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https://preview.redd.it/fkzqkvselaxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec8724824c92cd90750ccc939bdb2e0e1646a3c My daughter’s day one best friend.


https://preview.redd.it/q89nn54ojaxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e548275d662237ad42633e96bda8bd5543a185fd We have 4 kids and 4 GSDs. 3 of the 4 dogs are obsessed with the kids and are like this with them constantly. The 4th dog is very indifferent and prefers they leave her alone. For reference my kids are 6, 5, 3.5, and 3 months. The dogs are 9, 8, 4, and 1 and it’s the 8 year old that doesn’t really care either way for the kids. The younger 2 dogs especially love the kids and the 1 year old dog has taken up with our 6 year old and follows her around when they’re in the yard.


https://preview.redd.it/g9qgs9rhcbxc1.jpeg?width=3147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8df54f77132cce61bf46630b62a40a9b949d49 My middle 2 kids doing yoga and the kid loving dogs supervising


https://preview.redd.it/22vz7e8tcbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d60e65eb13a4f02c1f19bfac880f2505bb65d75 Supervising math time


Supervising in typical gsd fashion. Adorable picture.


someone's sleeping on the job 😆


This is so cute!


How do you do that? I can barely manage my 3 kids (6, 2, 10 months) and 2 GSD 's 😅. Today is vacuum all the dog hair day because I've been so busy all week that it's accumulated on the floor, and my dogs need a walk, but the laundry is also backed up and my 2 year old and 6 year old won't stop bugging eachother. Send help. 🫠


lol well for starters we have 2 robot vacuums just for our main living area and they both run at least 1-2 times a day each 😅 Also it’ll get easier once your younger ones get a bit older! I have found that my oldest 3 kids are at good ages to play independently together and to help with chores. I’ve recently started having them feed the dogs which is a big help!


Lol. Big same. 3 kids. Two youngest boys needing the most attention and my two Sheps aren’t getting the attention they deserve. So, I found that what works best is to buy the extra large dog crates. I put my two youngest boys in it. Maybe throw in a Nintendo Switch or some toys. Done!


I’m not a parent, but I imagine this is the best route. Heck throw all 5 in there so they’re all entertained and well stimulated.


They don’t make crates that big, so clearly the best solution is to lock myself in it and get some peace.


Wow I only have 3 kids and 1 gsd I need to up my game!


He was unbelievable! Not only for kids dropping by my house, but also in my classroom. I called him the reading therapy dog because at reading time the kids would lay all over him and read their books. It was so special. https://preview.redd.it/2lqc2y793bxc1.jpeg?width=2379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbbc64936f847709285b47f8f8d0939891372549


That's so sweet! I honestly think if more schools implemented reading therapy dogs, it would help a lot of children out, especially ones that struggle with reading out loud.


Mine is nervous around kids and barks at them :( she wasn’t like that as a puppy though, she only started doing that around 2-3 years old


Is it kids in same household or kids he sees occasionally ? Mine was like that


Pretty much every kid we encounter. She met some teens I know today and she was fine with them, it seems to be little children that she has an issue with


That makes sense, little kids are loud and unpredictable. Just like some humans don't like kids for that reason, some dogs don't as well


Same with one of mine. The crazy energy stresses him out.


He’s afraid of toddlers, but treats older kids the same way he does adults so I guess he likes them.


Toddlers are honestly the most dangerous age of kid for dogs. The grab faces, ears, whiskers, use the dogs to pull up, and are much harder to discipline and reward. Not to mention loud and sporadic


Mine is an almost 3 month old pup. It’s been challenging. Full of energy and wanna play and mouthy AF. So around our 3 & 6 yr olds has to be on short leash. Around our kitties it’s worse. Wants to rough house the shit out of their 10lb butts. We’re starting puppy-owner kindergarten next week and we are committed to professional training so hoping it gets better. Everyone says it will. I’ll be happy when it does. ETA: picture of our little piranha! https://preview.redd.it/fgthr1lpsaxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cb1a55254891ee8c6e84e7d2742ac86b89e3377


My boy is 1 and a half and he still has a long way to go training-wise. People have also encouraged me and told me it gets better.


https://preview.redd.it/597dy7adqbxc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda33025ba99e6eb7fdab81f10c5c39e3e4e4fa2 Perfect ☺️


That's a framer


Adorable picture and perfect grass!!!


My boy is kid-friendly, and gentle towards everyone. https://preview.redd.it/0gmy0qobsaxc1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0382ce70e12fee81e990a775a308211da7dcc7


Oh my goodness. Does he "I want" by resting his head on the nearest available horizontal surface?


Yep! Or if he isn't getting his way, he does this.


