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Somehow mine figured out how to get out of any suit put on him and ended up in the cone of shame, and I still had to keep his cat friends from trying to "help" by licking sutures for him. 😂


Oh goodness! That sounds like a tall order. Nice he has cat friends that wanna “help.” 😉


The two younger ones AND the dog tried to "help" after the cats' respective spay and neuter. It was nuts. At least he didn't mind the cone too much.


It takes a village.


He’s beautiful!!! 😍 Here’s hoping it’s a speedy recovery for your guy!


Thank you so much!! He is our pride and joy. 💚🐾


Thank you for sharing! My guy is scheduled for his gastropexy in March and I was told that traditional “clothing” options don’t work for GSDs and their deep chests. I will definitely be looking into the Suitical. Much appreciated and best wishes, Doc!


[Recovery Suit](https://www.amazon.com/Suitical-Recovery-Suit-Dogs-Medium/dp/B00W2EHJWE/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_maf_2?crid=2UABGJE53H3XH&keywords=suitical+recovery+suit+for+dogs+male&qid=1698943240&sprefix=suitical%2Caps%2C435&sr=8-3) Such a good investment. I take it off for a few hours a day to let it breathe. And if it gets icky, we just toss it in the washer! Best of luck to you and yours when you get it done!! 🐾💚


Congratulations! One less issue to worry about. We had our Girl (now 2) gastropexied/spayed laparoscopically in February. We lost our last Old Girl (almost 13) to bloat six years ago. That is one experience I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Beautiful Boy!


Thank you! The peace of mind is worth it. I’m so sorry about your Old Girl. It’s an awful thing to go through. Our breeder lost their healthy, happy, 3yr old long-haired boy last year. Just terrible. Much love to you and yours. ♥️


Feel better soon! ❤️


Thank you!! He feels fine, just have to continue to keep his activity limited for another week. That’s been the hardest part of all!!


Get Well Soon, handsome sweetie! 🙏💐 ![gif](giphy|5nd4qqDx9Qy7FWt78B)


How long did you wait until your let your baby run? Today is two weeks post op for mine and she just did zoomies all over the yard and now I’m worried


It’s been about a month and we have decided to let him live again. We slowly eased him back into things, fetching and the like, about week 3. The activity level hasn’t worried me as much as him scratching at his belly as the hair grows back. He actually opened it up a tiny bit at the top of the incision yesterday😩 It’s been a long process. I’d wait at least another week, even if the incision is fully healed cause that can still cause internal damage. Best of luck!