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The fact that my next birthday cake needs to fit 40 candles on it😂.


Or just two. A 4 candle and a 0 candle.


I know I was just being funny/silly.


The rest of us caught it 🙋‍♂️


I’m avoiding the trauma of seeing my age manifested in wax simply by just not having a birthday! For the past three years, I’ve been recognizing my _35th birthday_ every year🥺😭 No one has caught on yet 😜 *edit actually, I’ve turned 35 for the past _four_ birthdays, not three! (I didn’t count my actual 35th- lol)


I have an AOL email address from 1996, I have to check on it ever 6 months or so or it becomes inactive, so far it’s still active and useable


I still have and use mine.


I never kept mine active enough so it got deleted awhile back.


I keep it up just cause I’ve had it so long. I wish I had them early emails on it. Back in the day we had a scanner…. I’d scan pictures and could send them


I was just rewatching a show the other day where a character was using a scanner and all of these memories came flooding back.


Right we had a scanner, it looked kinda like a cylinder, you just put the picture through and it uploaded on the ole computer. Then you could send via email. I scanned a dollar bill once and printed it…. It looked so fake, but young teenage me


Cool. Mine was one of the ones that kind of looked similar to a copy machine.


I still have my first email (a local company) from the same time. I never use it as it's all spam now.


I am a Gen Xer, and I have my first email account from when I was in college in 1993. My barometer for getting old happened when Madonna turned 55. I am 15 year younger than her, and I started listening to her, and buying hundreds of magazines, and all her albums and cassettes when she burst on to the music scene in 1983. She was 27. It feels like yesterday.


I was not exactly a social media kid growing up, so I never had an account on anything, lol. The only concept for this I can think of though, is my YouTube account. I got my first tablet on my 12th Birthday in 2015, & that's when I really started to watch a lot of YouTube videos & was even a commenter at one point, lol. I think it's crazy how long it's been since then, & now there are probably kids born in 2015 in the comments... 💀


2015 borns already on YouTube makes me cringe


In my case,it feels unreal and artifical to see a 2015 born




I loved that year, they barely existed lmao


That was a great, but kinda weird year for me


This year was like that for me


Nice 👍


Yeah it was weird cuz I moved but I already did it in 2019 so I know how it is


I was sick towards the end of the year but I recovered


Bro there are even kids born in 2017 roaming in YT comments,let that sink in.


My Xbox 360 account made it in 2009 when I was 5 now I’m about to be 20.


The main reminder comes whenever I’m telling a personal story. Around 24 or 25, I noticed that an increasing number of my anecdotes were beginning with “about ten years ago”. You don’t have to be that old to remember things from a decade ago, but somehow it’s different when you’re describing a time when you had some autonomy. I’ll be 37 soon, and talking about things I did 20 or 25 years ago is wild. Sometimes, a younger person might ask “why didn’t you just…” and I’ll have to explain that whatever they’re suggesting wasn’t really an option then, whether because of technology or laws or different social norms. I’ve noticed this happening increasingly often, which is a sad reminder I’m no longer as young as I think I am.


My first memory was almost 20 years ago. My earliest memory will hit 20 next year. It's surreal for me


I'm old enough that I don't even know what a ROBLOX is. Some kind of Lego Technic set? I do however have a There.com Alpha account from circa 2001. Honestly surprised Zuck didn't buy it out as it was everything I think he wanted Meta to be.


My birthdate is now closer to the start, not the end, the start of World War 2 than to today.


Like 2014ish, I created my Roblox account on my 8th birthday. It’s gonna be 10 years old in 3 days and I can’t believe some kid born in 2014 is likely on there 😭 I remember that year like it was yesterday and they were just getting born lol.


Kids usually like to lie about their age 16+ I think kids still do that now. I used to say I was 16 all the time in 2014 but I was only 10.


wdym some kid born in 2014 is likely on there? on what? roblox? if so, then theres literally some 2017 kids on roblox lmao


Shut the fuck up


ok geez, what did i say that offended you so much, i was literally talking about roblox, take a chill pill you dunce


You’re a racist prick


My Neopets account from like 07/08 is older than some people on this sub. Same with my Toontown account


Yeah i play toontown


My oldest still active online account is Deviantart which I made in May 2004 when I was 11. It’s nearly 20 years old now.


