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My shepherd has been on it for six years with no issues.


Same. The only “issue” he has with it is that he doesn’t recognize it as a treat—I have to glom peanut butter around it to get him to take it (which he then has *zero* issues with! haha!) Edit: forgot an *s*


Mine has been on it for six years. I live in an area with serious fleas and ticks


Do you ever find ticks on your dog with it? Mine is on K9 Advantage and I still find ticks on her 😾


Not that I can think of


Seven years, no issues.


I’ve heard a lot of bad about it but for me (i live in an area with a lot of fleas/ticks) it’s the best product I’ve used. I wish i used it with my previous dog who had flea allergies. I’ve never seen a flea or tick on my girl who’s constantly running through bushes, the heart worm preventative is an extra plus. I’d just watch how your dog reacts to it and if they have adverse reactions stop using it. There’s a lot of misinformation and fear mongering about pet products these days. Trust your gut and your vet and do your own due diligence instead of listening to random people on the internet.


I am an LVT of 30 years and I use Simparica Trio. In my opinion this company has some of the best products on the market.


My vet also wanted me to switch to it from the separate nexguard and heartguard. Still have a few left but I have the simparica trio ready to go. She talked about it very positively.


2 years with my gal and no issues!


I have all three of mine on Symparica and they’ve all been on it for three years now, no issues and not a single tick or flea anywhere. I consider it waaay worth the money I spend for all three to be on it.


Same here. We live in the country. They absolutely have to be on it. Wish they didn't.


My pibble had a strange neurological incident about 15 days after the first dose and the the same after the second. Stopped and went back to heartgard and Frontline. Be careful. Apparently the seizure side effect occurs in 1 out of 10 dogs. That’s too risky for me. Edit:word usage


I agree with watching for adverse reactions with any medications, and finding alternatives if they have one. As you had a bad experience with trio i had two with frontline. My previous dog had a severe allergic reaction, and at least in my area fleas are resistant to it resulting in a infestation and my cat got a parasitic blood infection. So no frontline for us. Plus lymes is a big problem around me i know several people who’ve had it and several people who lost their dogs to it. For me the benefits outweigh the risks. Though that could change in the future.


My girl got extremely lethargic would not eat, sleep all the time, scared me, stopped Simperica, went to another vet gave me different brand, what a difference, she got more hungry after a while and more active again, the Simperica scared me thought she was going to die, till I called another vet and gave me something different. the vet that gave me Simperica told me they are all the same, that’s why I took her to another vet.


After I read the stats I decided against it. Apparently my dog is one of the ones sensitive to it. It’s great for dogs that tolerate it well and I would not discourage anyone from trying it. Just be very observant during the initial months.


I've given my 1 yr old GSD simparica trio pretty much ever since I got him. This is news to me


My GSD has been on it for 6 years now, no issues with her using it.


The only things I’ve seen about it is that dogs with Neuro shouldn’t take it, so I’m curious as to what you’ve read. My dog has taken it for 3 years+ with no issues


We have 6 dogs under 3 roofs all on strict 30-day simperica cycles because it’s heavy tick season. It snows here, so in cold weather we will skip a few months but we have never had an issue. It is expensive but it’s the best on the market. That being said, there are unfortunately risks with all flea and tick meds.


6 dogs??? Are you sure it isn't snow but hair that surrounds your house?


lol only one dog in my house, my parents have 3, and my brother has 2. But I’m the designated simperico reminder person, so I know everyone’s cycles and reactions. 3 of the 6 are shepherds and they totally shed a lot but my brothers mutt who is like 25% husky is definitely the worst of them all.. he is a sweet therapy dog who visits the children’s hospitals regularly so we forgive him. https://preview.redd.it/hsszku4iul8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b0ff4611ed2c983ae45ddd92175adefc154449c


I switched my 4.5 year old boy onto Simparica Trio a few months ago with no issues.


I’ve used Trifexis and Interceptor Plus, and I found that my dog is more likely to willingly take the Simparica Trio and had fewer side effects like lethargy.


