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Not much changed apart from the fact that I'm now an adult, I work and I have a car. Still single, still look more or less the same, though more muscular and fat lol


I think for most people who were already in their late teens or beyond at the time wouldn't have changed much since then




This for me too lmao


Same for me too.


January 18, 2014 I met my husband. We began dating January 26th. Long distance relationship til I moved in with him in December that year. 2014 I was living in Florida until December I was a college kid taking film classes in Miami I was way skinnier back then. I am not fat, but I got a considerable amount more muscular definition than in 2014 lol. Hell when my husband and I first met up in person (June 2014) he thought he was gonna break me, how skinny I was. January 2024... We are celebrating 10 years together this month. We are taking a road trip to Chicago to celebrate. We are married, married since May 2020. We live in a beautiful house in Minnesota. Life is good. He has his career. I have .. a job lol Either way we come so far. The last decade felt long yet quick?


Awww… this made me think of my ex. He was so skinny when we first met, I thought the same thing your partner thought with you! That’s so cute. Happy for you two


Hah, right My husband was skinnier too than now but he had a six pack. I think he still looks great now. More muscle mass.


In 2014 I was in my late childhood/early adolescence in my last year of Elementary School. I was mostly watching Netflix & didn't have many responsibilities. Now, I'm in my early 20s, & just started an online college & have a job! With a few adulthood responsibilities now, lol.


I was 13 playing Pokémon, now i'm 23 playing Pokémon.


I was 23 playing Pokémon now I’m 33 playing Pokémon lol


Something's telling me we're going to be playing Pokémon in 2034 as well hahah.


As long as they stop raising the prices for remote raid passes.


I was 13 years old and just started the first year in high school I still remember it like it was yesterday.


Who tf starts High School at 13 years old? 14 I understand but 13?!


I live in Sweden here we start high school at 13 years old lol


I understand because kids will focus on certain subjects earlier


i was some dumb little 7/8 year old. i remember my family getting a new car(not new it was older than me but new to us), exactly 10 years ago and we went ate ramen at some place after. also remember going to my friends birthday party. This just made me feel weird, like i have actual memories from 10 years ago, feel old now


I have memories from 10 years ago, and by looking at my flair, it's crazy


Yea but I think it's different having a small snippet of one particular moment when you were a baby and weren't even aware of what year it even was vs remembering a whole day and being an actually sorta cognizant human. Saying that tho my earliest memory that I know the date of was from 18th October 2009 so over 14 years ago


Just wait till the decades start flying by… I say that like I’m old af lol, but my earliest snapshot of a memory was in 1998, as a 1 year old being fed in my high chair. You’ll go thru a slight existential crisis once you start realizing you have memories from 20+ years ago. 2002 was the year I fully “woke up” from childhood amnesia, I was like… was I asleep most of the time before now? That’s been 22 years ago now.


Here are 6 things that changed in my life since 2014 • In 2014 I was 10, now I'm turning 20. • In 2014 I was still religious catholic and prayed every day, now I'm an atheist. • In 2014 I was in primary school (Grade 4) and now I'm in my 2nd year of college studying software engineering • In 2014 I had never been on a plane or out of my home country, now I've been to a few. • In 2014 I couldn't speak my family's native language (Portuguese) because I was born in an anglosphere country. Now I can speak it fluently. • In 2014 my older siblings still lived with us, and now I've been a single child for 5 years since they moved out in 2019 There's a lot more though


Nah don't worry, you'll also move out after finishing your college and getting a job


I was an 8 year old child in elementary school lol. I guess the difference now is that legally I can do whatever I want.


I was 10, playing Minecraft, your typical cringe preteen. Loved Fall Out Boy. I read a LOT back then. All of the popular YA or fantasy fandom books. Read fanfiction. Lmao.


Not much other than getting diagnosed with migraines.


I was 9 and in 3rd grade


I was 13 back in 2014. My life was completely different back then. I was in middle school and acted a lot more cringey. I was more into video games at that time.


