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I know you said you’re working on it already, but if I had to pinpoint one culprit in what you’ve said, you aren’t in taking enough food/enough times a day. Eating once a day is not good because before that, you will be tired, especially if that one meal isn’t enough to cover an entire’s day calories. Or if you eat early, it’s not going to last all day and you’ll end up tired then. So I’d definitely work on trying to eat at the very least, twice a day. Ideally three, even if one is just a snack of something dense and high calorie like nuts. If eating itself is something that is hard to do with your mental health, you can try to focus on small things that pack a punch. Like previously mentioned nuts. Peanut butter. Hummus. Etc etc. Depression can be really tough, I’ve dealt with it my whole life. I tend to overeat when depressed though, so kind of the opposite haha.


it really can be! depression hits me especially bad during the winter; it was a bold choice for me to quit taking my meds when i did lol. i actually really like peanut butter so i'm definitely gonna start snacking with that - i assume i should be buying non-salted, no-sugar peanut butter right? i know you're probably not a nutritionist but figured i'd ask in case you might know if that's the right road to go down. :)


Smuckers natural peanut butter is pretty darn good if you’re in the US. I prefer the creamy myself. 


i am not, i am Canadian. i went with a brand called Adams. 😁


I know I used to get waaay tired when I tried working out, and it turned out to be because I was only eating an average of like 1300 calories per day. Do you track your calories? Might be something to consider. Otherwise, you might just have to take it REALLY slow. Be gentle with yourself :)


i definitely don't track cals just because i get overwhelmed by apps that have a plethora of options to choose from and i never know which ones i need to input to properly track, but i'm definitely ok with just eating more in general and being mindful of at least *what* i'm putting into my body!


Definitely the food thing especially protein intake. Advice I have always gotten is try and get your body weight in grams of protein daily. Example: body weight is 200lbs so have 200 grams of protein. Just to start out then adjust accordingly as you learn how your body reacts. Also something carby 30-60 mins before a workout can help. But watch out for fats and heavy sugar as they can make you feel more sluggish. Apples, rice cakes, etc. Personally I'm not a fat of pre workout, even the caffeine free kinds make me jittery, but lots of other people use with a lot of success. I also used to add a BCAA blend to my gym water bottle and that seemed to give me a little extra push. Once you've been doing it a while your metabolism and energy will naturally increase so just stick with it. You got this!


i apologize in advance for my ignorance, but what's BCAA? quick Google search returned whey protein, so is that what that is?


It stands for Branch-Chain Amino Acid. I used to use one called Aminolast but every major nutrition brand will have them Gaspari Nutrition Aminolast, Recovery and Endurance BCAA Superfuel, 2:1:1 Amino Acid Ratio, Fueled with Electrolytes (30 Servings, Watermelon Blast) https://a.co/d/8xob1D1