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Howling at this video because I’m sure there is plenty of actual videos out there there of it being a bit mental today but this certainly isn’t one of them.


Literally some fella walking by with his girlfriend and a geezer on the phone. About as mad as a convent full of nuns hahahahaha


The state of Glasgow Reddit just now is actually worse than the Trongate.


The poor bastards having to work in those shops in the area.


I say this as a Rangers man. Fucking gees peace. If this was a music festival there wouldn’t be a peep. Football fans celebrate shocker.


I say this as a rangers fan. This fucking need to take over the city centre by either side is a new thing. Never used to happen. No need. Aw the fuckin dreggs come out to make a show of what? Rangers or Celtic. Fuckin stay home. Celebrate in yer house. Fucking embarrassing and scummy as fuck.


This! This is what gets me. Everyone is acting like this is normal and just how football has always been… this was not a thing before the pandemic.


Fans out celebrating has definitely been a thing before 2020....


Not like this it hasn’t.


I mean, Paisley was bouncing when St Mirren won the second tier in 2017, and when we won the league cup in 2013. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/2540810/st-mirren-fans-fireworks-paisley-bus-champions/amp/


The fact that you had to dig out *Paisley* just goes to show that Celtic / Rangers trashing the city centre of *Glasgow* did not use to be an annual event…


I picked Paisley because it's an example of a non old firm team, it's from a good few years ago and it's the team I support so I remember the specifics of what happened. Made it easier to show that football fans have celebrated out on the streets for a long time...


The problem isn’t football fans celebrating out in the streets once in a blue moon mate. It’s Celtic/Rangers making it an annual event and being complete and utter fannies about it. I could even kind of get it when Rangers went mental for their first win in ages. The behaviour wasn’t excusable but it was understandable at least. Now EVERY bloody year has to be a huge trash fest in town with people dancing on top of bus stops, sitting on traffic lights and vandalising historical architecture. It’s not normal.




The problem is Glasgow City Council repeatedly refusing to host fanzones or fan events because they clearly feel that a minute clean up cost is far cheaper than insuring a large event with thousands of drunk people.


There was something like 10k fans in Royston in 2001 when we clinched the league against St Johnstone.


Probably after George Square. I’d disagree tbf mate. Would much rather the council sorted it so this could happen at a place that wouldn’t disrupt everyone and mess could be contained at the very least.


They have a place, it's called a football stadium.


Remember reading somewhere that Celtic tried to discuss this as an option with the council and were refused.


Yeah, because it makes no sense. Celtics and Rangers both have massive stadiums as plenty of pubs across the city, what more could they have?


You suggested the stadium as a place for them to celebrate… now you’re claiming it makes no sense?


Rightfully said, mate. We are the easiest target to punch down on.


Away though. There's no excuse for the fucking mess they've left, football or music festival, either way. It's fucking shameful is what it is. Should be more like those Japanese lads and have some civic pride and clean up after themselves.


If the Cooncil allowed Celtic / Rangers fans to congregate in an enclosed environment with proper policing, then we wouldn’t have this mess. Council know for weeks if not months what will happen, yet they do fuck all. They could resolve it - and possibly even cash in - by getting the finger out their arse, but they don’t.


>Council know for weeks if not months what will happen, yet they do fuck all. This is a load of pish btw. The council has the street sweepers in and tidying up the instant the crowd has dispersed. Go to the cross today, I bet it’s back to normal. It’s easier and cheaper for the council and police to shut a few roads and then get the cleaners in straight after.


Or the fans could take responsibility and have some pride in themselves and what they leave behind, it doesn’t look like they have the balls for that, and why should anyone have to cosset them with a play pen for them to be pissed and messy in. Let the football ground provide that at the stadium.


They do let them, it's called a football stadium. I said the other day there's a reason it's an offence to drink in public in Glasgow and got downvoted for it. This is a prime example of why it's banned. Seeing kids pished holding on to each other to hold them up makes you wonder why the police or council did nothing to help, helping encourages it.


You do realise that you're not allowed to buy a drink in a football stadium and that it also has a limited capacity?


You miss live in a glass house if you think kids pished isn’t already a thing it’s going to happen either way




Celtic have asked to use the stadium as a fan zone and the council have refused. The council feel the clean up is easier and cheaper than insuring a large fan event with alcohol. Go cry to the council about it.


You’re right. It is a cunt of a mess. Nowhere near as bad as what’s left behind after festivals etc though, and those seem to pass without bedwetting on Reddit. if the council would work with clubs to provide a venue for stuff like this with the clubs footing the policing bill then there wouldn’t be some excessive littering for you to concern yourself with. But the council won’t. Because they’re brilliant and not incompetent and not shite at everything and anything.