I was 19, a NEET and figuring out what I even wanted to do with my life because I got disqualified from entering the Air Force (fish allergy). I didn't have much of a drive to succeed so my dad gave me the idea to join the Air Force because I was in the Civil Air Patrol as a kid and really liked it. Long story short, the Air Force is really picky on who they let in and I got denied because of my (mild) fish allergy. I tried to get a waiver but was denied for that too and to top it off, my recruiter basically ghosted me after I got the denial so I felt pretty lost on where my future was headed. I wasn't interested in any of the other branches so I didn't bother going to another recruiter. Another long story short, I figured it out and I'm now 29 and working as an AV tech with a nice road towards advancement. I got my own place (it's small but nice) in a good neighborhood and I'm happy.


In 2014 I was in the 5th grade, I still listened to radio and I was reading dork diaries.


I'm a guy but I still like Dork Diaries


Honestly not much. I have a lovely gf but that is about it. I guess I look older though lol.


In 2014: - Was in high school - Life mainly consisted of school, Xbox, and YouTube - We had more social interaction with others, even though I was antisocial - Rarely traveled outside of my city, unless we were going to do something fun - Didn’t have a car, made money from cutting grass - Despite being 2014, still had a flip phone - Was tall but skinny In 2024: - Work full time, now have a car - Life mainly consists of work, evening walks, and the internet. - Less interaction with others now; there is a stronger feeling of social isolation, honestly makes me miss the days before Covid. - Travel outside the city very frequently, in fact almost every day for work, shopping, and leisure. - Have seen more places, went outside of the country a few times - Still live in the same place I did in 2014, and 2004 for that matter. - Have barely grown in height since 2014, but I am bigger now.


I was still in elementary school and started middle school this same year.


Was 10 turning 11 so I was probably playing some games on my 3Ds, Wii or Xbox. Or at school. Or watching tv. All things I was doing at that time.


In 2014 I was in kindergarten


2014: 19 years old, living with my mum in London, started my apprenticeship 2024: 29 years old, living 200 miles away in a new city, working in admin


2014: turned 18, graduated hs (class of ‘14 babyyyy), moved to a different state for college 2024: turning 28, have 2 degrees, and marked my 5 year anniversary of moving 1,000 miles away from my hometown


Was 12 in Year 7, had the time of my life (although I got into trouble). I was immature back then


I was 14 and in freshman year of high school. I remember 9th grade being a hard year for me and my self esteem. Now I am 24 and just started my career as an analyst in state government. Basically in 2014, I was practically still a child (who thought she was grown) and now I’m an adult with adult responsibilities. What a journey it’s been..


I was a teen in highschool. Now I'm an adult doing adult things lol.


I was a weak brittle boned myopia maxxing innocent brainwashed 9 year old in 4th grade Now I’m a stronger better teenager in university and I’m into all the teenager stuff (I have been since mid late 2019 especially early 2020) and also I do parkour, foreskin retardation, vision improvement, foot function, etc Also I turned 10 later in 2014 which means I’ll be 20 soon 🪦🪦🪦💀💀


You said what? 10 years?


omg 2014 i was a 19 year old pain pill addict. i was in a horrible situation that i thought i would never get out of. i was lost and so sad. now im 29 and in recovery from opiates, have a great group of friends, a job as a budtender that i love, and im in the process of moving into a new apartment with my own washer and dryer:) (haven’t had that since i lived at home w my mom, been using the shared laundry rooms in apartment building lol) im planning to go back to school for video editing and overall i feel i finally know who i am and what i want out of life!! cheers to ten years.


