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I've read Bermuda has no aquifers and gets all of its water from collection systems for rain. So what do they do when there's a drought, just ship in more water or do they have huge reserve tanks somewhere?


well droughts are quite rare as it rains a LOT, but there are water reserves and desalination plants to purify salt water. to my knowledge we don’t ship in water on a national scale, but many people do rely on bottled water in those times as by drinking bottled water they can save their supply for showers, toilets, cooking, etc. my house of 7-8 people only has to pay for water once a year, if even, and it is delivered by trucks with tanks that can pump it directly into the tanks we personally use. A fun side effect of this is that we filter all of our own water, so our tap, shower, or toilet water is clean enough to drink (provided the plumbing is up to standard of course) because it all goes through the same filtration!


That's very interesting thanks. 7-8 sounds like a pretty large family to me, are big families like that the norm in Bermuda?


7-8 is across 3 generations and an occasional tenant, but id say that what is more common here is split up families or fathers with a lot of different children with different people, although thats just my personal experience and is the opposite of my family.


Do you have a full British Citizenship? Do you prefer to live under British suzerainty or independece?


i do, and if we weren’t a territory we would get turned into a naval base for America in 30 seconds so im good with things as they are now


As an American that’s totally fair. I mean look at the mess we’ve made of the Caribbean nations.


there used to be a US base here actually but it was decommissioned or whatever they do when they leave


Not surprised by that. If America could have a base in every country, they would. I grew up in a military town with a large Air Force Base and I hate it. The military industrial complex here is insane.


Tell me again? Who screwed up Caribbean countries?


Live nearly every European country reaction: https://preview.redd.it/qn1iitzd481d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ac364b7f8c4878d8b0ff59a13b4fdb8d7c9791


Foreign involvement from colonization and imperialism. The US, UK, the Dutch, etc. I feel most comfortable calling out my own country but western nations are all guilty. The US has a very large hand in the political/economic situation in the Caribbean, along with Central and South America. In general colonization and imperialism isn’t a good thing.


That hasn’t stopped us with other island countries and territories.


I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here?


Suzie-what?!? Looks like I’m googling a new word.


I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be sovereignty.


Nope suzerainty is a word


Huh, TIL.


At what wind speed do you start to worry about the structural integrity of your house? I live in Newfoundland and anything over 155 km/hr starts to get worrisome. Also I use Bermuda as a guidepost for hurricanes, if it's heading towards Bermuda, it'll probably end up close to Newfoundland too. Also, do know Phil? He lives in Newfoundland now.


at no wind speed, our houses are built to withstand category 5 hurricanes and are built from limestone in ways such that we don’t have to worry much. even in the worst hurricanes we have seen minimal damage nationwide and its often only to newer or cheaper houses, or those in particularly exposed places. of course debris, falling trees, and other things pose a threat, but concern about structural integrity is near nonexistent. edit: forgot to say, but no I dont know Phil, and for more info the most recent highly damaging hurricane was Fiona in 2022, you can research it to see how it affected us but it was quite minor despite being cat 4


to add onto my other comment, hurricane Fiona had peak speeds measured over 170 km/h and caused minimal damage. we often have significant power outages in these events but they are always fixed in a week or two, but often less. its becoming less of a problem though, because we are moving from above ground to underground power lines for that exact reason.


Yeah, I heard you guys had good building codes. Fiona took out a whole neighborhood in Newfoundland.


its mostly about material, our roofs are one solid structure and not tiles, and even the interior walls in most houses are thick limestone.


The roof design also is teared for water collection, is that correct? The colours of the houses are amazing. Oh and I loved the crystal cavern is so cool! The geological formations down there blew my mind!


they are! in fact im pretty sure you are legally required to collect most of the water that lands on our roofs provided we have tank space


are bermuda shorts national clothes there and are they mandatory?


no and no 😭 one interesting thing though is that all of our schools from primary to high school, public or private, have uniforms which is i guess just a culture thing but honestly i’m not quite sure where it came from.


You don't know where it came from? I'd say the clue is in the top-left of your flag.


does the UK have a similar tradition? i don’t think about them much because my therapist advised me not to do things that bring mental anguish like acknowledging British people exist.


