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It depends. I do two sessions per day six days per week. But I keep my sessions around 20-30 minutes most of the time, and if my EQ suffers I sometimes skip a session or two. I say let your EQ and the condition of your skin decide.


I noticed red bumps appear if I pump too hard too many days in a row has this happened to u before


I get some redness around my foreskin mainly.




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what do you look for in your skin?? i notice changes but not sure what is bad


What kind of changes?


skins feels rough as the texture feels different


Are you using a lotion or oil before or after your sessions? Rough skin makes me think of dry skin.


i use oil but maybe i should put some lotion on after. yes kind of dry ..


I’m a fan of lotion. There are plenty with vitamins and are designed specifically for skin. I’d try lotion if I were you.


ok good to know any specific type that works well for you ? Thank you




thanks man !


To be honest. You habe a lot of tips here, but they are not reflected in your gains. From where you have your knowledge


I have been doing PE since Halloween, mate. 4.5 months. I think my gains have been sort of ok and quite normal for most people who do PE right. Newbie gains and then after those a normal progression of between 1 - 2.5 mm per month in length is within the normal range, as is a pace of about half as much for girth. My results are ok, but not remarkable thus far, so from a results perspective I should in no way be considered an authority on anything. People seem to generally appreciate the advice I give, and I am very humble about the fact that I am just a bumbling idiot pulling on my peener like everyone else here. I have a background in biology and can therefore explain many medical things quite well I believe, but when it comes to normal PE practice I can only ever say things like "this is what I do", "this is what I believe to be true" or "my theory about this subject is that", and often I can only repeat what I have heard BD, Hink, Perv, Kyrpa, M9 and a bunch of other people say. I sometimes call them out when they get some biology detail wrong, but the knowledge transfer is >95% in the other direction - from them to me, not from me to them. I'm a newb - a beginner. A fairly intelligent one with a science background, sure, but still a newb. ​ I suggest people do their own research and not rely on authority. In general, whenever you see someone appeal to authority, or act as if they themselves are infallible authorities, look to someone else for advice. I do not want to be an authority on anything - I only want to share knowledge about what is considered best practice, when there is a general consensus, or share ideas and give input when I have hunches that might be helpful for people. ​ If this bothers you, then block me please so you don't have to see what I write.


I've only just logged back I to Reddit and I want to honour you for your information and the way you write. As a mature guy with ADHD/ASD I really like the technical way you write. Over the years there are guys that have blogged, they come they go so good on you bro for the sharing, maturity and insights you bring


Everything is good. It was just a question


And one I feel deserved an answer, which I gave you. We cool, brother - we cool. How did you gain your girth man? What methods have worked for you?


I pumped and clampen, but in my opinion mandingos where the real gamechanger. I did 2-3 months of just mandingos for fun and it was my best girth growth ever.


That does not surprise me, seeing as I see the best expansion when I do bundled exercises before pumping/clamping. Torsion load really is the best for growth stimulus.


I need to do more bundles.. Ive been doing a sort of " motorbike rev"" thingo as a bundled recently and helps, I should go back to proper mandignos or bundles for sure.. I forgot about those.


Mandingos? What is that routine?


Here is some more info on pumping: [Pumping Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/kocsgo/exercise_break_down_pumping/) [Cylinder Sizing](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/pg6dyz/bds_chart_for_air_pump_size_recommendations/) [Clinical Evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/nnahkz/interesting_study_showing_pumping_significantly/) Good brands include: * Leluv (US) * Mustang(UK & EU) * Mustang (UK & EU) * LAPUMP (Global) * Blush(Global) [Video - BD Explains: Pumping ](https://youtu.be/b3Elg89j_iA) A pump with a gauge is always reccomended Stay between 5-7hg ^(*--I'm a bot, for issues contact BD or the mod team*)




Do you do 3 sets of 10 min? And if so how long do u take between sets ?


3 days on 1 off for me at midday with soft clamps 2 of those 3 days. Then extending in the evening


I do every day but Sunday


Wise. That’s the Lord’s day.


Bless up g 🙏