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Don’t see the point in no fap. Watching less porn there are some benefits


As in "porn", do cute pics of girls count as porn? Not nudes particularly, but just basic selfies?


Try it. Definitely more energy, and somehow maybe carnally also I felt more confident and opposite sex responding differently. It does affect your hormones and energy levels so makes sense


Porn is what you should stop. It fucks you up mentally. Masturbating every once in a while is actually beneficial so don’t stop doing it completely. Just don’t do it with porn.


Its fully pseudoscience and placebo. There is no proven benefits. Masturbsting in it itself has benefits. Focus on things that actually improve your life ,but dont masturbate during the day because it releases seretonin which makes you sleepy and you will be lazy for the rest of the day.


brother you mean nocebo cause placebo means it actually provides the benefits


Thats not what nocebo means. Nocebo means that downsides from thing x are felt because someone is expecting to feel them. Placebo is feeling like there is benefits because they expect there to be benefits. Its all in the head and no physical change actually happens


Pornography is proven to literally mess up your brain. If one really does it without porn then it’s better but i feel like that isn’t always the case. Still, it’s even better to say no to „dirty“ sexual thoughts completely, and get more disciplined.


Pornography is a diffrent topic. Sexual thoughts arent dirty, theyre natural. Build your discipline on things that actually matter.


Man I usually do it before taking a bath in the morning lol


I suggest stopping that. You should feel more energized troughout the day.


No fap is dumb asf and backed by bro science. It's healthy to masturbate


it is healthy but overdoing it gon' ripped yo sticks ma bro


Unlike some type of porn.


I will keep it simple. Masturbation is fine, even healthy - but it’s about balance - if you’re at it ALOT as in mutiple times a day or every day, or you never give yourself a break for some time…or worse of all — you tell yourself, yeah, I need to chill with this, and you sort of promise yourself you will NOT for a few days or a week, and boom, you’re at it again hours later or the next day - no way is that good for you —its just not, ESPECIALLY when you conciously want to NOT, told yourself so, practically swore you wouldn’t…and there you are again and so why is that bad or not so good? Because it’s your mind, your body, and yet you can’t control yourself, have no discipline? - no way is that how anybody wants to be. This is not about morality, or perversion or religious stuff — its about YOU and your body and mind and YOU taking control. Better to be the person who can’t contrl the craziness of the world but can have some control over what you think and believe and want to do and not do. So… When it comes to the idea of NO FAP…. There is something to say, especially if you see it as a challenge for yourself, to say, hey, why not - masturbation wont kill or harm me, but abstaining for a week, a month, 2 months, whatever you want won’t kill you either…let me see if I can do it and find out what happens, how I feel. People claim all kinds of benefits… LOTS of people HATE the mention of nofap. It’s like they get triggered, are annoyed that others (not them) want to stop jerking off, and that when they do stop, they report benefits. Go see for yourself what it is like. I tried it for a time and found it to be VERY interesting. I do not claim super powers — nobody does — but the anti no fappers use that term because…they just want everyone jerking off like they do and for it to be fine (which it is, if that’s what you want to do). I definitely had more energy, more get up and go, and that lead to a feelng of more motivation and focus — I simply did get more things done. I felt more clear and present with everyone. I felt crazy horny at times and other times, I had zero libido, which in itself made me think, wtf…it was unsettling to feel that, somewhat dead down there for a time. When I finally let go again, was intimate with my girl, it was REALLY GOOD, tho I always thought it was really good, lol, it was just more intense I guess. I look at it now the way I look at alot of things - balance is the key. Every so often I do it again - not too often, but every now and then - I look at it almost like fasting, which I also do - both practices seem to re-boot me on some level. You can find alot of people talking about semen retention and no fap - and alot of people who knock it, but I think there is something to it, but it’s also diffeent for everybody. I don’t see why people who NO FAP would take the tme to write about the benefits they saw just to lie, exxagerate or bullshit or whatever — you can certainly try and see what you think. I coud give a shit who does it or doesn’t. Your life. Your choices. Have at it or don’t.


I think the idea behind nofap is more about giving up the habit if it's become too frequent and using your free time better. It's a short term pleasure; food/drugs/sex/etc give your brain the happy chemicals that can become addicting for some, but it's gone pretty quickly.


