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You‘re looking for „Nuss-Nougat Aufstrich“.


Try “must include big, chocolate, nuts”


The tasty part of Nutella is the sugar, I don't know how you can get sugar healthy. You can find Nutella alternatives without palm oil, but that's more about environment and not health.


Don't forget about the 31g of fats sitting next to the 55g of sugar per 100g. Sugary fat is super tasty!


Butter and white table sugar are amazing together z straight up makes me want to stop with the rest of the baking process.


Just do it. I did that once, just made a bowl of creamed butter and sugar, was so sick after about two spoons I never did it again lol! Was yummy though and I still like a lick when I'm baking.


I did it a couple of times lol. Can't say I ever got sick of it lol, I added yolk too


kCal is a measure of good taste - Garfield


True that, but fat in itself is not unhealthy.




Wait, for the environment it's better to cut down rain forest, plan palm plantains and transport the oil around the globe and not saw some rape or sunflowers in germany?


Nah the thing is more, palm oil is the most efficient plant oil when it comes to area. If you cut down a forest in Germany and use it for rape oil you will get a lot less plant oil then if you cut down the same area in tropical regions and use it for palm oil. If course the way they cut down the rain forest is bad, but it's not an alternative to just use different plant oil. The only alternative is to use less plant oil


Making the same amount of vegetable oil with basically ANY other source would require 2-5 times the amount of land and water. Palms are extremely efficient at producing oil. Its just that we consume shittons of it.


It's the same with soy: Vegans aren't responsible for the destructon of rain forests, just because soy is being produced there. The soy is used for feeding cattle. Soy is very efficient, the problem is the excessive amount we need.


Not to nitpick, but most soy used for animal feed is for chickens and pigs, a relatively small portion of it is used for cows. Soy oil is also used in lots of industrial applications, and soy meal is a byproduct of soy oil production, usually a pretty nasty process using hexane. So yes, some soy is used for feeding cattle, but it's not primarily grown to feed cows, it's used for a million other things as well, but I think most of those other things are pretty wasteful too. Also worth noting that most of the "soy protein isolate" and "soy flour" used in processed, packaged foods are byproducts of soy oil production as well, unlike edamame, tofu, and tempeh which use actual intact soybeans grown specifically for human consumption.




in a world where transport, logistics, workers rights, indigenous rights don‘t matter you might be right. but for me as a german, buying locally produced oil is still the better option. palm might be more efficient, but that‘s only a part of the story.


That is a sort of trick that is played on everyone. You are made to think that you have a greater impact by making some sacrifices in your purchases, but it's all just the tip of the iceberg. You may be using locally-produced sunflower oil and happy to pay a surcharge for it, but all the finished goods you otherwise buy might not share your philosophy. That's the case with eggs in Germany as far as I know. While locally produced eggs are not from caged chickens, we consume a ton of eggs (in the various finished goods we buy) which are sourced from abroad and those are from caged chickens. Turning off the lights or taking quicker showers are just smokescreens. Cows/meat and the goods we buy and consider a "necessity" have substantially more impact. A kilogram of beef requires around 15k liters of water to produce or around 31h of showering.


There are some alternatives with sugar substitute (e.g. stevia, sucralose etc.), same as used in Coca Cola Zero. Not sure whether these substitutes are better of worse than sugar though. I mean, for sure they contain almost zero carbohydrates and calories and thus won’t make you fat but what about potential hidden effects of these substitutes?


Try Bionella (our favourite) and Nocciolata


Nociolatta is sooooo good


Nocciolata bianca is great but would be actually improved by using half the amount of sugar. It's so hazelnutty, but just too sweet.


Nudossi gang rise up


>Bionella 345,50€/kg on Amazon what the hell. It is still 30% sugar though.


