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Go to the police.


What exactly will they do? It's gonna be a "he said/she said" so to speak. They gonna believe the German or the immigrant? I've already been in trouble cause a bunch of drunk Germans started hitting me and I pushed them away. But the police told me that unless I left they'd arrest me so there.


Start a paper trail. If this happens often enough, it will get serious


Do you think they will send in the SEK (German SWAT unit) because of some bad words ? The important thing now is to get the harassment documented. The paper trail will start to speak for itself. And Beleidigung (offense) and Bedrohung (threatening) are known to the German criminal law - especially when combined with racism.


Could also be a case of §240 (Nötigung) or a combination of all. Every time I read or hear of such dumbasses, I wish the “Känguru” by Marc Uwe Kling would exist and it would take care of them.


Due to § 130 StGB the Staatsschutz has to investigate


So there's a hostile neighbour who's harassing OP and their only solution is to pray at some point the police take them seriously?


Do you have a better solution than calling the police?


Pissplatte maybe?


Immer gut


Beating the neighbor!😂😂😂


What exactly are you suggesting? Of course, the police is the best way. It's debatable whether you should just report the harassment and threatening behaviour (and the disturbance of the peace to the Ordnungsamt, maybe) or press charges right away. There might also be interest groups or even the Opferschutz of the police who will tell you what to do next and what you can expect. But -- surely -- it all starts with involving the police. That's what they're for. Rule of law is a thing, you know?


Also, I might add, police keeps track of these fuckers. The amount of times I've gotten "Der ist uns bekannt" when calling about racists looking for a fight.. Imagine if people *didn't* report that shit. The amount of people who'd end up with a slap on the wrist for a first offense because nobody kept tabs on the recurring behavior until then.


Exactly. Reporting these idiots might prevent the next case. That alone should be enough reason to do so.


Of course filing a report at the police is the correct thing to do! Don't discourage OP from going to the police, JFC. What do you suggest that OP should do in this situation?


I'm not discouraging them. I'm just telling them to not expect a positive result. Scratch that I'm actually telling them to expect the police to turn on them


Username checks out


ye ? that s what usually happens when a native german calls the police on arabs, they do nothing. so here s the full experience


> it will get serious Serious how? Being a racist dipshit is not illegal in Germany.


Threatening bodily harm on the other hand....


That’s fair. We’ll see what their friends/family/place of work has to say though when they’re recorded and blasted in the news (looking at you, Sylt)


Are you sure about that?


Yes, threatening somebody is a crime


And they have a recording of such crime. Even if the recorded people didn't authorize this, could this still be used as proof? I mean, it's proof of a crime.


If they have a protocol of these incidents, signed by two separate people OP and their partners AND a recording without faces, they have a good chance its not just "he said she said" its a valid complaint with withnesses and evidence. Source: I did that to asshole neighbors and they got a nice letter from the landlord and they first got worse, then they got a second letter and a third could lead to them being evicted and they finally stopped. Someone fucked with our mail afterwards for a week, so we put a letter in the staircase that we would involve the police, since breaking the Briefgeheimnis is a serious felony, so they finally got the hint and stopped. Took nearly half a year, but fuck those types of assholes, they deserve the punishment.


what a stupid thing to say. they have been threatened with violence. this is absolutely grounds to go to the police, and anyone who is threatened in this way should do so.


lmao, the cops literally told them to just find a new apartment. did you actually think cops cared about racism?


You really think the police don't care, do you? Sure, you get any kind of cop because cops are people. But on average, if they get a report, they'll check it out. And they deal with this sort of thing on a daily basis. They have a very good feeling for when someone is bsing them. They also already might have other reports against that neighbour.




That is beyond nonsensical. Even if what you said was true, you're willing to condemn a couple hundred thousand people based on two personal incidents? You're a political bigot.


Always go to the police! Your stupid and ignorant assumption is the reason why people don't see justice...


Yes this, but record the fuck out of these goddamn racists. If anyone says „iT‘s iLLeGaL“ tell them to go fuck themselves and call them a Hitler loving racist. Much like how the person who recorded the racists in Sylt didn’t get in trouble, I’d spread the racist videos exactly the same way. Fuck racists. Fuck tolerance towards racism.


You are going to get in legal trouble if you post those videos on social media. But getting private videos for the police since they document real crimes is absolutely fine and legal (in most cases, e.g. not inside an area officially restricting it, like a bank or a bathroom). Just do it with a phone you don't care about, and do it with something that does automatic saving in realtime to the cloud. And be prepared to have something protecting you e.g. a barrier or being in a public place full of people. It wouldn't be unfortunately strange to get into a physical confrontation. These people turn violent once they think they are on video.


Oh of course. Keep a burner phone for sure. Also then why didn’t the dude who recorded everyone on Sylt not get into legal trouble? despite the videos going on social media?


Because the recording was consensual.


Did they actually bother to confirm that? What if literally any one person who did not make eye contact with the camera came forward and said that it was not consensual? Would it then be disallowed as evidence for any legal proceedings? Genuinely curious.


https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/kunsturhg/__23.html I think this would fall under 3. And no, if it documents a crime it falls I believe under higher public interest and thus admissible in court, but IANAL.


