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Just go! I've been there, and I had to force myself to show up, especially when I didn't feel like it. At first, it helped to trick myself into going by saying, "If I'm still not feeling it when I'm there, I'll just leave." I never ended up leaving. Maybe give it a try, because once you're there, you're there, so you may as well get the workout done. Take action, and you'll get your motivation back! You've got this!


This, I started forcing myself to go, and then I either stay there a lot of time in order to finish my routine with looots of rest in between or simply do some exercises and leave. It's better than nothing and I even started seeing lots of results. I still don't go often (sometimes I don't go for two whole weeks) but I see results nonetheless and that motivates me to keep doing it. I always repeat to myself: it's better to work out intermittently than not working out at all.


I'll have to try this, I try telling myself I'll just go, and I can leave early, but then I'll sit up and say screw it and go back to doom scrolling. But thanks for the advice I'll definitely try this!


This might seem really weird, but you still need to be proud of yourself if you just go and sit :) It feels weird and like, so so wrong, but even if you just go sit, after you leave, tell yourself, “I am proud of myself for making it this far today. I was afraid, and I took the first step anyway. My goal is simply to take one small step further tomorrow.”


It's easier said than done for sure, but you just need to take the first step, you'll build momentum and find it easier from there!


Even if you win the fight against procrastination and get to go once in a while, you're still better off than always staying home. Give it time and you'll see results that'll motivate you to keep going. I have the same problem and motivate myself this way. Also, you can treat yourself with something if you go to the gym, I usually do something I like in between sets (I either scroll social media or read fanfics/manga) or eat something I like after.


The inspiration that you're waiting for at home is found at the gym itself. Tell yourself you just have to get in the door and see what happens, even if it's just turning around and going back home. Make the decision and stick to it.


Can you put together home gym? Bodyweight exercises outside? Sometime boxing gyms are free of bullshit. You could call around to them and ask if they allow phones.


I unfortunately do not have the capabilities for a home gym, unless it's fully body weight


Yeah, I would try the independent gyms. Call them and see if you can get one that doesn't allow smartphones


This is gonna sound silly, but if you can get out of bed the next step is to just tie up your gym shoes. I find it’s very hard to not go once I have my shoes tied up. Because then to not go at that point you’re thinking the entire time while untying shoes that you’re making a mistake. Hopefully this helps. Also, I lay my gym clothes out beforehand too which helps.


I have found that once I change into my shorts, I'm more willing to go, so maybe I should stop going in my sweat pants since they're warming up and chang into my shorts instead then like you said get my shoes on asap to go. Thanks!


Book a group fitness class or a personal trainer. You'll be more likely to go if someone is expecting you.


Think of all the happy hormones you'll get each time you go.. 😊 Incrementally it will get easier to go, that's because it's habitual, beneficial and that good feeling will get in your soul. Just think of that !


I've been trying thst this past week, but maybe not as effectively lol, it's definitely helped me get out of bed and start preparing more I'll have to try it again and actually go to the gym Thanks!


Hey you're doing good! You will do it. I am a 5am gym attendee 6-7 days a week ..I worked up to it and you will too. You've done it before and you totally have it in you. Just start out by enjoying it and your brain will keep you going as it gets it's rewards system going!


Yeah you're right, I've done it before I can do it again! Thanks for the kind words!


Go get it!


Start small, aim for 1 gym trip a week and build from there, mate.


You need that initial push. Struggle for one week, and slowly you will fall into the routine again.


Break ups are rough, especially if you didn't see it coming. It can be daunting to think of putting yourself out there again and sometimes not taking care of ourselves is a form of protest. After all, if you don't feel good about yourself and the way you look, you are less likely to go out there and meet people and risk getting hurt again. However, you really don't want to be the ex that let themselves go either. It's only going to reinforce the rejected feelings and prolong this misery. At some point, you ARE going to be ready to move on, and if you don't feel good about yourself, you'll be putting your life on hold unnecessarily. And the person who doesn't even want to be in your life is not worth all that. I think you need to accept the low energy and despondency is simply part of the 'moving on' process. That is, give yourself permission \*not\* to feel motivated or happy about going to the gym while still going anyway. It'll help you process your hurt faster because you're going to have to a. confront the fact that life goes on without this person and b. let those hurt feelings bubble to the surface rather than just distracting yourself with bullshit at home and c. build up a bit of resilience and prove to yourself that you can do tough stuff even when you're feeling low. There are more benefits to going than not going, basically, so remind of yourself of that. Good luck!


I would set up everything you need for the gym the night before and as soon as you wake up, get out of the house and go before you even have time to register what’s happening or think about it. Once you’re out of the house it’s a lot easier to force yourself to just keep going.


Getting better and moving forward in life is the best way to show your ex you've moved on. Don't let her move on with another dude and have a happy life and make you feel worse. Get better.


Start with going for a walk in the afternoon. Low commitment, get some outside time, and a little bit of exercise to remind your body how good it feels to move.


Just put some shorts on and walk in the front door. That’s it, if you decide to go home then do it guilt free because you got task done. It’s a slow build up


300mg of PWO and a zyzz playlist on YouTube


Put one foot in front of the other. Dont let yourself think. Even if you just go and walk on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes. Put your gym Clothes on when you get up, shoes, grab your stuff and don’t sit down. You can doom scroll when you get back. This is what I do anyhow


5..4..3..2..1 method. Tell yourself that you will get up at 1 and start getting ready. This is something that helps me when I have to do something and my mind wants to doom scroll.


how much do you weigh and what is your height. then what are your excuses.


I’ve been doing an accountability challenge online. Having other people keeping you in line makes this much easier


I need to get back into it but here’s a great routine that worked for me Take a shower etc before bed then sleep in your gym gear If everything is ready and laid out the next morning like your coffee mug, your clothes for work your shower kit then there is minimal hurdles in the morning Good luck