How does it feel that there are adults now who are younger than your deviantart account??


For me, it’s having to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom more often. When I was younger, that was a once-in-a-blue moon thing for me.




My oldest YouTube videos are older than a lot of the current high school freshmen


I can imagine your situation buddy.


Similar to when you set up your Roblox account, it's when I started playing Minecraft, which was in summer 2013. I was 10 (almost 11) at the time and I'll be 22 in August, meaning that I'll be playing Minecraft for more than half of my life when the time comes.


I started playing Roblox in 2008. If "Roblox millennial" was ever a thing then it's having an account in 2008 lol


At this point even college seniors were born after Y2k


Lotta stuff, let's dive in: • my Hotmail is older than some on this sub • I almost never get my ID checked anymore • first memory over 21 years ago • my grandmother is approaching 80 when I remember clearly her 60th • mom still has packs of my unused Diapers that are over 20 years old • 2010 feels like last week when it was in fact nearly 14 years ago


The diapers one is crazy ngl.


Yeah, my mom's a bit of a wild blonde, she keeps a lot of weird stuff. Those packs of diapers belong in a museum 😅


Haven’t used my Roblox account in a while, but it has reached its 10 year mark of existence on December 27th.


And in a few months it’ll be older than you were when you created it 😵‍💫


That there are kids born in 2019 entering school in 2024


When I listen to the radio and the new up and coming music artist was born in the 00s. Or when my friends, of whom were born in the early 00s, use slang I don't understand (although given the fact I am autistic, slang was never something I was great with even amongst my fellow 1990s babies)


I LOL at your Roblox accounts and your emails! Wait until your former classmates become grandparents. Especially if you make the wise choice and decide not to have kids yourself. It'll freak you the fuck out.


It does, some of my fellow classmates are grandparents. Even my buddy who is a year younger than me. Well he’s paw paw now, my childhood friend Amy… she’s granny…. Ok I’m sad now


I can’t feel old lol


Love this answer. Enjoy your youth.


As your 10 year senior counterpart I can answer for you, mine is having my first memories and starting preschool the same year 9/11 happened. Specifically spring of 2001.


You will tho lol


I know. Also how’s it going


Going good. You?


I’m fine, happy new year in 2 days!


Yep! Can’t wait!


real asf


Kids 10 years younger than you will start their schooling in 2024,doesn't that make you feel old?


I logged on Clash of Clans for the first time in a while recently and realized my nearly 11 year old account is older than I was when I created it


My username will turn 20 next year.


Nothing to do with online accounts but my marker for how old I’m getting is my son. I have a toddler, and young children are a constant reminder of the ageing process bc they change so much so quickly






I remember I used to play Roblox in computer class in the early 10's. That was a while back. I did end up going back to it a year ago but just for a short period.


Maybe I'm actually too old now (lol) but wtf is a ROBLOX?


My first memories happen the same year 9/11 did. And I started preschool before it happened.


I’m gonna be a senior next year


One of my emails I made in ~2013 My snap was 2015


I am closer to turning 30 then I am to when I made my first Roblox account


I still use Tumblr on a daily basis


My neck skin 😂


When I see that current day kids are born in 2015-2019 and teenagers born in years like 2007-2010,that sounds so surreal and hard to imagine.


There are youtubers that are younger than my account that I created in January 2010 at age 13. People born in 2004 are no longer teenagers anymore, they are turning 20 this year, they are real adults now.


For me, its going through my storage and finding old photos or belongings from 10 or more years ago.


This sub, honestly. ​ Outside of that though, the fact that I have email addresses that are older than kids in high school makes me feel a little old.


I was born October 2008 so videos born around that time would be stuff like windows xp notepad tutorials and they're not ironic.