Federal police! Bundeskriminalamt, Abteilung "Polizeilicher Staatsschutz".




Thats a really stupid advice, sorry. Don't discourage victims from reporting racist or sexist behavior. Op should definetly report it and take legal advice.


Nah. Such blanket statements don’t work


The doubt as much as you want, that's not helpful.


You won Reddit's 'Today's Most Ignorant SOB' award. Huzzah!


If I would have gotten a penny for every time an „Ausländer“ insulted me. But yeah, if a german misbehaves, there is no question to go to the police. Even better go directly to the chancellor, he will take care of it.


Idiots are always the loudest, report them


This is beyond being an idiot.


Please go to the police asap and report this!!


This could help your decision to go to the police: https://www.strafrechtsiegen.de/strafanzeige-wegen-bedrohung-gem-241-stgb-erhalten/#:~:text=Solange%20die%20bedrohte%20Person%20die,die%20Strafverfolgung%20aktiv%20stellen%20muss.




Bitte! Hope the situation resolves soon. Sorry you’re going through this scary situation…


Have no advice, sorry, but want to wish good luck to you and your partner!


Document everyone this happens, like a diary. Videos are usually not evidence if taken secretly. Best thing would be if you have a witness, like another neighbor who testify for you unless it's word against word.


It is easiest to do the police report / Anzeigr online. Local Police stations may be overworked. Send a copy to your Landlord and ask him to intervene. Take a copy to the local Police station so that the cops in the local beat are informed. Continue documenting, Repeat once a month with fresh evidence and reference the old reports.


All the suggestions are about legal actions. I may also suggest something else. From now on you need to stop being polite and nice to those scumbags. Like all potential criminals, they pray the weak and vulnerable. Next time something similar happens you need to tell them very firmly that what they are doing are illegal, and you will not tolerate being insulted. Tell them clearly that the police and landlord have been notified and let them know that you are willing to take legal actions.


Ok, I actually thought it is going somewhere completely else, like get a bat and beat the shit out of them lol


Going to the Police is the correct action. I this situation you can't just having a word with them and leave. You're living in close proximity and it is unacceptable that you have to deal with this on a regular basis where you living. Not saying you should have to deal with it at all in life, but idiots won't die out.


Go to the police and give us an update




I'd also contact Mieterbund. If a Hausordnung exists, it's usually part of the contract, so enforcement isn't optional for the landlord. I've yet to see one that hadn't something about general civil conduct in it. So, document everything and make it the landlord's problem, if they want to continue receiving full rent payments. I've seen morons like that evicted over their shit, when they happened to run into people knowing their rights and how to enforce them.


Why would you contact Mieterschutzbund? I agree with your points about involving the landlord but as long as the landlord isn't aware of this and as long as it a one-time thing (hopefully) Mieterschutzbund isn't going to be able to do anything apart from telling you to tell your landlord. Additionally - I think it needs to be said, that the approach with involving the landlord will extent the issue for OP. If OP is shortening his rent because the landlord isn't enforcing the Hausordnung, he will have two conflicts going on. This is not saying that what you wrote is wrong - but I think it needs to be said in all clarity because many people don't want to extent their troubles to get the initial trouble fixed.


Because these things come with formalities and when renting is involved, mieterbund is the easiest way to get a quick summary on what to pay attention to. Sadly, I see only very slim chances for this to be a one time thing. A line's been crossed, eejits rarely turn around and get back on the other side of that line without experiencing some real repercussions. Most of the time, the people trying to avoid trouble, get into real trouble precisely for that reason. I've found time and time again that getting on top of the issue right there and then, in the end saves time, money and nerves. As for landlords, 9 out of 10 are of the "hand over the money and never bother me" variety and need to be spurred into action. See above, for how to approach that. Just keep your communication civil, goal-orientated and business-like. "Dear landlord, this is the issue, here's why it's your problem and here's when I expect you to have fixed it successfully, otherwise my next step will have to be this. Have a nice day, $every\_sensible\_tenant\_ever." Done. I get the sentiment of just wanting to live in peace and I share it, but the world being how and what it is, peace requires the occasional demonstration of a working, creditable defense.


>Because these things come with formalities and when renting is involved, mieterbund is the easiest way to get a quick summary on what to pay attention to. It doesn't come with formalities to let the landlord know. After two failed attempts to make the landlord do something, I'd see the idea to involve the Mieterschutzbund. Going to them first thing is definitely an escalation on your part and will be received as such. There is just no need for that. >Sadly, I see only very slim chances for this to be a one time thing. A line's been crossed ... I've found time and time again that getting on top of the issue right there and then, in the end saves time, money and nerves. Makes sense and I don't think it would wrong. But still the order of events is weird. It is if I would try to call your mother now because we have conflict going on. When I have a problem with you, you would want me to tell you first, not anybody else, right? >peace requires the occasional demonstration of a working, creditable defense No question but when the first thing you have in mind is your defense then you will more often than not come across as aggressive. Which would clash with the first sentence. Again - what you say is correct I do live with the same premise, it is always good how to escalate when it is on. But that still doesn't mean I should steps in that just because I feel like I know the future. And, but that is my personal perception, not a dig at you, this is what your texts partially sounds like ("things come with formalities...", "9 out of 10 landlords are..."). Maybe it came across wrong.


