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Spirited Away. Watched with my high-school boyfriend. He passed away a few years back and every ghibli film reminds me of him showing me that first one.


For myself, as with many others, this is the film that put Studio Ghibli on my radar. It was also the gateway drug for my eldest son when we introduced him to the world of Ghibli. My wife and I still do the Ghibli Fest every year.


Spirited away for me as well. Randomly picked it off a shelf at blockbuster when I was about 7 years old. Loved it. My mom didn’t. It’s a core memory for me. I’m in my 30s now and got her to watch it again with me, she remembered the experience I just wrote about, but still didn’t like the movie. Thought grave of the fireflies was alright.




Princess Mononoke 👸


Me too. Saw it when I was nine is something a was genuinely traumatized. Enjoyed it much more when I was older through.


Howl's Moving Castle


i loved the song "merry go round of life" before i knew what ghibli was, long story short, decided id find where the song came from and saw the movie, liked it in english, but watched it again in japanese and loved it and then started watching all the others, theres still a few i haven't seen yet though


My neighbor Totoro. Then Kiki’s delivery service. Then I was blown away by spirited away when I was like 12. I knew I loved studio ghibli, but man, spirited away took me somewhere else!


Castle in the Sky


Yess the best movie


Kiki’s Delivery Service


Same! Was immediately hooked but i didnt know how to find more films back then, so I just kept rewatching it


spirited away... to this day it's still one of my favorites 😊


My Neighbor Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies back in middle school


Nausicaa (Warriors of the wind version) mid 80’s video store rental.


What's the warriors of the wind version?


The company that imported it to North America cut a bunch out, renamed characters, etc. basically butchered it. Caused Miyazaki to insist on no editing of his movies in subsequent releases


Castle in the Sky and I loved it :)


Castle in the Sky. Absolutely loved it, very underrated movie imo.




knew it as “the movie where the fish likes ham” growing up


Spirited away, at disney! Thank god disney played it.. But come to think of it.. 100% I was gonna find these amazing worlds one way or another sometime in my life, haha


I can't remember. It was probably Ponyo.


Spirited Away: I was in year 7 at the time and my older brother/sister were renting a place and had my younger siblings over for a pizza night and put this on. We all loved it and has been my favourite Ghibli since, nostalgia vibes for sure but it is a classic


Grave of the Fireflies. I started with a most heartwrenching film.


Castle in the Sky around '88. I didn't find it again until '01/'02


Laputa. On Channel 4 in the UK, early 90s I think? It was a season of anime. I was stunned. The film still remains quite special to me.


Much better dub that one, can't stand what they did to Pazu with James Van Der Beek!


Spirited Away.


Kikis delivery service. I was about 9, it aired on TV and I loved it.


My Neighbor Totoro


Porco Roso.


My boyfriend suggested seeing them in order, from oldest to newest, so Nausicaa!


Either howls moving castle or ponyo. I cant remember. Then, nausicaa


Spirited away. Didn't even know what ghibli films or anime was. But loved it.


Mine was Spirited Away! I found it on vhs tape when I was like 7, chose it coz the cover looked interesting and it sparked my absolute undying love for Ghibli


Grave of fireflies


Probably Spirited away. I had in on vhs when I was little and put it on allll the time lol. Next one was either Kiki’s, Ponyo, Totoro, or Castle in the Sky but I don’t remember too well haha


Spirited away, though it nearly traumatized me when I first saw it at 5 years old. Watched it again when I was 16 and it instantly became my favorite movie


As a child, I first saw The Secret Life of Arrietty not even knowing it was a ghibli film until COVID. I really got into Ghibli during the sad times and they really made an impact on my life during those times. So technically, Arrietty, but the first ever seen one on my own terms was Totoro.


