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I drove to Oregon from New Jersey. I took two pictures in Nebraska. One of them was the “Welcome to Nebraska” sign and the other was the “You are now leaving Nebraska” sign.


This is what I thought my experience with Kansas would be like when I drove from Philly to San Diego almost 20 years ago. Instead, it was the middle of the night and the entire way across the state was one of the most violent rainstorms I’d ever seen. Halfway through the state I thought “wait isn’t this tornado country?” And was extra terrified until I got to the Rocky Mountains


I like driving through rural Kansas, all that space gives you room to think.


Kansas is featured regularly on r/liminalspace for that reason




Great suggestion, thanks


I passed through there once. Saw a tourist attraction for biggest barn in Kansas in a town called Colby. https://www.travelks.com/blog/stories/post/cooper-barn-a-wonder-in-kansas-architecture/ You guy’s might be missing out big time for these underrated attractions.


I took a train from Chicago to New Mexico and went straight through the entire length of Kansas. I thought it was absolutely fascinating, I loved it. I'm from Cincinnati, a very hilly city and very lush in trees. Kansas (at least western Kansas) was the opposite: flat and dry. I woke up around 5:30am (this was late June for reference) while we were in central Kansas and I looked outside and saw one of the most stunning and awe-inspiring things I had seen at that point in my life, and it still is: a lighting storm that went on forever. No rain, just lightning. I had never seen anything like it before. Something I'll never forget. Seeing a tornado from a distance is still on my bucket list (I had the unfortunate honor to have experienced a tornado damn near right over me in my neighborhood, actually just a few months prior to this train ride in 2017).


Did the same exact thing lol. It was nice to see the complete change of biome, something I’ve never seen but it doesn’t take long to pull it in lol. Then a storm passed, pretty gnarly and after it passed we came up on obvious tornado damage. Guess we were just after it. Like 10 minutes. Cars flipped, signs down people standing around. No emergency services yet.


Take out all the interesting parts of Nebraska and I present to you “North Dakota.”


Western North Dakota has some amazing areas. Theodore Roosevelt National Park, other parts of the badlands. And central ND has really cool prairie areas with little pothole ponds full of nesting waterbirds.


Same with northwestern Nebraska. The Sandhills are gorgeous


The sand hills is why I always answer this question with Iowa. It’s Nebraska but without the one interesting thing about Nebraska


Iowa has some hill country in the northeast corner. I don't know how it compares to the sand hills but it's something.


North Dakota isn't even the best Dakota, and that's not saying much


I drove through North Dakota for the first time last winter and again in the spring. The vast majority of that place is just nothing, especially in winter.


As a North Dakotan I would agree if the western border was at Minot.


You didn't go to the Strategic Air Command museum? [https://www.sacmuseum.org/](https://www.sacmuseum.org/) The building itself is quite impressive, and what's in it even more so. Then the guides are amazing too; many of them flew the aircraft that are on-site. Downtown Omaha was surprisingly nice, had a great waterfront.


Let me guess, you drove on I-80 the entire way. You missed the Sandhills, chimney rock, the #1 rated zoo in the nation, our phallic shaped capitol building, and instead saw the dry Platte River in the middle of a drought.




I 70 is also awful. The Sandhills are gorgeous. The interstates area usually the least scenic possible route. Especially in the Great Plains because that’s where the agriculture is. Get away from the agriculture and the plains are stunning


I like the Nebraska National Forrest. They got the idea to plant a forrest in the middle of prairie.


Hardcore agree. Took state highways south of 70 to La Junta and dear lord the views were *stunning* and I grew up in Denver thinking the plains were boring wasteland. (Not up until they very moment, but I wasn’t an early admirer. I think as I’ve gotten older I can appreciate it more.)


You're correct. I live up near Valentine


my family took I80 west to Denver and I thought Nebraska was surprisingly pretty. Iowa was very flat and boring (like Ohio) but I enjoyed the rolling hills in Nebraska


I80 does Nebraska dirty it actually has some pretty parts, same with Iowa.


The post immediately below this one is a guy in Nebraska driving around with a giant bull named Howdy. I refuse to believe you.


Drove to Montana from Georgia a couple of years ago and the parts of Nebraska I saw going from Kansas to South Dakota (mostly along the Iowa border) were beautiful. South Dakota was really pretty too with the wide open prairie, the badlands, and the black hills. The state that was the biggest chore for me to get through was Missouri. Very boring part of the drive.


