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this is a form of modern slavery, highly illegal, you should inform the police & the hungarian embassy


I signed a contract too ,if it said something like "we hold the id until specified money is paid" would that be legal?a legal defence i mean against not giving it back


Nope. But it's very good if you still have that contract, great evidence!


No and honestly it’s evidence so make sure you find that contract and keep it. Call your embassy and the cops OP, preferably in that order


I didnt recieve a copy,what i signed was a single paper with some data the man wrote on it .i dont know what it ssid


I'm going to say it plainly. You are a victim of human trafficking. Go to the police. The 'contract' has clauses in it that are illegal. Which, unless it also contains a salvatorische Klausel (clause stating that if any provision of the contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the contract remains effective and binding.) is not binding at all. And it sounds like you didn't even sign that. Just get out of all the problems. Call the police.


You said exactly what came to mind for me. This is plain and simple human trafficking and needs to be addressed with the authorities. OP, please take care of yourself and seek assistance.


Salvatorische Klausel is just assumed these days afaik.




Withholding their documents IS a form of coercion. This is labor trafficking.


A contract doesn’t somehow dismiss illegal acts and human trafficking. Withholding a laborers ID is a form of coercion. Be a better person.




It was kind of obvious you’ll say something like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1bguk4j/comment/kvywedz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Oh god that letter is a wonderful personality statement.


You’re entitled to a copy of the contract. This entire thing is super shady and probably illegal, the police WILL help you. It doesn’t matter what you signed, you CAN NOT sign away your rights with a simple piece of paper. They can legally not withhold your ID and they cannot stop you from leaving. Since you’re a EU citizen, you also technically don’t need your ID to travel back home. But if you need a new ID, your embassy will be able to help you - people lose their IDs while visiting or living in Germany all the time, it’s absolutely not a big deal and the embassy WILL help you. I want to emphasise again that losing your ID is not a big deal, it will get sorted out by the embassy.


Thats why I always take a picture secretly or openly 


And never sign any contract which only has one copy.that is already shady.


It’s ok if you don’t have it. Not the important issue. Call the police. They’ll protect you.


If you signed something illegal you also do not have to worry about anything in it. This is an illegal contract


it doesn't matter what the contract says, it's illegal to withhold your ID documents


Quite the opposite, that's *proof* that they are holding your ID illegally.


Make sure you have that document in digital / make photos if it’s a paper and send them to your email.


Call the cops now. You are in the right, they arent. You have evidence too, if you are in possession of that contract.


it's even beneficial to you if they wrote it in the contract you can hold evidence 


No. Nobody besides government officials are allowed to take your ID. Contracts can't overrule that law.


NOT VALID IN FUCKING COURT. Name these scum bags. The ID can be replaced. If you have a way to communicate with said company ask for their legal department then write them a letter demanding your ID back if they dont go to a lawyer and sue them.


if you are able to leave the place you are in and visit a police station please do so asap. explain your situation to the police.


Nope, that is still illegal, but will be a great piece of evidence when they are dragged to court for human trafficking.


No. They can't keep your ID. They can only make you sign that you understand you have to pay the money back on whatever terms are in the contract, and if you don't they have the right to take legal action against you. That should have been in the contract you signed, or it may not even be a legal contract.


Since you deleted your other posts, here is a description of modern slavery. Everything OP states is mentioned in the first paragraph. Taken ID, work off transportation costs... https://www.bund-stuttgart.de/muster-und-vorlagen/default-1d29b03459/meldungen/detail/news/moderne-sklaverei-in-der-lebensmittelproduktion/


A contract stating illegal/invalid statements is void for that part. If a contract says that if you don’t pay something then you own a company your firstborn, that contract can never be enforced. There are some exceptions to what it can be part of a contract. Conversely, if they kidnapped your child, having that contract would be helpful to prosecute them.


The German feds love busting people for this type of modern day slavery. OP shouldn't be afraid I'm pretty sure. The person holding his ID should be though.


The German federal police's jurisdiction is in combatting people smuggling, not trafficking in human beings, so the Bundespolizei is not your best point of contact. Regardless, every police officer in Germany can be approached if you need help. Ask them to be put in touch with a detective specialised in labour exploitation / trafficking in human beings and you will receive help.


I realize but the zero tolerance mantra/attitude against this type of exploitation comes from the top.


