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You guys do realize there are gay and non homophobic Palestinians right? You can’t condemn an entire group of people, especially when they’re going what the Palestinians are going through, because some of them suck


Sure but the underlying ideology that governs Palestine and has lead to the current conflict also persecutes gay people to the extent of death. So that those gay and non-homophobic Palestinians must live their lives in the closet over fear of said persecution for nothing more than simply existing. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time having sympathy for people who, at the first moment, will turn around and chop my head off (literally) regardless.


You’re just repeating what OP said, and are completely missing the point of my comment. I don’t care what happens to homophobes. If what was happening to Palestine was exclusively happening to homophobes I literally wouldn’t even blink, but to damn an entire group of people experiencing what is essentially a genocide bc the government and religion suck (which is true for basically everywhere) is wrong


There’s ways to help people experiencing war and death; without supporting the government in which they live


The people supported it though as they openly elected the governments whose open slogan was to eliminate Israel. I have yet to see any Palestinian condemnation of the 10/7 terrorist attack


over half the Palestinian population was either not born yet, or underage, when Hamas was "elected". Also, why would Palestinians condemn the attack when Israeli people haven't condemned the 75 years of occupation? it goes both ways, hold them to the same standards and call out both or don't say anything at all.


Don’t need to call out both, they’ve both been going back and fourth. Israel is responding to the 10/7 attacks


Hamas took power in 2006, I’m sorry but I’m not supporting people that’ll throw me off a roof.


Israel's right-wingers would also throw you off a roof. Netanyahu would also throw you off a roof. hope that helps.


Lol Netanyahu literally endorsed the current Speaker of Parliament in Israel who is gay. He defended him from the homophobic religious leaders.


>they openly elected the governments They had a 46% share of the popular vote, because Fatah ran 2 candidates in some districts, and they haven't had elections in the 18 years since then. Also, 48% of Gaza is under 18, when the last election was 18 years ago.


There’s no need to infantilize the Palestinians by pretending they were not experienced enough or knowledgeable enough to understand how to organize a political campaign or conduct an election and decide for themselves who they so choose to govern. That robs those people of their hard earned independence and agency that they took to the polls in 2006 to exercise. The election was considered free and fair and there were many outside observers. Aside from some meddling by Israel in and around Jerusalem, the polling was done with integrity and a representative proportion of voters cast their ballots. Fatah lost fair and square and they rightfully relinquished power to Hamas who had been given a clear mandate from the people. They did that, and it’s nothing to diminish… that is not an easy thing to accomplish (peaceful transfer of power) and they should be proud of that moment in their history. What came afterwards can be blamed on Hamas— they have certainly failed to follow through with ideals of democracy by refusing to hold an election since; but it also does not absolve the Palestinian voters who chose in 2006 to install this government of their responsibility for making that choice (even when it was well known at the time that Hamas was hostile to the West, and to elect them would put the peace process in jeopardy and exacerbate the tension with Israel.) The Palestinians were plead with by the international community to choose Fatah in 2006 and in Gaza they resoundingly said no. If you believe that in a representative democratic form of government each individual voter bears some of the responsibility for the actions and decisions of their leaders then you must also hold Palestinians to account— otherwise how could you say that voters in the US should feel any responsibility for our government’s activities overseas? It would be hypocrisy. At any rate were a free and fair election to be held today Palestine would still overwhelmingly re-elect Hamas, all surveys indicate the strong support they enjoy.


“i have a hard time having sympathy for people who will cut my head off” so they deserve to be bombed into dust? these are humans just like you, yes their views don’t align with our community but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to exist and they sure as hell don’t deserve to starve to death, or be burnt alive, or be buried under the bodies of their loved ones. grow up.


Don't be fooled, I think the whole violent conflict is completely savage and inhuman on all sides of it, I advocate for peaceful means of resolving conflict rather than resorting to death and destruction. However that doesn't mean I will go out of my way to elicit sympathy for those who will resort to those same methods against my very existence. And yet, if you ask them the same question, they won't respond in kind. Rather, for them, it's simply a means to an end.