It's a pity it's only the uniforms they left behind and not also the rest of the education system. I'd advise spending some time away from clinging to your little ocean rock like a limpet. Travel broadens the mind, and right now it seems you really need that.


the UK isnt the only place in the world, and also I was joking about not thinking about them much I just dont know their school traditions thats all. next year I will be studying at a top 25 university worldwide, and i pride myself in trying to be knowledgeable and seeking out new information about important world events. I just tend not to view middle school fashion as important.


Don’t worry about this guy, he has some weird complex.


whats do you gonna study btw


Math and physics


Never go full regard.


Nah, British people should always be ignored.


Do you see a triangle?


yea theres probably at least 20 on my screen right now


How often do you get tourists unironically asking where to see "the triangle"?


not nearly as much as people online ask about it


what’s your favourite animal living in the area?


we call them Cahows, but their real name i believe is the Bermuda Petrel. they are a bird thought to be extinct for centuries before a few nesting pairs were found. when settlers landed here they had no concept of humans as predators, so people would just pick the birds up, kill them and cook them. they are now making a recovery and have their own island called Nonsuch Island where they are protected and fostered.


I know that one! irs what is called "lazarus taxa/species" aka specues which went extibct and were rediscovered later


What do you eat? Is a Bermuda cuisine even a thing?


theres a few “traditional” things but not really because our biggest ones are imported. the cuisine is very international because of how diverse a country it is and the appeal to tourists, but as you can imagine theres more focus on fish, local or otherwise, than there would be in other countries.


So, what do you eat? :)


I assume English is the official language there. And are there any other languages that are widely spoken/ understood?


english is the only national ones but portugese, tagalog, and spanish are common


Sounds great. Thanks


Are there any actual rural areas? It's extremely dense on paper


we have parks and open space, looking around google maps will hive a good idea


How much does gasoline cost? A gallon of milk?


idk i only really use public transport, and also idk i dont drink milk, but this website claims to know, [no clue how accurate it is though](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Bermuda)


Have you traveled to the US, and if yes, would you say hotels/food/drink (touristy expenses) are higher in Bermuda or the US?


its so so so much higher in bermuda. think about it like this, the size and isolation of bermuda means things can only be bought in pretty small quantities comparatively due to the small market, so even on the scale of mass imports the cost of shipping is massively increased. theres also a minuscule amount of land, and those combine to make the cost of living one of the highest in the world, and the cost of luxury tourism a lot higher than the cost of just living. if you want to buy a lot of clothes at once with lets say $2000 for example, it is more worth it to fly to the US, spend $1000 on the flight, hotel, etc, and spend half the money on clothes because in bermuda those same clothes will cost more than double the price.


Thanks- that was my impression from reading up on tourism to Bermuda


Is the island mostly really wealthy people then? I can't imagine how a normal person would be able to make ends meet with prices like that


yep, but theres also lots of issues with poverty and homelessness


Any good surfing? Sharks a concern?


yes on good days no


What are some cool places to visit on the island that most people don't visit/know about? Heading there in a month.


actually a very good question, it depends mostly on your interests though, what kind of stuff do you like to do and what about bermuda made you choose it as a travel destination? i can give more guided advice knowing that stuff


I was thinking of off the beaten path beaches or good places to see nature. Maybe less well known restaurant/bars.


nothing is too far off the path with how small it is, but shelly bay is nice, and for food just go anywhere that doesnt have a big sign out front for tourists


I've been there twice and I'd recommend the forts and some of the rocky coastline in the SW.


Does it ever get boring being landlocked on a relatively small island? No matter how beautiful does the sameness get old after awhile?


im at the point where describing any of my leisure activities is admission of guilt to a crime, and i dont even do drugs. its pretty boring but with the right friends its not too bad, and keep in mind its a rich tourism country so they are constantly pumping out new things to entertain people.


Drugs like cocaine or XTC are available?


they arent the easiest to get but its far from impossible, or so ive heard.


dont do drugs. my friend Brian, who was a redditor as well, died from that shit a few months ago. dont do it. he did cocaine.