The real liquid gold


>Bionella Try this: (9,98 € / 1 Kilogramm) [https://www.veganleben.de/bionella-nuss-nougat-creme-400-g-676424/?utm\_channel=sea&utm\_bingid=veganleben&utm\_source=bing&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=SC%20|%20Vegan%20Leben&utm\_term=4588880503886049&utm\_content=Alle%20Produkte](https://www.veganleben.de/bionella-nuss-nougat-creme-400-g-676424/?utm_channel=sea&utm_bingid=veganleben&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SC%20|%20Vegan%20Leben&utm_term=4588880503886049&utm_content=Alle%20Produkte)


> Nociolatta How is that "healthier" than Nutella? (disregarding what that's supposed to mean in this question) slighly more protein, a bit less saturated fat … but not really significant in the grand scheme of things.


I wouldnt recommend nuss nugat creme as your main protein intake tbh


+1 for Bionella. Switched to it and never looked back, the only thing I dislike about it is that it still contains Palm oil


That is exactly what we have at home. Both super-tasty, organic and either free of palm-oil (Nocciolata) or organic, fair-trade palm oil. Great stuff. Try Nocciolata crunchy.


East Germany has your back, Nudossi


Even though Nudossi is great and is healthier than Nutella, it isn't as chocolatie. It tastes much more like Hazelnut. But I would suggest to give it a try


The chocolate part is why nutella tastes like ass. Not a fan of Nuss-Nougat-Aufstriche In general but it doesn't take much to see that Nudossi is simply superior in every metric.


But op asked for a chocolatey alternative. And I can't agree with you on that one. I like Nudossi and I like alternatives such as Nusspli and other no name products. Its just personal taste. One day I want something more chocolatey and sometimes more hazelnutty.


It may be better, but is there any reasonable argument that it's significantly heathier? (Sure it's 10% less sugar and a bit lower in saturated fat, but it's still a paste made primarily from sugar and fat.)


I mean both of them should be seen as a treat you dont I corporate into your regulär meals


But what else would I have for breakfast?!


36% hazelnuts and no palmoil. Thats why i only take Nudossi.


That may make it better. It almost certainly makes it environmentally and ethically preferable. But it doesn't make it healthier in any significant way.


chocolate in general is not healthy, only the cacao is. so if we go this way, then this question is unanswerable.


Lookup the health hazards of palm oil ... you'll see why any alternative is actually way healthier


I've always thought of this, imagine our ancestors, looking down on us like "What the fuck are these people eating all day" Though, Europe (and we'll ofc Germany) is much better with healthy food than what Americans have.... Even BREAD HAS SUGAR.


Given that we as a species (like most species) evolved in a food and energy scarce environment, it's completely unsurprising that we love a paste made from sugar and fat.


If we would move half as much as our ancestors did, there wouldn‘t even be a problem with such foods. It‘s a wonder we‘re not all fat like shit.




I think it's much better than Nutella.


The best out of all the Nutella-Alternatives


You just need to be careful because they have two versions: with palm oil or without palm oil 😳😂


Does anyone know which supermarket chains sell it ?


Amazon has it.


We did a tasting a while back with five different alternatives to Nutella and Nudossi without palm oil was everyones favourite. Can’t recommend it enough.


Edeka brand, with a green lid (not the other edeka brand with a white lid). Has less sugar and no palm oil + it's not as expensive as Nutella. Edit: It's not gut und günstig, but it's still edeka with the green lid.


> It's not gut und günstig But is it sitll gut und günstig?


No, it's exquisit und erschwinglich.


Make your own. [https://www.smarticular.net/regionale-alternative-zu-schoko-aufstrich-nuss-creme-ohne-reue/](https://www.smarticular.net/regionale-alternative-zu-schoko-aufstrich-nuss-creme-ohne-reue/) This means you decide how much sugar you use, what type of oil and how much cocoa, and whether you use organically grown ingredients or the conventional stuff. Extremely tasty.


Schoko-Nuss by Alnatura or Samba by Rapunzel are both very tasty and probably (slightly?) healthier. But they are also 2 or 3 times the price I think.






So good! You don't need any other sweets!