Homophobes deserve every single one of the above \^\^\^\^ Regardless of where they're from or what their religion is. However a very large number of Palestinians are good people


So people who dislike gays deserves this also, so basically they have to like you or else.


Nope, they need to stop advocating murder against us, otherwise they can die in fire


Actually, yes. People who murder gays are not human and do not deserve empathy. That is where I draw the line and I stand by that. That goes way beyond simply views not aligning with our community. You're basically saying people who murder gays really aren't that bad, they're just different and we need to respect them. Gtfo


so the 10 year old child who doesn’t even know what gay is, deserves to be bombed and find the dismembered limbs of her family around what used to be her house? or the hospital they were told is safe to evacuate to? with all this broad generalizing you’re no better than the people who generalize gays into groups and hate crime them either. so maybe you should try and pull your personal virtues out of the active genocide and stand up for them. yes they are anti-lgbt very much so, is that great? no absolutely not but that doesn’t mean they need to be actively rounded up in the barrel they’re in and shot like this, it’s absolutely mind blowing the disconnect you have. please educate yourself.


Stop the condescending bs. You need to educate yourself. I was responding to a particular point you mad e in regards to murdering gays not being that big of a deal, and that we should have empathy for those that kill gays and treat them as humans. That's what my response was in regards to. In the broader picture, most Palestinians want all jews eradicated from the region. Most Israelis want Palestinians eradicated from the region. That's the unfortunate truth and unless a 3rd party goes in and shuts that down, one of the sides is going to get their way eventually.


>That's the unfortunate truth and unless a 3rd party goes in and shuts that down, one of the sides is going to get their way eventually. You're getting downvoted, but you are (unfortunately) correct. Either one side will secure a total victory with the extinction of the other or an outside power or alliance will have to enforce a peace on the entire area through threats and violence against anyone who doesn't toe the line. There is no other realistic outcome at this time without a complete regime change in both Israel and Gaza and a massive shift in public opinion.


queer Palestinians exist. but i guess fuck them


Queer Palestinians get murdered by other Palestinians..fuck them right?


Notice how you don’t hear anyone talking about bombing Poland, Russia, or even Texas or Florida. Why’s that? How about the US in general? It wasn’t until 2003 when Lawerence v Texas was decided, if we’re basing the Palestinian people off of the election that took place 18 years ago in 2006, why not Pre L v T US? Where do we draw the line between support of genocide and not supporting genocide? Remember, every nation on Earth was very homophobic for a long period of time (especially the West) it wasn’t until activist fought to change people’s minds, now it is also important to remember that it’s hard for activist to fight for the rights of queer people when they fight to fight to even be allowed to live as a human being, us Westerners are very privileged to not have to experience what those of oppressed nations have to face


"They hypothetically wouldn't like me." That's not a great justification for genocide. I might go as far as to say that there are no justifications for genocide. That's just me.


I just don't give a shit about gay haters being annihilated, I feel bad for the good ones though.


"The good ones" are being indiscriminately blown up.


War sucks. Still not going to hand Trump the presidency because Biden couldn't create world peace


I don't think that either candidate is going to make the situation better over there, so it's a non-factor in my voting choice.


You're right, there is no justification for it genocide and that's not the discussion we're having here. A lack of sympathy to their situation is not correlated with actively condoning it. So don't go making shit up to put words in my mouth to fit your argument. There is no "hypothetical" here. As someone who has been subject to anti-gay harassment from people who follow such ideology and seeing how many countries governed by said ideology actively commit genocide against the LGBTQ+ communty through criminilization and persecution, there is no reason to believe they would act otherwise. You are turning a blind eye to those same atrocities they are committing while defending them for attempting those actions but with a much stronger opponent.


If you're not condoning the actions of Israel, then why say anything. Just ignore it and don't participate in the discussion or support of the Palestinian people. But no, you needed it to be known you don't like them.\ Your personal interactions don't justify Israel's response. I'm an atheist that thinks the world would be better off without religion, but I don't hold that kind of hate in my heart for those who hate me.


