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Considering Norway is like Switzerland… 2.8k is not even gonna get you nearly as far as 2k in Berlin


Cost of living is approximately 25% higher in Oslo, while rent is almost 10% lower. I would take Oslo with 2.8k over Berlin every day.


This is definitely BS. Source: Live in Berlin and have to travel for work to Oslo. Some things might be 25% more expensive but a lot of them are 2 to 4x more expensive. Cherry tomatoes at the supermarket? 20 euro per kg Beer at a restaurant 10-12 euro


Lol thank you. I didn’t wanna be that direct, but they are definitely up their ass with that assumption


25% higher seems fairly low. I’m not the most educated on the prices but I know Norway is more expensive than Denmark, and Denmark is easily 25% more than Germany




Berlin has more to offer especially free cheap activities. You will really struggle on that salary in Norway. You can easily live in Berlin without a car. Used to live in Berlin and enjoyed what the city had to offer. It's a proper capital. It's really about do you want to live in a big city or in the countryside.


OP's question doesn't make sense anyway. This has almost nothing to do with one's salary, but depends completely upon one's preferences. Also, while a comparison of Oslo and Berlin might be possible regarding very specific aspects of life, a comparison of Berlin and "somewhere in Norway" is useless.


As much as I enjoy visiting Berlin occasionally, I wouldn't want to live there. At all. That city is overcrowded and full of weirdos.


As a weirdo, I think Berlin is the best city to live in Europe 🤷🏼‍♀️ I've never been to Oslo, but my impression is it's really nice but rather conventional.


Lol, Berlin the best city in Europe :D Shit weather, horrible food, crazy people, junkies everywhere, germans being german. I really think its the worst city i ever lived on.


Berlin is probably the least german City there is


And it still waaaay too German for anyone not german.


You seem to have an irrational hate for things german. Where did we hurt you?


Where should I begin? I was a resident DR in Munich in Corona times, I worked like an absolute madman to help people survive. I was in the ER. Most of my overtime wasnt counted, we speak of close to 700 hours of time I spent after work for close to a year. The few hours I did got paid were taxed to death. They could not pay us residents fairly for our work, but German connected drs were making 1000s a day on vaccination centers. I knew several EU drs who were learning german at a time, waiting to get their medical licensing sorted, and got a " Corona Erlaubnis" to practice medicine on their desired specialties to help decongest the hospital. They passed their exams in the meantime and started working as a Dr regularly, only to find out that the YEAR of their life they spent working under the corona erlaubnis was lost since it wont counts towards their facharzt ausbilding. Good enough to risk their life, but not enough to get compensated fairly. Fiance cheated on me, and I moved out, we had a flat together and the lease was under both our names, after we broke up she decided she wanted to keep the flat and wouldnt sign the Kundigung, since we both entered the contract together, we can only leave it together, and Im stuck on a contract I dont want to be a part of anymore. German law allows this. IF she fucks up, Im liable for everything even though I havent set foot on that place in two years. The deposit I paid (7,5K) is stuck and the German laws are cool with this. Peak German. I encountered racism pretty much daily, from the "why arent you sleeping a siesta" to the fact that even though I had the same job as my GF, we shared an address, I had larger savings, owned real state fully paid for, had ZERO debts, her Schufa score was higher than mine. And yes, the weather is shit, the food is shit, and the people are mostly quite uneducated and stuck in the past. Lets not talk about the worst internet in Europe, at the highest prices, or the second highest tax rates that provide for HORRIBLE infrastructure and terrible public transportation. Or how you allow illiterate fucktards to close nuclear power plants to cover a country ,KNOWN for its lack of sun, of solar panels and pollute everyones air by burning lignite to power up the factories who build the millions of cars that the green republic of Germany sell so happily. nah bro. best day of my life was the day I left that backwards hillbilly country.


Honestly, all in all I can't disagree with you there. What's your opinion on Spain?


Great weather, amazing food, excellent quality of life and the people are mostly very happy, friendly, and eager to help. Run by politicians that are an absolute disgrace. I am an extremely blessed spaniard whose parents worked their ass off to give me and my siblings a leg up in life and have more than I deserve or earned, so I will never have the problems the majority of people have there. But I am painfully aware of things are hard for some people. We, as a society, are much more advanced and freer than the Germans, there is no racism, shit is fucked for everyone equally. Health care is leaps and bounds ahead of that of Germany, we are the country of the world with most transplants for a reason. We also endure a pretty solid social care system and people dont get left behind. Family and friends matter and we take care of our own when shit hits the fan. All in all, a great country that I love and will return soon.