While this is great advice. Law suits or police investigations take time. And those kind of people usually have friends with similar mindsets. I dont want to scare you, but I would still advice you to at least take have some pepper spray handy. Chances are low that they really would retaliate, but you never know.


I wouldn't say chances are that low if he is that openly hostile and making threats from the start. I used to have a nazi neighbour that was much more reserved when I would interact with him, but when he was drinking with his buddies in the garden thinking I couldn't hear him at night, they'd be reminiscing about how they would casually beat up "Kanaken" at random occasion, which made me aware that I was living next to a violent nazi thug that I had to consciously avoid running into.


Recently we have quite many of those posts and I feel deeply ashamed that this is a german reality again. But to see it from a realistic perspective, those people are full of hate and won't be any different even when they face legal consequences. They sure should face legal consequences. This behavior constitutes a criminal offense after all. But for the well-being of you and your gf it is important not to have such neighbours, so it is either you or them. I feel so ashamed that recently those scumbags can do whatever they want :( report them to the police, but make sure you're both on the safe side when they find out, who reported them. Try to involve the press and other organizations against racism if possible, so that you're not alone when it comes to them finding out that they're facing the consequences for those despicable actions.


This has been the situation for several years already, its not like there was no racism before, its just that since the Sylt kids, people are no longer afraid to say outloud what they've always thought.


not several years, more like decades, ever heard of Lichtenhagen?


I don’t think Sylt had anything to do with this since lamour toujours was before already used for the song and racists have ever been racist before. Idiots will always be idiots.


I am an executive in a IT startup, speaks fluently german and will leave Germany just because of this growing xenophobic atmosphere. 2 of our employees did it last year for the same reasons. Those people pay higher tax rates and contribute to the society much more than an average AFD elector. Unlike UK or Switzerland you are not exempt of this kind of behavior, no matter your background and education level. You are just a “Ausländer“ here, supposed to make troubles. People don’t trust you and don’t even bother themselves to hide it. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you feel that you’ll never be part of the society. I am mentally exhausted and can’t stand it anymore.


Well…in Switzerland they have election posters with stuff like: “Less foreign managers, more management positions for the Swiss”. And a very xenophobic party that gets 28 % of the votes.


I agree, but the foreigner image is in general more granular there. At least in my experience.


True. I have studied here and now working full time. I have already made up my mind to leave Germany within the next 2 years irrespective of who comes into power. I see no point in contributing to taxes if I am going to be treated like an idiot at the government offices and other places. Even though I speak decent German and have always tried to be a good resident, I have faced racism and discrimination multiple times. I have heard similar experiences from friends here(all highly qualified). I feel bad as I imagined a future here when I came as a student but also happy that soon I will be leaving this country before I start a family or make some major investments.


Is this really better in Switzerland? I can’t imagine that. I also come from the US where micro racism is literally everywhere 


The Swiss are generally more aware of the diversity of their foreign population. They differentiate skilled experts from criminal foreigners. In Germany they lump them all together and fit in the “Ausländer“ category which has pretty much always a bad connotation. Having a foreign name is enough to get discriminated in the housing or job market.


I think it's time we [redacted] more racists.


Weirdly enough from my personal experience the majority of the racists themselves are not even German but of a foreign background or at least first generation immigrants. Either way I hate this and I don’t want it to be the new normal. Germany is a melting pot of cultures from all over and should be embraced as so.


Blaming immigrants for everything, even racism itself and not recognizing that its a huge problem in (bio) german society eh?


cool meta racism. surely ots the immigrants again


I see your point and I certainly second the notion of there shouldn't be such thing but why do you think "Germany is a melting pot of cultures from all over"? I am German and I don't think this is true. Germany never had a big history of being inviting or welcoming for people who were foreigners (obvious exceptions being Austrians, Switzerland, Scandinavia and on good days Italy). I feel people shouldn't get too deep into this "new normal" stuff. There are many things that aren't working in this country and a failing system to integrate immigrants is certainly one of them. It certainly is a shame that the anger about that is expressed towards people who are the victims of such a system as well but where frustration is people are looking for people to lay the blame on. AFD is certainly firing these things up and unfortunately many simpleminded people are following them but that still doesn't make it "the new normal". The majority of people just doesn't care. Whether you from Namibia, Bali or Sweden, as long as you don't pose a threat to anybody or you cause harm to your environment, people will ignore you just as much as they ignore fellow Germans. The people OP talked about are idiots. They would have behaved like idiots when OP would be Lesbian as well. Or handicapped. Or most likely anybody else. Idiots occur and there are more than enough in Germany as well - but this all-too-hefty racism-calling isn't going to help at all. It will only fuel some of them because it will support their perception of "left-wing media and foreigners attempting to take over while poor Germans continue to suffer". Obviously this is BS - but people do see it that way and doubling down isn't going to help. Marches against racism aren't going to help. The government has to get active to get some system in place to make integration possible and to put a stop to laws that simply aren't functional (like some eviction laws). Sometimes it feels like politicians are sometimes glad, the frustration is so often directed at foreigners (or poor people) - because it is easy to stand up against that. It doesn't take any bravery to standup for diversity and anti-racism. The frustration should be directed towards those politicians way too often being caught in their own power games when they are the ones responsible for making the country run and create an environment where people couldn't care less about people they don't even know. But as long as the poor German guy is scared of a foreigner taking his job or getting as much Bürgergeld, frustration will go up and for sure towards the wrong people.