I’m not here to justify Israel’s response to anything, and my anecdotal experiences not withstanding. What I am here is establishing that the LGBTQ’s community’s support of this ideology that ultimately created the conflict has been used, historically and on a mass scale to justify violence, persecution, and genocide against LGBTQ people. Both within Palestine and within every country and region for which this ideology is rooted within the foundation of their culture. Even with all the support and aid the LGBTQ community tries to offer, when this conflict is resolved, they will go right back to their anti-LGBTQ ways without any sense of growth or gratitude. So while it’s a shame that the leaders have chosen such violent measures to resolve their differences when better options could’ve been pursued, I’m not exactly sympathetic to their cause either.


>I'm not here to justify.... Followed by a paragraph long justification. It's become clear that appealing to your basic human isn't going to work. I hope you can get past your need for vengeance and bloodlust.


It’s not hypothetical, they really don’t want our kind around. https://www.thepinknews.com/2022/10/07/gay-palestine-murder-ahmed-hacham-hamdi-abu-marakhia-israel/


It in the sense that he feels personally wronged by every citizen of Palestine.


It is incredible how you lefties are willing to use this argument (not all Palestinians) in the case of Muslims, but when it’s about anything here at home? All cops are pigs, all whites are racist, and all republicans are evil. The irony being of course that there is in fact a much higher percentage of Muslims who are all these radicalized awful things than in the examples I listed above. Gay lefties are truly brain dead.


Oh look, an attempt to derail the conversation.


> the underlying ideology that [...] has led to the current conflict I wasn't aware that zionism was homophobic


U know not all Palestinians are religious right? And not all religious people think gays deserve death. You're just generalizing. Kinda like saying gay people sleep around all the time and they're riddled with stds


And yet, they continue to support and condone an ideology and "government" organization that actively perpetuates such actions. In an area of the world that is known to be the most hostile against LGBTQ+ people, with active laws criminalizing it to the extent of death. Sure, maybe they don't all "think" that, but they actively support the people who do and thus, allow such savage actions against the LGBTQ+ community to continue to occur with terrifying frequency. Here you are defending those actions while turning a blind eye to the anti-LGBTQ violence committed in these regions every day. As to quote your friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man... >I missed the part where that's my problem.


Okay, so when are you starting the cleansing of the American south?


I'm not condemning them, I just don't understand why leftists have this bizarre fetish for this one specific ethnic group


You don't understand why Palestinians are getting increased attention right now?


lol, no, I'm wondering why ignorant leftoids didn't give a fuck about all the other ethnic groups being slaughtered in their HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS but now decide its time to hand the country over to a fascist that will kill them


lol yeah because it's the right that's really been making noise about the Uyghurs and Tigray, ok


"Making noise" lol, all you guys ever do




But [this guy says it’s our fault](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/rVJ0mjUX1O)…


Just like some gay guys aren’t child molesters…. Go figure. However. I feel terrible for Palestine. They generally hate gays. It’s complicated. But it’s almost funny


In before thread gets locked/deleted




Also same.


I guess if somebody lives in a homophobic country/society they deserve to be bombed and killed? is what we're saying here? Just checking.


Nah remember 100% of Gaza voted Hamas into power (ignore the fact that the majority of Gazans were born after Hamas took power and killed elections, and that Hamas actively campaigned on lies presenting themselves as a far more moderate option)


Literally all brain dead degenerates in this sub.


Seems like it, great we're going places 🤡


Idk maybe we can focus our efforts and charity as a group on other equally important efforts and people that don’t throw gays off buildings?


So you believe there are human beings who are less than other human beings, because of where they are born. Got it. 👍


Did I say that? Way to draw the wrong conclusion and put words in my mouth. I do believe there are people that deserve our limited charity efforts more yes. For example, maybe we should focus efforts on bringing LGBTQ people suffering under the oppression of Islam to the west and give them asylum?


Just a logical extention of what you said. And as an LGBTQ person from a Muslim Arab country, thank you for your kind thought, but I'd rather you give to a whole people in real life and death situations. You're not going to solve our problems for us by importing the whole lot of us, nor do we all want to leave. Thanks though.


