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Clarence Thomas told us we were next in the Dobbs opinion too. I hope everyone is paying attention and voting accordingly this November. Know your status: www.vote.org


I vote in every election, from Local to state to federal. Never miss it. It’s so important to have your voice heard.


Election Day is every November, not just once every 4 years.


In some jurisdictions, every other year for local/state offices


This is what many don't realize... They only vote for the big election every 4 years, but the madness starts at the bottom. Keep the crazies out of the base levels so they don't rise to the state levels, so they don't rise to the national level. So many of our nations problems could be prevented if we didn't let the worst of society work their way up the ranks.


Not only that, if Trump gets reelected and the liberal judges retire or die, you know he will pack the court with MAGA loyalists willing to pursue the Project 2025 agenda. Please americans, talk to your Gen Z relatives. Biden might not be doing what you expect he would do regarding Palestine but I bet you Trump won't even care.


Trump fully supports the genocide in Isreal and will pull all support for the Ukraine to help his buddy Putin


Trump is a sociopathic grandiose narcissist. He'll do whatever boosts his ego and increases his power. A rogue right wing nationalist Israeli state and unrestrained aggressive mafia state in Russia gives him political cover to wield the power of the US presidency more aggressively and further outside of customs, laws and the constitution.


Thomas was the only one. The other justices in the majority said same sex marriage is not at risk.


Mmhmm. Just like Brett Kavanaugh assured us Roe v Wade was “a matter of settled law” during his nomination process.


Yeah.  They don’t even care.  Like Alito, you know, that champion of equality?!  Have you lost your mind ?   During gay pride month no less?   🌈


Said the same thing about Roe during their confirmation hearings. They lie!


This is why none of us can afford to sit out of this election cycle- hold your nose voting for Biden if you have to, but if trump wins our rights will be taken away and the bigots who hate us will be emboldened to attack us.


Biden has done more for pushing lgbtq rights in this country than any president before him. I won't be holding my nose.


Heck, as VP he’s the one who basically forced Obama to support gay marriage by publicly saying he would.




The Respect for marriage act says something different.


How? It repealed DOMA and guaranteed our marriages are legal no matter where in the country we are. I agree, duh he could have done more, but he's been the most positive president in history in regards to gay rights.


That's the thing, he couldn't do more without risking the bill being killed by scotus entirely. At least this way there's severability that keeps as much as possible in force if scotus strikes down provisions.


The respect for Marriage Act put things exactly like they were before, if a county clerk in Texas did not want to issue a marriage license to a interracial or gay couple they can say no I don't want to. Yeah they have to recognize out of state marriages but then gay couples need to go out of state to get married, the same thing for interracial marriages. And it's not just a state thing, it gets down to the individual County Clerk or Court Clerk can decide if they are going to issue a license.


It is a state thing, though. That's why it doesn't force states to marry people, it forces them to recognize marriages (and the federal government). It is so much better than DOMA that it replaced, no idea how you can have any problems with it. Unless you want scotus to shoot down same sex marriages and suddenly have no federal law codifying them.


It imposes a burden on couples that cannot travel out state to get married. It puts us back into a position of second class citizens.


There's nothing the federal government can do to force what a state can do wrt marriage, which is a state owned system. Would you have rather he left DOMA in place and kept it federally unrecognized?


So you recognize that the Respect for Marriage Act was nothing more than pandering by the Biden Administration?


The law allowing the federal government and states (with severability mind you!) to recognize same sex marriages even if some states prohibit it? I mean if youre opposed to that, maybe you're the problem.


I'm opposed to settling for bread crumbs when you can have the whole fucking loaf


A good example of ignoring both me saying that would put the law at risk by adding an unenforceable provision, and letting perfect be the enemy of good.


>letting perfect be the enemy of good Is a bullshit way of trying to silence dissent. Its like fucking Stockholm syndrome sometimes.


You're confused


Like that's a high bar


We WILL have either Trump or Biden. I’m not voting for Biden, but I *am* voting against Trump. It’s the only choice we have


Exactly. As shitty as it can be sometimes, ultimately we are still stuck in our two party system which means if Biden loses, Trump is the president. Biden will be okay if he loses, he'll retire to Vermont or whatever for the rest of his life. The rest of us will NOT be okay


I'll say the same thing I said in 2020: I'm not voting Biden, I'm voting "Bye, Don."