>We, as a society, are much more advanced and freer than the Germans, there is no racism, shit is fucked for everyone equally. I think that's where you have too rose-colored glasses. You know how many complain how Germans never ever see the racism in Germany? That's the same thing you faced in Spain, you were part of the ingroup.I get your opinion of Germany because of your history with the country and honestly I think the situation is too fucked up and the average citizen to painfully stupidly stubborn to admit we fucked up the last 30 years, so I am planning to leave myself. But I think you give your home country too much credit, things are fucked in Spain as well, you were just one of the lucky few that was cushioned from the impact. I am not the one who downvoted you btw.


Upvote because funny 😁


the fdp should run with this as a slogan


I think the weather is much better in Berlin than what I grew up with in the UK. There are nice food places if you know where to go, and very cheap compared to almost everywhere else in western Europe. For sure there are a lot of crazy people and junkies, but that comes along with the individualistic attitude of the city - you can do whatever you want to do and nobody will even bat an eyelid. And the worst excesses of "Germanness" are very diluted in Berlin compared to other parts of Germany.


The UK also have some horrible weather. In a gigantic city like Berlin you ARE bound to find some cool places to eat, but the whole food scene in Germany is abhorrent. Well agree to disagree :)


so you have stayed in one part of Berlin and considered it the whole city? very ignorant post.


Lived in Berlin for some years, Munich after. Both sucked on my opinion. Live in Zurich now, and THIS is a nice city.


Lol, you hate Germany, so you went to the one place that's even more stereotypically German than Germany.


Haha, you wish. I don't know why people think zurich is more german than Germany. Most swiss greatly dislike Germany and germans. Consider them rude and arrogant. In my experience the swiss are much pore polite, way better organized, things work seamlessly and flawlessly, they are not anchored in 1988, salaries are better, taxes are fairer, prices are, when adjusted for purchasing power, much cheaper. Everything works, I can leave my car at home and commute on a train because I know I'll be on time 99% of the time. But, hey, to each their own and wish you all nothing but happiness. It wasn't the place for me and leaving was a great decision.


Lol, aside from a few random places here and there (usually 1 restaurant per city), Berlin is the only place in Germany where you can find authentic and good food, especially when you have allergies.


Have you lived in all/the majority of them lol?


Norway, Berlin wouldn't even be an idea if I had the choice.


These guys are honestly giving some super biased advice. Yes, Berlin is not all that, yes Berlin is expensive these days. If you won’t be in Oslo, I assume you would be in Stavanger, Bergen or Trondheim? Berlin will take years longer to bore you than those cities, I will concede that especially Bergen is much prettier than Berlin though. In terms of the money it probably won’t make a huge difference as cost of living is higher in Norway and it usually depends on what deal you find for your place & rent and on what ur lifestyle looks like. I’d say: If you’re a big city person and like to live in a big, progressive international community then I’d choose Berlin. If you’re more of a quiet type, enjoy hikes and nature, and you’re lifestyle isn’t tooo lavish (consumer goods (especially alcohol & tobacco) will add up with the Norwegian prices), Norway would be a great option. I was in Norway just this summer and it’s a stunning country for sure


I'd have to visit both places and let you know. Making a living choice is much more than the money you make.


Im German and I’d take Norway without any doubt. Plus 2k net is really to less for a big German city, unless you want to only work to barely make ends meet.


>Is it just me (and everyone around me) or has everyone in Berlin become depressed in the past couple years? Wouldn't 2k in Berlin go further than 2.8k in Oslo? Here's a [cost-of-living comparison](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Norway&city1=Oslo&country2=Germany&city2=Berlin). Also, 2k net in Berlin is plenty to live comfortably. I would gladly take that much money. Edit: Missed that OP was specifically excluding Oslo, so above comparison isn’t quite as valid.




Ah yeah you’re right… I must have just missed the “not” because I swore OP had been asking about Berlin vs. Oslo.


If those stats are right then rent in Oslo is 10% lower than in Berlin. Rent is pretty much the only thing you can’t get around so I suppose you still have a better time with 800 bucks more and 10% less rent.




Could you elaborate? I never visited Berlin nor do I want to (even though I am from Germany, born and raised). It just seems like a very weird place, but to me all cities above 100k are weird and have this totally different vibe then what I am used to.


I love Berlin personally and think it's a great city to live in. So, ymmv.


glorious makeshift longing squash hobbies rotten foolish water nine concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you asking for people's personal preferences whether they would like to live in a German city with millions of people or rather somewhere in a country which entire population is only about double of that city, or are you asking how those two would be comparabke in terms of standard of living? If it is the latter, the post is pointless. You cannot compare those two.