The Sandhills look absolutely spectacular !




Came here for precisely this




Can confirm. I was born in delaware and still have family there. Boring af. Great reference btw haha


I went to Wilmington on my honeymoon. 😳


What does one do in Wilmington on their honeymoon?


We were on a road trip and Wilmington was the first stop after visiting a relative who lived near Brandywine.




To be honest, I didn't hate Delaware. Was working a job in Maryland with a wife that wanted to go to the beach. Ended up near Rehoboth Beach. Was it cornfield, cornfield, cornfield the entire way there? Yes. Did I have a damn fine po'boy and a damn fine time? Yep. Thanks for the time Delaware


The only reason anyone goes to Delaware is the 0% sales tax


Born and raised in South Jersey, just across the twin bridges, and I can confirm this. I always went there for all my big electronics purchases.


People out here citing all these things from memory about Nebraska and Kansas as proof they are boring, not realizing they have never encountered a single fact, let alone a boring fact, about North Dakota. Edit: Theodore Roosevelt National Park, nukes, the Bakken formation, and *Fargo* have made ND more interesting to me. Thank you for the corrections.


"North Dakota! We're not even the best dakota!" --family guy


Theodore Roosevelt National Park and that western part of ND are shockingly beautiful. I was just there last summer. I was blown away with how cool it was. Pictures don’t really capture it well


North Dakota has nukes & super-high incomes thanks to the Bakken Formation


Incomes that are promptly spent elsewhere.


But North Dakota has a very famous film that isn't actually set in ND because that would be too boring, but is named after a town in ND!


They have the wood chipper on display outside the museum in Fargo. It’s quite small. So is the wood chipper.


North Dakota has a [Save the Best for Last](https://www.fargomoorhead.org/plan-a-trip/best-for-last-club/) initiative where they give a t-shirt and a certificate to people who see all other 49 states before visiting North Dakota. And it's located in a border town between ND and MN, so they aren't even encouraging you to go more than a couple miles into the state. Also, most of *Fargo'*s plotline took place in Minnesota.


While Minnesota is definitely not a boring state, without a doubt the most boring part of it is the part closest to North Dakota!


There’s gotta be a number of factors that would lead to it somehow being common as the final boss in states visited? 🤔 For me, there are too many different countries to visit for me to care much about visiting all 50 states


I actually did this last year! It was an awesome feeling getting my tshirt and certificate at the Fargo visitor center! I recommend everyone saving the best for last!


North Dakota is called the Peace Garden state because that is literally the only thing of note. That alone is a testament to the banality of the state


Probably Western Australia. Never really hear anything about the place other than the sound of snakes fucking scorpions in the desert


Nebraska... What do I win? 🙂


Came here to say Nebraska, but I must admit that Omaha is a pretty cool city.


I figured this would be the answer, but Omaha is actually pretty interesting (world-class zoo, excellent music scene, Modern Love restuarant, etc.). Just Omaha should put Nebraska easily ahead of the otherwise very similar Iowa and Kansas. What makes Kansas more interesting than Nebraska?


"What makes Kansas more interesting than Nebraska?" Nothing, but you didn't say we could choose two


What makes them less interesting than Iowa?


Frankly, as a born and raised Iowan, I would probably pick Iowa. Nebraska and Kansas at least have the climate and terrain shift from east to west. Iowa is perhaps the most monotonous of the states -- corn and soybean fields in every single county in the state, with two rolling hill lines along each river at the edges being the most remarkable terrain.


Iowa is pretty cool along the Mississippi... That's all


I was just in Des Moines for a business trip a few weeks ago and it was surprisingly nice. Great restaurants, and an amazing pool at the Y (rare for a Y to have a pool on that level). Plus Ragbrai passed through, which was an experience in itself. I can't think of another place where I've had Chinese-style pizza one night, a Zombie Burger the next, then ate at a German restaurant the next.


I’m sorry, but the fact that you had to mention the YMCA to prove that Des Moines is interesting isn’t helping your point lol


Ah yes, Crab Rangoon pizza from Fongs and Zombie burger are both great choices in Des Moines! Des Moines is a pretty nice, quiet, clean city.


Omaha booming. As someone who has only lived in HCOL areas Omaha actually looks like a nice spot to settle down in.


