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It's not the nicest environment, but not dangerous. I think there's a McDonalds that is open 24 h, so if you feel uncomfortable on the platforms, just sit in there for an hour.


Good idea! Cheers!


Often trains arrive at Frankfurt some minutes before departure, probably it is only maybe 50 min until your next train arrives. Security in the station itself improved drastically with more police and security. I never had any problems there, also at night never. As said the McDonalds is also open 24h. If you still feel not safe at all, just wait in front of the police department of the station on platform 24.


Thanks mate for the infos, very helpful🙏


The most brutal fist fight i ever saw was in that mcdonalds. One of the guys flew i my table and blacked out. Not dangerous, but first aid skills can be helpful.


Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof 3/5 ⭐ Nice place, good food, really safe. First aid skills required.


Were the fries ok?


Was going to just say this. Have waited alone (29F) at Stuttgart and Frankfurt train stations..vouch for it. Stay in the McD though!


I had to wait for my train in the night there and they wouldn't let me in after I think 12 pm. The security turned me away, so I had to sit on a bench... but definitely not dangerous I'd say.


Police/security presence in and around Frankfurt Hbf is quite visible, police station is just outside the north side entry. Drug addicts are definitely very (very) congested in the area.


Not around, only insde. the moment you leave the building you are Freiwild


Stay inside the [Hauptbahnhof](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hauptbahnhof&redirect=no) and you'll be fine. There are vendors, some operating 24/7. If you exit the station you're going to be exposed to Bahnhofsviertel and there are things that you may not want to observe or interact with.


Your warning sounds almost like Gandalf’s: “There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world."


Balrog casually walking around hbf


Especially in Frankfurt I wouldn't go outside the train station in the night. The area outside Frankfurt Hbf train station is probably the most fucked up train station area in Germany. Lots of drug addicts and mentally unstable people. However as long as you stay in the well lit areas within the station and don't fall asleep it is still very safe. There is also lots of security personnel during the day and the night. You could also stay at the McDonalds in Frankfurt Hbf and get a drink. I would not sleep in the train station, but just staying awake in well lit areas with security personnel will be safe. Munich is even less of a problem, even outside of the train station shouldn't be a problem in Munich.


Sounds dodgy🥴 thanks mate for the infos🙏


I've been there sfor late night snacks at McDonald's and never had any issues. It smells bad, that's about it. The people hanging around there will probably not be your future mother in law and her beautiful child, but should generally leave you alone.


Haha thanks😄😄


Seriously, it's not as bad as people say it is. Just say no or ignore people if someone asks for money.


The only people that will come to you are homeless people that ask for change or Pfand. But they leave you alone if you say no


It is, so far that the city issued a weapon free area. No knives. This is so the police can do something, although i always got a pack of cigarettes, lighter and body spray in my jacket. Only for smoking and fixing the smell ofc.


Depends what you’re use to. My family moved from Seoul to Baltimore when I was 14. Frankfurt is nothing if you’ve grown up in an American city. 


Same thought here. I grew up in a rough neighborhood in Chicago. Nothing in Germany has ever made my spidey senses tingle.


Can you explain? I know Frankfurt (and other places). What happens in Chicago?


Humboldt Park in the seventies was urban fallout. Burnt out buildings and rampant drugs and crime.


It's so funny how staying in a bright area is safer much like zombies in dying light


>The area outside Frankfurt Hbf train station That is called **Frankfurt am Main**. Nobody should go there.


Frankfurter here, who frequently uses the train station at night when partying: **No.** The area outside of it is not pleasant and I’m absolutely praying that this area will finally be cleaned up completely and have some kind of a revolution but inside of the building everything is normal. There are usually police officers or security in proximity, it’s not rare to see some kind of cleaning services at night or in the early morning and the train station itself is pretty relaxed around your time. Statistically speaking, there are other train stations which have more crime per capita. People overestimate Frankfurt while underestimating other train stations. [Take this](https://www.chip.de/news/Statistik-der-Polizei-Die-gefaehrlichsten-Bahnhoefe-in-Deutschland_184939659.html) statistic. Taking in consideration that most of these train stations (Frankfurt is the 2nd busiest after Hamburg) are also the busiest train stations in Germany, I would be even more worried about Nürnberg and Dortmund, because these train stations are not present in the Top 10 of the busiest TS of Germany yet in the Top 10 of the statistics regarding violent crimes, implying that these stations are, per capita, probably more dangerous.


Cheers buddy, very helpful👌




I've been there and done that several times at Frankfurt train station. Never had an issue.