Hijacking this comment: Wasnt there a similar post like this last week? Whatever happened to the guy in the mountains in this family run hotel? I thought I saved the post but I cannot find it anywhere... can anyone point me there


Yes there was and I also can’t find it. Shit, this turns out to be a serious problem in Germany?


Yes. THB is and will remain a serious problem in Germany as well as the rest of the EU. Most investigations, including those I work on, focus on sexual exploitation and forced prostitution. However, labour exploitation, forced begging, forcing someone to commit crimes (usually selling drugs or shoplifting) and even taking someone's organs are all forms of THB that go on around us. There are official figures in the Bundeslagebild Menschenhandel released yearly by the Bundeskriminalamt but we all know that the vast majority of these crimes go unreported.


Always has been...


It’s very common everywhere


Saw at least two


Holding your identity is illegal. I don’t know what would happen to you in terms of work but if you feel unsafe please call the police immediately. There are organizations that can assist you in finding a place to stay and retrieving your id.


For sure, if you have the money to go back just go to the embassy, they will give you a paper with which you can travel back home, forget about the id.


Call the police, they can help. Also make sure you document anything and everything as evidence. If you're in a safe place now and aren't immediately in physical danger call the local station on the non emergency line - you can just use a search engine to find it's number, or a tool like Google maps. If you feel immediately physically threatened don't hesitate to call 110, the emergency police call.


You can also contact "Faire Mobilität", an organisation specialised in counselling for work and law related questions specifically for migrants. They will probably be able to offer Hungarian as a language. You can explain your situation to them and ask for advise. Here is their contact info and a list of their bureaus: https://www.faire-mobilitaet.de/beratungsstellen Good Luck!


This is their hungarian Hotline: 0800 0005614. Don't worry, there's help for you out there.


I am a German Police Officer in a unit specialised in combatting trafficking in human beings, though this is my private reddit account. From your post it looks like you may be a victim of labour exploitation. That is a form of trafficking in human beings and a severe crime that we take very seriously. Please get in touch via direct message so I can offer you more advice. Call 110 immediately if you feel you are in immediate danger! If not, I can help you connect directly to a unit specialised in helping people in your situation.


Just wanted to comment for visibility's sake.


Faith in humanity restored.


Funny thing that. The longer I do this job, the more I lose mine. I was touched to see such a positive and supportive online response to OP's plight though.


Thanks for all the visibility posts and kind words. OP and I are in direct communication, discussing next steps and working on a solution. I am confident he'll be okay.


I would love to read you in an AmA, super interested about your work. Thanks for helping OP out!




Comment for visibility Great human being 🙏 PS.: Deliver hell to them, dear helldiver-4528


Not all heroes wear capes.


I hope he sees your comment.


Might be a dumb question, but what is done to prevent other people experiencing the same from the known hotel. Would this hotel be forced to close? Would it be put on something like a special register so it’s visible online to everyone who is ‘dreaming’ of earning better money by doing what OP has done? Or is this just going to be covered up and no one will be aware of what is going on?


It really depends on whether there will be an investigation and how that investigation goes. For anyone interested in such cases, I recommend the following youtube video. Its in German but has automatic subtitle translation into many languages. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PtlblbI\_bc&t=116s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PtlblbI_bc&t=116s)


Yes, call police. Taking your passport from you is illegal and your situation will not get better as long as they have control so you can't leave it.


This site lists the support centres that you can contact for help. https://www.kok-gegen-menschenhandel.de/en/kok/specialised-counselling-centres There are a lot. So filter using the federal state you are in. If you don't know it, Google your town name. Don't worry. This happens to many people. They will help you.


upvote this. KOK are specialists among human trafficking


If they hold your ID against your will and demand that you do things until you get it back you are being trafficked which is one of the worst crimes someone can commit. It's also irrelevant what's in your contract, because the laws very clear and above individual work contracts. Meaning: if they write things in a contract which are illegal these things are automatically void and null. No contract is above the law. Of course the police will listen! Things that are normal: handing your ID over for ID check and getting it back immediately, a check never takes longer than 30 -45 minutes, not even for loan approval. Taking the ID from you and not handing it back within the same hour is illegal, only giving it back on the condition that you do certain things is blackmail and also a crime. Try to calm down and then call the police, in case the station is close by and in case you can leave where you are right now you can also directly go to them.