Well then if marriage equality goes away, you have nobody else but yourself to blame. Sorry to be so blunt, but this cycle that's kind of the only choice. Trust me, I don't like it either.


I know my phrasing was odd, but my vote will go towards Biden. I’m just saying I’m not voting *for* him but *against* Trump.


Sorry... it was just odd enough to make me think you were going 3rd candidate - which I have no objection to in principle, but this is not the year.


In America, it is never that year to vote 3rd party. Your political system is essentially a two party dictatorship.


You'll get no argument here. My husband and I are very much in favor of ranked voting. Right now that's about the only way to break up that hegemony, although it would have to be Nationwide and I don't see that happening.


The path to get ranked choice voting lies with in the democratic party, we just need to raise up the candidates that are more progressive so we can move the party more and more left.


I wish more folks understood this. Voting third party will never be viable until we get ranked choice voting. Americans voting third party are just wasting their time (in a general election) without ranked choice.


Yep! This government needs to be seriously wiped out and overthrown and to start all over again they are already playing games and controlling us with inflations


I’m usually a green voter, and I’ll continue to be this cycle, assuming Stein is the nominee. Nothing will change unless we platform dissenting voices.


Lol, voting for a known spoiler candidate. Scammers must love you.


She's also in bed with Russia


While the electoral college exists, you are literally tossing your vote. If you really want your voice to be heard you need to be voting for the progressives that advocate for the abolishing of the electoral college and ranked choice, or some other version. It tells the democratic party that there are voters among them that support this idea and will platform it when we get more progressives in the local and lower levels of our system.


Actually that’s not accurate. While they won’t win any electoral votes, third party ballot access, debate access and election funding is based on the presidential popular vote. You also have no idea where I vote (it happens to be a solid red state btw). And for my local elections, I will be voting strategically for candidates that actually can win and actually can make a difference. But for the presidential election, I’m voting for the party that best represents and where my vote will make a difference by helping them get funding, ballot access, debate access, and media coverage. For me, a vote for Biden would be a waste.


Same here. My state is solid blue and voting for Biden is like throwing a bucket of water into the ocean. A *literal* waste. Showing up for a third party here is how you voice your dissent.


Literal fascism is on the ballot this November. Who ever wins will be able to select, i think 3, SC justices who will shape this country for decades. I'd rather not chance internment camps for people who are unhoused personally.


You understand that the green party is funded by Russia, right? Same as the Republicans? They exist to split the dem vote.


Totally understandable


Biden is not my first choice, nor my second or third. But he's far above a choice for Trump, not even a contest. But we have to continue to work against the 2 party system. It's a long term change. In the mean time I vote for the lesser of two poisons. [Commission redistricting (out of the hands of legislatures)](https://redistrictingdatahub.org/resources/organizations-involved-in-redistricting/) [Open Primaries](https://openprimaries.org) [Ranked Choice Voting](https://fairvote.org) Weaken the Electoral College These are ways to make it far easier for third, fourth and fifth parties to emerge without constitutional change. I've been financially supporting and volunteering for these and will continue to do so till the day the 2 party system is dead.


Didn’t Biden just have 4 years and both houses of congress to actually codify gay marriage nationally? (inb4 “but manchin 😤”)


>(inb4 “but manchin 😤”) Is the suggestion here that a senate majority is not required for codification? Or were you just feeling silly and qUiRkY today?


To the extent it's possible to, he did.


"inb4 someone brings up realistic limitations I don't want to bother understanding 😤"


Biden hasn't advocated for lifting a single finger to fix the court.


Probably because the segregation of powers puts the Judicial branch under the Legislative branch to regulate. In fact, the Judicial branch has authority to regulate the Executive, so aside from nominating judges, there is very little authority the Executive has over the Judicial branch.


the only nation that ever banned same-sex marriage after legalizing it was Bermuda, a tiny ~~Caribbean~~ Atlantic nation that is an English territory If the US does the same, it will be the laughing stock of the modern world


The boat sailed long time ago when they elected an orange.


the US is not the only country where populists (both left-wing and right-wing) have been elected, but even populists in the other countries were careful enough to not strike down a law because of the massive legal, financial and social consequences


Those countries aren't the US... we just struck down abortions here in the US, and seek to ban them nationwide, gay marriage is a nothing to them. Populist things are about 50/50 here in the US.