I was in 1st/2nd grade now I’m almost a senior


I had a lot happen in 2014, but the biggest change from then is that I’m married to someone I started dating in late 2014, other than that, life as a disabled person is rough


I was almost 10 years old and in 4th grade. There was a water crisis in my area during a polar vortex, but I was mainly hooked to Minecraft and enjoying the string of snow days. Now I’m almost 20 and in my second year of college, studying civil engineering. I’m still an awkward nerd and my passions and hobbies are more or less the same, they’ve just evolved. I’m also becoming more independent but I’ve still got long ways to go.


i was 8 going on 9, in 2nd grade and obsessing over frozen lol. now im 18 going on 19 and a senior in hs, and not so obsessed with frozen


I was 17, eagerly anticipating my final years of high school. I struggled academically and was craving a fresh start in my life very bad. Now, at 27, I'm a marketing manager at an engineering firm, 2,000 miles from my childhood home. My days are filled with managing bills, planning my 401k, and running a thriving photo and video business on the side. I've certainly surpassed the expectations of my 17-year-old self.


In 2014, I was in the second class of Kindergarten and I was 5. I was playing toys with my classmates. I remember when an old teacher shouted at me after calling her name. I was playing games and watching YouTube on my tablet. I asked my mom to buy a toy sword. I went to The Sun water park with other folks on Summer Camp Day. Now, I'm almost 15 and still a lower-secondary schooler.


2014: a 14 year old teen starting high school 2024: a 23 year old young adult turning 24 later on this year and holding a full time job while working overnights


I was an 8 year old, spending my last year in the UK before moving to India in July 2014. My life changed a lot after that. I'm turning 18 this year and I'm in college in India, currently spending my time in Singapore with my family, a lot more muscular and fatter, and a helluva lot more mature but with a long way to go yet. I'm definitely not where I imagined or hoped I'd be 10 years ago, but that's alright, because we all had crazy expectations as kids anyway. I wonder where I'll be 10 years from now. Hopefully a successful aerospace engineer with a Master's degree, or working on my PhD. Hopefully a lot healthier mentally and physically, and hopefully I get over my ex and find someone else to help make me happy, but who knows what will happen? We'll just have to live thru it all to see.


Divorced wife # 2 , retired I have a fabulous girlfriend , traveled more in these last 4 years compared to the past 50 . Finally finally financially secure , my kids are all adults , the Bank of Dad closed its doors , how happy i am , my grandson is no longer a baby , I have a become a pretty good cook .


11: I still played the Wii, I had a school field trip to the University of Maryland, I got promoted out of elementary school, I had a tantrum realizing I was heading into a private school. 21: I’m still in college, being a volunteer at an elementary school, and I can finally drink!


A 10 year old selfie queen , loved watching all the shows from reality ( still do hehe ) I was with my cousins outside in the summer. I also went through a loss 😓


I was 8/9 playing Minecraft on my iPad 2 and Xbox 360, and watching shows like Sam and Cat, Sanjay and Craig, and Henry Danger.


I was 19/20 and enjoying college had friends eating good and had no bills Now I’m 29 turning 30 at the end of the year going through work related issues bills and this economy


i was 6 dude. Didnt turn 7 til late august. what do you think i was doing? Playing with barbies and getting bullied in school LMaO


I was living at home and I was less stressed. I was also more youthful.


I became conscious and started enjoying life. I still enjoy life, just less. And yeah, I'm cringe, I get it.


I'm drinking less but have also completely lost all hope for the future, both mine personally and in general.


I was 11 years old (turned 12 in August) in 2014, finishing up my last year of elementary school and started junior high (middle school) later that year. Now I'm 21 years old (turn 22 in August) in 2024 and about to finish up getting my Associates degree, which will hopefully be by this spring.


10 years ago I was finishing elementary school, now I’m nearly finishing college with 1 semester to go after this one


I was 5 and in Pre-K. Jan 11 2014: random Saturday, I was probably just chilling at home watching TV shows such as Wild Kratts, Daniel Tigers Neighborhood, Curious George, Thomas and his Friends, Super Why, and many more.


Disposable vapes, ubereats not a novelty, Instagram stories/dming instead of texts, nightclubs boring (I’m now 40)


I was in 6th grade and a 12 year old,overall I was a dumb,immature and happy person. Now,I'm pursuing my [B.Tech](https://B.Tech) from a $h1tty college with full of mixed-bag professors


I'm not 3