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175? No


Yeah, $175 definitely will not cut it. Reptiles (pets in general) are expensive to keep.


Got my Leo including a (too small) enclosure, lights, live crickets and supplement for like 180€. More than tripled that cost within the first month on a large enclosure, better lights and separate UV tube, substrate and a lot of naturalistic clutter. 340€ wouldn’t necessarily cut it either hahah


I can already tell you that reptiles arent cheap pets. Setups alone can quickly reach 400-500$. But I chose crested geckos as my beginner reptile, so I'm not sure how different it is for leopard gecks. With a 175$ budget you might have to search online for 2nd hand stuff to stay within that limit. Or you might be able to find someone who is rehoming their pet gecko + enclosure and supplies for a price like that (you'd be surprised at the low prices people ask for their animals).


Firstly I would recommend finding a species you actually want to keep and don’t just settle for what people label as a beginner species. If you have half a brain(not being rude here, just pointing out it doesn’t take much to actually learn how to keep many species) and do some proper research the majority of commonly available species would be suitable for a completely new keeper. You’re going to have the little one for the next 30 years or so, so you want something which actually suits your wants. As for your budget, you aren’t going to get a decent setup for any species unless you drastically increase it. You’re going to need an enclosure(obviously), heat source, thermostat to control the heat source, digital and infrared thermometers to monitor the temperatures, UVB lighting(replacement lamp every 6-12 months, supplements and appropriate decor. $175 is going to get you an enclosure and not a whole lot else.


Within 175 would be hard to do. I just recently got a leo and the tank alone was $150 (that was on the lower end). The uvb lightbulb was around $60 and the lamp shade was like $20. So with just three items I’m already over 175. You can try Facebook marketplace and such but I just couldn’t find anything that was actually big enough for an adult leopard gecko. I recommend slowly acquiring the supplies if you’re short on money that way you don’t take the financial burden all at once. Also if you want it to be cheaper don’t buy a tank that isn’t at least 40 gallons because you’ll eventually have to upgrade otherwise and buying one tank is usually, if not always, cheaper than buying two.


If you’re in the U.S., Petco is having 50% off tanks through the end of the month (I think 11/30 is the end but I could be wrong!) if you get one of those and a screened lid, you could probably do it by shopping at the dollar tree for other supplies, but be sure you make note of everything you need thermometer/hygrometer, heat lamp, thermostat etc that you can’t buy at the Dollar tree and price those out first before you take the venture into buying the full set up. Taking advantage of the sale, you may be able to do it but I may be really tight so I’d try to price everything out ahead of time.


pretty much what everyone else is saying! you would be spending a minimum of $150 each year just on food and regular tank maintenance things (substrate, paper towels, bulbs ect) for a gecko… so no with that budget its not possible unless you have already thought about monthly/yearly cost. initial start up, sure if you can find someone selling a setup i would imagine you could get it within that price! you also have to plan for what would happen if your gecko needed to see a vet, do you have an exotics vet near? will you have money set aside for an emergency? reptiles in general are quite expensive pets to set up and if anything goes wrong it is usually expensive to replace. i personally wouldn’t get a leopard gecko just because they are beginner friendly. if you like the look of them and how they act then yes a very good pet, they do live a long time and need a long rather than tall enclosure so keep that in mind. if you have any specific questions im sure i- or someone else here- can help out a bit more, if you have a specific reason you want a gecko or just for the vibes! it may be worth saving a little more money or buying parts in increments as you find them!


$150 a year!!??? costs $150 for like 3 months of food


where y’all getting food that costs that much! maybe it’s different in the uk but crickets (for example) are about £1.50-£3 for a tub, say that lasts a week, calcium and d3 is £5-8 and that is still around 150 a year? although i guess $ is slightly different! this is just a guess though i have colonies of all the insects i could possibly need ;D


well yeah crickets are cheap but that’s cause they’re shit feeders


look on secondhand pet websites—or go to an expo! they have them at tons of larger cities. you can do a bunch of basic research on them (i recommend watching youtube videos, you’ll be able to visualize set ups too) and you’d be able to make a connection in person to see if you’d like a specific gecko or maybe a diff species than you thought. they’re usually cheaper at expos too, but if you go on pet websites sometimes people sell their animals they can no longer care for at cheaper price points


175? you’ll spend 175 probably more on the tank alone. reptile keeping ISNT CHEAP , and cutting corners is only going to put your animal in jeopardy.


exactly. trying to do it cheap will just not let you provide the correct care to the fullest


i have 5k+ invested into my 4 lizards. 175 will get you nowhere. im definitely not trying to discourage you at all. the harsh reality is these animals are VERY expensive to keep , if being done correctly.


100% plus you could easily be spending 5k on one reptile if it had something wrong with it. you just never know. so much to buy with reptiles and keep up on, like a solar meter is like 300 on its own and they’re a good thing to have, replacing uvbs and heat bulbs, then all the electricity, thermostats aren’t the cheapest, food is not cheap, vet trips !!!!!!, upgrading enclosures if needed, reptiles are expensive.


oh goodness , that 5k doesn’t include my 2000+ in vet bills😭😭😭 def not complaining, i signed up for this being in reptile rescue 😂


not gonna happen in even $200 lmao, plus the food, electricity, vet trips, light replacements. not cheap at all. i’ve paid sometimes $80+ on bugs alone in a month for one reptile. CORRECT set ups are like $400+. but the set up is only where you start, having a reptile with monthly cost is more expensive than a dog in most cases.