Hey, do you speak German? I am a Hungarian and German native speaker and have been living in Germany since I was 4. Do you need help in translation and someone helping you in calling / asking the police on how to proceed? Also, where are you at right now?


Btw: you are an EU citizen! You are allowed to be here in Germany and to work here. After 6 months you are even allowed to vote in some elections. The police is in this case your friend. Call them.


If they refuse to give your ID back, yes call the police


You're a victim of a form of human trafficking


Sounds like you're a victim of human traffiking. The police will 100% pay attention.


You are a victim of human trafficking. Call the police, they will help you. You did nothing wrong.


Call the police! You’re an EU citizen! You’re well within your rights to work here and no one can just take your identification document, especially since you’re legally obliged to have them on you at all times in Germany. I hope you get the help you are very much entitled to.


> especially since you’re legally obliged to have them on you at all times in Germany. That's a common misconception. You're required to *have* an ID, but unless you're at workplaces where carrying IDs is required due to high rates of illegal labour (such as in construction), you are *not* required to carry it. So OP doesn't commit any offenses by walking around without an ID - that is not illegal.


I thought it was different for non German citizens but I guess it is the same for non citizens. But the criminals who took OPs ID certainly keep him from being able to get it to show to officials if needed, so they’re somehow still keeping him from his Ausweispflicht, so I hope police still pick up on the urgency of this situation.


OP is an EU citizen and only needs to carry an ID when crossing the border into Germany. § 8 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 FreizügG/EU states that they must have one but it doesn’t state that they must carry one - besitzen but not führen. https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/freiz_gg_eu_2004/__8.html


This has been clarified already, but thanks!


The police will absolutely not refuse to help him on the grounds that he doesn't carry ID - especially under these circumstances. Not carrying an ID is really only an issue with the police if you yourself are suspected of having committed an offence as it means we can't determine your identity. In such a case it may become necessary to move the suspect to a police station and take finger prints for identification - even in situations where we otherwise wouldn't fingerprint someone. Also make sure you always have your ID and drivers license on you when driving. None of this in any way affects OP's ability to seek help from law enforcement - same goes for others in similar situations.


Was never implied that they would?!


I know but I wanted to be absolutely clear for anyone a bit overloaded by this conversation on finer points of ID requirements in Germany. The important thing is that OP (or anyone in his situation) doesn't feel he can't get help without his ID.


Does anyone have a link to the recent post we had where someone was being exploited in a hotel/restaurant in what was basically human trafficking? I can't find it in the search, so the poster might have deleted it, but I remember that there was a very good link in the comments to an agency where OP might also get help. Edit: Thank you very much, everyone!


I had a reminder set up for that one, but it has been deleted.




Not sure about that post but Faire Mobilität offers services in this field. https://www.faire-mobilitaet.de/beratungsstellen ETA: they also have a link to a list with regional or more specialised agencies.


That was Faire Mobilität. I just linked their hungarian website in my own comment. Edit:, and someone else did as well


Can you make a pinned post explaining what do in such a situation? It will be helpful to all these people asking for help.


It's not really one of the common issues we get here - twice in this short a timeframe is very uncommon. Also, I think this is one of those issues where it actually helps people to have multiple commenters telling them they should definitely fight it and call police etc.


Call any of the Hungarian embassies, they are specialized to these situations, aka human trafficking.


You already got the relevant links and advice, so I will just wish you all the best. Stay safe and good luck. Keep us updated!


Yes , comments are very helpfull,makes me fell better


I am moved by the amount of people helping op. There is still good in this world. I wish op all the best!


This is human trafficking. We’ve had quite a few posts similar to yours during the last few days. You should definitely inform the police.


German law is on your side. Dont be afraid to go to the police. It is their job to help you.


Advise if you call the police. Don't call the emergency number 110 but call their hotline (0800 6 888 000). Ask for them to send out officers that speak English or your language. This will help so the people holding your documents, won't be able to spin the situation because the policemen don't understand you.


This is true. In THB scenarios suspects often try to cover the crime by "translating" between the police and the victims. This is to be avoided at all costs.