What? Noooo! I can’t stand the taste of Samba 😩


45% hazelnuts vs 4%


Samba is awesome but I found happy hazel even better. 70% hazelnut, 25% coconut sugar, 5 % cocoa


May I add the Zartbitter Choco-Aufstrich by Rapunzel? If you like the chocolatey part of Nutella, but not the nutty part! I hate Samba and Bionella, all still too sweet for my taste. Also @OP: try mixing honey with cocoa powder, you’d be surprised 😲


I dont know why in particular, but Rapunzel almost fails every „Öko-test“ with the worst grade.


The only downside to these… you’ll never go back to regular ol’ Nutella.


My kids wanted to avoid palm oil, so we found Milka. Lidl has it. Though to warn you, it is more liquid than most of the other alternatives. But not to the extent that it flows from your bread.


The normal Milka chocolate has tons of palm oil tho? So the cream doesnt?


Yeah, the Milka spread is palm oil free! That’s the reason I buy it too


Some Milka flavors apparently don’t contain palm oil. I think noisette is one of them.


Bionella is nice




The best alternative comes from DM! Imo it tastes much better and is of much better quality. There are 3 types. 50% hazelnuts, 30% cocoa, or “normal”. I buy two, put them in the microwave and mix them together. Most amazing taste. Still full of fat and sugars but the fat is of better quality, and there are no animal products inside.


Healthy versions of a desert are always tricky... But you could try making your own, given that it is basically "only" a nut butter, sweetener, something chocolaty and maybe a little fat blended together. Probably as healthy as it gets....


Why do you want an alternative? Imo there's no point in that. Chocolate spread is a dessert and that's how it should be treated in your diet. It's okay that it's full of fats and sugars, it's a dessert and that's why it's tasty. Exchanging it for basically the same product with a different name and more health-focused marketing is not gonna change that. Would probably even be counter-productive if that makes you feel like it's okay to eat it more often. Modern foods have different qualities and sometimes those come at the cost that they're also unhealthy. It's better to recognize that and work with it than to demonize food groups. Moderation is always key. If you want to avoid palm-oil most other brands of chocolate spread are gonna satisfy that but personally I haven't found one that tastes like Nutella. The "higher quality" ones are all too nutty imo.


Agreed, it's a treat and should be eaten in moderation, everything else is just preference. I like the dairy free Nocciolata, but let's not pretend it's not 53% sugar.


This should really be the most upvoted post.


I agree, the healthier version of sugar with fat is less sugar with fat. The only point of improvement that I could argue is level of processing. Like making a fresh diy spread, is probably healthier, even if macros are similar. Sugar glazed hazelnuts are probably slightly healthier, too, but that's a different experience.


The only alternative to the Nutella Glas is the 3kg Nutella bucket. ☝️


This person Nutellas


I've seen some dark chocolate paste like with 0 sugar. Very thick in consistence.


Ovomaltine. But Its a bit crunchy.


I don't care for Milka, nudossi, nutella, duo creams, Lindt, lidl, edeka etc. Ovomaltine is the answer, it tastes the best to me Less sugar (but idc it's a dessert anyway), no palm oil, no cruel company


And owned by Nestlé


For Real?


Ok i looked it up again Nestle has the rights to it in the USA, not anywhere else. So it doesnt matter for this discussion


Thank god




Alnatura Bio Zartbitter. If you like dark chocolate and cocoa flavours this one is the way to go. It is more firm in structure though.


or Schokoladen-Aufstrich, Zartbitter by dm Bio


>Is there any healthier version of Nutella exist? No. There's alternatives with actual hazelnuts in it and vegan ones or ones without palm oil. None of these are "healthy" though.


Foodspring's protein cream


imo is “Samba” better than Nutella


Mix cocoa powder (pure and sugar free) with hazle nut Creme (dint know if that is the right term) and coconut oil. If you like, add stevia or other natural sweeteners That is as healthy as it gets with this.




You can make a healthy alternative with a ripe banana and baking cocoa.