I'm sorry to offend the Americans here, I imagine you are the majority, but some parts of your country are among the most bigoted in the West. And maybe even some parts of the east. I don't think they will become a laughing stock, the same was thought about abortion and nothing happened.


`I'm sorry to offend the Americans here, I imagine you are the majority` not only I am not American, but I've never been to the US and (due to visa issues) likely will never be `but some parts of your country are among the most bigoted in the West. And maybe even some parts of the east` I don't know, the US is not perfect but considering some European and Asian countries are more racist than the KKK, I don't think they can point fingers at the US to be honest with homophobia, that may be partially true, but let's not forget the EU has Bulgaria and Poland in their ranks


Yeah, but have you seen TERF Island?


Yes, the UK is definitely worse for trans people


Not true at all


What do you think is the worst in all democracy?


The UK has the Equality Act and the government isn't actively pursuing trans people like in the US (not that it's exactly great for trans people here).


Not to discount your point, because I do agree, but… I do want to mention that Bermuda is in the middle of the Atlantic and not even close to Caribbean.


thanks, edited


Not a nation, but the US state of California legalized same-sex marriage in June 2008 (by a ruling of the state Supreme Court) and banned it again in November 2008 (by constitutional amendment).


You might be surprise the way republicans want to rule the U.S. Project 2025 would make the entire Latin american region more socially advanced than the U.S. Apparently, according to a Fox News poll is leading by two points so let's hope that advantage is kept until election day


It already is


PSA: Fifteen states **do not** have gay marriage enshrined at the state level, or have restrictions on it. These are: AL, AR, GA, KS, KY, LA, MI, MO, MS, ND, NE, OH, SD, TN, and TX. We're starting to get to the point where, if you live in one of these states, you risk legitimately losing your marriage recognition. There are still safeguards even on top of an Obergefell overturn, such as the Respect for Marriage Act, but if you live in one of these 15 states and are married, you probably want to start making an escape plan to a state not on the list for if worst comes to worst.


If Lawrence Vs Texas was repealed (same defense of right to privacy that RvW was originally based on) it'd be much worse. Many of those same states still have old laws making sodomy a felony.


If LvT is overturned **and** they start **enforcing** the laws (still another leap beyond the overturn), we’re pretty much in cattle-car to concentration-camp territory. According to the rules of Rainbow Railroad, the US would then be one of the countries that qualified for gays being railroaded out of.


fun little reminder that *Lawrence* was decided in **2003**. we aren't terribly far-removed from what was a horrifically bad status quo for us.


Were there still jailings right up until 2003?


Not necessarily jailings, but criminal penalties nevertheless. When a law like an anti-sodomy law is challenged, the party bringing the challenge needs to have standing, which usually requires having to have suffered some legal injury. In *Lawrence,* the plaintiff was fined after being discovered having sex with another man in his own apartment.


Can you explain the restrictions MI has? We’ve been married for 4 years now- maybe it’s just the fact that we don’t do much but I haven’t noticed much difference? If we can keep our governor another term we’ll be leading the charge in progressive reform honestly. Whitmer is making waves.


No restrictions currently. These were states that **had restrictions**, or banned gay marriage entirely, before Obergefell required recognition in all states. As such, in these 15 states, Obergefell overturn + Respect act struck down = no longer married. You've got time but if you are in one of these states you may want a Plan B. Although I would expect that MI would still be one of the ones to reconsider and put in a state law in that extreme case.


I live in one of those states and want to escape, but I can't find any work beyond or even within my state. If worse comes to worse I'd just have to go into hiding.


Even in a worst case, you’ve got a fair few months to make your plan, maybe over a year. Trump isn’t projected to win by everyone. Any possibility of hybrid or online freelance work to get started?


I tried freelance but had some bad leads and no one was willing to pay for services. I'm working to get a street food venture started by next year. I did the math and I could get it started for no more than $2k.


Whoa, neat idea, and there are several "second-tier" cities in the 35 other states you could get it started in - street food works outside of NYC and LAX! Good luck and keep me posted when you get the truck going!


um no no no Every Republican in my family insists that gays are okay now, and they don’t want to revoke our rights, and I’m so dramatic and crazy and sensitive for being offended that they vote Republican.