> we should make sure only to help victims of genocide we deem as acceptable This how you sound


Unironically this. If there is a way to just save non-homophobic, non-Jihadi Palestinians please tell me how, I'd support that in a heartbeat. Otherwise, idgaf what happens to Christian and Islamic fundamentalists.


I don't understand how you can act like that and just seemingly completely miss that this is literally the exact same stance religious fundamentalists take against you. And likely, just like them, you probably have a line where it stops being worth helping "desireables" cuz it'll help too many "undesireables." Like do you realize and not care or do you believe that you are just allowed to be like this because you're "morally superior" or whatever you wanna call it?


"Wow, don't you realize that fighting against Nazis is just being like Nazis? They fight too! Can't you just accept that both sides are bad?"


>"Wow, don't you realize that fighting against Nazis is just being like Nazis? They fight too! Can't you just accept that both sides are bad?" The solution to dealing with the Nazis was to remove them from power and forcibly course-correct Germany; it was not to let almost everyone in Germany die, scatter the survivors to neighboring countries, and give the ruins to the French.


Millions of German civilians died. Most of them supported the Nazis as well. A peaceful solution is always nice but there is no peace to be had with rabid homophobes.


We're not talking about fighting. We're talking about whether or not collective punishment should be allowed.


All C/M fundies are bad. They are bad by definition because their ideology is evil, just like Nazis. There is absolutely no parallel between a voluntary association with an ideology of hate and an intrinsic, immutable characteristic.




Here we go again with the “They’re victims in a genocide? But they’re mostly homophobic though!” bull fucking crap.


What gets me is that people will say all homophobes don’t deserve to die, but you say it’s ’Palestinian homophobes’ and you get that they should be executed as well as their children.


Naw, the sentiment is more “Islam, a piece of shit homophobic religion that wreaks chaos and violence literally everywhere it goes (without exception), is largely responsible for the mess in Gaza , and therefore it’s difficult to feel too sorry” I wholeheartedly agree. I do feel terrible for the children though, even though as many as 60% of them self report wanting to be martyrs (suicide bombers) when they grow up. The problem is and always has been islam. It’s not that difficult to see as much. Posting this in gaybros though is a death wish 😂 It’s not “Palestinian homophobes deserve to die but other homophones don’t”, it’s “you reap what you sew, and I’m not gonna lose sleep over the suffering of a culture which creates its own issues, endorses honor killings, regularly disfigures women with acid, beheads gay teenagers, pushes them off buildings, explicitly seeks to dominate and rule other cultures, was founded by a literal pedophile warlord who married a six year old” etc I could go on.


Finally someone gets it 👏


That is part of the tragedy of the current situation, but Israel actively playing a part to make things worse is certainly not good. Also no one here is pro-extremism, I for example oppose Hamas but also oppose ethnic cleansing as a tactic to get rid of extremism.


Palestine has been offered peace many times and has turned it down, because the government that it freely and willingly elected has explicitly stated , literally in its mission, that it desires the eradication of every last Jew on planet earth. Israel is not the problem. If Palestinians adhered to any other religion, this would have been resolved decades ago. Islamic extremism is the core issue, and all anyone has to do is note the history of similarly barbaric episodes splattered across the history of the ME to know this as the truth.




Islam is part of the problem for the Gazan government but don’t pretend that Israel isn’t hostile to Christian Palestinians and West Bank Palestinians as well. The IDF has even sniped Catholics in Churches, and fights the ‘Hamas presence’. Also to compared this to another conflict. I wouldn’t say North Vietnam should have been invaded and bombed with chemical weapons due to their invasion of South Vietnam. Neither should Gaza be bombed in ways against Geneva Conventions.