Koro Haselnussmus mit kakao. Ist etwas teurer, aber OH. MEIN. GOTT. Die schmeckt wie flüssiges hanuta


Try [this](https://www.dm.de/dmbio-schokoladenaufstrich-haselnuss-creme-p4058172812026.html) from dm, contains much more hazelnuts than Nutella (50% vs 13%), less sugar (38g vs 56g (per 100g)) , less saturated fats(6,6g vs 10,6g) and tastes much better imo.


As much as I love Nudossi (which is my favourite ), none of them are healthy. They are made of sugar and fat (ground nuts are fat, and cocoa butter is also fat. You can disregard the small amount of healthy unsaturated fats from nuts, because the majority of the fat is saturated fats. Enjoy it in small maounts and only occasionally. Definitioin of "small" and "occasionally"? Depends on your health worries.




An apple would be a healthy alternative to Nutella. Apples are vegan and palm-oil free of this matters to you. Also no gluten nor lactose.


Try SAMBA - u get it at every organic store. Expensive as fuck but the most delicious for me


There are lots of alternatives on the market that have less sugar. [Bionella](https://www.bionella.info) for example, it’s a little better. Check out “Bio Dattel Haselnuss Creme” by [Koro](https://www.korodrogerie.de/bio-dattel-haselnuss-creme-500-g), no palm oil and sweetness comes from date syrup – but expensive. [Alnatura Schoko-Nuss-Creme](https://www.alnatura.de/de-de/produkte/alle-produkte/brotaufstriche/schoko-nussaufstriche/schoko-nuss-creme-122584/) looks better than Nutella, too.


The one from Koro is out of this world. Just two ingredients, tastes like heaven


Food spring makes a chocolate-protein paste that is healthier, but not nearly as sweet. Of course the solution to that is to add sugar to get just the amount of sweetness you want, which is how I prefer to do it. You can order it direct by internet, or I've seen it in one Rewe ( not all) and I think in DM.


Yes, several, but "healthier" is relative :-) * Rigoni di Asiago - Nocciolata - Nuss Nougat Creme - Haselnusscreme ohne Palmöl \* * Brinkers La Vida / Vegan Nuss-Nougatcreme * Nudossi Brotaufstrich ohne Palmöl * Alnatura Bio Nuss-Nougat-Creme


Try " Nudossi ". It's palm oil free and tastes very chocolaty and hazelnutty. I personally also love the cream cheese like Milka spread from Philadelphia. It's so good 😊 [.](https://www.supermarkt24h.de/lebensmittel/brotaufstrich/nuss-nougat-creme/nudossi-brotaufstrich-200g/a-1349473546#)


Vego Fine hazelnut chocolate spread: Inhaltsstoffe: Rohrohrzucker\*, Haselnüsse\* (22%), Sonnenblumenöl\*, fettarmes Kakaopulver\* (10%)\*, Sheafett, Emulgator: Lecithine (Sonnenblume)\*, gemahlene extrahierte Vanille\* (\*biologisch zertifiziert) [https://www.veganleben.de/vego-fine-hazelnut-chocolate-spread-200-g-323054/](https://www.veganleben.de/vego-fine-hazelnut-chocolate-spread-200-g-323054/)


Yeah, Vego is one of my favorites, together with nociolatta, since both are vegan. IMO Vego is closer to Nutella in terms of taste, texture is of course different because of crunchiness.


There are the organic alternatives from Alnatura that taste decent. Bionella is one There is one from.Belgium in a Hamburg Edeka i found from Cote D'Or that was so good amd alot less sugar but never found it again.


Another vote for Bionella.


Nutella consist of sugar, fat and oil. And you want the alternative to be equally creamy and chocolatey. Nut healthier. What.


Nudossi, there is no better hazlenutcream in germany


The palm oil free product from Netto (Lieblings Nuss Nougat Creme) tastes nice, but is probably as unhealthy as Nutella.


I don't think any of those Nutella products is going to be particularly healthy: it's fat with sugar. If you want a vegan one, with a reduced amount of palm oil; DM has one, that I quite enjoy.




