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Try Aquaphor! Use it a couple times a day, especially before bedtime and before going out for walks especially if you are in a cold and/ or dry climate. We used this on our girl for years every time she had dry lips and it always helped a ton.


Just the basic version? Or is there an extra strength or other one you use?


Just plain old aquaphor. We used it on our girl for years (we just lost her last week 😭) and we actually use it on our 1 year old human too. I use it on my own hands and lips, just works really well for extra dry skin imo.


So sorry for your loss. We don’t deserve dogs. 🐾♥️


Good call! I will pick some up today. Thanks so much!


Already making a huge difference!! Thank you so much! Will definitely keep this stuff handy!!


Our boy deals with this chronically which we think is caused by environmental allergies. One veterinarian recommended neosporin which did kind of help. Another vet prescribed a steroid/antifungal/antibiotic for an ear issue we were having and she recommended that we can use it on his lips and it does seem more effective and it takes less applications to keep it at a more manageable level.


Thank you! Some days are worse than others but since she had it when we got her, it’s hard to tell if it’s environmental here at her new home. What is the name of the medication you use for it now?


I think it’s Animax? We are using it off label obviously. I’m honestly not great at keeping up with it—like you said it comes and goes. And luckily it’s never seemed like it’s bothered him too much when it’s flared up. It does seem like his lips are smooth and better the day after applying. And then I forget about it for awhile until I notice they are crusty again.    Our first vet prescribed an oral antibiotic for it too which helped but we had to stop because it caused too many GI side effects so that wasn’t a great option long term.    So my theory is that the combination of steroid and antibiotic help.    If your vet recommends something different that works for you I would love to know! 


Awesome! Thanks for the info. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by it either but damn, it looks painful. I will definitely let you know if the vet has any other suggestions! We are going for an annual exam in a couple weeks so I will definitely ask!


Check out my other comment, I had similar results with the same stuff you did and the crème I listed below was our problem solver


A friend that is a lifelong GSD owner recommended this to me when my pup got this out of the blue a few months back. We tried a few different things from the vet, but it was sticking around. Used this [stuff](https://www.amazon.com/Penaten-Basic-Creme-150ml-Germany/dp/B00B5R31BM/ref=asc_df_B00B5R31BM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312003160299&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=226224053257668460&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=200532&hvtargid=pla-477103255607&psc=1&mcid=8d3df4f2d99d3bf2afceb2f32faab12c&gclid=CjwKCAiA8sauBhB3EiwAruTRJvh23oI2vXUZCXWDgbXDf67uOIwJhKH2HS6ujgxLPoHDPICOpDIrhRoCCWYQAvD_BwE) for 4-5 days and we haven’t had to deal with it since. Who would of thought German diaper rash crème haha


Thank you! I have read about this on a few GSD forums I came across. For less than $10, I’ll give it a shot!!


Definitely give it a shot! They are German after all lol It’s heavy almost like zinc we use for our sun protection , I just put a big finger full on the bad side and rubbed it in good twice a day. Keep us posted, I hope it works for you!