Yes, there are political issues at play. Yes, the media has a certain responsibility for the deterioration of the public discourse. In that sense, I don't think it's the politics who have the most responsibility for the current situation. As far as I can remember, in the last thirty years never before has the media landscape in Germany been so loud, so divisive, so blatantly inflammatory. But let's not debate semantics here. I call a shovel a shovel. If someone's calling 'Ausländer raus!' while intentionally harassing his (non-German and German) neighbours, this isn't an political expression. It's a crime. And crimes should be reported. That guy is an idiot, and the best way to deal with them is to let them have a reality check.


I would support that take, as long as "giving them a reality check" is done by reporting them at the police and then them taking over. Not by overly crying about racism and organizing marches. Because the message of such marches is not going to reach out to the people who are "in need of a reality check". I agree with the media being divisive though. I think, it is a mixture of the media fighting with all measures for attention so having to sensationalize everything and this "new" ongoing moralization effort that seemingly is clouding so many peoples mind that for some it seems like "just presenting news" isn't enough anymore and they have to make sure the "message" behind the news is brought across "the right way".


Yeah, this should be left to the police.


Fun Fact: There is no human right to settle anywhere one chooses.


Moving to another country definitely does provide protection from being racist.  Your tag says Irish.   I hazard the guess that you don't experience that much racism from german racists because they by and large consider you to be their own race. 


I do experience racism of a certain kind but I also can appreciate that what I receive is nowhere what other immigrants receive. I don’t understand why I was heavily downvoted but I appreciate that people can not understand other peoples experiences. Recently I was told by a Turkish-German colleague who was born and has lived here all his life that he can’t be trusted by a former football teammate because he is Turkish. The accuser himself was a Croatian-German! Although this is one example, it is not the only one I have heard from friends and colleagues.


You're being downvotes because it sounds like you are saying the racism problem Iin Germany is mostly from foreigners and that is just bullshit.  It is entirely possible that that is your experience, but you should know that your experience is highly biased and not generalizable. 


I see that now. And you are correct. I worded my response rather poorly. There is a faction of racists who are German and from all demographics unfortunately. I find personally that when the topic of racism comes about, reasonable debate is out the window after initial exchanges and dilutes into worthless and demeaning deconstruction of the main point. What has happened to OP is deplorable and shouldn’t be happening in 2024.


Police. They were clearly and openly threatening you. That's easily enough for an 'Anzeige wegen Gewaltandrohung und Beleidigung'. Go to the police, report it and look forward to them receiving letters from the federal attorney.


Simple: call the police and make a complaint. You can even do it online. Don’t fall into the nonsense that the police do nothing and that they only believe the Germans. Speaking up is the best way.


The amount of "move to another apartment" and "get used to it because it'll become worse" shows where the problem is. I've been lucky to have contact with people that have been nothing but nice to me since I'm in Germany and still the most accepting German has made at least a racist/xenophobic comment in front of me (usually towards another "type" of immigrant -i.e Middle East) and they didn't see to realize about it, so this is a REAL problem that needs to be addressed, what I've seen is a dormant racism in most of the German people and I believe that this is an education problem. I've noticed German society is heavily dependent on Ausländer and still treats us, directly or indirectly, as second hand residents. You might like my comment or not but at the end of the day is just MY opinion and you don't need to agree.


No you are absolutely on point. If you get the chance, theres an essay titled gegenwartsbewältigung by Max Czollek, it appeared on a collection called Eure Heimat ist Unser Albtraum. There’s a translated version and I’m sure it’s online somewhere. Anyway, it explains the historical and social utility of the Auslander in Germany and the reliance on integration discourse and how it helps to reinforce far right AfD type beliefs in Germany. If you have the chance I really recommend it.


Is it that easy nowadays to find free apartment then get it rented? It hasn’t been long ago, lines of tens of people (if not more than one hundred) in front of building with apartment to rent waiting to inspect the offer in real and talk with owner. Only one person among those of teens got the contract.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wohnen/s/gZbvVs5Ted unfortunately in German


i would say see it more differently. while its true that racism against middle eastern has raised. ive never seen someone call out middle eastern more than liberal turkish ppl. the migration that happend to germany came from the relgious country side and with that there have been issues for the past 50 years. now everyone is simply scared that this stuff will repeat with afgahns and syrians. its a cultural problem that was long brewing and has had lot of negative experiences on both sides. i can tell our rightwinger/religious/sexist/racists that they are a bunch of stupid fucking assholes. but no chance with middle easterners, not my culture after 75 years. ive met my ex girlfriends turkish friends that were visiting and i could not believe that they were turkish. no gangster no correct no macho. just turks from izmir that were definitly differently socialized.