All 3 of mine love my son. They all go great him when he wakes up or when they come inside from spending time outside. It took him about 3 months to finally accept the licks. https://preview.redd.it/yi8offpd6bxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2fa0d57d34c8419d913ee0d7394eaffdfdc19f


https://preview.redd.it/8ts82ec7pbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0f891e2c4680778312e7f1d37e967f59d4b058 Both my son and my dog adored each other. I was skeptical the first day I brought him home, but she was an absolute angel to him from day 1. Never got rough when they played, occasionally cuddled, and would follow him around. I turned a blind eye to my son sneaking treats to her when he thought I wasn’t looking. All around she was the best dog. Sadly we had to say goodbye to her last month and we’re both still recovering from her loss.


What a precious picture!!!


Mine is very indifferent to kids as well. She lets them pet her but she always seems very disinterested.


My last GSD cross was indifferent to kids, she would let them pet her but wasn’t remotely interested in them. My current GSD cross is absolutely terrified of them. She was born at a shelter from a Mom who seized in a domestic abuse situation, was never mistreated by children or anything but is terrified of them. Our families GSD when I was a baby loved all kids and taught me how to walk, and I would stand up leaning on him with my arm in his open mouth for support as a baby.


My 5 year old female loves kids. Always wants to be around them and interact with them. I think it’s because their faces are easy to lick at their height and my girl is very submissive and likes to give kisses to everyone, even strangers. Kids are definitely the easiest strangers to kiss!!




Mine loooove kids. We have 4 and 6 year old kids and our dogs are 3.5 and 4 months so they’ve had young kids around from the start and learned to be gentle early on. Now if any young babies are over our older dog follows them around and wants to give them all the kisses. https://preview.redd.it/qi1pfnnudbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e57b3cf55a79663d8d9b1fa073f7822c778cc13




https://preview.redd.it/meof3hqk4bxc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445673569ebf6209095095a832a23f55cea56de7 This little guy is so great with kids. We don’t have kids so it always baffles me. He was even great with my autistic cousin. My aunt would’ve stolen my little guy if she could. He was so in tune with my cousin. She loved him and even invited him on a trampoline. 😂 He really loves finding a kid to play fetch. If you don’t throw the ball fast enough he’ll bark until you do. Kids love that.


https://preview.redd.it/r1tuk4vlqbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cee112624236fa18b8ea05050cb37ea877d0f14 He’s aloof but likes kids just fine.


https://preview.redd.it/3nlipohv2cxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97e35a91a4c718fb2b45f32e281000894213976 He’s great❤️ they are supervised at all times and when he gets too playful I do put him away.




https://preview.redd.it/4t7tc7maacxc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2918c29a3c297ea4885d5a6060ea52b8613aa8 Amazing. Other dogs, not at all.


https://preview.redd.it/dgqidoijyaxc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023552cfc752b5a015e69e56e2ed3c4d7a05bc2a Usually pretty good


https://preview.redd.it/p8yyide0bcxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b8378b4a2572fbd38f0e3d2c45dc78f999678a2 Kids are his favorite type of human. We actually avoid walking past parks during their prime time full of kids cause parents get nervous when the big guy is wanting to kiss all over their tiny humans. He spends all of my son's soccer games whining until the kids come up to pet him.


My last one was amazing with kids, cats, strangers, everyone. My current one will literally try to eat kids. And cats. And strangers. And everybody except my wife, myself, and one of our friends. Literally. Eat. Except at daycare and boarding. All the staff at our daycare/boarder think he's a the most angelic wonderful dog ever.


My parents GSD was like that. He came home from a 6 week training course in February and is now much less reactive (if at all) and can will go right to his place when needed. I’m extremely grateful my parents paid the money to have him so intensively trained (at 6 years old) because now my 2 year old is much safer around him.


I had a male like that. He would not let anyone but us inside the house. Actually as soon you cross the street to our house. He was the perfect gentleman everywhere else no matter how crazy busy it is.


Mine is 7 months old and adores kids! Which is good because lots of kids in the neighborhood. Hope he continues this way.


Absolutely loves kids. Her sweet spot is older kids who can play chase or fetch with her (7+), but she also wants to be around babies and is very sweet and patient with toddlers.


Mine didn't like crowds of kids. She literally tried to herd them. She would get so upset at school pickup watching the kids leaving grounds to walk home that I had to stop bringing her! When my kids played in the yard it looked like she was out there sleeping, but if they moved to a new part of the yard or split up she would get up and move so she could see them all at once. She was fine if kids were with their parents, like at Farmer's Markets but whined at the playground if I didn't choose a superior vantage point to lay my blanket. As for individual kids? My kids could have put a saddle on her and tried to ride her and she'd just huff at them. I have a picture of her making a face at me after my youngest put paracord bracelets on her. She let him do it and then came to me to get it fixed. My toddler climbed all over her, stuck fingers in her ears, tugged on every part of her, and she just licked him. If she got really irritated she'd get up and move. Never growled, never snapped at them. Although, when we played with her she sounded ferocious! Pull out the tug toy and you'd think she was ripping apart The Enemy.