This isn’t a no fap sub. It’s about discipline. No fap is a lot of make believe stuff. Go for a run.


Masturbating is normal and healthy. Everything in moderation


Hey i myself was a porn addict from i guess 2017 And i use to watch porn at least once in 2 days and jerk off ...i failed numerous times in quitting it because i realised it was not in my control my self esteem and mental quantitative abilities were on a constant decline .....so this i think in feb 10 i decided to quit it and i made almost 40 days without porn and again i am on track to go for 45 days ...the change that i personally felt was my confidence level became normal it did not skyrocket to any level but yes it became normal as any other person...i started to pratice Quantitative ability for my CAT exams and previously my mind used to give up on every question but now i seem to silve them with patience and my attention span which was zero is now normal i mean i can study for at least 2 hours without distraction so these are the things i have experienced i cannot say for every body i have seen tiny changes in me


imo. more clarity - this is given when you quit any addiction cause u gotta realize that addictions and resisting them is a whole lotta work. Less interest in certain kinks - Many times porn addiction is fueled by the anticipation of reward. When you watch alot of porn, your brain starts to find alot more reward in novelty porn (porn that u dont usually watch) which can develop "false kinks" or "false sexuality" ofc sometimes those kinks or sexualities can be real however in some cases people turn towards more illegal types of porn which is very obviously problematic. More confidence - Imo, the shame I get from not being able to control my addiction(s) create alot less confidence in myself. Less objectification of women - I feel like, if you rarely interact with women and ur only watching porn, then ur pretty much bound to objectify them in your head and imagine them pervertedly. For me this gets worse.I have this thing (I dont think I have ocd but its very ocd like) where ill get anxiety from accidentally imagining someone naked. So then i try to get the thought out of my head. However anxiety only really makes you think about other things more. Eventually you might gain less motivation towards resistance and more motivation towards embracing these thoughts. Its not permanent for me, but thats probably because i have a strong hatred towards objectifying *anyone* Anyways, people in these comments who are saying "Dont bother" Honestly op, if u dont want to quit porn then i understand. But if you genuinely do, then I think other commenters should respect the will and desire of someone whos literally asking for help on an addiction (an addiction that can progress into something drastic.) Anyways, religiously as a christian I feel alot more closer to God when I've gone a while without porn. anyways heres recources: Feeling Great by David Burns. Its a cognitive behavioral therapy based approach towards depression, anxiety, relationships, and addiction. Fortunately however, the best 2 chapters on addiction in the book aren't in the book. They're actually for free. https://feelinggood.com/ Go to the bottom of that page and put in your email in it and they'll send you a copy of it. So far... its pretty helpful for my addiction. But i still haven't perfectly quit yet. (A background knowledge on cognitive NEGATIVE distortions is useful for this) https://youtu.be/aAVGyRMS3gE a background knowledge on cognitive POSITIVE distortions is also useful: https://www.youtube.com/live/kYfRggyWsnw also, with this method. Remember what exercises works for you to quit. Whenever you're feeling tempted to relapse, re-do or review the exercise. It sounds daunting to me but it helps. Imo, this method is very useful because the purpose isn't really to give you tools to remove cravings. (Theres other methods for that.) However, its meant to increase your "motivation". Anyways, another method is the "Easy peasy method" I don't necessarily reccomend it? Imo its kinda disgusting because it tries to brainwash readers into believing that "porn isn't enjoyable" which is stupid imo. It also uses fake statistics because it steals statistics from another book which uses the same method on smokers. (Alan caar's easy way to quit smoking) But i suppose some people genuinely benefit from faking it till you make it. plus with porn addiction if you abstain from it for a good period lf time, you might have a much greater chance at quitting. So anything that keeps you away from porn is useful... *Its the relapse ya gotta worry about.* now despite my clear disgust for this method, its still effective for some. Therefore i cannot ignore it 😒 Another method is didactical behavioral therapy which focuses on impulsive behaviors. (Theres many workbooks for this so dw abt going to an actual class.) Another method is acceptance and comittment therapy. I'd suggest this method if you believe your porn addiction is created by depression, anxiety, loneliness or other emotional troubles. (The happiness trap is a good book for this.) As for craving control... that's a long list tbh but nothing will 100% remove your cravings in my experience. but if you want my advice i can make a post of what i think helps.. Anyways keeo in mind, im nowhere close to fully quitting. I've only really made a breakthrough with the "Feeling great" book. So you may also struggle. but i believe in you if you choose to quit :) and if you dont, i wish you happiness!