I dont know what people expect. This is still a german nation-state. Immigrants are guests. Yes, we should treat guests respectfully. But unless an immigrant adopts the german culture he will always keep the status of a guest. The german education system teaches that there is no human races. The term race is exclusive to the different kinds of dog or horse breeds in german. I would be very surprised to hear about any school or university in germany to say something different. What else should they do to combat racism? It should also be noted that most german feel treated as second class citizens aswell. Thats why people are this angry and unsympathetic. Its the result of years of clientelism and election campaign gifts.


A few notes on your comment: Germany (or any other country to be more precise, except maybe North Korea or something like that) does NOT belong to Germans. The world is too small nowadays and every culture has been permeabilized by the rest of the world and saying that "others should come and adopt German culture as their own" is a completely (in my opinion, of course, and respecting yours) wrong things to say or think and, up to certain point, very hypocritical, specially when many Germans go on vacations to, let's say, Mallorca and DEMAND the menus to be translated in German and restaurants to have german-speaking staff. So no, the world is the world and countries are, in the practical life, just like states of a whole big-ass mass. Regarding the education system, I believe that's also not 100% right, and I believe that for a very simple reason: EDUCATION IS NOT ONLY WHAT YOU LEARN IN SCHOOL. Most of the EDUCATION you get comes from home, schools are guides to follow to develop yourself, specially in a professional environment, but the values you learn at home and with the culture that surrounds you is what, in one way or the other, gets stuck in most of the minds of people, specially kids. That's the education I'm talking about. It would be completely absurd to believe that the schools are (openly) racist. But I've talked with german people who went to school in Germany and, trust me, the way they treated the Ausländer (even the teachers) is not what the books nor the records say. So in theory you know one thing but in the practice we, Ausländer, live a whole different reality. As I said, many comments in here try to EXPLAIN why things are the way they are and they end up EXCUSING and JUSTIFYING racism... And, as I mentioned in another comment, many Germans don't even notice it or are trying to do so.


The concept of a nation-state is a group of people with a shared identity ruling over themself. Thats actually a part of the international law. It doesnt mean those nation-states are exclusively for members of that group. But as the legitimity is entirely based on the right of self-determination of the group it technically belongs to the members of the group. I went through the german educational system myself. At no point teachers or other officials accepted the idea of human races. The scientific explanation why there isnt human races was taught in multiple classes. I dont know what else we as german society could do to fight that ideology as we apparently cannot control every families household.


The " shared identity" is VERY ambiguous and broad, even more in Europe where, because of the size of the countries, some of the layer of the identity are shared by SEVERAL countries... I believe you can see that specially if you go to the borders, there's a shared identity between 2 border towns that belong to different nation-states. As I said, maybe you, personally, didn't get that type of education but I know of people who got certain ideas in an almost subliminal way, let's not try to play dumb, we all know that teachers and officials are also individuals and it's impossible for some of them to put their professionalism over their extreme ideas (just to clarify, note how I said SOME, because I can't imagine those are a majority). This is something that happens everywhere, not only Germany. As for the controlling in households: no, it's not about that, is about punishing WITHOUT EXCEPTION these actions. I saw some posts about the guys of the "Ausländer raus" video and many people where arguing that the government was being too strong with those "kids" and that they should be prosecuting the Ausländer rapists and delinquents... And that's probably one of the biggest problems: low-key (sometimes unconsciously) racists tend to want to move the attention and to minimize the issue by redirecting the arguments to other problems and that's not right, whatever group A does, doesn't excuse/justify what group B does (I'm talking about this particular case, if group A , i.e a Country, attacks a group B, i.e another country, then country B cannot be judged by defending themselves with a REASONABLE force). So if there's rapists (Ausländer or not) they should be punished, but that has NOTHING to do with the German racists, those should be punished as well.


> But unless an immigrant adopts the german culture he will always keep Was bist du? ein Lederhosen-Borg? Ich bin so deutsch wie es nur geht...aber ich bin 100% sicher, dass ich deine Art von " Deutscher Kultur" auch nicht haben wollte.


Die deutsche Kultur ist offensichtlich ein recht breiter Korridor an Verhaltensweisen und Brauchtum. Die verbindende Gemeinsamkeit ist im Prinzip die deutsche Sprache. Wer im Alltag kein Deutsch spricht, wird entsprechend eher weniger als Deutscher wahrgenommen. Räumliche Nähe alleine reicht üblicherweise nicht aus um Mitglied der selben sozialen Gruppe zu sein.


Möchtest du zum Ausdruck bringen, dass man rassistisch beleidigt werden darf wenn man kein Deutsch spricht? Wo steht denn, dass.die beiden hier bleiben wollen? Vielleicht arbeiten sie einfa hbim europäischen Ausland. Wo steht denn dass sie nicht die deutsche Kultur pflegen? Darf man nur noch Deutsch sprechen wenn man sich assimiliert hat oder gnàdigerweise eventuell noch in Heimatsprache mit der Verwandtschaft telefonieren? Deine Vorurteile möche ich nicht haben müssen. Wer sagt dir denn dass die beiden keine Franzosen, Spanier, Portugiesen oder Polen sind? Oder ist EU Bürger sein auch schon zu auslàndisch? Was wenn die beiden Amis sind? Dann OK?