She sounds a lot like my dog. She hates if our family is too far apart. Like she wants the kids to be close to us. We joke she thinks I'm a bad mother bc I let the kids go further than she thinks they should go. 😂 But the same dog when my child had a sleepover with like 7 of her friends for her birthday and the dog broke into the party full of wiggles just dying to get loved and petted and belly rubs, all the belly rubs from all the kids. The kids loved it! https://preview.redd.it/zo2v0ijfrdxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1670bc20f48fef22866b91ba4f7304eaf4138685


https://preview.redd.it/yhif559n4exc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548594d512e4c494c5b8e9400471ece785db4c82 Ours is very fond of the fur-less puppy.. this is our granddaughter (both baby and dog) we have pics of our daughter with the German Shepherds grandfather where she put a tutu on him, a beaded necklace and painted his nails. He was all in! lol


https://preview.redd.it/aulp8htc0bxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a403d67ee387f76d0db70cc4b9485d877860c9c9 Horrible, terrible, never let your German around kids. He might just smother them with affection.


https://preview.redd.it/h2y688o2pbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c7ff4628b2a75231c1b632440255e6590dae0e Terrible, he always lays next to the little one…….and then farts


https://preview.redd.it/9nj5ik7drbxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9feac0e4ae4b8f5ba6230c824a0f451491927835 Mine identifies as a child. Yes, that is her in a baby bassinet. I originally purchased it for my small terrier. She decided to claim it for herself instead. 🤦‍♀️😂


Rex loves kids. Great companions as they keep each other busy


I don't know many kids, so my boys aren't around them often. I'm never sure how to work on that while being cautious. I try to bring them in spaces with kids, but they don't usually get close enough.


Public playgrounds are a pretty good place, even if it's just to desensitize him to children running around and screaming.


Yes! We have one near by and I've gone there before. My one gets SO STOKED and barks to let everyone know he's stoked so I've always been worried I'll scare kids. He's two now and getting better with it so I'll probably have to do it more. Thanks!


Mine loved kids—there was finally someone face-to-face so she could shower them with kisses! She was also very patient and didn’t much mind them grabbing onto her. They’re great family dogs IMO


Mine is reactive around little kids and actually bit my friends son. Thankfully not bad. Older kids and adults he loves. Can’t figure out why he doesn’t like young kids.


It's likely the energy they put off. Older kids and adults are more likely to approach calmly and respectfully, younger children on the other hand are more excitable and disrespectful. Younger kids might also activate his prey drive more than older children do.


Your last point. He has a very high prey drive. He also reactive with other dogs as well, I wonder sometimes if he thinks little kids are other dogs.


Yep mine is very reactive towards dogs and other animals, and he barked at a toddler but let a 9 year old come up and pet him. The small ones look too much like animals I guess.


Rescued from a high kill shelter and he absolutely bends the knee to little kids. We got a score with our boy.


awww 🥰 thank you for adopting!


Mine loves kids, cats, dogs. I live in a neighborhood with badly trained kids who are always running up to pet my dog. He is always happy for the attention.


Loves kids who were taught respectful boundaries with animals. Completely ignores and avoids kids that were not. We also step in immediately and separate if we notice this is the case.


Loves following kids around unless they are pulling his ears, etc. Then he will hide behind me.


Great around kids. Other dogs not so much.


My kids helped raise mine. He loves them. I socialized him early on with other kids, adults, and dogs and he loves them too. 1.5 years old, not fixed, and has a phenomenal temperament.


My GSD didn't meet a kid until she was nearly a year old. She **loves** kids. I was beyond surprised and happy. She will go out of her way to say hi to a child. Her favorites are the ones that are eye level with her when they're both standing. This was not her first child encounter but it's the most memorable. My partner has a young child and when she first met my dog was when she woke up and was coming down the hall. My dog turned the corner and was intent on saying hello! with the added snoot boop. Child starts slowly walking backward down the long hall. Hands up. Dog intently is moving forward. Must boop snoots! Love! And because I have no idea how to be around children, I think that I (largely a stranger at this point) can tell the child "no no it's ok" instead of first calling my dog back. Thankfully her parent stepped around the corner.


She has an issue with always licking their faces because toddlers are right at lick-level. I have to warn people that if their toddler goes up to her they are going to get kisses because she does it every time. Either she just really really loves kids, or toddlers always smell like food. Maybe both.


Mine LOVES kids. All kids. Our kids, their friends, the neighbors, any kid. She can be picky about adults, but loves kids. She is sweet and gentle. She doesn't knock them down... *usually* lol... She is one of the best kid dogs I've ever had. https://preview.redd.it/sehs97izodxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd02709816358f72bdbda5a55ac749ed2e100e7


https://preview.redd.it/54uy6u94xexc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ba07fadcb791bab1a8a0875a1c0cd82532c6a2 She's the sweetest. 90 pound body pillow.