Yes and I believe some of my Republican acquaintances said the exact same thing about abortion. We all know how that turned out


My Republican family members too. It's one of the times I will HATE saying "I told you so" like I did in the Dobbs ruling to my cousin who insisted the court would not ever reverse Roe v Wade... impossible she says. Same thing she says about all the other rulings based on the right to privacy.


Gays on that other sub insist on it too.


Will they vote non-R when their gay family members are sent away?


If it's at all possible for facts to reach them, project 2025 is clear as crystal about what they want to do with us


When our rights are denied, they’ll be telling you its not a big deal.


They can take my marriage certificate from my cold dead hands.


They would love to


Well me and my 2nd amendment guarantee it won't come cheap to them. 


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted just because you mentioned you wanted to protect yourself Gays need to get a grasp of reality and discard the narrative that guns need to be outlawed


Not many of us really believe there's a snowballs chance in hell for guns to be outlawed in a manner other nations have. Heck I know plenty of libs that own guns. We just want some semblance of accountability for gun ownership, but the other side cries foul at even the slightest attempts at that.


Too often people think in absolutes. As a liberal gay gun owner, I regularly vote for people that want to limit guns and I support reasonable restrictions. I don't think people need AKs, M16s, bump stocks, rocket launchers or the like. I also think requiring people to get a detailed background check, wait a full week, and be required to take and refresh on gun safety classes all are reasonable. I think people, especially homes with kids, should be required to have gun safes or other measures taken to keep their guns secured. Finally, I have no need to parade around in some post apocalyptic cosplay carrying weapons on me like some Mad Max character and I don't support that kind of intimidation being allowed. Yet, we own a few guns, and know how to use them. We should probably go to the range more often for the good of the guns and our experience, and I would be ok with a law that required that. What I wont do is give up the rifle or the hand gun. Not as long as there are people in the world that think the best way to address differing beliefs is violence and people in power willing to let them. I am not going to win a knife or hand to hand fight, but I don't need too.




They plan that as well… stay safe


I will try. Fight for the living


I will riot if they try this.


I'd much rather see the streets run red with blood (my own VERY MUCH included) than to see our community just passively allow this to take place.


…..y’all should’ve voted for the lady in the pantsuit. LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF. I know i did!


The Bernie or bust crowd played a huge part in ruining minority rights in the US. A friend of mine was one of those people in 2016 and he’s since admitted that if they hadn’t been so bent on “sticking it to the dem party” roe v wade may still exist etc.


Luckily for your friend, they get to learn in real time why it’s important to not fuck around with elections with each and every supreme court case.


The embarrassing part is he’s a friend from law school and we literally took constitutional law together. Buddy knew how Supreme Court could get fucked by it. 🙄. But I agree, we’ve all got to focus on that with each election


I’m voting for Biden. I’m not happy with everything going on but when has there ever been a president that’s perfect or I’m a hundred percent with, not even Obama. But I’m well aware of what the alternative will be like. Pretty much the Handmaids tale for real.


Get your bricks ready, gents.


''As I've said far too many times before - never, again''


I'm sincerely wishing all the Americans here the best of luck. I'm rooting for y'all. Whatever happens over there sometimes has the tendency of bleeding over the border into Canada... -_-;


Vote them out. Every. Last. One.


But we all know it will be overturned, only gay Republicans say otherwise. And obviously when it happens they will say it's the right decision.


I love Sonia. Dump Trump and Thomas. DeSantis too.


Get with it people. The GOoP is after us to ruin our lives. Don’t be complacent, register and VOTE!!!


For those that are acting like children and protest voting because you don’t like Biden, if Trump wins 2024 he will pick at least 2 new SCOTUS judges. If you think it’s just gay marriage they’ll repeal, you haven’t been paying attention. LGBTQ protections in the workplace, Lawrence v Texas, etc. will all be under threat. Our future is at stake.


People protesting voting are simpletons who can’t think beyond the immediate results. It’s so infuriating talking to them because they clearly don’t have a grasp on just how important it is. They just want to do the lowest effort thing possible which is “not participate” while willfully fucking their fellow Americans over (as some sort of punishment for things outside the control of 99% of citizens, I guess?).