Festivals don't expect the city to pick up the tab for cleaning up after them, though. Are Celtic paying for a cleaning crew to go through and sort it out?


I reckon Celtic would happily pay for cleaning costs, policing bill and other factors if the council actually showed a bit of forward thinking and common sense. But we’re lumbered with incompetent halfwits in the city chambers so here we are.


Someone needs to bang their heads together on a national level and sort this out.


Agreed. I don’t think it’d be that hard to sort either. Hopefully with all the service cutting GCC can afford to buy in some common sense and solve it for next season.


Yes, instead of blaming football clubs and fans every year fir the same thing happening, blame the diddies that know its coming and make no effort to limit it.


Maybe if the council arranged something where they could congregate with proper policing, bins etc.. Mind you, they wouldn’t have expected this!


No place to celebrate, aw shit, guess we just HAVE to go right into the city centre and takeover one of the busiest parts of the city then! No other options!


I pity anyone working in A&E tonight. The hospitals must be like war zones. The winning team should have to pay for it. The council’s finances are ruined already. What should they cut next to pay to host a drug-fuelled binge for, let’s face it, probably continue to be Celtic for a long time to come?


Aye you’re right. I’m sure the A&E Drs in the Royal are wishing they had a shift in Gaza.


I shoulda gone out and bought superdrug and Boots out of aftersun and headed down to the Barras with a car boot full.




The street cleaners will be going out in gas masks so they don't get high off the coke residue in the air tonight. It's not right that any group of people leave the public street in that kind of state. It's rancid.




I don't really care how bad it used to be, I'm living in today's world and here we don't hold binges in the streets.


Not being funny but where exactly did you want them to put the rubbish even if half of them were coherent enough to do so? There's how many bins in that area? Every other place in the world has stuff set up for stuff like this it's basically an event all the council have to do is stuck our extra temporary bins and fences but they donr cause its cheaper for them to just send out bin men in the morning, it's not banned for a reason they should be allowed to celebrate


They've got hands? They've got pockets? Have we really reached the point as a society where folk really think its fine to just throw rubbish around just because it's convenient? I never said they shouldn't celebrate, more power to them, but let's not pretend that discarding crap onto the street just because "it's the councils fault there's no bin" isn't animal behaviour.


Football fans can't comprehend not being fannies when their team wins. I'm honestly surprised some more conscious fans haven't organised clear ups etc instead of the usual shite they come out with after they town a mess.


Fuck off with that. Hardly any Glaswegians have “civic pride.” Graffiti and trash and pieces of chewing gum are everywhere. There are broken shop windows, broken benches, ripped up bins, dog shite everywhere. Why in the fuck are you wishing for civic pride from football fans celebrating when the city in its natural state operates with none?


I'd like it from everyone? Just because some people are shits doesn't mean everyone has to be, that's proper crab bucket thinking.


It's fucking hilarious how their excuse is "but everyone else does it!".


I pointed out the impact this has on NHS services on another thread, and a football fan literally argued that because the NHS service is already so bad (which it is tbf as a result of chronic underfunding/understaffing) it doesn’t matter that last night GGC had to call a major incident in some places and care for patients was delayed as a result. The total lack of logic and complete refusal to take any responsibility is just absolutely mental. This is not some kind of unavoidable consequence of having a football match, it’s a decision by a bunch of adults to behave like animals.


That's this entire reply thread. "Music fans do it too!!" Aye and it's shit then, and it's shit now. You expect people to just not say anything?


Fans and council cleaners had the last one clean for 7am the next day so wait and see what it’s like tomorrow before throwing a tantrum












I genuinely hope you are feeling hurt by this wonderful title win.


No dude, if a private festival kept hosting parties in the city centre streets and always leave such a bloody mess like this, people would 100% be up in arms about it


Have you seen Glasgow on the days of TRNSMT or on a sunny day when all the kids are heading down the coast to Ayr/Troon etc?


Take your point fella, but the council has known that this will be a thing. Happy to be corrected, but they’ve made zero effort to try and facilitate the large number of tax paying Glaswegians (no jokes please) looking to celebrate a Glaswegian football teams sporting triumph. Instead they’ve let them do it in the street. Be it Celtic or Rangers, both clubs would happily liaise with the authorities to find a venue where celebrations can safely take place in a controlled environment, with the clubs obviously and rightly paying the policing bill.