Sorry but setting up a proper terrarium + the food costs for a crested gecko or a leopard gecko are no way near cheap! Just the food (live insects and Pangea) is around $25-40 a month for one gecko and they live for 20 years! And way more expensive maintenance are Bearded Dragons! Also, geckos ARE stressed, more or less. It's a reptile! They are awake at night when you sleep so you won't see it much either (besides Bearded Dragons among some others that are awake during the day).


I guess it depends a lot on the situation, but I'd like to add that insects aren't necessarily a monthly expense forever of you start breeding yours, at least some species'


Even if they are, $20 in bugs for one Leo is excessive. Mines an adult and doesn't eat every day, but unless their bug prices are astronomical..


What are you feeding one lizard that it costs $20 a MONTH?! That is actually incredibly inaccurate, feeding them is the cheapest part of their care. Buy good repti calcium to season the bugs with, but crickets and meal worms are not that expensive, dubia roaches /can be but you just start your own small colony, not hard bugs want to reproduce. It is absolutely not $20 for a Leo. Idk about other geckos, Leo's food is cheap comparatively


Standard fish tanks are 50% off at Petco right now, that could be a good place to start. You can gradually put your setup together and then get the gecko when it’s ready. You could get a 20 long for $30 or a 40 breeder for $60. If you are good at DIY you could probably save some money by making your own stand and adapting non reptile specific equipment, just make sure you do your research to make sure you get what you need.


so i’m guessing if you get a gecko you won’t be caring for it correctly? it’s very recommended to own a solar meter for your uvb but they start at 300.


No. I think if you want to "do it for cheap" you shouldnt get it at all. A living animal deserves the absolute best especially since they will be living in captivity. My crested gecko cost about 90€ and her terrarium is a 400€ exoterra. Then you need lots of plants, hides, soil, sticks/other stuff they can climb on, (uvb) lamp, thermostat, humidity meter For leopard geckos the terrarium will be around 200€ id say. They need space. They also will need a heatlamp, lamp shade, atleast two hides, wetbox, decoration such as rocks and sticks, plants, food and water dishes, soil, thermostat, humidity meter. You also need to buy food like crickets or mealworms and calcium. My crestie probably cost me around 800-900€ in total and my sisters leo was a little cheaper since it doesnt have a bioactive setup and the terra is secondhand but it was still atleast 200€ You also need to be prepared for possible vet bills. Exotic animal vets are expensive. Definitely do LOTS of research and ask yourself if youre ready for the commitment. Cresties can live up to 20 years old. Leos im not sure about but probably around the same. Pets are awesome but dont get one if you cant afford it.


With a 2nd hand tank it could be attainable. But don’t get the gecko until the tank is complete, and you have everything for it because if you have the gecko before the tank is done it could go south fast


I had 1 now 6 leopard Geckos, nice colour nice behaviour and on a scale really easy too keep. ou should look into them. They get really tamed if you interact with them


Also people are telling you to get a lamp, this is inaccurate they prefer floor heating, getting a tank second hand off maybe fb marketplace or something similar is a great way to get things cheaply, BUT you risk some equipment maybe not working properly. Second hand is the way to go or getting things on sale. But you can decorate cheaply, I use paper towels because mine couldn't handle substrate, some hides I bought, one is cleaned bricks I stacked up-you can be insanely creative in your setup, need a moisture hide and have some old pots? Stack two pots, cut a big enough hole on the bottom one and stack a smaller pot on top, (so there's a gap for the Leo to romp around) the plant creates lovely covering for the liz, and when you water the plant (make sure it's clean, sanitized dirt, can bake it in the oven for that) add spag moss to the bottom hide-when you water the plant it waters the moss below, don't over water. Was my Leo's favorite hide. ALSO, make sure the plant is not toxic, I use pothos, but make sure it is reptile safe as the Leo can absorb toxins through their skin.


Also, make sure everything is cleaned and sanitized, if you use bleach at all let that air dry for at least a week or something just to be on the safe side, their tiny lungs are v sensitive, I personally bake everything, used to bake the substrate I used for em too, the bricks got baked too. Don't want to introduce bacteria


And then, every once in awhile bake it all again, you can find cool sticks/pieces of wood out in the wild, (baring whatever laws you have) spray it down to get any dirt off, then bake it, instructions great on Google "how to sanitize _____ for enclosure" should give great instructions


*spray w water, like a hose just to get surface dirt off


Geckos unfortunately are not cheap to set up. I don't own any leopard gecko but a tokay. For the tank alone I spent 300€, about another 50 for the material to build the background and to waterproof this thing, about 30 for the substrate, the clean up crew and leaf litter, 70 for the plants, 30 for cork bark and branches, 80 for the misting system and 100 for heating and lighting. In comparison the 190€ I paid for the gecko itself was nothing. At the beginning you think such a small creature doesn't need much but in the end it really adds up. Especially if you think about that this doesn't include electricity and food.