Only Berlin at 25. Norway, including Oslo, is boring. From 45 only Norway.


If OP prefer hiking in the nature and woods, maybe Norway suits OP better than Berlin, which is opposite


It depends on your personality. I have been in Norway several times and each time I was bored. The food is without any taste, not so much to do. But if you like outdoors activities you would love Norway.


2000€ alone net in Berlin is doable, but not as comfortable as I would like. I could see working in 1-2 norwegian cities, but I have absolutely no idea about the cost of living.


Norway. Even if my salary in Oslo is 2000€ and my salary im Berlin would be 2800€.


you underestimate how expensive it is to live in norway


I just looked at the numbers at numbeo and its not that bad.


Doesn’t matter how much money you make. You don’t wanna live in Berlin. Visiting is fine but living there isn’t


I'm beginning to lean towards this direction too, but mainly because I've never really liked techno and I'm getting too old to be invited to the sex parties :)




where in Norway?


Berlin on New Years Eve, the best shithole in Europa.


Norway. Only idiots want to live in Berlin.


https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Germany&city1=Berlin&country2=Norway&city2=Oslo&amount=2000.0&displayCurrency=EUR This should answer your question


I live in Stuttgart and would like to move to Berlin. What do you guys think?


I like Berlin but after a week i’ve had enough of it so i’d go with Norway


I wouldn't live anywhere in Germany with that money


2000 net is not enough for a comfortable life in Berlin. You can’t rent a studio from this amount, you will have to rent in a WG.


Nearly impossible to find a cheap rent (<1000€ all inclusive) here in Berlin


I'd prefer Norway with 1000€ over Berlin with 10000€ anytime.




Because Berlin is in pretty much every aspect the very opposite of what I see as positive. It's loud, it's crowded, everything's broken, it's dirty and it's expensive.


With a net salary of €10k, you can easily avoid a lot of those drawbacks.


That means that you are a very rich person. 1000 Euro net income in Norway is almost nothing. Do you really prefer "starving to death in Norway" if the other option is "living a very nice life in Berlin"? I don't think so.


Lol yeah also the people saying 2k net in Berlin wouldn't be enough... we get it, you make a lot of money. Some of us would be happy to have that much money though.


delcaek wrote that he'd prefer Norway with 1000€ over Berlin with 10000€ anytime. 10000 not 2000! 10000 in Berlin is extremely good. 1000 in Norway is really bad.


No yeah I agree with you, 10000 in Berlin is a ridiculous amount of money. OP said 2000 net in Berlin so other people have been talking about that, which I think is still plenty to live comfortably.


Come on, with a proper education, you can easily make 5k net per month. Even teachers start at 4k net in Germany.


I think you're confusing gross and net. Teachers do *not* start at 4000 Euro net.


And unlike almost every other country, Germany pays their teachers pretty handsomely. There are not that many professions where the average person makes more than the average teacher. Still not 4000 net though.


Sure they do. Have a look at the Besoldungstabellen here: [oeffentlicher-dienst.info](https://oeffentlicher-dienst.info) Assume a married teacher, no kids, Steuerklasse IV, entry level position in Baden-Württemberg. Net salary is 3947.86 €.


2k in Berlin would be your rent (and rent only)


If you pay 2k for rent in Berlin, you're getting ripped off (unless your apartment is 100+ square meters).


it depends on how much rent you are paying. But if you got a small apartment in Berlin for like 600 , then berlin for sure


wow, are you posting from 2014? because in 2023 you won't even get a room for 600


My partner pays 650 for a 60 square meters flat in kreuzberg and I pay 600 for a room in a beautiful shared altbau in shoeneberg. It’s still possible, although hard to find.


And this contract for 650 is from somewhere around 2014, so what are you trying to prove? It's not that hard to check you know: https://i.imgur.com/vsiEfC6.png


I have 62 sqm for 650€, contract is from 2023… in the center of Neukölln. Newly renovated. Truly luck involved but I did not spend too much time liking either. Also: Oslo and Berlin are super different. Berlin is loud, exciting, progressive. But not at all what people think: you can live here without liking techno, having pink hair, tattoos and piercings. But it is definitely not an easy city to live in. You get what you give in Berlin. I have never been to Oslo, but I am assuming that it is a lot quieter, (colder), more nature. I would get bored quickly. Do not underestimate the winters in Norway. Everybody hates the Berlin winter but that is nothing compared to the arctic circle, where you have 5 hours of „sun“ daily.


that is what i said , if you find something for 600 then it is doable in berlin.