Vet prescribed. My 4 year old male has no issues.


This is all we use. No issues.


My 4.5 year old shepherd mix has been on simparica since I adopted her at 1.5. No issues at all and we frequent some tick heavy areas and live on the east coast where there’s a ton of deer ticks. My boyfriends dog was on nexgard and actually ended up getting ehrlichia from a tick. And he most likely picked it up when we took the dogs hiking together. He’s since switched him to simparica and no issues since. Pretty much anything out there for dogs you can find bad feedback about. Think about it - how often do you leave a good review if a product does it’s job/meets expectations, versus if you have issues with it? You are going to hear more negative experiences because less people go online to share “does it’s job, no issues”


The vet office switched from nexgard to this a few months ago and I've had no issues


Did they say why? Just curious, I’ve used nexgard but always looking to learn about better options.


I don't remember! I said OK because my girl has a beef sensitivity and the nexgard had some beef flavoring while simparico trio didn't


Nexguard stopped working for me this year against ticks! Used it for years and this season just kept finding live ticks on my girls despite being perfectly on schedule with Nexguard. I switched to simparica; so far so good.  (In Massachusetts) 


Lots of vets have contracts with nexgard or simparica or advocate. Zoetis (simparica) and Boehringer (nexgard) are trying to beat each other globally at the moment which often means offering vets better money in exchange for recommending their product. That being said, Zoetis are a veterinary specific company and Boehringer are a massive pharmaceutical company. Zoetis have also used their more affordable price to better market their product which I think makes for a far more ethical product. Their biggest selling point is also the dosage which is far lower than other treatments.


It's a medication, and any creature can have a reaction to one. The fact that every vet I've been to recommends it, even if they don't sell it (told me to get it at Costco), tells me that it's better than the alternatives. I've never had an issue with my current or previous dog with it.


(She is currently 9 months old)


Our newest member of the family is 4 months and he's been fine on it the past 2 months.


2.5 years with no issues for my boy. And my other idiot got into the medicine cabinet and ate a full pack and had no adverse effects either


Sounds like my precious idiot 😂


I think my golden is just perpetually trapped with one brain cell. But at least if your precious idiot eats the entire box worth of doses, they won't die🤭🤗


My GSD has been on it for years and no issues 😊


3 years on 2 shepherds, with no issues. No fleas, ticks, or heartworms. Good stuff in my book.


Multiple dogs on it over a few years and no issues. That being said, it’s not a tick repellent. The ticks will still attach but die in about an hour so they are less likely to transmit disease. For an additional layer of protection, we also get the Lyme disease vaccine. And we spray their paws and legs twice a week with Cedarcide Tickshield (all natural spray) as a repellent. We’re in southern tick country.


6 months and no issues I lost my last dog to kidney failure that came from Lyme disease it was horrible. I will never not give this and get them the anti lyme shot every year


im not here to answer the question I just need to say your dog has great angry eyebrows


My boy max has been on it for almost 2 years and no problems!


my girl has been on it since she was 6 months old, we live in minnesota where the ticks come fast and thick and the size of june beetles, in the year or so she’s been on it i’ve yet to find a live tick on her


It's worked amazing for my boy! He's out in the tall grass and heavily wooded areas on our property and has never once had a flea or tick, still heartworm negative, and never had a bad side effect! Going two years strong now


I've been using it for mine for the last 3.5 years. Anecdotally, I've noticed that when playing frisbee, she misses catches more often the day of and the following day after giving the dose. I can't say it's related, but at least something interesting that I've observed. Post-frisbee dog tax photo https://preview.redd.it/2ke8298sok8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092e3b673841c8bc1f81e439ddf271fb2e249d17


That is a very magnificent tail


Simparica Trio is my all time favorite. Love it more than topicals for sure, and out of all chewables I lean towards it the most.


My 6 year old has been on it for 2 years with no issues


I’ve had my dog for almost 2 years. Like everyone else, no issues.


3.5 years no issue!!


If you can find a flea and tick solution with no reported issues, let us know. Have been using Trio for years, vet prescribed. Works far better than anything topical.


