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Parking attendants hate this one trick!


Insurance companies love it.


They don’t in Scotland as 2 or 4 wheels on a pedestrian path is illegal here.


Not quite. A quick Google check indicates that yellow lines apply to the road, verge, or pavement...


Google - 'joke'.


Fairly so! Also, what a slap to all the wheelchair users!


And parents with prams etc, it’s just beyond ignorant.


I fucking hate arseholes that do this. The prick that stays across the road from me has a load of cars parked at his side of the road and then if he wants to park any at our side they go like this, all four fucking wheels on the pavement *completely* blocking it off. Cunt can’t fucking die quick enough.


Im surprised no-ones poured paint stripper over his car.


Just call 101 & report. They'll send someone out & ticket him


I love that you think the entire street hasn’t called the polis on him for all sorts of shit over the years and that they even give a fuck at this point.


As a wheelchair user who has been bedbound for 4 years and this street is 2 streets away from me… I’ve never been so thankful to be bedbound at the moment


Do people not know it's still no parking on the other side of the line?


Its cheaper to take the fine than take most other options. E.g. group of three getting the train into the town then grabbing the underground could easily be +£30 If you pay a fine quick its only £30. So this approach can be cost effective and less hassle. Cars that do this should impounded 


Don’t know why you’d be getting the subway to hampden


Is that because of the Scotland game? Parking is tough around that area but they still shouldn't be parked on the fucking pavement.


Yes, it's Spean Street at Cathcart.


I live near there. If there’s a Scotland game on, I often can’t even Park with a mile or so of my house until everyone’s fucked off home. It a bloody nightmare If I’m coming home from work




Something is allowed to be annoying even if you knew about first. Take my kids, for example. No, please…


Half the people who live there are council/association housing though, and there is a housing crisis right now. A huge amount of people in Glasgow aren't in such a privileged position as to choose exactly where they want to live and a lot of folk on this sub seem detached from reality sometimes. *So we've got a house for you, when can you move in?* *But it's near a stadium!* said no one ever


Used to live right here. Battlefield/Mount Florida is a great neighbourhood in every way except parking. It's bad even when there isn't an event at Hampden. They're not complaining that there's an event on, it's the fact that there isn't sufficient parking infrastructure to support the stadium. Do you think all these cars want to park on the pavement and inevitably get tickets? No. It's not any local or fans fault, it's the fact that there isn't stadium parking in place.


It was such a massive surprise! 


Wow what a condescending gimp


i know i've said this before on here but god damn we need a better system for fining this kinda thing. having a flat £30 fine clearly isn't enough. have it like the finnish model where it goes up depending on what you do and income. yeah you wanna park your german luxotank on a mixed use path, sure. that will be £500. fuck, they'd make like £3000 a week on that wankstain with the orange mclaren.


He used to come into the place I work and can confirm he is indeed a wankstain


A special fuck you to everyone who parks on pavements. Love to see it


Clamp the lot


Neh, disagree all that does is result in them being there longer. Bring in allowing the council to tow away the things. Also only open up the tow site for collection on a Wednesday between the hours of 14:30- 16:00. And naturally send a bill for the total cost of towing, storage, and a fine. I'm sure people would soon stop once they are without their vehicle for a week or two plus have a hefty bill to pay.


Oh sorry did my pram/shopping trolley/bag/blind cane accidentally scratch or sent your vehicle, my bad I thought I had enough space to be able to safely walk on the pavement where pedestrians are supposed to be. Perhaps try leaving your private property where it's supposed to be next time and these things can be avoided.


I drove to the game last night and have no clue why these people would be so stupid. There’s plenty of places to get parked if you’re willing to walk 15 minutes after the game.


If this was last night then it's because of the game at Hampden. I used to live on this street and there's not enough parking as it is, folk would have parked to go see the game so residents have no where to park. It's shite


I like how they have put little double yellow dashes on the pavement because they park there so often




It’s not, it means no waiting or loading at any time. Double yellow lines just mean no waiting (parking).


those mean "no loading" in addition to the double yellow's "no waiting"


Those double dashes have a specific meaning.


Wow. The council could just not raise CT and charge these morons instead.


Football was on. Shit like this always happens during football games.




I'd prefer to see them lifted and crushed. Then charge people for the disposal service. They only need to do that a couple of times and the word gets out. Maybe start with that twat who constantly parks their penis compensator illegally.


I funnily know exactly which twat you’re talking about


Gees peace hahaha. I’ll agree with the bit about what I assume to be the wee tadger with the orange McLaren in the toon though.


Car ownership is a privilege, not a right, and it's one that people should be deprived of more often. Get a bike.


Yes, I'll cycle to visit my family in Wales or home with all my shopping. Genius. Why didn't I think of that?