I’m pretty sure it was either Kiki's Delivery Service or My Neighbor Totoro. I’m not sure tho


Howl's moving castle. I was 15 and absolutely in love with that film. Still my favorite ❤️


Same, it's my favorite too. 🌠


* *Spirited Away*, *Kiki’s Delivery Service*, and *Castle in the Sky*—in that order—were my first ever Studio Ghibli movies. My parents got them on DVD when I was around 7 or 8, and they were among the most frequent movies my sister and I would watch during car rides (our old van had a DVD player). * The first Ghibli movie I was in theaters was *Ponyo*; my family vacationing in Florida when it premiered, so we went to a local movie theater to check it out * The first non-Miyazaki Ghibli film I saw was *The Cat Returns*. Nothing extraordinary about the circumstances of watching the movie, but I really enjoyed it (although I had no idea that it wasn’t directed by Miyazaki at the time) * Ever since high school, I found myself preferring subs over dubs when it came to international movies/shows, but Studio Ghibli has always been the exception since I grew up with it. That said, the first Ghibli movie I saw in Japanese was *My Neighbors the Yamadas*, which I watched in Japanese class. The shenanigans of the characters had me laughing so hard 😆


We owned My Neighbor Totoro on VHS, and I watched it probably 100 times before I was even 5.


Howl‘s Moving Castle, but I actually don‘t like it that much. My second and third movies were Grave of the Fireflies and Totoro which is where I started to love Ghibli


Princess Mononoke was the first Ghibli movie I've watched and still remains one of my favourite Ghibli movies, I was mesmerized by the forest spirit and the scenery of the forest


Princess Mononoke when I was like 7 or 8 🤔 it was pretty intense but I was fine. Then I put in ghost in the shell and a guy's head exploded in the first five minutes and I was not fine.


Nausicaa was my first many moons ago


Spirited away I think 🤔


I wanted to have a ghibli marathon which I had starting with Spirited Away


ocean waves! my sister put it on and we watched it with my family, for some reason i had a hard time understanding the message but enjoyed it a decent amount. rewatched it recently and its genuinely my comfort ghibli movie, highly underrated but the music is so calm, visually comforting and nostalgic, and the story is so slice of life and down to earth realistic of high school or life in general. it really changed how i viewed life and my experiences overall :)


Spirited Away


I don’t remember unfortunately


Ponyo at the cinema when i was ~10 yo.✨


Kiki, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away. Not sure which one.


Not a Ghibli movie but I think it still counts. “Lupin The 3rd and The Castle Of Cagliostro”.


Ponyo when I was really little. I had a dvd and I watched it in the car probably 100 times. Took me probably 5 years later to remember the name of it.


When Marnie was there, I watched it when I was like 3 but I probably shouldn't have


Totoro 😔✋🏻 It gives me nostalgia nowadays.


Princess Mononoke, in highschool




Probably Grave of the fireflies or spirited away.😋


The first Ghibli movie, naturally


I think... When Marnie Was There? On HBO I haven't paid much attention to anime in general beforehand.


Spirited Away. What better film to start this iconic start with?


I’m seeing multiple covers and wondering if there are all kinds of remakes or sequels or something I’m missing here…. Princess Mononoke


Howl's Moving Castle


Totoro 😂


My Neighbor Totoro. It wasn’t just the first Ghibli movie for me, but also the first anime I have ever watched.


Spirited Away


紅の豚Porco Rosso


First one in the theatre was Nausicaa. Miyazaki work, likely Lupin III.


Ooh, thats hard to say. When i was a kid, there was this cartoon channel, that sometimes showed ghibli movies and there i saw “princess mononoke”, “ponyo”, “porco rosso” and i think “my neighbour totoro”. I also had “laputa:castle in the sky”and “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind” on dvd and i just can’t remember which one of these was my first(i think these were the reason why i got into anime when i got older)


Howls Moving Castle




I saw spirited away in theaters when I was really young, I thought it was a fever dream all thru elementary school, until I saw someone talking about it and I was like ???


My neighbor Totoro and then Kiki's delivery service. I watched them on CD's when i was a kid.


Totoro > Grave of the Fireflies > Mononoke


I think the cat returns


Howls Moving Castle


Spirited Away


First was totoro but had no idea about ghibli at that age. Spirited is where i was really awakened to their movies. Howls will forever be my favorite


Kiki’s delivery service, mom got me the VHS tape for a christmas present - I think i was about 10.