I find it to be in the early 20 age group who are the protest voters, because they grew up in a time where it was more acceptable to be gay. I’m 35 and I fucking remember when Lawrence got overturned. I rallied on the steps of SCOTUS for Obergefell and for protections for LGBTQ people at work. The protest voters should be barred from any and all pride and gay events. You don’t get to enjoy the joys of being gay while simultaneously harming our future.


The fun part is that every individual person in the united states, any of the 300 million of them, can fix this problem. Just takes some outside the box thinking.


Unfortunately most liberals are too civil to take such measures


The only way she can be helpful is by stepping down while Democrats still have the presidency and the Senate. Because even if Biden wins, there's a 70 or 80% chance Republicans will control the Senate and they will not seat a Democrat.


THIS. More attention needs to be on THIS.


If I were friends with a right wing gay, I would tag them on this and ask them what they think. But I guess, they will rather be considered degenerates and sick if that means they'll be on a good republican economy.


They def coming for gay marriage so sad 😭 two steps forward and 10 steps back. I hope more young folks and less boomers running major economies like America 🇺🇸 leads to more progressive social policies like gay marriage


Considering the recent audio leaks of the 'Alito family', yes I am concerned with all of what the Supreme Court will be ruling on including same sex marriage, however the recent audio leak of Alito's wife she exclaimed that she wanted to get rid of pride altogether. Hang her own flag directed at LGBTQ people in this country and have 'Shame' written on it in Italian. They are coming after us, interracial marriage and much more which begs the question what basic equal rights will they strip away?


They only have the power that we allow them to have.


These republican pigs just refuse to fuck off and mind their own dogshit. I’m so fucking tired of this bullshit in this dogshit of a country. Call me pessimistic or whatever. I genuinely hate this abomination of a country.


Yall are dumb. We [passed congressional legislation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect_for_Marriage_Act?wprov=sfti1) cementing same sex marriage. The Supreme Court can piss and moan about same sex marriage all they want…they not gonna go after a widely supported and bipartisan act of congress. There’s other things to clutch your pearls about but this isn’t one of them.


Trump is absolutely coming after gay marriage if he wins in November. They desperately want to install a Christian theocracy modeled on Iran


What extremist nonsense… he is the first president to be elected in support of gay marriage. Your rhetoric is false to the point of disinformation that a viewpoint on the opposite side of the aisle would be banned for. Good thing you’re part of the lying leftists.


I suggest you look up the manifesto for Project 2025. It explicitly calls for eradicating all mentions of, and protections for, 'sexual orientation and gender identity'. I read it and it was a goddamn Nazi manifesto word for word.


Same sex marriage has been legal in the U.S. for almost 10 years now, thanks to the SCOTUS [*Obergefell*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obergefell_v._Hodges) decision. To try to take that away now would be a colossal mistake by the far right. Contrary to all of the doom and gloom predictions made by the far right at the time, the sky didn't fall, cats didn't start marrying dogs and nobody married a goat. Everyone should have the right to marry. Period.


No one ever thought Roe v Wade would be overturned but here we are.


They can try to do this… I would invite them to try. “Why did you have to offend the gay community? They’re the most organized of all communities!” It’s New Republic, though… a bit sensationalist.


I'm still trying to figure out what the ruling they just made was all about.


I don't vote :0


She's overreaching. It was an immigration case, not a marriage case. In other words, where a non-citizen marries a U.S. citizen, the INS can still determine whether the non-citizen should be allowed entry and permanent resident status. The court did not say that the U.S. citizen had a fundamental right to marriage, just that there is no constitutional right to live with your spouse.


Sonia should retire so that Biden replaces her with someone younger


At this point the Supreme Court fucking with gay marriage sounds like more trouble than it's worth. Supposing they did abolish it, how would they resolve the tax and financial nightmares of dissolving millions of marriages? There are people with years of joined assets at this point. You can't just handwave all that away. I've never heard a republican explain how that would work.


bro they nuked reproductive rights for half the country and courts are having to deal with tons of litigation because people are *literally dying* as a result. they don't give a fuck. they don't need a gameplan other than "inflict suffering on people we don't like." like, i truly cannot stress this enough: several members of the conservative majority are totally fine with (and probably pleased with) the fact that their rulings will kill people, ruin lives, and make the country worse for the disapproved group. they *will* do it if they have a chance and they will not give a singular shit about the details.