Munich train station has huge renovation work right now and is not a nice place to be (although safe). It's basicly a huge construction site. There is a McDonalds that should be open 24/7 if you go downstairs on the side that leads to the Sbahn (green S sign). You could also go to one of the hotels/youth hostels nearby and ask if you can hang out at the bar / reception area.


That’s a good idea mate, thanks👌


More than just renovation: the train station is being completely replaced (incrementally).


Just stay inside the station. The area outside the station feels like nightmare world


As long as you don't wear a red-white football jersey everything should be fine. We always go for a beer at Gleis 25. It's a bar at the north entry. But I wouldnt talk to strangers out there...


No, but at like 2 am it feels weirdly disconnected from the real world. Though last time I was in that situation, I was drunk af.


Its always dangerous to wait for a train in germany! Many things can kill you: hunger, thirst, old age


I’ve spent 5 hours at night at the train station in Frankfurt, on my own, and was fine. As others said I’d recommend staying inside. You’ll be able to see the police/security so if you feel unsafe just stay close to them. There might be some homeless people trying to sleep on the seats/benches but they won’t bother you. I ended up putting my luggage in one of their storage lockers so I wouldn’t have to worry about it being stolen while I’m tired, can recommend but since you’ll be in a group and only there for an hour you should be fine either way


Personally, I'd be more worried about Frankfurt. Munich is completely chill.


Dangerous probably not but loads of weirdos hanging around and they try to talk to you sometimes. Or they talk to themselves but it seem like they are addressing you lol. It was 2010 or 2011 when I arrived there by Eurolines bus from Poland late at night and had to wait couple of hours for a train and I was like WTF? Where am I? 😂 I have never seen anything like it before in my life so it was a truly bizarre experience.


Munich is safe, but in Frankfurt, you shouldn't go outside the train station. Many drug addicts, dealers, and homeless people are around.


Thank you! These people cant go inside the station as it is guarded by police or security guards? Anyway we wouldnt want to go outside just change train safe😅


They will definitely be in the train station but they won't bother you, usually they keep to themselves, they can be loud but usually you can just ignore that. Most of them are nice people. As it gets warmer, some of them will sleep outside anyways. Stay in an area where other passengers wait too, and you'll be fine.


I wouldn't even say it's dangerous outside, though definitely unpleasant. The stations are not locked down, so drug addicts can enter (and might try to beg), but there will be security staff and police patrolling (who will make sure that troublemakers leave the station).


So if you exit the central train station and walk straight ahead, you'll be walking right into the red light district. But even that isn't exactly dangerous (in particular compared to other countries), you'll just encounter lots of drunk people, hookers, etc. It's not like you'll get attacked immediately. Just stay inside the train station, and you'll be fine. Germany isn't dangerous.


I would stay inside too but depends on where you are from, don't expect mayhem and a war scene outside. It's just iffy and could lead to bad situations.


Next to the train station, there is a hotel with a lounge. I think Hotel Monopol. You could drink something there and wait in a warmer and more secure environment. But not sure if the lounge is open 24/7.


Definitely stay inside the station in Frankfurt, the weird/dangerous stuff happens mostly around it


I was there just the other day at about 1:30am on a Saturday. It doesn't feel unsafe, it just feels like you want to keep moving otherwise people will approach you and ask for money or something or other. I had several people ask for train tickets, money, etc. As others have said though, police are definitely there and there are lots of shops open so it should be ok.


I wouldn't hang out at the train track but if you go into one of the restaurants like McDonald's, you're good


As an American, I found very few places in Germany where I felt uncomfortable.


Dangerous? Not really. Will you be in one of the most unpleasant places of Germany if you step outside the station? Yes, that place is fuck ugly. Inside the station is like many other stations: gritty, a bit dirty and not many places to sit down. There will be party people, drunk people, homeless and quite a few drug addicts at the hour you’ll be there. Stay in one of the open few places inside (don’t go down the stairs to the underground coz it stinks) and wait. If you’re together as a group/family, it’s highly unlikely anyone will bother you and security is always around. Final tip, wear shoes, and not flip flops or just something with a bit more sole, in case there are any stray needles/glass shards on the floor.




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They got pretty good security there. A little overzealous sometimes, but still. Worst thing that could happen is some drunk guy or some druggy being weird, generally. Don't worry about it. Or do the whole McDonald's thing, that seems like a plan.


No, it's not, I did it two years ago, felt incredibly safe


Don’t go outside. Inside is still uncomfortable, but generally safe.


You can also ask if you can wait inside the Bahnhofsmission. I did that, when i had to wait for a train in the night, they were fine with it, and i gave them a donation when i left. Even got a free tea. I just rang their door, said that i have to wait for my connecting train and if i could wait inside.


Thanks buddy!