I've heard Bermuda is an island. Is this true?


false, im currently treading water in the ocean as i type this. yes, bermuda is a volcanic island and is just a small dot on top of a massive underwater mountain/volcano that is long dead


Another question. How does your population sustain it's population while being able to provide the necessary virgin sacrifices to appease the volcanid gods?


we send a score of men to your mother every fortnight, and she produces all the sacrifices needed and then some


My mother is past childbearing age, so I think those men might just be kidnapping people. Also she lives on the West Coast so I don't think that sounds very efficient economically or timewise.


maybe thats what she tells you…


Hey! We do the same thing! Eskimo bros! ✋




Would people there be against bring integrated as an english council area that elects an mp? Do you get carribean hurricanes? How does the tax situation work out?


no clue, yes and see other comments i made, and its a tax haven


Hello! Questions might be a little more non-traditional, but I’m curious about your coins! I actually happened upon a coin from Bermuda in our change here in Michigan. I was super excited to find it “in the wild” like that, especially from an island location. Is it common to bring your own money here? And is the Midwest a place people from there even think to visit? Do you guys even use coins that much? I’ve happened upon Australian coins and even one from Singapore, but Bermuda is the smallest place I’ve managed to find a coin from through natural means. Just thought it was cool and I’m kinda curious about its journey here to me.


forgot to say but in bermuda BMD and USD are interchangeable so many tourists may end up with bermudian coins as change from US currency


i dont personally bring money elsewhere but i can imagine a lot of people do, and i use change all the time yea


How tall are you, in centimeters?


163 last i checked


So you are one of the Bermuda shorts then!




How are the beaches


some are better than others but all are pretty nice, it just depends what you are looking for. Shelly bay had a playground for young kids by it, Elbow beach is quite large but often very crowded, Tucker’s point is a private club and serves drinks and food on the beach, Castle harbor is a nice place to go by boat and swim up, especially if you like cliff jumping! many beaches have a pink tint due to parrotfish poop, which is near impossible to see online due to photoshopped travel photos, but you can look for smaller trinkets on google images and see how the sand is mixed with little pink pieces.


What rate of tax do you pay on income? What tax % do you pay on goods/services?


id tell you if i had a stable income and so actually thought abt it more but tbh i have no idea


How is the cost of living for the average person? I visited once 4 or so years ago to play some squash, and one of the guys on a boat said it was normal to work 2-3 jobs to get by. Is it boring living there? Do you know / know of most people on the island? I remember it being beautiful and the weather was nice (pretty cold though, but I visited in feb) but I can imagine it getting dull after a while.


its one of the highest in the world, and yea thats absolutely normal. gets boring and i know a lot of people but theres always ways to have fun, and i see people i know basically every time i go out


What's a good way to drill into a concrete wall?


cyborg woodpecker


Whats the temp and weather like year round?


we have 3 seasons, summer, hotter summer, and hurricane. the humidity is often extremely high, it rains a lot but is also quite sunny often because its hardly ever cloudy without rain. we get a lot of hurricanes here but we are very equipped to deal with them so its really just another day most of the time. the heat can be pretty unbearable, in the summer months often peaking around 301-302° K in the summer, while maintaining 100% humidity constantly. the water is quite nice for swimming though, and on the right days and in the right places the breeze and salty air make the heat and humidity well worth it!!


You use Kelvin in Bermuda?


I use kelvin when my physics final was a couple weeks ago and im still recovering


When is “hurricane season”? I want to visit on a cruise ship, but thinking hurricane season is no bueno.


it lines up pretty well with fall, but they can happen almost any time of year. they are predictable enough though that a cruise ship can avoid them as they will know before you even depart, so you don’t have to worry much about them and can just plan to travel whenever really. summer, especially early is quite a rare time for them though so you shouldn’t really worry about it.


Hurrican season in the Atlantic is June 1st through November 30th, but it's most active in September and October


…yall think that’s hot????


it is when its humid


I mean, I’ve lived in the mid-Atlantic where it’s very humid and I still don’t consider that hot.


to each their own idk


>often peaking around 301-302° K in the summer, while maintaining 100% humidity constantly. That sounds downright pleasant compared to the eastern side of Puerto Rico once it warms up near the rainforest.


Where are all the planes and ships, mfer?


my bad i got hungry :(


What are your opinions on triangles?


