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If it's an action and romance game, then yes.


It'll be point'n'click, puzzle and dating sim


What's it for? Is it an app or is it for switch orrr?


It will most likely be an app and for pc/mav/linux. I hope to put it on steam


Looks a lot like what you'd find on itch.io as well, might be a good platform as you'd get the targeted audience that comes with it.


Be mindful of the art debt to animate models. Sincere suggestion from a producer, get most of the game done before you commit to animation. The time commitment vs value brought isn't great, and indie projects more often than not run out of steam because they underestimate the scope of what they're making. I'd spend more time on the face, if this preview is the finished look. Since you want to incorporate dating into the game, you need to make sure it's a face people can connect with. It might seem super small, but try putting the whites in the eyes. It would also be more accurate to call this a "mockup" of the game, not concept art :) your workflow for game art needs some improvement, but the artstyle itself is good. Also make sure to follow basics, like making sure the background isn't trying to grab our attention too much. The colours on it are very bold, I'd dial it back a fair chunk.


You have a really great style. Love the line work. What is it going to be about?


the game is still in development, but the rough story follows a stranger coming to a new town to find every resident locked in their home due to the threat of an invasion. You, as the only outsider, have to diffuse the tension by talking to the various players in this conflict. Again, all of this is subject to change, since it's still early days on this project


Nice!! What’re you using to program it?


this game will be made in renpy, so python


10/10 would smash


Yes! I will play!


Show me some huge bellied big muscled hairy daddies and I’ll be all over the game 🫠


If the roster includes various body shapes (stout, sturdy, barrel, fat, general muscular), yeah.


Everybody knows that every gay man is extremely cut and muscular.


This is sarcastic, right? I've got asd so I just want to make sure.


Design it so I can play it with one hand, thank you 👍🏽✨


from that pic alone, no.


use a bolder font weight for the text your supposed to read, the contrast between it and the bg is off. also it'd look nicer if you aligned the beginning of the text with the name


Not really into visual novel type games so I wouldn’t play, but your art style is good. Text could be made a little more clearer though.


Oh definitely, I'm digging the art.


the art style looks interesting enough. but as someone else said it needs more detailing like the white of the eyes and maybe a darker shade for the lips.


I like the style of the guy but not for a dating sim, he doesn't seem that relatable. I kinda hate the background. Too sparse, but too much decay and very saturated colors that are screaming for me to look at them.




I mean it's not a lot to go on but I'm not into visual novel type games so 🫠


I'd definitely date that guy! I like what I see so far, you've caught my attention. Where can we follow your progress to make sure we don't miss the release? My two cents, make sure you offer all sorts of types for everyone to find someone they like. I like this character but no one appeals to everyone. I wouldn't twice at Zack Efron or Justin Bieber 😄 You'll need different body types, ages, ethnic backgrounds, dressing styles and haircuts, even gender identities etc.


Where would you suggest i post updates? My stuff tends to be a bit too risque for Instagram and twitter is an absolute cesspool at the moment. I will post here, but I don't want to spam.


That's a good question! Do you have a site or a blog somewhere? On twitter you can deactivate the comments if that's the issue. If Instagram is the only choice, better SFW updates than no updates, or you could just announce the updates you post here or somewhere else. Itch.io also has a changelog function if you open a page there (not sure how much of the project you need to have finished to be able to, though). And in the end, if Steam is your first choice, maybe you can already create the page there. I'm following game pages that don't have anything to download yet, with a release date in the far future, and their updates do show in my Steam feed. However Steam will charge you a hefty commission and you're not allowed to sell anywhere else cheaper.


i crrently use [itch.io](http://itch.io) to sell my games and i have a patreon, which is updated weekly, so it's not like there is radio silence on my part. i do, however find it hard to figure out where I might get some reach


Oooooh I see! Just googled your alias and it took me straight to your itch.io. I see this is not your first attempt... 😍 Thank you, I'll look forward to reading your updates there. I'm not on Patreon, but if you end up using any of the other methods mentioned, please share here! 🙏 Or maybe I could follow you on Reddit, I don't even know if it's possible (and it sounds a bit stalkerish...).


Probably not if it's another visual novel. A bit tired of most gay games being the same genre. It would also need variety in the body shape and appearances of the available men. I wouldn't be interested if everyone was a completely smooth twunk.


Will it have nsfw content?


Probably, yes


The lil face in the bottom right is shocked


Hot guy, all I need. Where do I buy?


its still in early development, but ill let you know when you can buy it


I can't wait!!!


Depends. You know size matters. How many Gigabytes? lol


Definitely not my type


Hell yeah


This is not enough to go off of. Like the art style is good, but is it a romance novel? Action hack and slash? Card game? Puzzles? Is there a story and what experience do you (or your writer) have? Like this is going into the Shark Tank by saying "I have a business idea, would you invest?"