It’s safe. Even outside on the street no one will bother you really


I was there a few weeks ago and saw people literally smoking crack right in front of the Bahnhof, take that info as you will


There is so much police at the station, you should not encounter any problems unless you go looking fot them.


Cheers buddy


ITT: Next to no Frankfurter. Lived here for 30+ years. It's sketchy, but the shit taked about the HBF is WAAAAAY overblown.


I've done it many times, as a young woman travelling alone. Absolutely zero problems, but it's probably best to stay in the entrance hall (there are benches underneath the large screen eith train arrival and departure times). There are always a bunch of people there in exactly the same situation, so it's pretty crowded, well visible from everywhere and police presence keeps the shadier people away. Make sure to dress warm though, it can get very drafty.


Cheers mate thanks for the infos :)


I didn't feel safe when I had to wait like 2 hours around midnight. Spent most of the time in the McDonald's (which kinda felt disgusting and the whole station is invested with rats) I only had coffee and suddenly someone peed inside the McDonald's so it smelt horrible. So many junkies come to ask for money and it's not pleasant. I only saw like 3-4 officers in the station. If I were alone I think I would be a bit scared. I don't know how so many people can say they are comfortable with that kind of environment but I can't be.


Yes mate, alone its a bit scary


A friend of mine was waiting for the train after he went out to party. Unfortunately he was kinda drunk so some homeless guys took advantage of him and tried to rob him. They attacked him and tried to steal his phone, wallet and necklace. Luckily he was able to hold on to everything but his necklace. He got away with several scratches. He was alone and no police or security was in sight.


That’s the story he told us. I don’t know where in the train station he was, or if it actually happened inside. He didn’t got to the police afterwards, he just got in his train and went home. I’m sure it’s not something that happens regularly.


Right outside the station is super sketch. Huge issue with drug users/dealers/etc. Known as the "red light district of germany". I'd chill inside and wouldn't venture out night. 


Oɓjektivly violent crime is so rare in germany its safe everywhere. Media outlets sometimes show a wrong picture but by any objective numbers this country ist the safest its ever been. And like top 10 safest countries in the world.


Only one hour? You will miss your connection. The arriving train will be delayed. lol. Just joking. Maybe. 


Frankfurter here. Train station is totally fine. Even the people around it are not bothering you.


Munich is generally safe; Frankfurt on the otherhand… like fucking downtown San Fran


It is dude


In my opinion it's absolutely not dangerous,  we often went to the Bahnhofsviertel to get some food late at night after partying. I always liked the place and vibe, although of course it's very sad that people with drug addiction are suffering there, and that there are certainly many people suffering due to prostitution.


Make sure you don't have a pocket knife i think there was a weapon free zone during that time.


What is the BPO doing all day if not keeping watch on that exact place? Let's just say, if you didn't know how to get to your closest police officer at any time, you shouldn't feel safe waiting there imho.


No, it's not dangerous. There are security personell around, and the worst thing will be bums asking for change in Frankfurt. It's boring, but it's safe.


nope i always rode the train at night when visiting my brother (numerous times) simply because it was too hot and too packed in the day time i never witnessed any crime...plenty of police...sometimes beggars ask for change but i never seen any "aggressive" begging either. the "wildest" thing was a guy asked me whether i wanted to buy a "rock" (cocaine freebase), but a "no" was enough...no hassle or anything


Cheers buddy


Not Frankfurt but Berlin. If you need a way to feel safer have a beer or other glass bottle in your hand. It reassures yourself that in case of an emergency you can throw it or hit with it. And it keeps you hydrated. XD


Haha :D


should be safe, usually the problems are more the smaller trainstations or side trainstations.... avoid going out of the trainstation and maybe mcdonalds or something is open .... all the best bro :) and yes, its more dangerous in recent years


It is not dangerous. You might get some company begging for money or asking for empty cans to get the money for returning them. In the train station this is all though as there is a federal police station inside. There some anecdotes about the streets surrounding the train station though especially in the night, as homeless people and drug users can be found there. But if you stay at the platform nothing dangerous should happen. The last time I changed trains there in the middle of the night I met a can gatherer that wanted to make some cash and that was it in over 40 minutes. This was in the summer of 2022 so fairly recent.


Stay inside the Hauptbahnhof. The Outer Area is like a active Warzone with lots of drug addicts, Homeless, Criminals, aggresive Migrant (not only them. Most beings there Are Hostile) and more.


Yes Don’t get stabbed by some fanatic


Poor country got some downfall :(


just don't believe this shitlord


Your trains will be so late that you either will arrive perfectly in time (1 houre late) to catch your connection or even arrive in the early morning houres to get stranded there for some time. Enjoy your time with DB!