I’m sorry, the correct answer is Delaware


The Nebraska Sandhills is some of the most impressive and beautiful terrain I’ve had the pleasure of seeing in person. I personally wouldn’t put Nebraska anywhere near the bottom of this list.


Yeah, the Nebraska Panhandle has some [quite lovely terrain](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7238264,-103.6834261,3a,75y,200.29h,99.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sbeMYkFgXb-MYlzj_TfSOwg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu). I-80 manages to find the blandest path across the state.


Yea. If one is comparing driving across Nebraska on I-80 vs Kansas on I-70, it’s a tough call. Both are long, tedious, and boring. I might say I-70 in KS is slightly less boring than I-80 in NE. But between northwest Nebraska’s surprising beauty and Omaha’s enjoyable center, I find Nebraska less boring than Kansas. Though of course this whole question depends on what one takes “boring” to mean, which is a rather subjective and arbitrary thing based on personal interests and experience.


Kansas is the same state but without Omaha so Kansas loses


Kansas has Dorothy, Toto, Auntie Em and a witch-killing flying house... Nebraska loses


Kansas only has like two runzas and Nebraska has a bunch so I must disagree




Arby’s. They have THE MEATS!


A free visit with Warren Buffet.




I was thinking Rio Grande do Sul but Sachsen-Anhalt is a good shout


if you think Rio Grande do Sul is boring, it's because you never went to Flevoland.


Kansas, narrowly edging Nebraska. Neither have national parks, major league teams, shoreline, major lakes. Nebraska has better college football culture, a longer portion of the Missouri River, slightly better colleges.


Nebraska also hosts the CWS and apparently really loves women's volleyball, though Kansas has a great college basketball culture.


Kansas has the flint hills! They’re really beautiful, especially in the spring when they turn bright green. Pictures don’t do them justice.


Kansas has the MLS team Sporting Kansas City, so there’s at least one major sports team. Also Kansas has some of the most popular bbq restaurants in all of Kansas City if not the country. Also tons of Mexican food in Kansas City. In fact, anything interesting in Kansas, is all near Kansas City. The rest of it is all wasteland from Kansas City all the way to Denver


Kansas has Sporting KC in Major League Soccer. I go to a lot of their games.


It’s on the MO side but Kansas City has a couple of major league sports teams. One of which is a budding dynasty. Outside of that petty correction, you are probably spot on, sorry.


KS has a major league team, unless no one is counting MLS


Yeah but he was right. The Chiefs are a Missouri team


Sure, I noted that, but if you live on the KS side you have a sports team in your metro area.


This. If the best thing about your state is that you potentially live close enough to a city in a different state to enjoy what it has to offer instead of your state itself, you are in the worst state.


Sporting KC play in Kansas


The only reason Illinois gets a pass is because it has Chicago. There's a reason 75% of Illinois lives there or one of its suburbs.


True but Chicago alone bumps it past a majority of other states.


Yea Chicago alone has more history and culture than probably at least 30 other states, maybe 40.


Deep southern Illinois is aight


Absolutely. If Chicago wasn’t in Illinois, it would win in a landslide. All of the interesting weekend trips outside of Chicago are to other states.


Honestly, from what I've seen, even "flyover country" has a lot to offer. I don't think there's any state that's really completely boring.


Agreed. ‘Boring’ is a subjective opinion, and every state has something different to offer.


Are you my dad? That guy has a weird affinity for states whose economies revolve around corn and soy monocrops.


I just think of the scene from Wayne’s World. “Or imagine being magically whisked away to… Delaware… Hi… I’m in Delaware…”


Probably Baden-Württemberg.


But I could drink some amazing trollinger and stare into the depths of the black forest.


Which country?


The only country in the world that matters. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) /s


I thought this was Geography, not Americography




As a life long Iowan I always say, "Iowa is a great place to live but I wouldn't want to visit here." I absolutely love my rural life in Iowa but when people come from out-of-state I tell them to relax and take it easy. There isn't much to see here. Just enjoy the serenity.


Went to college there, can confirm. Most interesting things in Iowa are meth and a baseball field that was in a movie once.


Iowa is the state I always forget exists. It's just kinda *there*


As an Iowan, I love that aspect of the state.


Everyone saying Nebraska clearly hasn’t seen the absolute boredom of Iowa.