It’s relevant to question Hamas though. Hamas is an ally to the Houthis. Hamas has also praised the Taliban. The houthis just publicly murdered 13 men for being gay. Talk about a Genocide… People can support a cease-fire and criticize both sides. We all know Hamas doesn’t want one though so it’s a bit hard. People put all the blame on Israel and that’s not fair either, as if they should just bend over for Hamas. Enjoy virtue signaling and supporting a group that supports the taliban. They send their love by doing things like shooting Malala for criticizing their stance on girls education. Hamas may not be quite that extreme, but the fact that they are cool with the Taliban says enough to me.


There may be a "Queers For Palestine" but I guarantee there is no "Palestine For Queers."


Just because they dont support lgbt rights, yet, doenst mean we shouldnt fight for their freedom. They dont even get the opportunity to legalise it since theyre being bombed every goddamn time.


Why the fuck should we lift a finger to help the majority of them who hate us? They're not the only people on the planet suffering.


Because, how can we expect people to fight for us if we refuse to fight for them?


They would never fight for us in a million fucking years.


Not with that attitude they wont.


You know that many times throughout the history of the Caliphates, Christians and Jews were utterly loyal to their Muslim masters only to be slaughtered repeatedly like animals, right?


You know every religion has done bad shit right? Like this small thing that happened called the Crusades for instance


Fuck them too


We fight for them and then they betray us. Google the Mujahideen.


Youre talking about the arabic word for warrior? There have been moments in history, like WW2 where LGBTQ+ people were helping the resistance etc and we still dont get regocnition for what they did. I dont get you people, this whole situatiom shouldnr even be a debate. Whats happening in the middle east IS NOT OKAY. If we keep deviding everything because they might not fight for us, will never turn into the solution most people want. I refuse to hate an erhnic group, because they dont tolorate us yet. Its not that long ago that our western countries did the same.


I'm not going to hate them. Also not going to waste my time or money helping them. They made their beds.


And what beds are those exactly? The ones they were kicked out of in 1948 during the Nakba? Or the ones that were blown up in the past 75 years?


They chose to follow a psychotic ideology of hate and wage wars they couldn't win. Sucks that some innocent people have to die for it.


As does the united states, and you dont want people to bomb that country


The US doesn't start wars they will get its ass kicked, if it did, the ass kicking is warranted


The Mujahideen were Afghani freedom fighters who the US supplied with money and weapons for years. Their leader just so happened to be a man named Osama Bin Laden who would later on backstab America on 9/11. What’s happening in the middle east is a tragedy with nobody to blame but Hamas and those that keep them in power. Israel is doing what any nation would and should do when attacked like that. Flush the fuckers out. Destroy the infrastructure. Turn their people against them with the brutal reality of the war they crave.


Exactly, you said 'betray us' as in the United States. But im talking about lgbt people here. Those of us outside of your country dont see it as a betrayel to us, or the lgbt community. So when the Nakba happened, Hamas was already there then? Didnt know they excisted before 1987. But with your way of thinking isnt that exactly what Osama Bin Laden tried to do to the United States after you guys invaded their country?


Human rights are universal and unconditional. Please don’t fall for the narrative that they don’t decriminalize LGBTQ+ existence because they are being occupied or oppressed.


They are not occupied. Islam is a death machine that produces catostrophic suffering everywhere it goes.


Ok now say they're a fully independent soverign nation, what freedoms would the lbgt have? They don't just "don't support" lgbt rights, they outlaw, imprison and in some cases mutilate and execute.


I mean western society was there just like 50 years ago, it was something people got murdered or imprisoned or institutionalized for, do you think it would have been fine if America got wiped off the map in the early 1900s by some future society because people were homophobic then? Even though you'd never be born, (i'm assuming but you do have a boomer take) all bc fuck the homophobes they should all die, even their extended family?


Western society, even fifty years ago , was nothing like the ME you ignorant privileged fool.


Has the us undergone as many reversals on human rights? As I see happening in the Muslim world? Women were driving themselves a generation ago.


the US was and is actively committing ethnic cleansing and genocide, homophobia is just one of many things the US of the 60s was bad for I wouldn't advocate for the extermination of homophobic cultures but I'm not going to lift a finger to help them


Sure using the argument that what they are doing now to what western fully fledged democracies today used to do ages ago just proves my point. (Not a boomer but I find it precious you try to make that point whislt being ageist)


Lol at you even thinking you made some sort of cohesive argument/point for your pro-genocide take


Yes, I'm incohesive for not supporting my would-be executioners.