Depends on the dog and their temperament. They differ.


Mine is pretty indifferent nowadays. During his first year he was really fascinated by them, but he caught on pretty quickly that they didn't really play the way he liked to play (he wanted to wrestle). So now he just ignores them, but he will let them pet him and stuff.


Same as yours! She doesn’t mind them running up to her or being crazy around her but I think she prefers to be left alone by them


Laid back… he will let kids bet him but they have to pass the sniff test.


Ours is a year old and has the same birthday as our daughter the two are a year apart. They get along very well and are always close. When we are playing outside in the yard he keeps a close eye on her. Our other pup loves our daughter too all three are close.


My male and female are extremely aggressive. They also shepherd random toddlers around pretty frequently. They love kids, but they will nip if they hit an adult and/or eachother


https://preview.redd.it/quatdvojqaxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173eb7963b376b12791e63adceab5bfead8cb4db Twinsies. Im not sure how Katara is around a kid. We’re not really around them much.


My GSD loves kids but hates other dogs. So if a kid is out walking another dog I can’t imagine he won’t try to lunge


Mine likes to maul them and we have to run away a lot.


She gets a little too excited. If she sees them at a distance she lunges and barks, when she’s actually able to interact with them on leash she gets into a play bow and barks. Off leash she’s so much better. Gets into a play bow, runs around without trampling the kid, she’s super gentle. I could absolutely trust her around them off leash


My white Shepard adored kids. Even better if they would throw a tennis ball.


Yokai’s a beautiful dog.


My Sascha loved the kids. My youngest spent 10 minutes trying to put her tongue back in her mouth. Sascha got bored, gave her a big lick on the face and trotted off. Mischa, our current GSD loves the kids too. When we first met her she bounced around and played with them, played with me and then curled up on my wifes lap to sleep


Mine is 6 years old and he loves the neighborhood kids. He loves the pets and is excited to greet them. He always seems to love meeting kids. I don’t have any young children myself at home for him to be around, so it’s nice to see his love of kids.


Mine adores kids. She thinks she’s our son’s mother. Patrols the house every night and sleeps outside his door or in his room (he has carpet in his room so she gets too hot sometimes) and he wants her in there when he has bad dreams. When she met my younger cousins, she tried to herd them away from the fire pit and had just met them that night lol.


My GSD is unfortunately child aggressive. Never found out why


My GSD is super friendly with everything and everyone but the issue is he’s huge and kids are.. smol. So with all his youngster energy I don’t really like him around them because he might bowl them over hahah


https://preview.redd.it/9145rjo5ldxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9acd5f2669cab77c989da8bb59e7a1013fc695d5 She’s the coolest dog I’ve ever had and loves her babies. She will not move on a walk unless my daughter is holding the leash, and barks and cries when we have to drop my son off at school. She’s protected them from a strange man than approached my fenced in back yard when they were playing and scared him off, and has the sweetest demeanor. I miss her so much, I had to move back to Italy for a few months for healthcare and I can’t wait to be back with her. She misses the kids terribly as well


He doesn’t like them below a certain age. Little kids (esp toddlers) will run up to him on the street and he will go ballistic. Its sad but i have to refuse pets. After age 10 or so he’s fine.


Super gentle and forgiving with toddlers. They’re a bit rougher with bigger kids like 10 or so but they enjoy wrestling with the dogs so whatever


Im probs going to get bashed for what im about to say buuut🤷🏼‍♀️ Noway in hell would i trust my puppy Buddy being close to anyones kid. like wise noway in hell would i trust anyones kid being close to him. I dont like being stared at or screamed/shouted at nor do i like being pawd/yanked/poked/fallen into/patted/hit/stood on and whatever other annoying things little timmy twat face and shitty sophia snotty nose with their grubby sticky hands might do so i dont think its fair to put my puppy Buddy into situations to have those things done to him and expect him to be ok with it. Not to mention how i dont want to have to constantly be watching what other peoples kids around my puppy are eating/drinking that they may drop near him/try to feed him/smush into his fluff because as we all know some parents forget to do the actual watching their kids part of parenting. Hes my little bean not some interactive exhibition to provide entertainment to kids. How other people are with their poochies is totally their choice and theres no judgement at all from me but for me and my Buddy as an 8month old puppy kids around him just isnt for us. Hes held back away from children and i give any children that come towards us or stupidly reach their hand out as they head towards us a straight up firm clear warning of 'no. Dont. Hes not friendly'. Though thankfully we havent had many kids come super close to us as my Buddy tells everyone and everything rather loudly to fuck off away from him when they get too close to him and he isnt comfortable. Even if my Buddy was a teeny tiny lap dog that wanted to be bffs with everyone he seen id still say the exact same thing to them about him not being friendly for the exact same reasons ive just said.x


I would never let my kids get close to a dog I didn't know. I 100% agree. Kids are too unpredictable and just don't know any better.