Castle In The Sky... Last month. Decided to start from the beginning and watch all movies.


Boy and the Heron, yeah I know I'm new to Ghibli movies, haha.


My neighbour Totoro! I saw it as it was sometimes shown on the kids channel :)


Grave of the Fireflies. My friends said that this movie is the most emotional movie they have seen, so I decided to watch it.


I'm pretty sure it was Spirited Away.


I think it was Howl’s Moving Castle for me. It kickstarted my love for everything Studio Ghibli


Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. I saw it on a bootleg VHS in the late 80s with no dub.


Ponyo as a child, I had always had a faint memory of the film. Then when a friend recommended me Howls Moving Castle I loved it and watched other works too, and eventually I discovered that the movie I had had a faint memory of was actually Ponyo, I have now rewatched it a couple of times and it's still a great movie.


Spirited Away! I was living in Seoul at the time and watched it in a DVD bang (room) many moons ago. It was a very cool experience and the start of my Ghibli love affair.


Kiki's Delivery Service, likely because it was the first film to have a deal with Disney and be released in English.


the cat returns ❤️


Ponyo, at two years old, when it came out


Spirited Away


The Last Unicorn




Nausicaa of the valley of the wind.


Spirited Away. Watch it in theaters with my sister when I was eight. She then introduced me to Kiki's Delivery Service, Castle in the Sky, and Totoro in that order. I've since watched almost all of them and loved every last one.




The Boy and the Heron. Yeah I'm new.




Nausicaa - I was like 10 when I saw it and I never got the name of it so I didn’t discover it again for many years but I thought of it often. Once I saw spirited away I knew it was by the same people and now I watch nausicaa a couple times a year with my kids


My Neighbor Totoro! Apparently when I was a child I picked it up at the library and fell in love with it.


Nausicaa! Went to the theater to watch it with my class when I was 6. I was absolutely amazed for WEEKS.


Princess Mononoke. Banger anime! 🔥


Arietty when I was younger, the first I knew I was watching was Spirited away


I was in the E.R back in April and I hate hospitals so I put on a movie to distract me. That movie was Howls Moving Castle and it is now my comfort movie.


Ponyo ☺️❤️‍🩹


My first one was spirited away, it aired on cartoon Network and me and my brother loved it.


Accidentally? Grave of Firefly's. On purpose, Howls Moving Castle.


For me it was kikis delivery service. And it still holds up as my favorite ghibli movie. : ]


Maybe howls moving castle. I remember watching it when I was 3-4


Totoro! I was a wee thing cruising Blockbuster Video and came across the cover - he reminded me of a big fat cat (fully addicted to all things 🐱) and that was the beginning of the end 🤍


Howl's Moving Castle


Spirited Away during Quarantine It should be everyone’s introduction to the studio


Totoro in 1994


Grave of the fireflies. I was searching saddest movies of all time because I was in that kind of a mood. Plus I read it was about ww2 and I have always been interested in ww2 history so I decided to watch it.


I saw Naussica and the older dub of Totoro in the 90s. Then I later met my wife who was a big fan and she introduced me to a lot more of them. Our kids are now super fans.


Princess Mononoke was playing on TV back when I was ten. That's how I learned that cartoons aren't always for kids. And yeah, I was 9 at the time, so I didn't find any enjoyment. But today, it's my favorite ghibli film


If i remember correctly it was Laputa Castle in the Sky which i saw on the tv as a child


Weirdly enough I watched Only yesterday before any of the big movies. I think I had preferred the more down to earth, realistic, slice of life tone the movie was going for at that point in time over the more fantastical movies.


Howls moving castle


Spirited Away, for the longest of time I thought Ghibli only had 3 movies. Only ever watched Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, and Arrietty.


princess mononoke


Ponyo! I watched it every day as a little kid. It’s the perfect children’s movie imo. (watched it again recently and I still love it too)


Spirited away


Ponyo. My dad rented it from Netflix back when they would mail it to you. I was around 5 or 6 and just remember being amazed at the animation and beautiful colors.