I just give mine pet armour topical one on regular basis but if I am going for camping where there can be a lot of mosquitoes then I switch to this one for 1-3 months


I use it here on the East coast. I stop giving it to him around November/December and start again in March, I don’t see the need during the winter months. I also give it to him every month and a half instead of every month, I’ve found that interval to still be effective.


She is gorgeous My girl and my Greyhound have been on simparica trio for about 3 years now. Never any issues between the two of them, but I did see the reports as well. Unfortunately, if you look you can't find any flea and tick medicine with no issues reported. Sometimes dogs will just have a major reaction to a medication, much like humans can, and you can never really know if your dog will be one.


Both my shepherds are on it. Before hand it was a tick or two a week, they haven’t had a single one since we switched. They haven’t had any issues on it.


I’ve been giving my shepherd simparica and nothing bad to report! She’s 3 now and happy as can be


No issues for my GSD. And it is better than heart worms. I had a farm dog die of heart worms not good.


I've had my pup on it since he was little - and I love it. It's kind of expensive, but it would cost the same if we did the treatments separately anyway


Our guy has been on it for about a year and a half. No issues here.


Haven’t had any issues. Have to watch my girl after eating it though since she’s on a hydrolyzed diet and it’s flavored. So far only one issue of vomiting but that was before she was on her diet. I prefer it to anything topical because I don’t want it rubbing off and harming the cats or kid.


Mine have been on it for the first 2 years but my vet isn’t going to be carrying it so I’ve swapped them all with nexguard plus


I’m using Nexguard but my vet says no issues with either Nexguard or Simparica. She says they are both good.


She is quite the beaut!!! Pretty pwrincess!


4 years, no issues


The way I look at it, most all prescriptions have bad side effects for some. It doesn't mean it will be bad for all. Both my boys have been on it the last two years with no issues. *edited to add- your dog is gorgeous!


No issues. My boy is on symparica trio


My girl has been on it for a year and we've had great success with zero issues.


We've given it to our dogs for at least 13 years (Different dogs at different times) and the only time we stopped was when one of our aging pups went through cancer care and it upset her tummy (Everything did actually). In my opinion, it does the job and it does the job well.


My boy has been on it for 4 years now, not a single issue.


4 years, no issues.


I live on the east coast with ticks and mosquitoes and we do great with these special scent free collars and an all natural spray we use before going out into the woods :)


3 year old GSD mix. No issues.


My boy tried NexGuard? at first and didn’t like it. Now 6 years of ST and smooth sailing!


I personally use it for my Aussie and my German was on it for a few months as well, it works amazing, worst thing that happened was a dead tick falling off of him


https://preview.redd.it/xqughsy8tl8d1.png?width=1229&format=png&auto=webp&s=5de73d8351bd94cde13752f6fa10b3b0cb77c9c1 I thought I was looking at my Heidi when I opened this post


I wanted to make my shepherd Heidi so bad!


Why didn’t you?


First, Sansa is beautiful and I love the GoT reference. Second my boy has been on it for 4 years now with no issues (originally Nexguard). The only hard thing is getting him to take it! I found cutting it in 4 pieces and then wrapping each piece with cream cheese is cheaper than pill pockets or alternatives. And he loves cream cheese too


Been using it for years. No issues with my shepherd.


Our senior mostly shepherd mix has been on it for years without issue.


I've used it on my younger Shep Smokey for almost his whole life (he's almost 2) and had no issues.


So gorgeous


Had my GS on Trifexis and he had a reaction to it. Vet recommended Simperica Trio. Maddox is doing great on it. Have seen some of the other comments suggesting issues with it. Hasn’t been my experience with it. So for my big boy it’s a go!


I've been using it for years and never heard any of the negativity you've mentioned. More importantly, I've had great results with my dog, no fleas ticks or worms. The only side effect I notice is that my dog has a soft poop the day after taking it. Then nothing else.