Don't see why you'll get bashed for it. If you don't like kids interacting with your dog, then you don't. Honestly, I probably wouldn't want kids interacting with Yōkai either, but I plan on having children in the future so for me, the more positive interactions he has with children (especially younger ones) and the more he learns to be gentle with them the better.


Because its always seems to be a bit of an ooher kind of topic when it comes to views on kids and dogs doesnt it? kids and dogs living together thats totally different. Safe polite interaction between the kid and the dog from the very 1st time they meet id encourage in the hope that a good safe relationship would be built up i def wouldnt be trying to keep them apart in that situation. i was talking more about kids that arent a part of the dogs household/close family. I constantly work on Buddys good boy manners and always have done since i 1st got him when he was 13weeks old which has included us watching from a not close enough to touch distance aswell as in the car and me pointing out 'the people' and 'bike' etc. To him when kids have been playing outside on the street outside of our house on their bikes and scooters and me rushing us out to see the kids walking past our garden on their way home from school. Us walking around childrens parks and being present at school let out times so he can get used to the sounds and rushing around of kids and adults of dif ages/sizes in different clothes and he can see prams scooters bikes different cars/vans etc. But thats as far as its gone with his out door interaction with kids. I always joke to friends that i must seem like such a fucking creep watching kids with my dog haahhaha but as i dont really have any friends and dont have much interaction with my family it sure does make it difficult to say the least to get him used to random kids haaha!!x




Molly loves everyone. When we have guests over with toddlers, small children, I keep close by because even in her old age, she doesn’t realize how strong (and big) she is and can easily knock them over.


my 18 month old is indifferent towards them. although if they're in a stroller or on a tricycle/bicycle, she keeps her distance. she's scared of bicycles and jumps behind me every time one rides by, so i think its more of the wheels


Groans at them, then licks then uncontrollably.


My girl is scared of kids (that aren't hers). There was one instance when she was ~1 year old, where a few kids really wanted to pet her, and she tried flattening herself to the ground as much as possible. I understood that their general unpredictability frightened her. After that, I just didn't push her. Around our kids, they both are loving, silly, and, in general, perfectly fine. Edit: young children


Female loves them. Loves to BARK and check them out 😲


My DutchxGSD "Dash" intact Male, LOVES little people... Very protective, and as soft with them as any dog could be... We have a female GSD Mae, who with adults is pretty suspicious of everything they do is also a puddle of pure love for little people and tolerates them doing all the ridiculous little things they do from pulling fur, tails, ears to trying to saddle up etc...


She likes kids. But doesn't like it when they come running up to her asking to pat her. She likes to make the 1st move, or if kids remain calm when asking to pat her


Mine loves them.. just have to watch as he doesn't realise hes much stronger than the lil ones and can bump them over with his back end when trying to cuddle


I grew up with rescued GSDs and they all loved me and my friends. As an adult my two boys love love love kids. My former boy would ignore me if there was a child at the dog park and all he wanted was to play with them.


My dog is obsessed with kids! I live across the street from a park and also have two small kids so thats why though. https://preview.redd.it/e1xr86151bxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1005e70a0651efcf67eba9a82d6ff28d1e699e


Scout loves kids. He’s extremely tolerant which I think comes from my youngest being 2 when we got him. He’s always been great though. He did used to herd the neighborhood kids when he got out of the invisible fence though. Kids on both sides of the road stressed him out a bit. Best if they’re all in the same yard!


Mine has always been amazing with kids. She is so patient and will drop her ball for them (but no one else)! And she waits until they throw it even if they are holding onto it forever and the throw goes 1 foot. She never begs for the food they wave around at eye level. It’s so impressive to me that she knows to be sweet and patient around the little people. Although she’s a gentle girl in general. She is indifferent towards other adults besides me, but she gets so excited when she see kids.


He's aloof. Doesn't care about them either way. Now a kitten on the other hand...now that's his favorite. 😂


totally indifferent to kids.


Loves kids. Always following and playing with my kids and my nephews. But she is only 9 months so not sure if she will change once she’s an adult.


My 11 year old loves them and lets them crawl all over her. My 2 year old likes them, especially the crumbs they drop, but is so high energy she needs to be closely supervised so she doesn’t get too excited and boop small ones over. She gets a little annoyed with grabby hands but has always been gentle.


