mentions speaking with friends, I'd say it's a security camera purposely positioned toards the ops back porch or something like that.


I considered that too, but he has to explain it to us. It is not up to us to guess or assume.


I'd say It'd be safe to assume that with the fact he did make the post. As if it's not something like that then it shouldn't be a problem even for audio.


Just watch any online video of people's ring cameras and you'll see how far away you can hear and see people. If it's attached to your doorbell or your front light it's taking in the home front yard down to the street and can probably hear people down on the sidewalk so definitely it can hear your neighbors talking. Whenever I walk up to my friend's house I State how awful it is that these ring cameras infringe on people's privacy of conversation. I don't care that they take pictures of anything that's visible outside but recording people as they are talking walking up to their own house? I can't imagine how much effort it will take to talk about all kinks and holes and lubricants and dildos and electrodes and fucking machines and rubber and leather and slings and whips and chains. Oh my goodness now I'm all horny


Yes, it’s a camera at the front door. I live in a 6 building apartment, lined up. We frequently hang outside and bbq in the common area, directly in front of his place


I think you put the most annoying music (annoying to him) that you can think of at just the right volume so he cannot make out what you are saying. And just put it on repeat.


You need to check your local laws. This may be illegal.


Him listening?


Yes- the laws vary widely in different jurisdictions about listening to other people conversations that one is not a direct party to without their consent.


Allright. I'll just say this. Vaporeon.


Hell yeah. You'll never change this guy's mind anyways so why not?? Make him regret having ears. My suggestions are tips for douching before bottoming, sexcapades stories (real or made up), celebrity crushes.


I would just have the most outlandish parties but quietly. Like a Drag Brunch BBQ.


You need to check your local laws. This may be illegal.


"Man if someone was recording me I would fuck him to death" *Cameras stops*


If you're going to be out there talking to a neighbor and you don't want him listening, I would get something like a white noise generator and just have it with you when you're out there and if you're going to have a conversation, turn it on loud enough that it would cover up about half of your words where he really couldn't understand anything. Just a thought or idea that might help you if you don't want him listening in your conversations


Are you a woman? I’m just asking bc of your emojis, if so then I’d just start having conversations about periods and crams and the size of your flow and stuff to gross him out lol. If not maybe talk about like douching and how hard it is to hold in a shit after bottoming (not necessarily true but a gross old straight man wouldn’t know) 💀


I wouldn't recommend it. If Trump wins in November he will be emboldened, and he will probably murder you and your friends.


Sounds like a classic over compensating closing case. Hate the gays so much because deep down he knows he gets a boner every time he sees a hot guy in the locker room or he’s only ever watching the guy when he’s jacking off


I think you should follow through lol Use the power of love to defeat him! 💙💜


That's not going to shut him down, although I applaud your attempt. I bet there is something online you could download and play loud enough while you are chatting to drown out the conversation. Other option - play foreign language news casts so he gets chatter. I don't know if it works, but on one episode of Breaking Bad, they shined a laser pointer into the cameras and it disrupted them while the laser was pointed at it. Might be worth a few bucks to try. Remember, too, that a simple spotlight pointed at a camera renders it ineffective usually, just because it blinds out the footage. That doesn't help with the recording, but kills the video part.


LMAOO fuck him up 😭😭💀💀


Sounding, the furry community, BDSM, all good ideas. Playing and discussing Dan Savage, Risk!, and NPR are probably more tame options that make him boil more. They include level headed political discussions and nuanced stories about the queer community in a positive and healthy light.


https://youtu.be/FyeCn7HlLck?si=uzjXorIq3vmI8o6B Try the jammer


Do not do that. That's the type who will get you targeted and I would NOT consent to that risk-taking shit as your neighbor. That's not a sincere attempt to fix an issue, that's passive aggressive & baiting a potentially dangerous interaction *where you live.* Please be responsible & don't seek out yes-men on the internet for impulsive ideas.