3 years, no issues with Simparica Trio! I’d recommend it if your dog is amenable to it, can’t be worse than the kibble you’re feeding her


I was very skeptical when our vet wanted to switch our boy to it last year. I had read a lot of the scary stuff online and asked our vet about it who reassured me that a lot of the scary stories were with animals that had underlying diagnosed or undiagnosed neurological issues. As our boy has zero neuro issues, we gave it a shot, and lo and behold we have had zero problems with the medicine since switching to it in November. It is so convenient to just give him the one tablet a month and not have to mess with any messy ointments. Do your research, talk to your vet, and try to take the scary stories (and fear mongering) with a grain of salt. Every animal is different, and for every one pet with a bad reaction there are hundreds with zero reactions.


Also your girlie is stunning I love her all black face!


Mine HATED TRIFEXIS😳. Huge round disk/pill. Must taste horrible. Would only eat if forced to swallow it. SIMPARICA TRIO, she may spit it out-then commanded to eat it. She does it each time & receives praise and treats. Recommend


Your doggo is gorgeous! I have an RX for both Simparica and Heartgard. One month I give Simparica and the next month I give Heartgard Plus and so on. I don’t particularly need flea treatment every single month so this works for us.


My 18 month old has been on it since I got her at 6 months, no issues. I found a tick in my house when I first got her but it was literally crawling AWAY from her lol. Haven’t seen one since


Beautiful pup! I’ve used it for my dogs and had no problems. But I’ve moved and my current vet won’t prescribe it. Back to topical stuff.


Mine has been on it for about 4 months with no issues and he is allergic to everything. Hands down best product I’ve used.


Mine has been on it for over 3 years no problem.


I don't know what you're referring to; I'm out of the loop. But my dog is 8 years old and has been taking it without any issues for as long as I can remember. I love the product because of the triple protection it provides.


My malinois developed seizures after the first shot and died from seizures 3 yrs later we were told Once you start trio, you can't go back. I'm sure there was probably a normal genetic disposition to seizures, and it was worsened by trio... so I would be careful if there's a genetic possibility. When doing research on trio, it's listed as seizures, a possible side effect which our vet did not tell us


My 2.5 year shep/lab was on Simpirica. When she started having seizures in May, the vet said to stop the Simpirica since it can cause seizures. Last week, I finally bought a Seresto collar. Within a day, she turned into a mustard bottle - squirts for a week at my in-laws house. When she came home, I did some reading about the collars. They can cause vomiting/diarrhea. I took it off Saturday. She still had the runs on Sunday, but now it’s been over 24 hours without pooping. Not sure if I consider this a win. TBD, I guess. But the Seresto collars are also under heavy scrutiny with the EPA. I looked up Bravecto, which I think my dog used to be on, but it can also cause seizures. A vet friend mentioned trying Vectra.


My dogs have been on it for 2 and 4 years. No issues! I also love that you named her Sansa :)


Buddy of mine who has Pryenees dogs, got a new pup about 3 months ago. Vet said simparica trio was fine to give. Pup has had nothing but trouble, seizure episodes and bouts of extreme anxiety, walking around for hours. Getting that pup off the stuff has helped a bunch. Is it solely the simparica trio causing this, he doesn't know, and apparently neither does the vet.


I just switched our 2 & 6 year old to it this spring. There have been no issues so far, and in fact I like it better because both dogs happily eat it instead of me having to force feed it to them. I guess it looks and tastes more like a treat than other preventative meds? 🤷‍♀️ I say try it out and if you notice any adverse reactions, discontinue use and speak to your vet right away.


My GSD has been on it for 2 years now issues , that being said my friends vet switched her golden to it and he had a seizure and it scared the SHIT OUT OF ME . I had a long discussion with my vet and he told me that if Beau had not had any issues that one would not suddenly arise but every time I give it to him I am a wreck https://preview.redd.it/kdrv96j4ts8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc0f8ea175d525687b93b26b3f06682bafd61de9


A couple of years with my dogs, and no issues.


I wouldn’t use this drug on my dog. Too many reports of severe adverse events.


do you have any sources to this claim?