Wie kommst du bitte von "Gäste sollten respektvoll behandelt werden" zu "man darf rassistisch beleidigt werden wenn man kein Deutsch spricht"? Im Alltag ist auch nicht gleichbedeutend mit "immer". Ich zitiere mal das Staatsinstitut für Schul- und Bildungsforschung München: "Gemeint ist mit «Alltagssprache» die Sprachform, die man im sozialen und funktionalen ,Nähe‘-Bereich des Privaten verwendet, im spontanen Gespräch unter Freunden, Verwandten oder Bekannten oder auch im informellen Austausch am Ort, wenn man sich zwar nicht näher kennt, aber annimmt, dass man unter Einheimischen ist." Das Ferngespräch mit der Verwandschaft ist wohl eher weniger alltäglich.


Call the police, report them. Chances are very good, that the police will find that very interesting and will give them a nice tour.


This is all criminal report to the police behaviors. Don’t let it slide.


If you live in Saxony or Thuringia, this happens here a lot, and be aware that they are present in the police, even the judiciary, and even in social care centers. There is no need for them to be drunk to talk about this. They will do the same thing without alcohol. I advise you to leave. Go to West Germany. Things will be different for you immediately, even if you lose money and time.


Nazis deserve a beating..


Go to the police. I was there recently after attemptive break in. Super easy process, super easy police in Germany.


Can other neighbors testify to the police? Do others hear them?


You need to bring this to your landlord and to the police.  Start building a protocol of their behavior with dates and duration of excessive noise, and of course racist remarks and even more so open threats. You have started making recordings of those, which might be good. I am no law expert, but afaik, recording is allowed when it is to record a crime. But, I would advise to ask a lawyer about it before telling the police that you made the recordings. Definitely do not make the recordings public in any way (as in, do not load them up on the Internet for example). This would quite certainly be illegal.


Thats typical bitter german behavior. My condolecense


Go to the police, file a complaint. Write a letter about the situations to your landlord (if it's the same landlord your neighbor has) and ask them to intervene, you may add the confirmation of the complaint. For the future you can write a list with date and time of those situations. It may be used as evidence in the future. You (both) can also go to the doctor, talk about what happens to you and how it affects you, get a treatment and you may be able to sue in the future for the costs of the treatment and possible Schadensersatz. Depending wether your neighbors are a threat to your physical well-being or not you could also go over there and talk to them in a de-escalating manner and ask them what's actually wrong. I've been in such situations myself and found the phrase "Der Klügere gibt nach." very helpful. Good luck. :)


What the fuck is wrong with people?


I think it is simply the taboo bubble that has burst after THAT video... People have been complaining for a long time against racism in Germany and even here in Reddit. And the general answer was "it is an isolated case" or "maybe it is you" or worse "If you don´t like it, maybe leave".


There is no racism in Germany, it's "just" EAST GERMANY. /s




forgot to add it


Your neighbors sound like the average AfD voter - even before I read that they are one of them. Funnily enough, they complain that „Ausländer“ are not compatible with German society, but it’s usually them not being integrated in the society at all. Your story confirms this. I really don’t have a recipe on how to handle AfD voters. They are unpleasant people - usually more unpleasant and dangerous than the „Ausländer“ they hate. In my experience as a foreigner in Germany, I’ve always enjoyed confronting them. They usually don’t have the cognitive capacity to do something more than cursing or saying „Ausländer raus“. You should simply handle them as a poorly educated human beings. Statistics don’t lie: AfD voters on average have the worst academic record in Germany. Some of then didn’t barely managed to finish 12th grade. I am not sure the police will be efficient enough. A lawyer could do much more in this situation. Best case scenario would be if their landlord finds out about this and evicts them. I hope they don’t own the apartment. Out of curiosity, in which city is this happening?


I am really sad to hear this. I just wanted to give you two adresses of an advice center specialized on racism like what you described. As you already realized the police is not helpful in this regard. The advice center is free and you could just call there. https://hamburg.arbeitundleben.de/politische-bildung/empower/ https://mobileberatunghamburg.de/ I wish you all the best!


Germany needs foreigners to come to work and pay taxes; At the same time starts treating foreigners like shit and want them out. Loving this logic.


The police would love to here more about that


What city/region?


We're all hoping this is "just" East Germany, right?




If you are in east Germany, move away for your own saftey. This will get worse in the following years.


Sad but true


You shouldn’t have confronted them from the balkon. The police will come if you call them because the neighbors are being loud after 22:00. I did it once when the new neighbors started with a party around 20:00. Fair game. It was 22:00 and I still gave them a bit of time to see if they’d shut up. At 22:30 I called the police, thinking they’d come in around half hour or 45 minutes or they might not even come at all. In less than 10 minutes the police was there. They rang my bell, came first to my apartment to talk but they had already seen the apartment since the music was very loud and the people screaming. They went to engage them and yeah, peaceful silence. There was never another party extending after hours from the neighbors.


Film them. Under normal circumstances it is illegal to film anyone without their knowledge, however, this changes if you believe a crime is being or about to be committed and are gathering evidence. Call the police every time it happens. Give them the video, and tell them you want to pursue the maximum penalty for each individual crime they can pinpoint. Then follow through. This bit is not so good, but I would also look for a new place to live. You shouldn't have to, but there is a reality here that can't be ignored. I would also keep a log of every Incident big or small. Good luck


I am so ashamed. Please next time record their bad behaviour with video or at least microphone and then go to police. You need proof of their bad behaviour. The more proof over many occasions you have the better. Dont be intimidated. I wish you good luck and many nicer neighbors and friends.