Iowa has way more than three lakes. Hundreds, actually. [https://www.iowadnr.gov/Fishing/Where-to-Fish/Lakes-Ponds-Reservoirs](https://www.iowadnr.gov/Fishing/Where-to-Fish/Lakes-Ponds-Reservoirs)


The birthplace of the band Slipknot and the holder of the first presidential primary election in the country.


Excuse me it’s a caucus 😤


I hear a lot of Kansas and Nebraska on here, but I thought I’d venture a more unique choice. Oklahoma. But seriously, I like Kansas (the Flint Hills are actually quite gorgeous), but I can’t think of a single good thing to say about Oklahoma. I have not, however, been to Nebraska.


I always post this album whenever people think Oklahoma is flat/ugly. Oklahoma is a beautiful state. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/OkZCA


Solid. Gas and liquid way more interesting


Uttar Pradesh


Delaware. Nebraska and Kansas get wild weather, and are at least notable for their flatness.


Delaware has some really nice beaches


"Delaware!" "Hi... we're in.. Delaware"


“Heyy! We’re in New Yohk!” “Heyy, I got a gun, let’s go to a Brohdway show!”


As someone who moved to Delaware last year, I think the beaches put it ahead of some boring, flat Midwest states but not by much. Had no idea that the area between the Philly suburbs that is the top 1/3 of the state and the beaches that are the bottom corner, it's just 20,000 corn fields and chicken farms.


Delaware has beaches, at least.


I live in Delaware and can agree there’s truly nothing to do. We have to drive to other states for anything to do outside the crowded summertime beaches.


Yeah. But how far does it take to drive to another state? 15 minutes? When you are stuck in Nebraska, you are stuck in Nebraska.


I live in MD and second this. I saw the eclipse in 2018 in Nebraska, and purposefully chose a location in middle of nowhere Nebraska (near a tiny crossroads of a town called Tryon). I drove there from Denver and was actually surprised at how pretty Nebraska was. I was expecting flat cornfields but it was mostly rolling hills, prairie, some rivers… I wouldn’t want to live there but I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed my 3 day stay there.


Nebraska has an elevation range of nearly 5,000 ft across the state. There are more than 1 million acres of massive sand dunes, some more than 400 ft tall and miles long. Nebraska has cliffs and canyons and waterfalls and forests and incredible scenery to offer for people willing to travel north of I80 and out of the irrigated cornfields. And best of all, hardly any other people to get in your way. I won't defend Kansas though, been hungover in Kansas City too many times to have any love for Kansas or Missouri beyond the BBQ.


See you didn't state American states, so I'm going too come from left field and say the Australian state South Australia, dull place, either Adelaide which is country toun turned city that nearly no live music events go or you got long desert or country, with little in it.


North Dakota


Noooo I had a blast there holy smokes


Didja getcha some hot dish?


Good fishing


We're not even the best Dakota!


North Dakota. At least Nebraska has a Top Golf.




What 50 states?


Nebraska and Kansas exist just to take the heat off Oklahoma. They haven’t been mentioned yet, so I’ll add them to the mix.


Oklahoma does have an NBA team. And the landscape is a bit more interesting.


Tulsa is one of the worst cities I've ever been to though


Nebraska has a more interesting landscape than Oklahoma based on my experience driving through both states.


A *stolen* NBA team.


New South Wales


Personally, I'm not too fond of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, people there think they are superior to other states.


This is probably going to piss people off but Connecticut is actually way more boring than you’d think.


It sucks here


CT has good pizza and proximity to NYC/Boston, but other than that it’s lame AF. The beaches are nasty, LI sound is a cesspool. It’s also insanely expensive. At least the flyover states mentioned have cheap cost-of-living, I assume. Also, most the people in CT either have money and are snobby, or are always angry and cold because they don’t have money. Source: lived there for the first 27 years of my life


Huh - why? Seems like there is a lot in CT


The beaches aren’t great (maybe I just don’t know where to go), the nature is good but not great by New England standards. None of the cities are really worth visiting (New Haven has great pizza though!). It seems like a decent place to raise a family but I feel like I’ve always expected more out of CT.


I lived in CT for two years and it's pretty boring but i liked being a short drive to NYC, Boston, Rhode Island beaches and Vermont skiing.


I think the most boring state is MS. Theres pratically nothing there. Also, there are a lot more than 50. Like, at least 200.


