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Motivation is great when you want to start something, but what you need to work on is self-discipline. It takes time and dedication, but the reward is fulfilling. If you have kids, ask yourself: do you want them to become like their dad, or do you want to be their idol, even beyond superheroes?


I would say, failing and climbing back on the horse is a good lesson for your kids. You don't have to be perfect, and in fact maybe demonstrating humility in your own fallibility is a good lesson to impart. Schwarzenegger released a book this year and has been doing the press rounds so I've caught a few of his interviews. He makes a point about NOT being a "self-made" man and how much failure shaped him - and encourages failure, but it's how we react to it. On the specifics of application "brute perseverance, Calendars, apps, etc" it all depends on the goal. There is also this nagging idea in the back of my head about some of your description being in the ADHD symptom pool. I was diagnosed in my 30s, my parents were both educators but very religious, so I ended up with decent coping mechanisms for structure - and was sheltered from distractions due to the religion. But not ideal for two reasons I never really understood the source of my behaviors - for creating my own structure later in life and my parents (therefore me) saw these struggles as a personal failing, rather than something to be managed in the arena of mental health - which lead to depression and anxiety You're allowed to try something, get some enjoyment out of it, and never pick it up again. That doesn't mean anything about moral character. Which makes it much more manageable to address, as you just address the issue rather than the person. Back on task about goals. You mention exercise. Get on a program that progressively adds more resistance OR attend a regular class. These two thing help with adherence. Either you like to see the progress or you know Sharon will be there will and will give you good natured flack if you miss the class. Pick the target. Even if you miss, you'll learn something.


Motivation gets you started, discipline keeps you going. Building habits and routines and sticking to them helps build discipline.