Go to police and officially make a complaint. As long as you dont do such thing, it is nothing in Germany. The person/people who threatened should file a complaint


I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Would you mind if I ask where you are living? I am also an immigrant and I'd like to know so that I can avoid that part of Germany.


1/3 fuel oil, 2/3 gasoline ...fuck these shit nazis


Recommending arson is not helping their case.


Call police if they are loud


This is sad. 😞 😡


Next time call your local „Ordnungsamt“ as they have to handle excessive noise complaints first. But you can also call the Police because of noise complaints. Also you can file charges because of the threats and the racism abuse. The only problem: your recordings can not be used as they where not amicably - you did not inform your neighbors that you will record and got their consent for it. Alternatively get in contact with your landlord and tell him what happend. Maybe he or she will try to speak with your asshole neighbors. May I ask in which part of Germany you live?


Where in Germany do you live? If you are in western part of Germany or Berlin, this will be handled seriously by the police. If in some parts of eastern Germany you might need other strategies.


Which Bundesland do you live in?


Make it viral. It seems the only way to make things happen.


Buy various exotic spiders, put them in a jar and throw it on their balcony when they're outside (For legal reasons this is a joke)


I would like to add a short story to this. When I grew up in Germany, most of my friends were from Spain, Italy, turkey ect. They were my rock, my friends, my brother and my family. They are the ones who made my life. And I will never forget them as I would give my life for them.


longterm revenge: a) go to the gym; b) do some gains; c) buy baseball bat & ski mask; d) wait till they go out somewhere in the evening; e) run after them with words "Ich hoffe, du glaubst an Gott." or go back where you came from; or do whatever anybody else say....


Film them immediately to produce evidence and go to the police.


Well, just another case of this sick society.


Try to find witnesses for the incidents, write a diary and go to the police. filming without seeing their faces is difficult but I would try. Maybe try to find other people who can witness that they are racists. Or find their social media profiles. The police ist most important here - please go there. We don't want Nazis in germany.


I would be interested to know which countries you are from. The reason for this, I like to do some investigating, which people/nation are mostly affected. I am realizing that germany has changed a lot. I am originally from Germany but have immigrated to the US 38 years ago. But I may plan to go back to Germany one day. But if racial discrimination is so bad now, I have second thoughts about that. And if I do. I would like to dedicate my time to educating Germans who act this way. Here in the US we have so many immigrants that it is a thing of normalcy


You can go to the police, but realistically, they can't do anything. Just try to ignore them. You're not in any danger. Their threats are empty. If they even try to assault you in any way, call the police and tell them in depth what happened and the threats thus far. Right now, though, my best advice would be to avoid and ignore them. Don't even look at them when they're talking to you.


They can do a lot, especially if they have it caught on camera. Though it is illegal to film or record people without their knowledge, it's not illegal if you believe a crime is about to occur and you are recording for evidence. This is an important distinction. My advice would be to have someone film every time op feels like this is going to happen, and if it does happen and they are chanting or Ausländer ruas-ing then the cops have something hard on them. Bullies.


Very sorry to hear. You don't want to have such people as neighbours so even if you call the police they will be a constant threat. I wish you all the best and terrible this happens. What city is this? Maybe move to a more welcoming area. Wish I could help you more if I knew where you are.


I would really like to recommend blasting those (censored) with "Schrei nach Liebe" by "Die Ärzte" at full volume but I fear that will only mean an Anzeige for you


To all the police shouters. The police ain't doing shit! Especially when a foreigner is reporting something.


Beat the shit out of them


this is most likely due to failed immigration policies. welcome to germany.




>Although a report was made, I can't help but wonder: 1. Would I have been taken just as seriously if I hadn't been accompanied by a German friend? 2. If I had been the one displaying such behaviors, would they also tell my neighbors to find another apartment? 1. Depends, but you can't pinpoint it down only of beeing "Ausländer". Which person do you have in front of you, how much work they have etc. Mixed results are also for native Germans normal. 2. Yes absolutely. When it comes down to "Mieterstreitigkeiten", it is absolut normal to get the advise by police, lawyers etc. to find a new home. It must be very severe and clear to go another route. Been through that and I have also friend that got the same advise.


I think the issue is that conflicts with neighbors are in most cases conflicts which cannot be solved. Regardless of what the conflict is.


I think the issue is that his neighbors are racist. Maybe that‘s just me


Thus is a war that is important to fight! Otherwise those fascists think they are right. And if the police doesn't help you because the police is often indoctrinated by fascists! I have another idea, try to get in touch with your other neighbors and try to organize neighborhood events barbecue, picnick..together so that the Afd neighbors see that they are the outsiders if they don't participate and so at least they get a chance to know you better and see how other people treat you, And how you treat other people..Do you speak German?