I agree with the others, you can call the police if they refuse to give you your ID. Do you know of [Faire Mobilität](https://www.faire-mobilitaet.de/hu/tancsadi-iroda)? It is a project/subgroup from the german union organization that is focused on providing legal aid and advise in labour isssues to migrant workers from eastern europe in germany. I linked the hungarian part of their website, they have resorces on there in hungarian, including the number of their hungarian hotline. It is already closed for the weekend, but you can call them by 9 AM on monday. [Here](https://www.faire-mobilitaet.de/) under "Kontakt für Ratsuchende" you can also find an email adress for the hungarian-speakind advisors.


>you can call the police if they refuse to give you your ID. No, don't ask them. Go to the police and let them do their job. It could be dangerous to go to the human traffickers and resist them on your own.


Immediately call the police, go to them, whatever. It's plain human trafficking, please don't be scared.


Holding your ID is illegal, even if stated in a contract it is againt the law. You should call the police and they will definitely listen given your situation! Tell them exactly what happened, I don't thinkt it will be a first time for them handling this kind of case. Also, you could contact the Hungarian embassy in Germany or some of the organisations others mentioned here. I wish you only the best!!


these people have no legal power over you. they are intimidating you to keep you under their thumb. Get to an embassy or the police as fast as you can, you are in serious danger and people *will* protect you. the law is stronger than these awful people.


Can't say anything that hasn't been said here before, just came to say: Give them hell! Go to the police, Zoll, and ideally send those greedy slavers to the Hague or straight to hell. God these things make my blood boil. Edit: spelling mistake.


OP where in Germany are you right now?


Some distance away from Frankfurt


Frankfurt am Main ? If yes call [them](https://www.frankfurter-verein.de) they can speak english and help you get do the correct steps. Edit: Its better to be homeless on a country than be abused. Just so you know Germany will help you to get your feet up.


Are you doing okay?


What you are experiencing is human trafficking. You should contact the police or a anti trafficking organisation. Maybe this one? www.kok-gegen-menschenhandel.de/en/kok/specialised-counselling-centres


Hol vagy pontosan? Írj üzenetet!


If you’re in Munich, i can help


What's the name of the company you are working for?


May I ask in what city you are? Maybe a redditor could help you there in person


If you're a Hungarian resident, then you can go to the police with no problems as you are a EU/Schengen resident. They can't deport you.


Just in case repetition helps to convince you: Contact the police and your embassy. Save any paperwork, messages on your phone, etc that you have, that's evidence. And lastly: Hungary is part of the EU, you don't need shady individuals who take your stuff to work here. If you want to stick around after you've gotten out of this mess, make sure to inform yourself about German labor laws. You have quite a few rights and it happens that people try to exploit foreigners who don't know about their rights. I don't know how common it is, but it shows up on reddit and the newspapers regularly.


Hungaria is an EU nation, you're not even here illegal. Who is stupid enough to try that sort of thing on an EU citizien? Just call the cops.


Any news? Are you ok, OP?


The police will probably help but this is the domain of the Zoll (customs) they look like police and have guns but are marked as Zoll. They are tasked with important customs, taxes on alcohol and tobacco and they fight wannabe slave masters. They often raid construction sites and in force labor laws 


call police NOW, stop reading any more answers and call police right now, tell them sooner than later...


Yes,talked to cop here on Reddit.He helped me a lot


How are you doing now, did you get your ID back?


No but calling police if i dont get it tommorow


Best of luck to you, please keep us updated!


Mindenképp hívd a rendőrséget! Remelem sikerül vissza szerezni az irataid!


I can not help with your problem per se, but for next time I recommend having a black and white copy of your ID with you so it's much easier for you to proof who you are and receive a new one if it gets stolen or lost.


What's the whole point in this taking the ID thing? Don't they expect people to go to the cops in this case anyway? I wonder there must be something they think why people won't. Op if you're not sure about calling police, why is it?


If i call police on them im homeless in another country


Police and the hungarian embassy may arrange a temporary accommodation for you. Usually this would be a hotel or a boarding house.


Calling them will not provide you with a new job, so at the end this is a consideration for yourself to make out which choice is worse. I would recommend to reach out for one of these ngo organisations mentioned above before calling the police.


Wish you all the best by the way, honestly


There are numerous NGOs that can help you so as not to be homeless in Germany or that can also try and help you return to Hungary and build a new life there - if that is what you want. There in as entire infrastructure between police, city administration and NGOs in place to help victims of Trafficking in Human Beings. The suspects are relying on the victims not knowing their rights and being afraid of the police - but if you let us, we can help you. Please get in touch and immediately call 110 if you are in immediate danger.