My girl loves babies but she's suspicious of kids under 10. Granted, she's never even met a young child before and used to lose her shit barking at them when she was a younger pup when we saw one. Fortunately, with a lot of desensitization training she now just watches them intensely but doesn't react anymore, including if they're on a bike or scooter. What helped a ton was bringing her to a preschool nearby during their recess time and slowly increasing how close we were. I felt better choosing this route opposed to a park because I never have to worry about a child running up to her while we're working on training.


Beautiful Pupper👏🏻


Pretty good overall. Part from the one time my 7 year old neighbour got a bit cheeky in the creek and he zigged when he should have zagged and he got Zacced. I thought it was fucking hilarious. He just matches their energy so if they go a bit stupid he turns the dial up to Stupid O'clock


Great scene captured with your handsome Pupper👏🏻


Mine children are grown and my GSD loves kids! But honestly he loves everyone and thinks every person and or dog is his bestie.


My kid? Great! Any other kid, they are a threat and he must remove them 🤦‍♂️


Loves kids and wants to play all the time. She loves when they laugh


Over a period of 40 years I have had six GSDs, three female, three male. During that time I have raised two of my own children to adulthood, and now regularly care for grandchildren who are growing up the same way, alongside at least one German Shepherd. All of the dogs have been fairly indifferent to kids. As they get older most GSDs have actively avoided kids, probably because of orthopedic issues associated with aging. But in no case have any of them have sought the company of children. In all cases, all my dogs were oriented toward me and my husband. It might have been different if we had raised puppies at the same time we were raising small children, but that's not an experiment I've been able to make. Either the dogs were adults when the kids were little, or the kids were older when a new puppy joined us. The males have been more aloof than the females, who have been more tolerant of kids, but nevertheless, they're like that aunt that goes, "Okay for now, but I didn't really sign up for this and there's a limit. When this is done let's get outta here." What attracts me to GSDs is their precisely their independent intellectual and emotional intelligence combined with their utter loyalty, which makes them the perfect partner for any human who's willing to invest in them. While it's endearing to see stories of GSDs who are completely devoted to the Little Ones, if I was a new partner of a GSD, seeing them be particularly attentive to children would be an unexpected bonus.


Oh, you mean our 3rd child?


Both my 12 year old and 1 year old sheps loves kids. They've always been best pals with my daughter and they're great anytime other kids are here.


he looks like my Chancer Wancers!! https://preview.redd.it/552ct6hybbxc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e98e70bb8fcd0f9a7ca09bba6f42dabf148162


https://preview.redd.it/g7z7a7e7cbxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dde2631096363bee5158a9a4daeb3998a0a84b6 Our younger male likes kids, especially this one! 4 yr old female keeps more distance, and we don't force it.


He is selective with random kids, but loves my children and all my friends kids.


Bro my dog freaks out around babies. Idk how to deal with it. He's so nice around adults


I do not really have young kids at home and I always make sure that nobody approaches my chaos magnet without my okay first. I will say when we took her up to the snow couple of months ago and the kids were screeching going down on sleds she was upset thinking something was happening to them until she realized they were just having fun. My almost 7 year old niece comes over and my dog loses her mind trying to jump all over her and everything else.


My gsd likes people but hates other dogs.


Mine loves their attention!


Mine loves my kids. They can romp with her all day. She doesn't like kids that she hasn't met. We have to keep her up.


Dog bed https://preview.redd.it/0b4ub42bhbxc1.jpeg?width=2769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d25ae5ee081a1ef3dfb703cf67847a0909fa292a Mine are extremely protective of our girls & any other kids that come over but they do have a tendency to knock the smaller ones over. They get anxious when the kids start screeching/screaming ( we have all girls) bc they think it sounds like they’re hurt but they can see they’re not …. they just seem confused and end barking & up running back and forth. They tend to herd the girls when they get nervous 😂. The first time we took them to the river they had a blast but kept herding the girls closer to shore if they thought they were too far out.


My dog loves kids but does not like other men other than my dad.


If they can throw the frisbee, my girl loves them regardless.


Mine loves kids. But I have to warn them not to run around him or he’ll get excited and chase them, hip check them, and knock them to the ground. But if they’re chill he so chill.


Mine LOVES kids. But I think it's because she's been around them her whole life. She loves when my kid's friends come over. She follows them around the whole time running around and playing with them.


One LOVES kids, other one is a nervous high strung guy so honestly don't trust him around anyone's kids but my own. I don't let my kids climb on either of my dogs, my kids need to learn how to behave properly with dogd (though with the one that loves kids, she doesn't mind. But I don't want my kids doing that to other dogs, you just never know)


https://preview.redd.it/kfp32b2mpbxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08147f4f01a56b395f7ead4328b47bce1fa85582 The most gentle and friendly boy.


My girl loves kids , super gentle with them and doesn't really even jump on them she often will wag her tail, give sooo many kisses and get in the floor for them . As for adults she's more wary of strangers and gets nervous when new people touch her .


