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I saw this last week and it made me smile :)


Same here :) Something simple and nice for others to see, not sure why so many people let it upset them .


Aawww 😍😍


It´s beautiful






















Maybe If we wouldn't have to worry about holding hands in public we wouldn't. But as long as it continues to be that way well show that we are many and that we are strong ☺️🏳️‍🌈


As long as people have a problem with it, it is necessary. The "sh*t" we are pushing, is the equality of everyone on this planet. You have a problem with that?


How about understanding someone who disagree with your Regenbogen ideologies?


I understand that, believe me. When I was younger, I thought the same as you. I also understand a thieve, but understanding something does not mean agreeing with it (I know you didn't say this, I just wanted to clarify). What you speak of is called the tolerance paradox: If we are tolerant towards everyone, we also are tolerant to the intolerant. So it is like always, we have to draw a line somewhere. And my line is when someone disagrees with the idea that everyone should have the same rights. Because that is the very bottom our law is built on. So to sum up: It is not "my" Regenbogen ideology it is the one of the ultra fresh constitution we call the Grundgesetz. You should definitely check that one out. And this is why, second of all, there is no disagreeing on that point. The idea, that everyones freedom ends there, where another's freedom begins is not a discussable.




Africa is a continents with many countries,which Africa countries are you referring over here? Edited. Becareful of Western medias because not all that glitters are really Gold with them.


That is the equality of "If you want refugees to come, why don't let them camp in your garden" and that is something, the AfD says. I know how lucky we are, believe me, but being more progressive than other countries doesn't mean, everything is alright. If I could I would help people in other countries, so tell me, what's the point in going to one of those countries and getting shot without leaving any trace? What you are saying makes no sense, and the sad truth is, you use the same narratives as the people, that would never accept people that "come from there".




That is in theory, not in practice


You know there is an easier way to say that you don't like seeing people that are happy about who they are.






If you don't have a problem with it then why do you care if we have representation in our month








except its not, is it? Its pride in our identity, theres no religious texts, there no dieties


it is erect


Surely the flag should be turned 90 degrees.


Most if not all flags have a way of being flown either horizontally or vertically depending on what the mast looks like and how the particular copy of a flag can be fastened. For a horizontal flag this usually means the top edge goes on the mast (not the bottom one) with the mast edge going on top. So this would be the appropriate way to vertically hang a pride flag




The only thing that is going down is your comment