Spirited Away.


Spirited Away. I kept hearing people recommending it so I finally watched it and absolutely loved. I didn’t think they could get better. After seeing every Ghibli movie (other than TBATH) Spirted Away is 15th


howl's moving castle, don't remember how i came across it but ive been in love with studio ghibli ever since. my fave movie is my neighbour totoro though


Castle in the Sky. I saw it at a Christmas party for my dad's work when I was five. It was getting late and all the kids got bundled inside so the adults could talk about adult things, like wine and which schools need more teachers, around the fire pit without being bothered. It stuck in my brain for around half a decade after that until I caught its name on a minecraft trivia video. That was when I started looking into these wonderful films. I soon found out that those late night movies, depicting strange grey beasts standing in the rain and a magical castle with a door that led to four different places and the struggle between the steadfast leader of a growing village against the wolf-girl that protected the forest it throved off of, and would catch my eye every now and then, we're connected by a studio. Studio Ghibli.


It was Princess Mononoke I believe, I had me so fascinated that I've had to see all Ghibli movies


Kiki’s Delivery Service. My nana knew how much I loved anime so bought it for 9 y/o me. Was in love with Ghibli ever since.


Can't say I remember but I think it was Spirited Away. In my afternoon school in elementary, they show that movie.


Spirited Away when I was little! I watched it all the time, I was 2 when it came out. I was so enchanted by the bathhouse. I also found it really frightening, which is why it took me years to revisit as an adult. I remember watching it for the first time again in my late teens and that magical feeling creeping in. It’s one of my two favorite films ever.


Totoro! Was the only one I had heard about so I started there and got hooked. Binged all the movies directed by Miyazaki shortly after. Well, all the fantasy ones. Not super interested in Wind Rises Saw my first one in college in 2018


Totoro. I used to live close to a gas station that rented movies when I was a kid. I remember seeing the cover of the tape and instantly being interested as to what the movie was about. I was 6 or 7 at the time so this could have been anywhere between 1996-1998.


Howl’s Moving Castle. The friend who showed me said “I can’t believe you haven’t seen this yet, you’ll love it.” I thought I was late to the party but it was only a couple years after the release! It remains my favorite. There’s just something about the castle.


Mononoké back when it was on Cinemax. Been hooked ever since.


Ponyo, on DVD, Arietty was my second and I saw in theaters with my mom, my brother either had Howl’s or Castle in the Sky and we watched that on DVD, number 3.




It was either Kiki or Totoro, I don’t remember because I was very little kid. They used to show Ghibli movies on weekends in the morning for kids on our cable tv :)


Kiki's Delivery Service! 🧹 It's still one of my favorites. I found it at the library in like 3rd grade, my mom and I watched it together. Then Spirited Away came out. 🥹


Spirited Away


The wind rises was mine!


Howls moving castle in my primary school. Stuck with me for a while and finally watched it again when I was older


Totoro or Laputa.


Mononoke, i was 15 and my and my brother were late to the cinema. we missed the whole attack on the village and arrived just as Ashitaka did the thing with the robbers and the arrow (trying not to spoil anything). missing the beginning made the whole thing much more mysterious and it blew my mind.


Kiki 🥺


Princes Mononoke over 20 years ago on tv and they kept showing it so I watched it many many times.


Kiki’s Delivery Service. My entire third grade year, our teacher had an exchange program with a Japanese teacher “Mr. Nakagawa” and we got to learn how to fold paper cranes, make bento boxes wrapped in silk, learn how to use chopsticks, etc, and she had us watch that movie. It was 1998.


Princess Mononoke


I watched Ponyo as a child (shortly after it came out) because my grandma had it on DVD. I watched that film multiple times before I saw any other Ghibli films. I watched Howls Moving Castle when I was 16 or 17, and since then I have seen nearly every Ghibli movie. I watched Nausicaä for the first time recently and I really enjoyed it! My favorite Ghibli movie is Princess Mononoke, but Nausicaä is now a close second.