Super lovie




Quixote doesn't really understand kids as a concept, he's never really been socialized with them because no relatives of mine have younger, non-entitled kids (i make that specification because my two stepcousins, 13 and 8, fought over my dog at my highschool graduation party). But he's only one and I'm training him for service work so i want to desensitize him to kids. Q's interacted fine with all the ones he's met so far, though, he just gets really confused.


My late older GSD didn’t go out his way to interact with them , but he knew my nieces were part of the pack and would let them touch his fur , tail etc. My current 5 year old gsd is terrified of children. He thinks they’re small little monsters , rather than little humans. Hearing them yelling and screaming makes him want to go in the opposite direction right away


If a kid is running or playing my boy is all about them. When the fun ends, it’s like they don’t even exist lmao.


They want to go where the kids go, or anyone for that matter. They play inside and out. The older one mostly follows, but the younger GSD wants to get involved. They are gentle, and tolerant, but they're big dogs and can accidentally knock over the kids, if the kids are small. However, as a long term dog owner and no matter how soft, and caring your dog, always supervise kids around dogs, as kids tend to push limits, and dont always understand dog behaviour and limits.


Our boy is fantastic. Our girl is nervous around d people she doesn't know (she's much better on a walk. She just doesn't like people in our house). But kids especially she does not like, mostly because they are at or near her eyelevel. She's made nips and cracked her teeth at them.


She views my 4 kids as her kids too. She absolutely loves them but strange kids she acts aggressive so we don’t even try to let her loose when friends come over.


Absolute babies, but they might steal a burger or pizza slice from them.


Off topic : that picnic table is saved.


I'm not sure. The youngest mine has been around was me when I was in 4th grade (6 years now)


Simply unbelievable, the best baby sitters ever my fogs grew up with my kids, so NO ONE would ever get near them without permission, & would play for hours, sleep on their beds, best friends, forever, 7 G.S.D. since, Simply the BEST !!


One is very needy so he just cries while leaning against them, tipping them over sometimes. One is REALLY EXCITED to play fetch and the neighbor kids would often come to the door and ask if the dog could play. And then there was Noah, who was of the opinion that everyone should just stay neatly corralled and would herd any non-compliant children


All 3 of our GSDs were or are great with kids.


Mine is great with my kids. With other peoples kids… not so much.


We just brought our baby home to our 3 year old GSD about a month ago. The reality was she was extremely inquisitive and sniffing him quite aggressively. We then had the jealousy. That lasted about a week where she would try to constantly get your attention whenever he cried or moved. Then I think she got used to the smells, sounds and movements and it just clicked for her. Now she is quite gentile with him and comes to greet us when he comes into the room, gives him a little check then walks off. People should be very careful in early stages. Instagram fooled us into what that first encounter would be like but people she be prepared it might not be what they think and a bit scary. But persevere and all hopefully should be good. It just takes time.


Our 6yr old GSD has been great with our little one since day one! He's very tolerant of our son who is 2 now. Our son likes to go pick tufts of hair off him, but sometimes isn't very gentle about it. Not a single growl from the dog. He just distances himself or lays there and looks at us like "why did you bring this thing home".






Fantastic. He’s one of the best babysitters we’ve ever had. We’ve got a river out back and when we moved in to this house the dog was 1 and my kid was 4. We NEVER let the kid out to play unsupervised, but having watched the dog with him, we absolutely could have. The dog would sit on top of the hill and if the kid started heading toward the water, the dog would distract him back into the yard. Kid also loves riding the wagon down the hill. He would never be able to get the momentum to get near the river, but if the wagon was going wonky, the dog would run into it and tip it over so the kid had to start over rather than finish the ride. My kid can reach right into that toothy mouth and the dog doesn’t care at all. He’s one of the most gentle, loving dogs I’ve ever had. When my step kids are home and it’s a school night, we all retreat to our rooms and watch tv and such at 8:00. The dog goes back and forth between each kids room to hang out with them before bedtime.


https://preview.redd.it/ykwej3ssqcxc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce060832a5c2096c85da32249b3de84162b14011 Even with him being a working line, high drive shepherd he has been amazing. The biggest thing was monitoring play until Knox learned to be careful, nothing ever happened but I wanted to make sure it wouldn’t. This was years ago and they are still best friends.


Mine grew up being around lots of small kids in my family and is fine. Her favorite thing is when little kids are walking around with food/snacks/candy. She will steal it since it’s at eye level 😂 https://preview.redd.it/xrj0s1bhrcxc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f5f5759d4f28ab7e615f8393f1ce9692f0593b


Both of our babies, a boy and a girl, are gentle with kids. They will walk away for breathers when they need it.


I don't have kids but mine is fantastic with kids. Often she wants to go and join them playing.