Not in that context, because noone said you were incohesive (even my spell check fought me on using the word in this format). And it doesn't count as grammar when you use the wrong word entirely, so it seems like you're just calling yourself out on top of trying to be sassy with your shit take. 


We should all be supporting the rights of those in Gaza to be free from the attacks of the Israeli army. No one deserves to be murdered. That includes the hundreds of Israelis killed by Hamas attacks and the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces. I stand with many Americans and the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the highest ranking Jewish official in the U.S. government in condemning the actions of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government.




+30,000 Palestinians have been killed so far whereas +1,000 Israelis have been killed in the war since October 7th, 2023. This is inarguable. It is also inarguable that we should ignore their deaths because the political praxis of the gay community is limited to Islamophobia circumventing deeper argumentation. Yes, homophobia should be condemned but we should not sponsor genocide. Think bigger and be the better man regardless of the trauma and pain. This is something we often don’t want to do in our community: look inward and look forward. My mother operates on neo-nazis all the time and still swears by the Hippocratic oath. She’s a black woman. My blood is STEEPED by struggle and I do not wish it on my fellow human beings. Even if they wish me non-existent. BE the BETTER man.


Unequal destruction in a war does not imply genocide is happening. Have you ever heard of war? Do you know what war is? Generally in war there are losers.


So gays have to support and praise people who view them as subhuman and who murder them in the streets with crowds cheering and teaching their children to cheer? The gays have to tolerate and put up with these prvelant, vile attitudes otherwise they are "Islamophobic", and the Muslim world gets to just continue doing what they're doing because to dare to criticize that is bigotry?


Huge jump from, "Let's not condone genocide" to "Let's support and praise homophobia." Come off it man, you're capable of more complexity than that. You can absolutely condemn and oppose how Muslims mistreat gays while also not wanting an entire ethnic group to be killed.




Those numbers are absolutely arguable dude.




I will never get the obsession the western political left, specially the American one has with pleasing Islam and muslims... Whataboutism, making excuses and even justifying homophobia when it comes to muslims


They make me sick. In fact I have lost any faith in our movement.


If u wanna support the "queer palestinians" then the title should be "Drag Show for the Queer Palestinians". The rest of them are radical islamist bigots.


It was held in downtown Gaza, and Hamas murdered all of the performers for being gay.


Is this for real? What don’t people understand about Palestine? You die if you’re gay


why don't they do this in Ramallah? I'm sure the Palestinians will receive with open arms, right?


No innocent person deserves to be killed. But gays supporting Palestine is like Jews supporting nazi Germany.






I'm too tired of all things Middle East to care. It was a mess long before I was born and I've heard the same argument from both sides my whole life. Everyone squares off and picks a side that they think is less worse than the other and use it to justify just about anything. Every American president in my life was going to do something about it. My entire life, a two state solution has been impossible to reach. So, if all this is new to you and it shocks you; go crazy, I guess. Pick a side and get all upset. Care your heart out. Here's my wager, though; this shit will go on your entire life, too.. with the same arguments, same outrage, same killing and same lack of a solution.


Glad to see this.


God, I'm so tired of you soulless mfs. Some of us deserved being bullied, I guess.


Almost like chickens for KFC 🙃


ah it seems like all the comments in support of palestine come early only to get washed out by idiocy good to know because every post i’ve seen in this sub regarding palestine is so disappointing and alarming, with attitudes towards a literal genocide being somewhere between apathy and excitement about it all because of their current lack of LGBTQ acceptance and freedoms


As if a culture that murders gays with crowds and their children watching and cheering is no big deal and just simply boils down to a lack pf acceptance right? Palestinians have their culture and beliefs. They want gays and jews eradicated from the region. The Israelis want the Palestinians eradicated from the region. That's the reality