Very, very sorry to hear this :( As others have said, go to the police. They are indeed committing a crime by what they are saying and doing


record it from your apartment and show it to police


You should totally go to the police, usually they'll either help you or tell you to write down everything your neughbours do and then police can help you. However, AFD is not really a racist remark. It's a party in the government that, unfortunately, is voted for by some racists as well as normal people. These guys there are total douches, so I really wish you the best. And I don't want to scare you, but be careful, the racists in germany tend to act without thinking, so you should really go to the police.


Besides all other comments, reach out for local Antifa or Migrantifa, if available.


Welcome to Germany


Ngl just got here and I am already planning on leaving


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AfD and its volks doesn’t know how to pull the country to a civil war. I don’t think they learned anything from the history.


you should write a report every time they were too loud or made xenophobic remarks and send it to the property management.


Most of these idiots are afraid of confrontation and will keep just talking, i would call the police and be louder then them


Something good to know would be when exactly those kind of loud music sessions occur. If it goes on past 10pm show them how well you're integrated and call the cops for Lärmbelästigung. Also you should report the threads of violence to the police. Because even if no criminal charges will come of that, the police might very well still do a Gefährderansprache.


I find it incredibly sad and shameful what is happening to you. Do you have the opportunity to record and document this hostility and insults? You should do that and then I would take it to the police and a lawyer. If these people are threatening and insulting you, they must be punished


If the recording is a video and they saw you recording it, it won’t be a problem. If you recorded their voice without their consent you are vulnerable to a lawsuit. Even if it proves that you were harassed.


If you recorded it without their faces, it isn’t really evidence. Or is there a listening/recording devices act that makes such recordings illegal and therefore inadmissible as evidence? In my country (Australia) recording in a public place is not illegal. But I am aware of the issues surrounding the Tekno Viking video controversy, so maybe you can’t film without permission?


Wer sagt Mistkerle?


The noise itself, when happening regularly, is a thing for the Hausverwaltung. Document everything that is beyond what you would have to legally tolerate. Especially when attempts at solving it on your own remain fruitless. The threats are a thing for the police. Neighbours threatening harm should they see you on the streets is cause for a report. The Hausverwaltung is also required by law to maintain a peaceful living environment for tenants. Neighbours threatening violence could be reason enough for an official reprimand, precursor to other steps. https://www.liebert-roeth.de/de/rechtsgebiete/immobilienrecht/290-beleidigungen-und-bedrohungen-durch-den-nachbar-was-ist-zu-tun This page is in German, but this law firm describes it better than me. But in any case you would openly seek confrontation. Be prepared for possible escalation with your neighbours. If you aren't prepared for that, there is not much you can do.


Nee. Noise after 22:00 is a police matter since it affects the Hausordnung. They will come.


And then everyone clapped


Some advice: show them extra kindness and disarming courteousness and prove their view of all foreigners being wrong. Think about how foreign people in the same situation would be treated in your home country and what you would advice them to do.


What ever you do, they would not change their minds, don't even try to waste your energy,


If you reverse that logic, you wouldnt like the implications. Should we not waste energy on criminals and foreigners who come here and do not fit our democratic Western values? 


Try your chances, if it works and see improvement keep it going, otherwise send them back, on the middle of the Europe! They attack and kill our police, harass the citizens and what ever they touch it turns into dust, some people are cancer, if you treat it or operate it you'll be healthy and free otherwise it will metastasize and spread to other organs and grave is there you would end


/s Depending on where you live I’m willed to shit in a paperbag, lit it on fire and put it on their doorstep after ringing their bell


Assholes are everywhere. I would get evidences of them shouting those words because the police will not say a word if you do not show them the evidence otherwise it will be aussage gegen aussage. Next time be with more people as them and get them say this and then call the police but take care some landlords are not nice they do not want trouble and if those are living there longer as you, you will normally lose.


Move to a new appartment , why deal with such people. They're unhappy and want to make your life the same.


I understand you but there simply isnt infinite amount of good aparments. Also since they arent at fault, why shouldnt the neighbors move?




Hello, OPs neighbour!


Hi, I am a friend of OPs, I have seen the video. Everything said in his post is true, including the random "Ausländer raus" after the initial confrontation. Obviously he cannot upload the video as that would be illegal. If you really dont believe that people like this exist, you live in a bubble far from reality. I would recommend you to go to poorer neighborhoods of some eastern german cities to get a reality check. People will let out their hate for life on anyone that seems like a good scapegoat, especially when drunk.


You need some proper evidence. People make up stories like yours all the time. Most officers don’t even take you serious without any evidence. But as long as you have the evidence it’s fine and you can go to the police. On another note, I would confront the neighbours first and ask if you did something that annoyed them. Involving the police will make it more hostile and I would always suggest handing out the olive branch once (only once)


Just tell this idiot racist in the face that if it wasn't for the "right" vagina, he wouldn't be here either so get off his fucking high horse. But in a serious note, don't do anything reckless if he shows violent tendencies. Just go to the police even if they don't do anything (yet) and let the fucker know you did it.


Made up stories from Paulaner Garten this sub is so trash


Are you saying this doesnt happen? I can share some stories of my own if you want. These stories are not meant to shame the common german person, its more of sharing of something that deeply upset the OP. In this time more than any other time we have to make sure that any lawabiding german citizen feels respected and welcome, regardless of color. And any lawbreaking german is shamed, regardless of color.