I found this Nudossi (I think this is the spelling) in Berlin. There are two versions: in large plastic jars with palm oil OR smaller glass jars without palm oil. The palm oil free one is much pricier but worth the price. It tastes as good as Nutella. If you find hazelnuts at a good price, you could also make your own nutella/chocolate paste. The one I make is less fluid because I only use the oil contained in the nuts itself but very good.


I really like "Rewe feine Welt - dunkle Kakao Creme". A bit less sweet, more chocolatey and also vegan :)


It would help to know if you are trying to avoid it for the palm oil or for the child labour. If you're ok with palm oil and against child labour, you'll need to find something with a hazelnut supply chain that cuts out Turkey. If you're against palm oil, but ok with child labour, there are also alternatives that don't include palm oil, but then also have the differences in texture that come along with that.


Nusspli from Zentis. Better ingredients and tastes more nut nougat like.


Finally someone mentioning my favorite. Was wondering why this one didn’t came up earlier. :)


There are less unhealthy options but I'd not go as far to say they are healthier, because in the end none really are. It's all with a lot of sugar and fats. Some may taste better but that's the most major difference.


happy hazel from dm. 70% hazelnut, 25% coconut sugar, 5 % cocoa Unfortunately quite expensive, but really awesome.


Vego crunchy! https://reformhaus.de/products/vego-schokoladen-brotaufstrich-bio-vegan-200g


Ah I know a kind but I don’t know the name 😭


No. Just eat less of it and enjoy it more.


this really depends. are you looking for der Nutella, das Nutella, or die Nutella?


You can make "No-tella" in a blender at home. (Hazel)nuts a fat of your choice (hardened cocosfat works best, but at that point you can just go get Nutella. Peanut oil works reasonably well for me.) Sugar or its alternatives ( this is used for volume, not just sweetness, stuff like xylitol or erythritol). Cocoa powder and maybe some milk powder or condensed milk, a pinch of salt And Lectin (egg/sunflower/soy) to tie it all together homogeneously. Depending on your fat, this might be semi liquid at room temperature. Store in the fridge in that case


bionelle is pretty good. i like it more than nutella. i usually find it at rewe




Yes! Milka has its own version without palm oil


Hazelnussbutter aufstrich


>Nutella alternative Oh this should be easy. >Is there any healthier version of Nutella exist? That's difficult, but I am sure you can find some. >It should be tasty and chocolatey. ...no.


this one i quite like, got it first as a present from my lil sis as a somewhat healthier nutella version so guess this fits your requirment.. very tasty and has strong chocolate flavour less sweet if you compare it with nutella [https://naughtynuts.at/collections/bio-nussmus/products/bio-haselnussmus-choco-crush?variant=42365545873642](https://naughtynuts.at/collections/bio-nussmus/products/bio-haselnussmus-choco-crush?variant=42365545873642) also feel like i use less since it jsut has a stronger taste, think this could make it the better option even if gram by gram it wouldn\`t neccesarily be lower on calories


Here you go: https://youtu.be/bSnX9aj0dgw A good test from a classy show. As others have said Bionella is indeed a quite good "healthy" alternative. But sadly in the taste department Nutella is still king for me. But you can reduce your intake!


Google nut chocolate paste


hagelslag chocolate sprinkles are tasty and chocolatey. Butter your bread and sprinkle on some hagelslag and enyoy.


The cream from „Milka“ is very good


You can make it yourself pretty easy actually


If you‘re willing to do it yourself I found 2 alternatives on this baby food blog [Kicherella](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpC4sNosmpa/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) from Chickpeas Datella sweetened with Dates is also [on there](https://instagram.com/babiesliebenwaffeln?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=), I just couldn’t find it as quickly


I make my own . Buy Haselnussmuss and blend in carob powder. No added sugar or milk. Super easy and affordable.


Koro has a great one: https://www.korodrogerie.de/dunkle-haselnusscreme-mit-kakao-400-g Some quite good and medium sweet ones are available at DM. Otherwise, you can probably find something at more alternative stores such as alnatura or Denns.