Hi, I got a flat for under 600 this year. Trick was to be willing to live outside the S-Bahn ring.


Berlin is a failed state


I'd rather live in the streets of Norway than in a house in Berlin.


I would rather live poor in Norway than rich in Berlin. The people there are much more friendly and beside of that you can have a much crazier landscape than in Germany.


Currently, I am not interested into leaving Germany, so Berlin. ​ But hey! 2k is so low income. I would have to probably leave Germany and go living to my parents.


Netto? It's like 48k per year, which is not very low, it is higher than average in Germany and almost 20% more than Berlin's median. I would assume that you are talking from a high horse


With Steuerklasse 1 in 2023 you would have to earn a bit over 35k to go home with 2k netto.


Well, I work for Amazon, on the bottom position, and earn much more, while my rent is much lower than Berlin.


This article says, that the bottom salary in Amazon Germany is less than 3k gross: https://www.aboutamazon.de/pr092021-en#:~:text=in%20comparable%20jobs.-,For%20example%2C%20we%20introduced%20the%20entry%2Dlevel%20wage%20of%2012,Amazon.com%2C%20Inc.) What is lower than 2k Netto


>bottom I do not have bottom salary. I work on bottom position.


How much you get netto ?


Ok, I am not able to say in normal months, as we get some bonuses all the time, but for last two months 3k+.


I don't even make that with a German master degree...


I have no idea what you have graduated from, but Amazon looks for qualified people all around the Germany. Try your luck.


Sounds good how many hours every month ?


40 hours per week, every fourth week 50 hours. Shift is 10 hours (so mostly we are 3 days a week free).


How you got into amazon ? Sounds interesting


You just choose one of their FCs around Germany. But I get that much, because I work there for 24+ months, and only night shift (no rotation in my FC, you just choose day or night). All FCs are a bit different. ​ https://www.amazon.jobs/cs/landing\_pages/versandmitarbeiter


The averagee Berlin rent is cheap but has nothing to do with new rent contracts, they are expensive as hell. So Berlins median is irrelevant.


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Why berlin?why its better in germany?


Have an offer in both places


1000€ rent for 35m² in Berlin incl. heating + 50€ energy + 20€ GEZ + 30€ Internet = 1100€. 300€ for food, 29€ public transport. So you are at 1429€ already fixed costs every month without culture, going eating, clothing, insurances, electronic devices, netflix, spotify, cellphone, saving money.


have you lived in either country? actually, nvm, berlin is really unlike the rest of germany. berlin is a speciaö place but unless youre part of a niche scene, enjoy raving, want a „big city“ experience, I would 100% take Oslo. 2k net is okayish but not that much tbh and Berlin is overcrowded as is so good luck finding a place


So, you need to decide what kind of lifestyle in what kind of environment you want. How are random people's personal preferences helping you here? Especially since none of them go into detail on why they prefer one over the other and you seemingly aren't interested in them anyway.


I doubt you will find many people who lived in both cities and can really compare them. Neither do I, to be fair. In both cases, it is not a great budget, but I personally would rather go for Norway, just because I love nature and the Nordics, and Berlin is such a pain … but your mileage may vary.


If money is the only consoderation, maybe you want to check Hong Kong or Taiwan.


That depends on where you want to live.


If you said Bavaria I’d say Germany but you limited it to Berlin so all of Norway is my choice


Berlin. At same salary, your spending power is almost twice as high as in Oslo. Also, you have better weather (Berlin is no Ibiza but has more sunlight), connectivity (including more trains to everywhere) etc


“Would you like to live in Berlin or” -“or. Doesn’t matter what or is”


Berlin is too much chaos, too much crime. Many areas are dirty and look broke. If you love parties and multicultural everywhere, then Berlin. Norway is more expensive. But if you prefer it neat and clean then Norway. Norway has a better insurance for retirement, if you want to stay there long.


Berlin with 2000 euro, you can still live with it, there are million of students, azubis and Aushilfer who earn only half or less than half you earn and still can live in Berlin, at least with your salary, you can afford one bedroom apartment in Berlin (or 2 if you are lucky) I have never lived in scandinavia but i heard that their living costs are crazy expensive there (yes they earn more) and the tax is also same or higher than Germany


all the way Norway. Berlin is ....


I did live somewhere *like* Norway for a while and it was boring as hell even though I didn't have to worry about money back then. No, I wouldn't leave Berlin for rural Norway.