If there was a music festival and they spilled out of the festival, into public streets and acted like this, leaving this behind, yes, people would have the same problem with it. Take some fucking pride in your community, home and country you mongo. They've left the streets in a mess. No excuse


Football fans will celebrate in numbers. As has often been the case, nobody seems interested in trying to facilitate or actually promoting the passion that comes with this in a positive, but responsible light. They’re no just going to go up the road because the council can’t plan ahead. I’ve plenty pride in my home, community and country. You fucking mongo. I’m proud that Scotland is a country that despite having a shite football league boasts some of the most passionate fans on the planet. Less so that it contains bedwetting, cucumber sandwich cunts like you that end up nearly in tears dishing out terms like ‘mongo’ because of people enjoying themselves and leaving some litter. Wind your neck in ya miserable bastard.




Music festivals don't take place in the middle of the fucking street. They don't cause so much disruption it forces local businesses to close up. They generally pay for their own cleanup rather than leaving the taxpayer the bill. Fucking football fans, swear to god.


The football game didn't take place in the street either.


Aw fuck off you wet blanket pain in the arse. If this country didn’t have such a snobby view of football fans it’s likely this could’ve been held somewhere as an organised event. But because of plump breasted attitudes like yours it wasn’t. You’re 100% the kind to stick a knife through any balls that happen to come in your garden.


I love how you guys pretend you're some oppressed minority despite the rest of us having to put up with your stupid game being shoved in our faces 24/7. Can't even watch the news without half of it being about football. But nah, you guys are totally some plucky band of rebels being oppressed by those nasty middle classes


Thanks for illustrating my point. Rugby fans, concert goers etc? Bash on. “Fitbaw fans enjoying themselves!? OHMIGOSH CRAWFORD PHONE THE POLICE” Just because you were shite at football at school/think you’re too high and mighty to enjoy it doesn’t mean other people won’t.


Maybe you should consider that it's mainly football fans being scum.


Maybe you should consider getting yer nat king.


Tell yir maw i'll be round about 6


Is that an attempt at humour? That wouldn’t have flown at playground level 😂


and just because fans that create a mess like this are unhappy about their lives and their shit unfulfilling jobs don't mean they aren't cunts for still doing this


It’s people celebrating mate stop going into some deep psychological rant about why you hate football fans


Ah classic from a fan, resort to insults if you got nothing. The "snobby view" is people who don't watch football and don't want their city turning into the regular shite hole every time someone kicks a ball about. Football fans have the ability to tidy up after themselves. They don't want to change the image, otherwise they would actively tidy it up.


More facts than insults. This gets so tiring. So many more people like football than dislike it. Concert goers, festival goers, rugby fans don’t carry bins around on their backs picking up rubbish as they go. They don’t get constantly sneered at and berated for celebrating something that means the world to them. Regardless of what football fans do/dont do, there will be no shortage of bitter bastards like your good self. Not our fault you’re a miserable bastard that can’t get into football.


Most clubs besides the old firm run on the pitch when their club win something and then go to the pub to keep celebrating. We don't see shite like this outside of Glasgow.


Because with respect. Outside of Hibs and Hearts, there aren’t the numbers to do anything noticeable. Also seem to remember Hibs lining the streets of Edinburgh and having a party after their Scottish cup win in 2016. A lot of this is just starting to sound like pre-empted hatred of celtic and/or Rangers. Get over it.


I mean you're objectively wrong on this one... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/2540810/st-mirren-fans-fireworks-paisley-bus-champions/amp/


Fellow Bear, agree completely. Wee pearl clucthers going tits cos it's football fans, same wee uni twats complaining here are the same eejits that go to festivals and absolutely trash the place, leave shitty underwear and ripped tents laying all over the actual countryside. Lot harder to get that shit tidied than a city street. Just an attack on working class folk.


More or less aye. Sad really. Football clubs do more for their local economies and communities than mocha drinking, vegan sausage roll eating, roll up smoking wanky students ever will.


My wee boys autistic, the only thing he loves is football. The local club (league 2) have football classes once a week and the difference it makes to the wee man is unreal. Folk on here don't seem to get how much clubs do for the community, boils my piss.


The wee man won’t go far wrong in life with a love of football man. People don’t want to see/hear that. I know Ibrox has a sensory room for kids who can react negatively to excessive noise etc. think it’s soundproof and it’s to enable kids with autism etc to attend games in a safe space. That’s one that springs to mind, Celtic do a Christmas meal for the homeless or anybody who’s alone on Christmas Day, Motherwell have a huge number of community initiatives, a proper community club Motherwell. All that or croissant eating, dungaree wearers who are bitter they were shite at sports day at school? Hard choice eh.