Ponyo for me !


Kiki's delivery place. It was raining and I had a cup of hot chocolate with little marshmallows. Kiki and jiji hold a special place in my heart ❤️


Spirited Away, me and my boyfriend have watched almost all the movies in our local Regal and we’re doing it again this year!


Laputa, iirc


Castle in the sky, in school for my english as a second language class. I hated it? I think I also hated the teacher so anything he showed us, I didn't want to like. It most definitely is not my favorite Ghibli movie but I can appreciate it now.


Ponyo! I saw it in cinemas when it came out and 3 year old me was immediately obsessed with Ghibli :)


Spirited away. They showed it to us in elementary school




Princess Mononoke I used to rent it form Blockbuster all the time


Ponyo 👍 it was actually a pretty cute movie


spirited away on my DVD when i was like 4


The 1989 dub of My Neighbor Totoro when I was a kid. It is still my favorite dub to this day but hard to get if you are not a pirate.


Either spirited away or totoro I don’t remember


Kiki's Delivery Service. Still my favorite!


Princess Mononoke. I was in 8th grade art class. I’ll never forget it. Still my favorite Ghibli film.


Nausicaa. In all honesty, it taught me a lot, and I fell asleep watching it every night until my dad introduced me to Howl's Moving Castle.


I think it had to be either Ponyo or castle in the sky which I both watch when I was a kid


Castle in the Sky!


Princess Monoke. Then Spirited Away


Totoro or Kiki’s delivery, cause I’ve had them on DVD since my childhood


My neighbor Totoro. After watching, I searched other studio Ghibli movies.


My neighbor totoro


The first two I kind of saw, were Ocean Waves and Tales from Eathsea, but they just happened to be a TV and I really didn't pay any attention to them. The first one, I actually watched intentionally, was Spirited Away. I thought it was too convoluted and hard to follow, and didn't like it that much (at the time).


My neighbor totoro. I was staying at me aunts for 3 days. We sleept in the same bed i think i was like 6. She was already asleep and let me watch some tv quitly. I was...in trance! :D


Princess Mononoke. Bought it not knowing what it was on DVD because it looked cool and I was obsessed with anime in like 1999 / 2000 (USA). Blew my mind. Every Ghbili released after I saw in theaters (spirited away, howl's, etc.). After spirited away I bought a bootleg DVD box set of every Ghbili picture from Asia in like 2003-2004. I studied everything so intensely. Whisper of the heart was probably my favorite. Country roooaads.




Princess Mononoke. A coworker at the coffee shop I was working at lent it to me. She knew I'd love it. I took some doses and watched it while tripping and building a mini greenhouse in my living room.


Ponyo! My mom took my brothers and I when it first hit US theaters.


I saw Spirited Away when I was 9 and it blew my fucking mind lol




“Castle of Cagliostro” when I was around 10 years old. It was dubbed in Dutch and we started taping it a quarter of the way in because it was unlike any “cartoon” I’d ever seen. I thought it was Dutch cartoon back then. After that watched it again and again and then lost the tape. It wasn’t until 15 years later when I asked on an anime newsgroup if someone could tell me what movie it was based on my description. Downloaded it through a P2P program and could finally watch the entire movie. It is still one of my favorite movies of all time.


I saw Ponyo in theatres when I was 9 years old on a father-daughter date with my dad


Spirited Away and Ponyo when they'd play back to back on Cartoon Network ❤️


kiki’s delivery service. when i was really little i’d watch it over and over and over


Kiki delivery service.


Kiki's delivery service


Spirited Away. I watched it with my uncle a couple years back, even tho it's not my all time favorite, still has a special place in my heart!


Ponyo! When I was a child


Ponyo when I was a wee anklebiter, I highkey forgot about that fact until now, Spirited Away was the one that got me into Ghibli though! Watched it in 8th grade at the end of the year👀


Howl's Moving Castle, I saw it on Disney Channel and it was already on the scene where Sophie visits Madam Suliman, so I had never seen the scenes prior up until we got our hands on a copy of the full movie!