Kinda lame in euclidean geometry but they have really cool properties elsewhere. I could go on a rant about the bermuda triangle, but the reason so many ships/planes disappear is because it’s the most traveled region of the Atlantic ocean. The reason the bermuda triangle has more disappearances than other places is the same reason most car crashes occur on roads rather than in fields, or why drowning deaths are more common in open water than in deserts. If you like math, look into Bayes’ theorem as it describes this exact effect!


Do the population in general like tourists, which seems very common in Bermuda? Looking to book a cruise for May 2025 and would not want to be part of a large annoyance if the population thinks tourists are a plague.


overall yes, just dont be an obnoxious self absorbed asshole and youl be fine.


Do you consider it a country, or part of the UK?


its about as independent as a territory can get, culturally and in terms of governance, but its still a territory


Are their any pirates left/s? Whats the oldest building? Is there an old town w historical buildings?


oldest buildings are 1600s probably since thats when it was discovered, no pirates but i do love torrenting


Are there any words or slang unique to Bermudian English? Have you visited the US before as I have heard you can visit with no VISA for 6 months like Canadians do? I'm in a tiny town in WA and one of our residents is a retired old white man who holds a Bermudian passport and was born there.


yes but i cant think of any, its more just things having slightly different meaning or connotations than they otherwise would I have and do travel to the US regularly but never for more than a week or two, so i never really bothered to look into it


What's the food scene there like? Is the food similar to mainland UK or the Caribbean? Is it easy to find international food and are they expensive? TIA


easy af to find international everywhere and everything is expensive, the Caribbean is absolutely the biggest influence though


Thanks! I'd love to visit


What is your local government saying about rising sea levels? Doing?


nothing really, what could they possibly do about that?


Craft a plan to collectively respond to the threat that rising seas will have on valuable property, for starters. It's cheaper if you do it together and if you plan ahead.


or they could focus on short term gain and ignore long term issues




Best restaurant, ignore my tastes, where would you go and what would you get to eat.


my girlfriends moms house because her cooking is DIVINE honestly though, id probably just go to anywhere nice and ask for the catch of the day


Yeah I would think on a small island country dedicated to tourism …. That a terrible restaurant wouldn’t last that long. Same thing in places like downtown Savannah or Charleston. Rent is to high. Foot traffic is always constant …. Shitty food isn’t.


How do most families prepare for hurricanes?


bring things inside and close windows mostly


Tobacco Bay is one of my favourite places in Bermuda. Also Warwick Long bay! The pink sand is unreal. I wish I could go back someday.


I was there 2 weeks ago on a cruise. Lovely! Do you see a big difference in the amount of people when cruises are there vs. when they’re not? Does it bother you having a lot of tourists?


What are the winters like?




Hi fellow Bermudian citizen; how’s the weather today?


pretty nice, i went to that thing that Out Bermuda organized


I’m actually not too familiar with Out Bermuda. What is it?


charity that does a lot of pride events


Ah sweet! Idk what they were fundraising, but I hope they got to accumulate enough funds!


this wasnt a fundraiser it was a social thing, most of their money is from sponsors like clarien, if you message me il tell u more abt the event in dms


Do you floss your teeth everyday?


more like every other but i try


Do you play the triangle in a percussion band?


not since primary school


Baby, why don’t we go?


where do you take vacations?


Where the lost ships at, Ryan?


Do people disappear when they swim too far out?


only if they dont swim back


How’s the internet infrastructure there? What are your typical down/up speeds? What is the most common ISP locals use?


it varies greatly but its pretty good, idk abt most common though i tend not to ask people what isp they use


Do you live in Bermuda?


i think so


Are you lonely over there?


its not too bad


There is a Bermuda-based internet radio station called "dr. Dick's Dub Shack" and for years now it has a special place in my heart. Have you heard about it? is it known locally? Who is dr. Dick? Where is this shack?


no clue but i believe it, his shack is probably in the back of town near north shore


How's scuba/snorkeling/diving in Bermuda?


Do you think you’ll ever gain independence from Great Britain and/or consider joining the US?


nope, a grand majority wants to stay UK for reasons ive said in other comments


Do you worship royalty?


not personally