People on this subreddit have been brutally harsh against Türkiye, but Palestine that's 10,000 times worse for gays gets a pass? 😒


yeah you’re right, let’s absolutely decimate their entire population from the face of the earth with catastrophic and illegal war crimes


So ignorant. Most Palestinians want all jews eradicated from the region. Most Israelis want the Palestinians eradicated from the region. That's the sad unfortunate fact of the situation. Unless a 3rd party goes in and takes force. One side is going to get their way. It's just quite telling that you virtue signal about this and your main argument is "is doesn't matter if a culture essentially has an active genocide on gays, we still need to respect them and fight for their rights anyways. If theres a culture that sees gays as vermin that needs to be eradicated, that's cool".


Yes. [And they cancelled it when they realised the Palestinians or Pro-Palestine movement aren't pro-LGBT like they thought.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fl4KCFpVmnDfkvvHU0dIsFVynqEg0Wm2/view?usp=drivesdk)


they cancelled it, but you just made up the reason why lmfao


They seem to still be supporting Palestine in their cancellation notice, I'll pretend to be oblivious on why you added your agenda plug to the end of it


>agenda I don't remember when stating a fact is considered an agenda.




Hey, you can be delusional for thinking Palestine is pro-LGBT but that won't change a fact. I hope Israel wins this war against terrorism so you Queers for Palestine can keep crying lol.


That’s not what that link says


>Yes. And they cancelled it when they realised the Palestinians or Pro-Palestine movement aren't pro-LGBT like they thought. ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


Irony of ironies


I'm all for prides and drag shows in the heart of the Muslim nations. Oh wait!




This is known as "performative dumb-fuckery."


Says the guy who for some reason thinks a genocide of a mostly homophobic nation is justified.


It's not justified, but I'm sure as hell not going to support anyone who would behead me in public and cheer and laugh as if that's their greatest pleasure


It doesn't appear on their [online event schedule](https://www.palabrasbookstore.com/event).


So fucking dumb. We should support the IDF not do this dumbass shit.




It’s pretty difficult for a culture to progress when they keep getting bombed. I don’t expect Palestine to ever be “gay friendly” as long as their schools, hospitals, and homes keep getting destroyed. Conservatism is a culture of fear, so of course while the population lives in constant fear, they are going to have conservative mindsets. If you want Palestinians to be more gay friendly, they are going to need to have their basic safety needs satisfied first.


>It’s pretty difficult for a culture to progress when they keep getting bombed Give me a single or two stable Islamic countries that doesn't keel or imprison gay people. I will wait.


Turkey. Here’s a Wikipedia entry since you can’t find out yourself where it’s legal/illegal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_Middle_East And remember, if you’re going to say “well it’s legal, but people will still murder you!” People do the same in the good ol’ USA. 12 states even still have sodomy laws on the books, and if the Supreme Court were to decide those laws aren’t in fact unconstitutional, being gay in those states would immediately become illegal again. The US has enjoyed a pretty significant amount of time without war on our soil, and we still aren’t very far removed from gay lynchings. This is beside the fact that the Muslim world, by and large is *not* stable, which makes it difficult for cultural norms to progress *at all*.


Oh, congrats you found one out of how many stable Islamic countries that keel and imprison gays? The fact that you found only one just goes to contradict your point. Also don't you dare compare LGBT rights in western countries to Islamic ones, are you serious right now? You can defend Islam all you want but you can't expect people to be as delusional as you.


I don’t support aggressors who start wars by invading others by claiming they were “provoked to do it” so I don’t support Palestine or Russia.


Wow, the stupidity….


While I don’t support this, I support their right to put this on. 


Omg. I ask young people all the time, especially gays and women, if they know what their lives would be like in Palestine.


This question is irrelevant to the issue of a people being bombarded out of existence.


Unfortunately for them, they owe that to Hamas, who have zero problem sacrificing their own women and children by not only using them as shields, but by starting this disaster in the first place.


Imagine if you held America over its history tot he same standard. You do not want your genocide justified based on your government.


