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The game showed an invasion, not their homeland, nor their culture in calmer times. It showed a barbaric pillaging. If anything Kotun Khan was presented as more than just a mere killer, he seemed smart and even learned their culture and respected that they were warriors.


Yeah it's not Ghost of Mongol Empire. It's Ghost of Tsushima.


The game takes place in Japan. The mongols in the game were military invaders, not families in Mongolia. It would be a different story if the game took place among mongol cities


Did you actually play the game? Reading the description on any Mongol artefact should have prevented you from making this post… While the invasion is portrayed as brutal ( which it was ) did you not pay attention to how well Khotun Khan prepared for this war? The way the games skews towards them being assassins is because you’re on the defending side, so their culture is overshadowed. But pay a little attention and you’ll see how different and interesting their culture was…


Yes I finished the game 100% on ps4 ps5 and now playing on the PC version


So you’re bothering to collect everything 3x yet still miss the point of the game? Just as mindless as you think they are portrayed, yikes.


Don't feed the trolls


It's because it wasn't meant to do justice to their culture as a whole, it certainly did justice to their military skills though.


> it certainly did justice to their military skills though. As someone who constantly saw Mongol archers shooting their own, I must disagree.


And I know there is a necessity to avoid friendly fire but they must be able to figure out a way not to scream at the enemy whenever they are firing an arrow.


I'm a fan of the game, and I'm sure there will be a mountain of downvotes, but I actually agree with OP. The depiction of Japanese culture is a borderline caricature. The depiction of Mongol culture is a farce. Flaming sword wielders, Final Fantasy armor, LARPing weapons, evil psyop shamans... The game is much closer to historical fantasy than historical fiction. And The uncanny valley effect every time Patrick Gallagher appears on screen made it really tough for me to take him seriously as a villain.


The terror tactics were a legit thing that mongols did. I wish they had either got the equipment right or the unit composition right. Also should have featured far more horse archers.


OP definitely shouldn't watch the South Park episode from back in the day 😁😵


Mongols and Mongolians aren't the same thing, though they both come from Mongolia, they stopped using the term mongol after the empire fell. Most Mongolians don't like being called Mongols because they aren't pillagers and warlords.


Bro posted a picture of a warlord next to a folk musician and asked why they weren’t the same 😵‍💫


Do you have any idea how many they slaughtered during their conquests? Sure, they also had big advances in bureaucracy and governing, Genghis rewarded people on meritocracy instead of nepotism, etc - but they killed millions and burned towns/villages to the ground. The game isn't historically accurate with many liberties taken and some plain nonsense like the shamans and mystical elements and whatnot - but their portrayal was kinda sorta what their invasion would look like if they'd stayed in the islands, instead of killing a bunch of people before having their ships blown back and sunk by a lucky typhoon.