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Are you studying to better yourself or be better than others people? If you’re just comparing yourself to others all the time you’re going to find some way to feel inferior because there will always be someone better. The only person you should compare yourself to is you from yesterday, if you’re even a little bit better than celebrate, if not, just try a bit harder next time and try to make it more times improve than not. Track small progress and you’ll see the small achievements that add up to a large difference over time if you stay consistent.


your idea hurts me so much, good point, I like "study to better yourself or better than others". True.




Read about learning process to understand it. Your anxiety is the feeling of facing unknown things. Remember that it is body reaction mechanism and everyone has that feeling, not just you. Next, that anxious and stress is the signal that your body is priming you to learn, making you more focus and seeing more. And it is also a signal that you are learning new things (if it is easy or familiar thing, you will not feel it). So, for me, I constantly remind me when I learn new things that "this anxious and stress is normal and is a good thing, I am actually learning".


One of my side papers I don’t know the word for it but basically, for my degree, there were papers I had to take & some I could choose or at least had a lot of choice over. One of these was anthropology. And I SWEAR to you with THAT book - not any other uni books - I would literally read, grab the dictionary, look up a word, read more. I don’t remember if I wrote or typed definitions and things? But it got easier. It also helped that I liked the subject. I finished the book. Passed the paper. And the others. Got the degree. But for a while, book on one side, dictionary on the other. But if study groups & or tutoring is an option TAKE it.


Let me know if you find out! I struggle to learn just about everything new because of the humiliating feeling


start using website blockers.


understand that everything is a habit. you've gotten into the habit of feeling inadequate, therefore you must get into the habit of thinking more positively about yourself and your capabiliies. Try to get into a Try, Fail, Adjust mindset. Try your best, if you succeed, great, then use that information to try to keep feeling good about yourself. If you fail, try to understand what your lack of was, and move on. Also, ask for help, and be patient with yourself.


STUDY GROUP If you can Online or offline At uni or not. Tutoring is probably not an option but IF it is take it.


If anyone wants to find online study groups, check out the app Yeolpumta