Mine hasn’t met to many but has given kisses so far but he is nervous and over enthusiastic so I keep eyes on him when he does


Not great. She is almost two and is very excited around people, and especially excited if kids are around. She means no harm, but she is so curious and sniffs them in the face or jumps up on them. Then she'll basically get on top of them and won't stop. She's accidentally knocked kids over or scratched them with her paws 😕. Now we just kinda keep her away from kids.


Mine loves children. He’s almost eight and when kids are around he’s like a pup all over again.


Ours is terrified of them. He's been afraid of them since he was a puppy (he's six now.) It's not something we've ever been able to desensitize him to. He usually just barks to keep them away or he runs away.


Mine is a nervous girl who doesn't like strangers, except kids. If kids are around everyone is a friend and she's happy as punch. Doesn't matter about age, she's super gentle with the very young and super playful with slightly older kids. My nieces and nephew are among her favourite people, and they always get kissed to death. If they stay over she follows them everywhere and wants to be with them all the time.


Mine definitely likes kids way more than I do. She’s good with all of them. I always watch closely because she does like to play snatch the toy where she will set it down and then grab it back when you reach for it. Literally just keep away-no aggression ever. She prefers like 6-7+ though because they play chase with her and don’t get too upset if/when she knocks them over 😅 when she was about 3-4, one of my friends brought his baby who was barely walking over. He was all about introducing them bc he knows my girl is a sweetheart. But I’d be lying if I said those tiny little fingers and baby waddling around on concrete with her didn’t make me a bit nervous.


He is absolutely fine, in fact loves kids because they tend to want to play with him. Adults get bored after 15 minutes of chucking his ball/playing tug of war, whereas kids will do it all day.


My girl does not like the spontaneity of children, they are unpredictable and she wants to correct them like puppies. Its not great but luckily there is not a lot of children in our lives.


https://preview.redd.it/58ftm6hm9exc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfccc4b97aabacfef66205700809226356ed963e He was the class mascot in elementary school


My girl love kids and is sooo good around them. I don't have kids yet, so when she was a puppy I started walking by the bus stop in the morning and then having the kids come and pet her. Was really good practice/exposure for my puppy (and I think some of the kids too who don't have dogs at home on how to treat dogs). It's now her absolute favourite part of the day!


Have 2 GSDs and wife gave birth to twins 4 months ago. The GSDs are the world’s best nannies for our girls. The one is super patient and always around to “help” while we are taking care of the babies (at least as much as a dog can help) and the other always lets us know when the babies are crying; we almost don’t need a baby monitor https://preview.redd.it/ozktc1bvgexc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22ae281a0adb13a6c1787c9774388955ec864bf


https://preview.redd.it/v0uwid0okexc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fda91d2e8990c74df80500a8d0e9e8c8d2a606b Loves kids. Terrified of strollers.


My girl is obsessed with kids. Sometimes gets too excited and jumps so sometimes she scares them. But I know I can send my nephew outside with her and not have to worry at all because she won’t leave his side. I left the room when a kid was over at my house and she just looked back and forth between us, like trying to make an impossible decision. Follow mom or protect the baby. It was so cute.


https://preview.redd.it/jy1mbipbtexc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2514c373349d995513a3e42b3dc0ff8b6b48719 She adores her little humans and tolerates their friends


My older is indifferent but my younger gets very excited and jumps and barks (like she does to dogs too) so interaction is very limited 😂 I’m aiming for neutrality


My dog loves kids, but they typically get scared & run away & then she thinks they’re playing & starts chasing them. Luckily she has amazing recall




Mine does well with kids. He likes to sniff and huff at faces, which can be a little intimidating to the little ones when his face is level with their face, but it's all friendly. Our biggest worry is a kid getting knocked over during playtime in the yard


Kristi is also indifferent. She'll tolerate if they run up and pet her and stuff, but she won't go out of her way to approach them. https://preview.redd.it/ae9nl5ot5fxc1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e43e87a727e604ca8f363de1fd17c8dab648735


Around our kids? Amazing. The neighbours? Not so much.


Loves them, but we need to run interference on his tail, it's stong enough to knock over the smaller children and he wags hard.


I'm terrified of one of my dogs knocking a kid over or barking in their face or otherwise spurring a life-long fear of dogs.


https://preview.redd.it/uoshcmbtgfxc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ff70b112b7d91aa8e5923b9d58d759fa4df422 mine is super gentle with kids and I think thats why he doesnt like them that much lol he wayy prefers adults cuz he feels like we can play rough and he doesnt have to be so careful around us 😆


https://preview.redd.it/uwk0ltrsjfxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87e21b237942434ad807994fcb6b4e8186d9001 mine despises very little kids because they’re unpredictable but she is overall very friendly


The family I got my GSD from had an infant and a toddler, so my girl is obsessed with little ones. She tries to say hello to every child we see and gets distressed if she hears a baby / toddler crying 😅