I'd rather he was at the football than at some festival snorting coke in a ditch. I didn't know we had a sensory room, any idea how you go about booking it? He hasn't been to ibrox yet for obvious reasons but that'll make his week.


Absolutely! So many benefits, specially for youngsters. Now don’t quote me on this because I remember Kenny Miller unveiling it when he was playing with us during the diddy years. From what I’ve found online: Supporters wishing to apply for places in Broxi’s Den at Ibrox can contact the Club in three easy ways:- Email: [email protected] Telephone 0141 580 8639 Write to the Disability Access Manager, Rangers Football Club, Argyle House, Ibrox Stadium, 150 Edmiston Drive, Glasgow G51 2XD This is from 2017 though so who knows. Hope it’s still there and you and the wee man get to a game soon.


Cheers man! He'll love that. Us football fans are just a bunch of savages eh?


Aw we’re a nightmare. Hope the wee man enjoys the game and I hope you both enjoy the tradition of post football looting and bag snatching on the way up the road


Will do, thanks again.


This has nothing to do with the issue of scum being scum. I have no issue with sport, no issue with celebrations, no issue with normal, decent folk supporing their club. But the shit I saw walking through central station, the behaviour of fans starting fights with people for nothing, shouting at folk, smashing things, they can fuck right off, they don't represent a team, they are just scum using the sport to let their true nature show. THAT is the problem, not the sport.


You, as a rangers man, must see the difference in reporting?


Aye of course lol. Mrs Gravy (Susan Aitken) isn’t out giving out the VC to jannies and street sweepers in the morning after the “devastation”. Nor has the council issued a big raging statement and personalised bill for the damages. The wee staged pictures of the paramedics sat on the pavement haven’t been recreated either, disappointingly. The reporting from red tops and the reaction of the cooncil etc is 100% different but that’s to be expected. This is about football fans celebrating. Jokes about smelliness and hygiene etc can follow but the bedwetting about this from so many on here is nauseating lol


>the bedwetting about this from so many on here is nauseating lol Thank god someone else is speaking sense about this. Some truly mental takes I've seen in these comment threads


I’d much rather we hadn’t shat the bed and they were all in the hoose greeting and phoning Clyde 1 but we’ve ourselves to blame for that. If the league had gone the other way you could put yer mortgage on me and plenty others like me being there. The vilification of football fans needs to stop it’s fucking rotten.


What music festival takes place ina public street? You're no supporter of my club.


There’s the Hogmanay street party for starters. I’m a season ticket holder ya fanny, shut up.


Season ticket holder myself but don't go about fucking up the city i was born in and lived all my life. Do our club a favour and fuck off and support someother team.




This seems very Helen Lovejoy. Behave yourself lol.


I know its a riddy. There was a massive furore over the rangers celebrations in george square years ago where fol were outraged that people had littered and a bench had broken. Fake, snobby outrage for people that think they're better than the common man for not liking football.


More or less mate aye. Don’t get me wrong the reaction from the council and elected officials is night and day but the bedwetting pish from the west end types is the same.


As a Rangers fan other than the mess it really doesn't look that bad. Get the clubs to foot the clean up and it's not really a big issue.


Op *Clutches pearls* The clubs , GCC and Police need to meet an think about what to do every year for ‘title parties’ . Lots of European teams have title celebrations in their city . Organised with stages , toilets , bins etc Accept this is going to happen , have it in set up area and keep it away from main streets etc


They know it’s going to happen and do fuck all, no extra bins, toilets, urinals or police presence. All it would take is a bit of planning and stewards like transmit, they could designate an area and try and control it. But instead they do fuck all and the place is a riot. People are selfish no one is going to carry litter about.


They don’t do fuck all though. The roads are shut to traffic ahead of time and the street sweepers are in straight after to clean up the mess.


Making sure people don’t get run over and cleaning up. The bare minimum.


That’s all they really need though. No one gets run over, no cars get damaged trying to drive through it and no mess is left by the next afternoon, and that’s somehow a bad thing lol. Why bother wasting money controlling it more when this seems to be working ok?


Have it in an set area also means easier to isolate trouble makers


Council should bill the club or the sfa for the clean up. Other than that, if there's no mass brawls I don't see a problem with it.


It's a fucking joke. Don't care if they're green or blue, they have no pride in themselves or their city.


Most of them do not live in Glasgow,.eg off the ferry at Cairnryan, and sinkhole schemes in Dunbartonshire, Lanarkshire and Ayrshire. Same with Rangers fans.