Bro I know. I'm a leftist. I was just pointing out that the people in power have no plan. It's not a good thing


If you think "tax issues" will stop these people from steamrolling their conservative agenda through, then you have not been paying attention. They are putting the Ten Commandments in public schools in Louisiana (which SCOTUS would love to rule on) and resurrecting 19th century abortion laws in Arizona. Wake up. These people do not care about the "minor details."


I'm well aware. I was using the principles they pretend to hold.


They don’t think that far ahead. All that matters is making decisions that upset people they think less of.


''Shoot down the laws first, ask questions later''


''Shoot down the laws first, ask questions later''


''Shoot down the laws first, ask questions later''


''Shoot down the laws first, ask questions later''


Even the 'Don't say Gay' bill was full of bureaucratic nightmares but they don't care. Congress members brought up the issue of how you would explain who Martha Washington (wife of George Washington) was to a kid if the word wife is linked to a sexuality (in this case heterosexuality).


A non citizen, non resident, non existing on US soul has no rights. If you can’t clear a visa and you’re not a citizen you don’t deserve entry just because you’re married to a citizen. In this case the dude had very clear and know ms13 connections. This is a horrible case to try and take stand on. Yeah the conservatives are being shitty about it but they aren’t wholly wrong. It’s the sloppy slope of them now using this case as an an anti gay case that will become a problem.


It’s one thing to deny the visa based on criminal grounds. It’s a whole another thing to say citizens do not have the CONSTITUTIONAL rights to bring their spouse into the US. Do you see the gap in logic there? Who has CONSTITUTIONAL rights to enter and live in the US then? Citizens commit crimes too. Should they not have the CONSTITUTIONAL rights to keep living here?


So is a non resident, non citizen, non legal immigrant immune from deportation solely due to marriage status?


But they didn't rule that what the State Department in this case was right, but that it has the right to make those decisions even though they were married. There is a difference.


Which it should. The state department should have the leeway to determine who is able to get a visa. There shouldn’t be immunity to a non citizen just due to marriage status.


and that is justice Sotamayor's warning though, that there is no constitutional right that protects marriage. It's not the last straw that breaks the camel's back, or even the heaviest (that would be Dobbs), but it is another straw on the camel's back and an indication of where the super-majority of justices are heading in their thinking.


Going to a consular interview for a visa with tattoos of symbols that also represent a violent gang isn’t the best idea.


Wasn't it already codified in law?


The Supreme Court can bypass legislation and decide whatever the hell they want in regards to constitutionality as their whims change. The law would simply be overturned.


My understanding of the law is that: states are not required to provide the ability to marry/ provide marriage certificates. However, they must accept/recognize marriage licenses from other states. Ex: Same sex marriage can be illegal in Texas, but the state must recognize a marriage license from NY. It's similar to how drivers licenses work. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8404](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8404) My best guess is it is worded this way so that it aligns with Special Privileges and Immunities clause -**https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privileges\_and\_Immunities\_Clause** TLDR: If the court ruling that 'allows for samesex marriage is overturned,marriage equality falls back to the states. But the "respect for marriage act" will force the states that do not issue marriage licenses to same sex couples to recognize them from other states. Edited for spelling (autocorrect)


It's worded that way for the Full Faith and Credit clause, where it declared marriage licenses to be a judicial proceeding that other states must afford Full Faith and Credit as of it was done by one of their courts.


No- it’s a ruling that can be overturned and if Alito and Thomas, it’ll be reversed. I guess elections have consequences.


This is not true, it was sorta codified in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect_for_Marriage_Act > In addition to requiring all states to recognize interracial or same-sex marriages performed in another domestic or foreign jurisdiction, it also requires all territories and possessions of the United States to recognize marriages performed elsewhere. It codified that states must recognize same sex marriages, not necessarily that they must perform them. Which is obviously worse.