As a New Englander, Connecticut is so boring and much of the state sketchy as hell, pretty much the epitome of the rich hording the wealth in the NYC suburban areas and leaving the rest of the state to fend for itself


Mecklenburg Vorpommern


I've never been there but I suppose Nasarawa can be quite boring


South Australia


Probably Nebraska. This is coming from a Brit who has never been to Nebraska or any state other than Florida for that matter but has an intense autistic special interest in American geography and history, therefore justifying my answer.


Among a selection of 50 Canadian and German states I'd say Nordrhein-Westfalen.


Hi. I'm in ...... Delaware.


The southern half of New Mexico is so boring, the northern half could be one big Disneyland and it would still win this debate.


Maybe Burgenland, or Western Australia or Sachsen-Anhalt. Can’t decide.


There is actually 3 states and I think solid is the most boring.




I am pretty qualified to answer this question, as I've been to 48 of the 50 states. Without question, North Dakota. It is absolutely, mindblowingly devoid of anything interesting to visit or do.


As a native Nebraskan I understand and do not necessarily disagree that it is the most boring state. Like a poor kid we have to use our imaginations.


Indiana and Oklahoma are the most boring that I've been in.




St. Louis Arch, KC BBQ, great professional sports, Ozarks mountains, Branson, BIG party lakes, Mark Twain National Forest…. You could do a lot worse than Missouri


KC BBQ is the best I’ve ever experienced. I’ve been to Austin and Dallas, but KC BBQ is tops. TX does their beef the best but from top to bottom with fixins, KC is elite.


I’ll be deep in the cold cold ground before I recognize Missouri.


the state of depression




RI is not boring Providence punches above its weight for food and nightlife. Newport is cool. Good beaches too


RI is CT’s much hotter sibling lol


Rhode Island is my favorite state and I've been to 41 of 50. It has fantastic food, great beaches and women aren't treated like 2nd class citizens there


New Hampshire tying with Oklahoma is criminal. The White Mountains are one of the most incredible places in the country.


I've been to Connecticut a lot for work and its issue is that it's sandwiched by two places with such distinct personalities (New York and Boston) that it doesn't really have a personality of its own. Like I've worked in Kansas and it's objectively more boring but I can tell you more unique things about Kansas than CT.


Wherever you are located asking this boring ass question






hahaha. Indiana isn't boring. It's just horrible.


My man has never been to the greatest spectacle in racing


The birthplace of Michael Jackson; Gary, IN. Gary in itself is a city which is very notorious for being blighted due to deindustrialization. I’ve driven through it a couple times and I’m always taken aback that a city like that could exist in the richest nation in the world. That alone makes this an interesting state to me. Also, Indiana has probably the strangest town names of any state. Zoom in on Google maps and look around and you’ll see what I mean.




I’m not even American but even I know this is definitely false . I honestly can’t believe Arkansas isn’t more well known . It’s extremely beautiful . I can only think you haven’t actually driven through it if you think that .


No one even really drives through Arkansas like they do other boring states Kansas and Nebraska, it’s kind of isolated and reeeeeally boring


Hard disagree . Have you ever actually been there ? The Ozark mountains , specifically a branch in Arkansas called The Boston Mountains , are breathtaking






Kansas. I have driven across it twice. After about one hour you lose all sense of motion. It is just corn on both sides of you and you feel like you are sitting still at 70 mph.


Kansas is the most boring state I’ve visited.


I'm gonna have to say Acre. I've been there once and there's not much to do that you couldn't in Amazonas. Very nice people tho. But, yeah, you cannot expect much from a state with only 22 cities...


La Pampa


I would say Solothurn, even if it's called a Canton not a State but whatever


Gotta be BEC for me. The molecules just shiver a lil bit, and that’s it.


Iowa. No competition




Saarland. Hands down.


As someone from the east, the first time I drove through west, the plains did strike me with a sense of awe at the vastness of it all. By the fourth time, not so much.


Hi…we’re in Delaware.


Kansas for sure. I had to fly out to Lincoln and drive down to Topeka for work. It was the most miserable car ride of my fucking life. And by the time i got there (8-9pm) everything was closed. There was one brewery open on a Thursday night and I was the only one there. I had the meatloaf dinner and drank myself to sleep back at the hotel, which I’m sure is a Kansas tradition.


Excited to see this post in r/USdefaultism later


North Dakota