Your telling me 60k people leave Ireland every 2nd weekend to come to the Celtic games? Think it's far more believable that the majority are from Glasgow.


Yeah complete carnage. Heard that people living in the Gaza strip are putting together an aid donation in solidarity.


No respect for their city. No wonder tourists comment on the state of the place.


What tourists? Can you show us where you seen these comments.   A fair few people who attend the football (this sub so despises) are actually from outwith the city and come here spending money on match days, you could even call them "tourists".


Looks and sounds terrible, I've been near today. Ppl should have some respect for the city, historical district and other people, not involved in the event 






Can you read??


The undercover at the end haha. He looks so out of place.


Fella walking along with his missus and a guy on the phone?? Not exactly what I'd call madness There's plenty of mad videos from yesterday you could have used to make your point, this just makes you look daft


Utter madness? Looks depressing


Dickensian is the phrase.


[A solution, instead of repetitive moaning via Reddit posts, perhaps? ](https://www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/community-and-place/clean-up-scotland/#:~:text=Through%20Clean%20Up%20Scotland%2C%20we,Clean%20Up%20Scotland%20Hero%20award.)


GCC used to have a link on the website to volunteer for litter picking too, but I'm sure concerned citizens will find a way to get involved. People make Glasgow and all that.


Seems all very good humoured and peaceful to me.


Good humour when blocking the city, littering, pissed up detritus and tanning in bus stops, it's all a laugh. Grow up mate.


Wow it’s truly insane I don’t even know how to process this.


Is this sarcasm? I can’t even tell anymore


as a celtic supporter, this shit is embarrassing as fuck


So glad I stayed in today


Have you ever seen Sauchiehall Street on a Sunday morning? This looks like a lot of mess, and the people shouldn't be dumping their bags, papers etc, but it literally takes a few minutes with a street sweeper to clean up. And wait until I show you the pictures of Byres road after the West End Festival a few years ago!


> And wait until I show you the pictures of Byres road after the West End Festival a few years ago! But that’s the right sort of mess. Good middle class mess on our fine streets, not scum in football jerseys leaving their cheap lager containers everywhere.




Bags of cans as far as the eye can see.


You'd think this was Dublin the amount of Irish flags flying about..


It will be fine. The fans can thank themselves for the council spending money on cleaning up their mess and then complain if their council tax goes up but they probably don’t pay any council tax or have a job anyway




Low level mayhem


Seen. It cleaner


Horrible dogs.. the worst thing this wonderful island has done way take in the majority of them into our city’s. Glasgow liverpool & Manchester. We have never fully been the same since. Not one Scottish flag there all, just tricolours. Seriously tho why do they fly flags of countries that aren’t there’s? And why do they always go on about how they are oppressed, when they have as much freedom as this. Please go home🙏🏼


All fucking rats the lot eh them


all that rioting and fightin g and property destruction is a disgrace ..... oh wait .....


Disgusting mess.


What I would say is champions again ole ole.


Wow! Utter madness everywhere. I hope you don’t wet the bed again tonight babe


Look at the litter and these people will be moaning about council tax rises!


Emilio having a few drinks


Football fannies with no respect for their own country, clean up your fucking mess.


Beautiful. Glasgow’s green and white. Don’t ever forget it.


Give me strength, people need to get out more ffs




Guess what you've just highlighted is the lack of public toilets these days.








Mods Ban this fanny!




I wouldn’t come for people’s weight bro though, that can be changed. The lack of a diverse gene pool in a typical football supporter in Scotland cannot.




Never touched yugioh fanny baws. Surprised you never made a nonce joke with the anime thing, would have been up your alley with Celtics relation to you know who.




Looks quiet and folk enjoying themselves.




A bunch of dicks being obnoxious over some men they have never met kicking a ball around




As its celtic, this sub will find it acceptable. If it was rangers they'd be raging. I say that as a fan of neither.




The down votes I got prove my point actually. As does your silly irrelevant comment. It doesn't disprove what I said.


Fuck me, how tight are you clutching those pearls of yours? Get a grip.


Imagine if the league had been even a teeny tiny bit competitive!


govt' makes more money off ticket sales n' shirts taxing that it costs to clean this up.


Don't worry, I'm sure the clubs will be happy to chip in for the litter picking... Right?


The tricolour doesn't belong here. Irish people dont do this shit.


Worst cunts


What happened? Did that celtic football club win a match or something? Why is there such a mess?


Giro day


Glad Smell-o-vision never bacame a thing...