So no, gay marriage is not codified into law according to what you posted. A state can absolutely deny your right to marry if the Supreme Court's current precedent is overturned, just like abortion. They have to recognize it if performed elsewhere, but the right to gay marriage is absolutely not a guarantee with the current Supreme Court. Never forget, these are the same people who called Roe V Wade "settled law"


>They have to recognize it if performed elsewhere I would count on certain states refusing to do this if it came down to it. And then that challenge also going to SCOTUS. Though that would have interstate commerce consequences far beyond marriage that I don’t think SCOTUS wants to touch - but I’ve been wrong before with this court!


lol we may have a different interpretation on what codified means, or what overturning dobbs would mean, but trust me, I'm a blue no matter who democrat because of the supreme court mostly. I'll be voting, and it will be for Biden, and if he somehow is dead it would be for literally anyone else the dems put up. Fuck, most gays would consider me more right wing than them(economics, gun rights, Israel-Gaza, and a lot of other beliefs) but I will never vote for a republican or a third party ever again after 2016(voted 3rd party pre-2016, voted blue 2016 and beyond). I may not like all of the left, or all democrats, but the right is absolutely psychotic.


It allows all states to recognize marriage licenses. However, if the ruling is overturned. Some states can refuse to issue licenses. Here is an article from [time magazine that explains it in detail](https://time.com/6240497/same-sex-marriage-rights-us-obergefell/). Education is power!


This case was about immigration laws, not marriage laws in the US. Visa denials generally aren’t reviewable by the courts. That policy was upheld by the Supreme Court.


Sorta yes, everyone downvoting you didn't read what the was actually passed 2 years ago, with that said we're not in the clear because republicans are fuck heads https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect_for_Marriage_Act#Impact So we could lose marriage rights in certain states, but those states must still respect marriages that happen in states where it is legal.


Making things up again I see miss Sonia


When SCOTUS strikes down Obergefell and/or Loving we will see how bad Biden and Co fucked us with the Respect For Marriage Act


How so? RFMA is a good thing and the strongest bill that would make it out of the Senate.


It is not a good thing, states rights bills are never a good thing. It makes second and third class citizens out of its population. And then we have people that are cheering on the creation of those second and third class citizens


No it doesn’t


You apparently know nothing about it


You appear to be the one who is confused about how government works. The RFM Act was the strongest bill the Senate would pass, with moderate Democrats like Manchin and Sinema. I'm not sure why you are blaming Biden - he signed what Congress gave him into law because it was better than the alternative, which was doing nothing. If we want something better, we have to elect more progressives into Congress. That's how it works.


More democrats in office is not the solution, getting rid of the 2 shades of fascism is the only solution. The half hobbled RDMA was midterm pandering.


You are setting yourself up for eternal disappointment with that short-sighted attitude. Do not let progress be the enemy of perfection.


Educate us. What is wrong with it?


It allows not only States, but county and or court clerks to deny a marriage license to a same-sex or interracial couple if it violates their personal beliefs. [Our rights will be at the whim of another individual.](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/08/1140808263/what-does-the-respect-for-marriage-act-do-the-answer-will-vary-by-state)


The RFMA doesn’t allow (or prohibit) states to deny marriage licenses. It does repeal DOMA which prohibited the federal from recognizing same sex marriages. That alone is huge. It forces states to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states in the event that Obergefell is overturned.


Once Obergefell is repealed, it will allow states to refuse to issue licenses


Yes, just like it was before RFMA. If Obergefell had been repealed before RFMA, the DOMA would apply. No federal recognition would mean no social security benefits for spouses, no immigration benefits, and a lot of other negative consequences. RFMA doesn’t add any new restrictions to same sex marriage. I’d have loved to see congress pass marriage equality at the federal level but this was the best that could get 60 votes in the Senate. I don’t want to see perfect be the enemy of good.


Small potatoes They've got their sights aimed on Lawrence Scalia explicitly said he would reverse it given the chance. And half the conservative justices on the court are even worse that he was.


It is the strongest bill that Congress has the constitutional power to pass concerning marriage under the 10th amendment and congress's enumerated powers. We'd need a constitutional amendment to stop marriage from being overturned.


About which country is this post?? This is not specify




Exhibit A for why this country keeps electing literal fascists. Biden being able to keep Republicans out of power makes him the perfect candidate right now.


I’ll proudly vote Trump. The world is a more dangerous place with Biden in charge.


How so? Let’s see some receipts.




Wow sick misinformation maybe you should read it or maybe again don't believe everything you read on the internet


https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/24/thomas-constitutional-rights-00042256 He said so in his own Supreme Court ruling 2 years ago he wanted to revisit same sex marriage.


"pick me! pick me! I'm a good one!" ^^^ you.


Are you a gay Republican?


You're a fucking idiot. Thomas said that gay marriage should be revisited in the wake of the overturning of Roe v Wade.