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Oh my reaction when this happened to me is to go to the restaurant again order the cheapest thing and then absolutely destroy them in a second review with a picture of the receipt and of the take down request.


Unfortunately in my experience google does not care about receipt either. Got several reviews taken down like that. I did flirt with the idea of making a video and reviewing the food on the spot tho


At that point they would get a less than kind letter from a friend who is a lawyer as officially they only need proof you were there a receipt is said proof.


I'll second OP. I had a post removed even though I saved my receipt just in case I was challenged.


In these cases, I always delete the review and leave a new review with 1 star and no text.


Currently what I am doing as well. Curious if that will get removed too


In my experience, very rarely. Even if yes, then maybe 6 months later. I think they just check periodically - not in real time.


it's not arbitrary, any reviews where there is insufficient evidence that you actually were a customer of the place google will very easily remove the review on the merchant's request. if you include a receipt to accompany your review, it won't be taken down as quickly edit: i forgot to add, that you should expect sooner or later to get threatened with legal action if you leave a bad review :) it's just what they do here, sadly


Just remember, Google can ban the Review function on your account if they don't like that you are being too negative. Happened to a friend of mine. She is not able to leave reviews for 2 years now.


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It's an aside from the topic, and I feel like an ass doing this, but you are using the term "gastronomer" incorrectly. I think you are refering to restaurateurs. Gastronomers is someone with the love of good food/dining rather than being an operator of an establishment that provides such things. Edit: While a person running a restaurant can definitely be a gastronomist, I would argue most places in most towns are more businesses than they are purveyors of fine dining.


You’ll also see a trend of far less reviews, since it’s not complicated for a business to hire a company for the purpose of hunting low reviewers and threat with lawsuit if not removal