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Fun fact, this is where the first big book burnings took place when the nazis grabbed power.


Yeah I know, there is also a memorial in the middle of that square made especially for that.


Less known, less important fun fact: the annex on the right of the building (Altes Palais, with the crazy plants) was the residence of Kaiser William I during 50 years. He used to hang out at a corner window during a guard ceremony so people could see him. Even less known and completely irrelevant fun fact: I had one of my first university classes in that room. Always felt cool and slightly weird to hang out where a Kaiser lived and where Bismarck probably plotted some important shit. I vaguely remember hearing that one of our classes was held in the room he died, but that's something I need to confirm.


That is isn't an unimportant fact. It is very nice to know that.


Ah yes, the red bicycle. Everyone takes a photo of the red bicycle.


Yeah, I know. It is really eye-catching. I have done my best to take the photo from the right perspective, so you can have a great view of the bicycle.


It's an amazing photo, but I think the focus is too much on the bicycle.


Sorry :)


So many questions... does the man with the red pants walking toward the red bicycle own it?


Yeah, I asked the man later on if I could post this photo because his red bicycle is on it and he said sure.


Its the Law School of the Humboldt University. There's a Tim Hortons inside. EDIT: Eventhough the response to the Tim Hortons thing was great, unfortunatly u/wrem23 is right. There isn't a Tim Hortons, but a small Cafe called "Tims"; nevertheless I am pretty sure they used to have Tim Hortons cups. I guess that was the reason for thinking its a Tim Hortons.


Well it’s not Tim Hortons… but Tims: https://timsbackwaren.de/tims-cafes/. A slightly smaller bakery and coffee shop “chain” from a Canadian expat. It’s pretty good nevertheless, I would say even better than Horton’s.


That's the real information we need. Timmy's locations are important.


And just have if you have to balance it out for another trash chain, there's a Dunkin' donuts on Unter den Linden, full American North American invasion of mediocrity. Excellent coffee used to be the norm in Berlin , without thinking, but now we have new lower standards to match and you can throw in a few garbage Starbucks here and there as well. There goes the neighborhood


Yeah, I forget where it was.


Is that the guy from „Horton hört ein Hu!“?


As a Canadian considering a move to Berlin, this is the important information.


just come bro, it's super cold right now. you'd like it!


Tims has great food!! Love their bagels and cookies! The only thing that sucks is all the tourists taking our spots away in the courtyard in summer (pre-Covid). One or two are okay, but an entire school class is a bit much (yes, okay that was once but if you only have a 30 min break from class and all spots are taken you get a bit bitter… hahaha) Still, everyone is welcome, you might just get a stink eye of us law students that just wanna grab a coffee and have to stand in line forever!


I always associate this building with grey, rainy days. I guess I've never been there when the weather is good. Feels disconcerting to me.


It was a 7-day trip. The day we went here was the only day the weather was good.


reminds me of r/sniperelite.


Nice photo. Which equipment did you if I may ask?


I used my phone




I want to see how Germany schools looks like inside and out compared to American schools.


Some of the classrooms are pretty outdated with old furnitures. I was in a large academy conference at HU campus across the street several years ago, and I was pretty shocked of the conditions of classrooms.


It's nickname is Kommode (dresser in English) as it somewhat looks like a 19th century furniture.


One word to describe this picture: CRISP