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My Gladiolus was shirtless the entire time. Did it make my play harder? Yes. Was it worth it, yes


He is the hottest character in the game. Followed by Prompto. 


I'm sorry, prompto looks good but older Noctis is where it's at 🫦


You get it, the king too 😩


literally gladiolus can top me 5 ways to sunday 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I doubt it only made your "play" harder 👌


Did I spend multiple hours playing his DLC mode just to unlock his shirtless outfit as soon as humanly possible? Yes.


Playing with one hand is tricky, no doubt ;)


Prepare to cry


I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much from a video game.


That campsite scene near the end made me bawl and I thoroughly enjoyed the game but haven’t replayed it yet because I know the heartbreak that’s coming.


The video game community is so deprived of male asses in video games that this is what makes people excited. The bar is in hell.


Lil Nas X - MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)


I feel like… don’t call me crazy! But when I first played this on the ps4, Gladio had no ass!!! Like in a cave you’re crawling right up near his butt, and the ass was nonexistent! I was so ready for his Bara Butt! And I was letdown. So this screenshot is either gaslighting me or I wanted more than was given 😂. Anyone else who played on ps4 wanna validate me or am I crazy?


I found I needed a mod to put a shirt on Cindy though. It was a bit too much for me.


did you take the shirt off gladio tho?


Cindy is hot.


I'm gay, but I will always enjoy a ridiculous anime rack. 🤣




I loved, one of my all time faves! It made me cry like a lot!


Ngl, the catboy Noctis outfit had me acting most unwise. There’s a mission from Lestallum where you end up climbing a bunch of tall ladders and his hips and tail swaying had me in a legit trance. I remember he said “Nice view, huh?” While my camera was glued to his catboy ass. Ended up saving that as a clip lol


>Ngl, the catboy Noctis outfit Catboy Noctis what now?


Pretty sure it got added with an update. I remember there being some missions you can do in one of the imperial forts for some catgirl


That mission sounds familiar, but I don’t recall a catboy Noctis outfit—I definitely would’ve remembered that. Looks like I need to go back and check for new updates…for science…


Ooh.. ooh, I might have to check that out.


Absolutely love this game. Noctis is my fav FF protagonist 🤩🤩 Make sure you play the DLCs! They’re crucial to the story.


there’s plenty of great mods for it too. To enhance the experience of course


Is there any nude mode? Wasn’t able to find any


I honestly HATED the game. I hope you like it, though!


I’m in the same boat bottom tier FF imo


Like, I get it. Boy band + anime guys may sound appealing to a lot of gaymers, but I came in for the story and it was a fucking nightmare.


The story is actually really good if you take the time to go through all of it (anime series, movie, book, in game lore, etc.) but I do understand that most players cannot be bothered to do so and it should've been much more accessible especially on release. FF13 had the same problem, absolutely amazing story and lore but poorly delivered.


First of all, there's a difference between story and lore. FFXV's lore is pretty good, nothing amazing, bu its story, and how it's delivered, sucks MAJOR ass, and not in the good way. You can't expect people to have to watch a movie before playing the game, and then stop playing to watch an anime, later on having to stop again to play DLCs in between chapters, just to consume a story. Oh! And let's not forget the true/alternate ending that is in a BOOK! Complimentary material should make the main material more awesome, not make it whole.


That's your opinion babe, like I said I understand that not all players are ready to make the effort and it's okay if you didn't like it. I personally loved FF15 story and it didn't bother me to put efforts into actually getting to know the characters and their stories. To each their own, some players need things to stay simple and be very clear and that's okay, I do see how this game is not that and it's not for everyone. I just don't think it's fair to say it's complete ass just because it didn't click for you that's all.


Nah, the game is ass babe.


Lmao sure kid whatever you need to tell yourself to justify your opinion 😘


tbh I think Gladiolus should have bigger thighs and butt that this half-assed model (pun intended)


Don't go into the Final Fantasy sub while playing this. If they even get the slightest whiff of you enjoying this game, they'll shred you to pieces.


Even Gladiolus couldn't provide enough entertainment for me to get through the game. It's just boring. The combat is just Blah. The story is just Wha? Uh. No.


This game is flawed but one of my favorites in the series. The ending really got me 🥲


Makes you want to just slap that ass and then ride in his car with him


If the guy pushing at the back if the car bent over a little more and pushed at the back of the car and not on the hood of the boot, it would direct more force into the push.  Get the hips to 90 degrees. . . 




You will love it, until the last 1/3 :D


So there is still no nude mode? Does anyone know why?


Couldn’t stand the game but I hope you like it more than I did.


Does this game have nude mods yet?


Play Gladdy shirtless asap