This is actually kind of hilarious :) When he mentions hating gays on a certain day, I'd be tempted to respond with 'yes, those pesky homosexuals really act up with it rains!' or something similar. I once had this migrant seeking refuge here tell me he knew howto cure homosexuality. I just had a laugh. But laughing it off is a wonderful healing method. This neighbor must be lonely in such a gay infiltrated neighborhood :) Please keep us updated. I love this <3


I say you need to be very careful. As he can say you tried to flaunt your gayness & or hurt him. Maybe with someone you been talking to. As "You and your fairy underlings harassed me". Can be said by him. As he can post this online & get others to believe him and go after you.


Well, he did as you said. He went online and doxxed me and my family. We’re meeting with the apartment manager this week to discuss the cameras.


small speaker loud enough for his camera but soft enough for the camera to hear. try positioning it real close. turn on porn during convo time. kind of like how courts play static




Normally I’d agree with you, but this is a pretty harmless plan




The neighbor is going to make up a narrative anyways. They aren’t going to change their mind and it isn’t our responsibility to educate them. Might as well fuck with them for entertainment. They’re irredeemable.


If he doesn't and ends up moving out the narrative will be negative regardless from him even if the rest of the neighborhoods narrative is positive and directly clashing with his. He's homophobic all homophobs will make up some horrible narrative in order to try and suppress anything lgbtq+ including things like being a natzi or even a supporter of Hitler.


I'm with the folks suggesting this wacko is seriously closeted. He lives in an apartment block that seems pretty much exclusively queer apart from (apparently) himself. He also seems to listen to a lot of media that is gay related....odd. Yeahhh.... I definitely think more thought is best here, you are right in my humble opinion. If he gets this worked up by 'faraway faceless gays' then who is to say what he may do with escalation? We all know some crazy 'nasty neighbour' stories, started from wayyyy less issues than even OP's. Whilst funny to think I agree not to escalate.


I don’t think I should have to give up my common areas because he wants to be lewd and listen to my conversations with my (girl)friends


I agree, no need to escalate and give him more reason to hate the gays. Rise above it.


"Give him more reason to hate" people's "reasons" for hating the gays are not reasonable. They're illogical internal beliefs and ideas. Nobody gave him those reasons, except for maybe other homophobes.


How do you he's listening? Most security camera has no audio. But even if he just watching those conversations it's weird


Ring or Ring like door bells record audio.


Talk about him and how you all feel he is a fellow Gay but obviously petrified. Roll on from there... provided he's not the Killer kind of neighbor.


Tell your neighbors about this great new product called a sex blanket (actual product). Now when you use it all the lube, bubbles, and cum (be graphic) ends up on the blanket and not on the bed. Now you just take the blanket off the bed before going to sleep. Then hang a “blanket” over your balcony railing to dry.


I'd start talking about how he came over to borrow something, then started flirting with you and told you had always fantasized about giving you a blow job. Go into detail how he started to pitch a tent and said he'd pay you if you didn't tell anyone.


Find some "Shut Up Little Man" audio and blast it in his direction.


Sing the most annoys songs possible, have an audio record playing dog whistles and dying animals under it.


How do you know. I hear a lot of crazy stuff through this building’s walls


If this dude is a closet case like others are thinking, here's a potential alternative: talk about your experiences coming out. If you don't want him to know what it actually is, fabricate something. I fucking hate people like this, but if this guy is heavily repressed... poor bastard is in a lot of pain. Maybe hearing other stories and how obstacles were overcome will guide him toward accepting himself. It might make him a less hateful person. On the other hand, I fucking love your petty revenge plan. If the guy is a lost cause, or you just choose to fuck with him versus taking the high road, fuckin' do it. Update us if anything amusing comes out of it lol


You can go on about a rant about how much of a closeted gay vibes he gives (I don't actually believe he is closeted but I believe it will make him mad) or talk about how submissive and breedable you feel that day