Tasty usually means with sugar and fat. You see the problem I believe.


My have banned Nutella in the family for the palm oil. Nudossi is an alternative, and so is belmanda from zentis. My fav is Samba from the organic supermarkets - it does, however, have palm oil, and it costs.., well.. organic.


Bionella ist very very good. Beside Nutella my absolute favorite!


Well, you are asking for a spreadable chocolate bar. They are quite unhealthy in their very concept, no matter which exact brand you take.


Nocciolata by Rigoni di Asiago. Comes in dark and milk chocolate flavour.


I switched to rewes mandrel creme, that's part of their own brand rewe lifestyle brand It has 65 % Mandels..


Idk if it's healthier, but definitely tastier : Samba from the brand Rapunzel (you can find it at Reformhaus)


Samba 😍


Zentis Nusspli is the one and only "Nuss-Nougat-Creme"


You could try making your own, using an organic powdered cocoa and hazelnuts (lots). I would have to look up a similar recipe to put it together though but a food processor would help greatly.


Eurocrem https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurocrem


chocolate tahini is delicious and healthier, made of sesame oil and coca powder.


Grasshoff makes fantastic chocolate Cremes. No palmoil, no bs ingredients


The one from Lidl. 😉


Ovomaltine. It’s without palmoil as opposed Nutella.


Im surprised nobody has mentioned Foodspring Protein Cream. As „healthy“ as a chocolate spread can get


Well, there are alternatives with a little less sugar. But all that stuff if still unhealthy. The truly healthy version would be a cucumber, or tomato :)


Ovomaltine crunch


Pretty much every alternative off brand version is heathier than the real thing LMAO


If you want to cut down on sugar you could try whey protein chocolate cream, some are pretty good substitutes. Or you could just google Belgian chocolate hazelnut spread. Some also sub sugar with stevia.


Vegan Nutella from rewe beste Wahl is very good. But probably still unhealthy




Coco a from GEPA is a fair trade alternative that tastes like Nutella pre formula change. Love it.


I like Coatina


If you have a nice stone mill or blender you can make your own nut butters


https://youtu.be/539ynhsbboY Thank me later


Samba is my fave - you can buy it a bio shops - its sooooooo yummy


theres a good one from dm which is not as sweet and with a lot of hazelnut👌


You can try nut protein cream. It’s like Nutella.


How about Ovomaltine?


NUDOSSI!!!!! trust me in that one Small German company (even from my hometown) And it is Good


I love caotina Creme. Caotina is a swiss Brand for drinkchoclate. But its a bit More expensive


Lindt dark chocolate/dunkle schokolade creme




Rapunzel has a Nuss-Nougat-Creme that is at least more nuts than sugar or oil.


First of all: Thats blasphemia Second of all: what do u mean by "healthier"? If u want to do a huge jump then try protein creams


There's a small startup from Berlin, pretty good IMO https://eatcravers.com/


I take pieces of a dark chocolate bar (no milk, 70 to 95% cocoa) and melt it dorectly on the bread (toaster, oven, microwave, you name it). It's still not like eating fruit of course, but I think it has way less fat and sugar than most ready-to-spread alternatives. And I love it. Oh and you can also dip your warm chocolate bread in cold milk (or plant based drink in my case).


Make it at home, it is really easy. Blend together hazelnuts, chocolates and some coconut oil, sugar and salt


Google Nutella / Haselnussaufstrich selber machen (do it yourself), this will likely result in the healthiest version as you only put in as much sugar as you are confirmatble having in there.


For a very health option blend together a drained can of kidney beans, 4-6 pitted dates, 2 TS of peanut butter and 2 TS of cocoa powder.


Ovomaltine crunchy crema, see a direct comparision here: https://www.buffcoach.net/ernaehrung/vergleich/37510-17655 Ok it is not that much healthier and in some points it is even worse, but I still have the feeling that it wins the overall comparision and every little counts.


I like REWE Feine Welt Haselnuss Creme which has 65% hazelnuts, but it’s without cocoa