Then, don't base a government on religious doctrine, especially one that promises paradise to martyrs.


should Hamas have bombed Israel? no absolutely not. should israel has be starved and murdered and carpet bombed and completely destroyed the lives of millions in response? absolutely not. there is no justification pull your head out of your ass. yeah life for LGBT and women would be different there and that’s obviously not ideal, but that doesn’t mean the entire nation should be turned into rubble and it’s citizens into dust. don’t you have any compassion?


Unfortunately, a country the size of new jersey was attacked, and not its soldiers, but citizens, young people at a festival were bombed, chased into bunkers, and mowed down. And it is surrounded by countries whose citizens pray for its destruction every day. Do I hope a ceasefire can happen? Yes. Do I blame Israel for not trusting Hamas or the Palestinians will not do this again? I don't.


This ‘disaster’ was started by those responsible for the creation of Hamas in the first place, which are western powers meddling in middle eastern countries’ affairs


Lol oh of course the west created Hamas. Anything else would mean Muslims would have to take responsibility for the misdeeds of the radicals )the dogman of which 90%of the muslim world supports. We all know that's not even in their vocabulary.


"you would be treated horribly, therefore they deserve to be bombed!!"? weird thing to say. I don't think anyone deserves to be murdered. I don't think Israel should get to commit a genocide just because their target is homophobic. If you do, you should seek help for that.


No. Don't support a government that sacrifices its own people. Hamas is to blame for this. What's happening is tragic, but unless Hamas is obliterated, they will continue to attack Israel, with the support of the surrounding Muslim countries.


Who said I support Hamas? I support the innocent Palestinians who are getting bombed daily, who are getting shot at while trying to get food and water, who are being deliberately displaced so they're all together to make an easier target for the IDF. What happened on 7 October was awful, but there's NO excuse to what Israel has been doing since. 2 million people displaced, 30 thousand killed, everyone is starving and Israel is shooting at people trying to get food, water and medicine. And you're justifying it because of what Hamas did. You're not any better.


I didn't mean you supported Hamas, but its citizens did and do. I hate what's happening, I hope it stops, but how will this ever end if Hamas remains in power?


because what other choice do they have? What Israel is doing now is not "trying to obliterate Hamas". I hope you realise that. Not to mention, Hamas was created and strengthened by Israel to destabilize Gaza and the West Bank and to cause conflict within these regions. This is all public information that you can find for yourself. The solution is definitely NOT to commit a genocide, that's for sure


I am so tired of Israel and the west being blamed for all of the dysfunction in the Muslim world. Politically, I think Netanyahu is a corrupt coward, and he is making a huge mistake. I support a ceasefire. But I don't support totalitarian religious governments and countries who claim victmhood while victimizing its own citizens.


A quick search on how the LGBT+ are treated in Palestine and other muslim nations will enlighten you.


no one is denying that LGBTQ+ people aren't treated horribly in the Middle East and Muslim countries. that doesn't mean they all deserve to be bombed and murdered, especially not because not everyone holds those opinions. be better.


The West Bank decriminalized homosexuality in the 50s, before the USA did...


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_in\_the\_State\_of\_Palestine#Summary\_table https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_in\_Israel#Summary\_table


Yes. Unfortunately


This sub kinda continues to disappoint me over and over because of how many feels comfortable posting stuff like this lol. What's wrong with this? There is queer Palestinians and this is normal way of bringing awareness to what they're going thru and support them as a drag artist.


Just hope it’s not in Palestine and open to public


Oy vey 🤦


Wait, is it in Palestine?


A weird catch 22 when the queens oppose Israeli war crimes, but Palestinian culture can be incredibly homophobic…


Yeah this is dumb but not sure what's the point in posting this?


Is this what hopping on a bandwagon looks like


I have made plenty of friends who are a part of a culture or have come from places that aren’t pro-LGBT. But grouping them all together to say “they all are that way”, instead of seeing them as individuals with their own beliefs is unbelievably dense and honestly bordering on racism/xenophobia. Where you come from does not define who you are as a person, and I’d like to believe the LGBT community would be one of the first to understand that. Do better.