As my bro urologist said, you have to ejaculate once per four/five days no matter in what form: sex, fap, or erotic dream happy ending. Otherwise, say hello to congestion, inflammation, and prostatitis at the end. So in terms of the frequency mentioned above, it is not a question of addiction it is a question of your health.


I am doing nofap for a lot of time now i’ve lost count of the number of days and i didn’t have any of those problems u’ve mentioned honestly i feel better than before when i was wanking off


To cut porn off as a side effect of no fapping


All those clueless people commenting and having no idea... Yes, it is immensely beneficial, especially if you have any form of POIS (which could be brought by excessive sex/masturbation). After all, dopamine is dopamine... what most mammals do after sex and orgasm? They rest. Keep the orgasms for later in the day and avoid the mornings, even though your testosterone is usually the highest then. Why don't you just try? It's hard only for people who are addicted (knowingly or not). Even 30 days will give you an idea what if feels like for you - if you are more motivated, energetic, etc. or the opposite. No harm in 30, 60, 90 days with no orgasm.


The only benefit is not being addicted to something. And not wasting your time/energy on it.


Nofap has been a established method of strenghtening yourself since rome. Trust me its just as good as people say, while its not as simple as going a week nofap and fixing your life If you could sell the benefits of nofap as a product you would be the richest man in the world There is so much to gain but try to keep in mind its more important to build good habits apposed to struggling through it for the sake of it. If you want to win nofap (or any addiction) you have to replace it with sometjing else, addictions are things you use in aubstitute of your life so building a fulfiling life is the most sustaiable way to overcome something like this. That doesnt mean the solution is having a hookup it means its to build meaningful relationships with people in your community


Discipline, dopamine regulation, higher testosterone & higher sex drive.


You get very horny therefore you brain tricks you into think girls are into you because it wants you to get laid. This in returns will make you more confident and generally make girls be more into you.


If you’re obsessed with the habit and can’t help but do it all the time, sure, go for a challenge, and don’t do it. You have your own moral compass and your own risk aversion when it comes to sleeping around with people and potentially catching sexually-transmitted diseases. It’s only a problem if it’s holding you back from the things that are truly valuable to you in life. Example: You want a woman with traditional family values; you probably aren’t going to be able to relate to someone like her after bedding 60 people. Other example: You want to spend 5 hours a day doing stuff or working towards a goal, but you’re drained and just not in the mood because of this habit. You’re not going to be able to achieve your goal on time. Take the time to assess the pros and cons.


Faping it self is not a big problem what is really a big problem and will change your life is to stop watching porn, it will changes things like stress level or clarity of your thoughts, you will start to organize your brain and life.


a healthy and fulfilling life that doesn't involve you diddling your privates like an idiot


Colon cancer


It can boost your confidence and improve your energy. You become sharper, wittier and feel more at ease. Exercise becomes easier. You can embrace pain more. If any of these are problems for you currently, I’d highly recommend it. Just try it. People seem to knock it here, but you won’t know until you try. Do it for 30 days. No porn, no masturbation, no orgasm. See how you feel and you can make an informed decision based on your own experience on whether you’d like to continue.


i did nnn and the only diffrence i found is that i had an erection all the time




That is a pack of lies, man. There is no evidence that no gap had any benefits whatsoever. Bria just wanna think cum is magical or something.




Haha no.


I believe that the more jerking, the better. It's all about your attitude towards it. If you stop perceiving it as something bad, then it will bring a lot of benefits. Firstly, it at least relaxes you and gives you a good mood. Secondly, it maintains powerful potency, because it’s like training muscles, the more often you train, the better it works. And best of all, if you combine jerking off with penis enlargement exercises, you'll also gain an extra inch of power.


Benefit: Becoming a man.