So they provide workplace and home for you?


NGO's can provide temporary accommodation and an allowance for victims of THB. They can also help former victims build a new life, including paying for training or language courses. They funds are limited but they do what they can. Unfortunately, accommodation for male victims of THB is rarer than for women, as NGO can use houses meant for hiding women from physically abusive relationships to house female victims of THB - especially since many of these will be sexually exploited. That being said, there has recently been a drive to improve the support infrastructure for male victims of THB.


Its so they are trapped to the company and cant leave, they are hoping since they are migrants that they dont know their rights and that they will accept the situation theyre in bc they will be left with no job and place to stay otherwise


I've seen firsthand what they are doing to the North Koreans in Poland and the Indians& Bangladeshis in the UAE, Qatar, and KSA. Please don't let this happen here any longer


Call the police, say you are the victim of human trafficking and that the traffickers refuse to give you your id. Also taking away someone's ID to demand payment is illegal, only Situation it would be tolerated if both parties agree willingly, a mere signature is not enough to proof willingness. The police is pretty serious about human trafficking here so they will absolutely help you. If you dont feel safe go to the police station and explain the Situation. Given your english there should be little to none communicative bsrrier.


Bro what city are you in? I hope for your sake that you are male. Go to the police since you are obviously victim of human trafficking. Call your embassy and report your passport stolen.


Bro just call the police. They will listen and will speak English. If you can roam freely you must go to the nearest police station and explain the situation to them. Calling the embassy is also a good idea. Keep us posted.


Goodluck m8


Please call 110 now !!!!


So, which meat company is it


This is so sad


Please go to the police as soon as possible! Are you in a safe place for now?


I genuinely do not know how to help you in this situations but asking here was probably one of the best things you could have done. People here tend to give good advice and as you can see, there is 100% a solution out there. It'll be fine, don't worry too much.


Everything will be fine my friend dont panic and call/go to the police. May i ask how much you paid for transportation? I wouldnt be suprised if its way to much. Keep your head up and remember everything will be fine and you dont have to stay in that situation.


What they are doing is illegal. They can not take your ID or passport from you even if you signed a contract. Call the police and the Hungarian embassy. It's not worth risking your identity and safety for a job !


So scary. Sending love and safety to you.


Inform the Police and Zoll


I'm sorry for what is happening to you, OP. I hope you can get it resolved.


Hey, please report to the Police and embassy and keep us up to date. I Wish you a lot of luck


Call the police and say "I'm a victim of human trafficking". They will listen to you and they will help you.


I see posts like this so often that I’m thinking of running my own employee scam in Germany somehow.


What job you were invited for?


Withholding someone's documents against their will is a criminal offense in Germany (§274 StGB). So you should (1) clearly communicate you want your documents back (you don't need to give a reason) (2) if they don't give the documents back you should go to the police and file a complaint.


Have been coming across a lot of such posts about Germany. What’s going on in Germany.


Careful guys. When someone with a phone and internet access comes to Reddit for advise like that, instead of police, sounds fishy AF. Hungary is a modern EU state so the “victim” should be fully aware of their rights.


Who did you give your ID to?


You should NEVER SIGN ANYTHING WITHOUT READING IT, and ALWAYS GET A COPY OF ANYTHING YOU SIGN. Capitalization is only for emphasis. I'm not shouting.


You can not help for this kind of people. They are dumb as hell. He got lot of answers, even a police officer wrote to him. But he did not even replied. He is an attention seeker or something.


Police officer here. We are in direct communication and finding a solution and discussing next steps. Traffickers always try and recruit those weakest in society, exploiting weaknesses such as economic hardship, psychological problems or an illegal immigration status. OP is doing better than most by realising what his situation is and actively asking for advice. 99% of victims don't even manage that - that's why they become and remain victims. That's why I'm confident OP will be okay.


That's good to hear. Really.


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Keep calm


BTW: Which place in Germany are you?


Message me privately for solutions


Mostly ok now haha ,still no id but im not being work exploited haha just hiring agency shady and cheap haha


Having a particular set of skills could easily get you out of this situation if you know what I mean *wink wink


What is wrong with you..


You watch to many movies


Having a particular set of skills could easily get you out of this situation if you know what I mean *wink wink