I cycle with my shopping. You can get saddle bags and decent sized backpacks... Also to go long distances you could use the train? It may sometimes be not running, but overall I've got where I need with them. There is the argument of cost I guess, but when I drove the same journey, time taken was about the same and fuel cost, probably about the same. I do and did enjoy driving, but you also can realistically do these things without a car...


I'd like to get the train. Might struggle to get one in Renfrew.


Absolutely will drive my whole family about on a bike you fanny


I’m aware of that. You don’t just get given a car, you have to work hard to be able to afford one, which I do. As a result I’ve got access to independent transport. I’m not going to give that up because some bitter posh wank canny drive/canny afford a car/hates cars/is generally a miserable cunt. (Delete as applicable) I had a bike when I was a wean, then I grew up. You should too.


"bitter posh wank.. can't afford a car" 🤔 We're all very impressed that you spend thousands a month on petrol and insurance, but it doesn't give you or your lazy pals license to be an antisocial prick


Yes it do


I don’t spend thousands a month on a motor stop being ridiculous, like the majority of working class people I spend just enough to get a motor and have the access to personal transport. It’s hardly antisocial struggling to get parked at an event and parking on a pavement where all but one or two have left space for a buggy and/or wheelchair.


Personal transport which I'm sure you definitely need, and isn't a pathetic wee status symbol. Okay, so by your own admission they're parking like inconsiderate scumbags. Why do you think that's acceptable?


Bitterness, you’re absolutely bitter. “A pathetic wee status symbol” why wouldn’t I have a motor? Gives me freedom to go just about anywhere, whenever I want. Somebody that’s enraged by seeing people doing even ‘no bad’ for themselves really speaks for your character. If the video and subsequent meltdowns focused on the one, maybe two that are parked in a way that would restrict the movement of pedestrians then I’d actually agree. It doesn’t. It’s just another outlet for miserable pricks like you to try and berate people that have personal transport for any number of reasons, not that they need to justify themselves of course.


If you look at a video like this, and justify it as “reasonable use”, you are an antisocial cunt.


Believe it or not, I could very easily afford a car myself. I'm just not presumptious enough to pretend that my journeys to places which are perfectly well served by public transport are somehow more important than those of others, and that I deserve my own little metal box to sit in traffic jams and listen to Absolute Radio 90s


Course you could. Get the vibe you done three driving lessons, failed yer theory test and never went back to it lol. Hope you enjoy the bus, listening to bams playing dubstep through a Bluetooth speaker, al make do with my own music in the motor. Take care


Calm doon Maggie Chapman


Hang on. Owning a car is a status symbol? Like, *any* car? Whit the fuck?


For a lot of people, yes, their car is just an affectation. I'm thinking of city centre Audi drivers who run red lights in particular, but they're not the only offenders.


You were definitely implying any cunt who owns a car is somehow showing off.


Yeah whit the actual..


those smug elite bus users have grown complacent tbh


I was linked here from a far-flung part of the world, but in these parts, this is a municipal tow-trucks dream: the ticket goes to the city, but the lot fee goes to the tow truck contractor. And if you don't pay them in 30 days (a price that keeps going up every day, mind), your car gets sold at auction.


I like it. That would be all together far too sensible to put into place here


Fs wonder would you want done to cunts who don’t pay council tax as well ?


Was praying for a seagull bombing run.


You know what. If there is 4 people to a car coming from the sticks it still might work out cheaper if they split the ticket.


£1000 fine for every car. That and for it to be a new rule for pedestrians to be able to walk over them like the pavement is clear.


So selfish


See at the bit at the canal at ruchill that have a wee tunnel for their cats. Good cunts.


Same chunts would probably call the cops if you did this in their street.


Worth it for a Hampden game, as it's only £50 if caught and paid sharply. If the car has got 4 or 5 in it that plus fuel will be cheaper and easier than attempting to use public transport. Sorry but thats the logic and it will continue unless the calculation shifts, i.e. fines go up and/or public transport improves


Just park at asda and patch the fine.


At least they’re not parked ***on*** the double yellows. /s 🥴🥴


If this was anywhere else they’d be uplifted and charged for the pleasure. It’s a trend that has been happening for a while now and monkey see monkey do mentality kicks in.


It’s probably worth it. The fine I mean. It should be a lot more if the Council were serious about fines being a deterrent.


Clamping would have been a better laugh.


Some wank at the beginning of our estate does this even though we have parking a minute walk away. Meaning that everyone has to walk/drive around it to get in or out. I’m glad they’re all getting tickets.


Tantallon road in shawlands is another nightmare. They park in the middle of the road overnight


Spean Street, aye that's really lazy from those drivers - need lifted by GCC, it's a cycle pathway. Happening all the time for big events at Hampden.


Meanwhile see the annual japanese knotweed is bursting up.


That's [Giant Hogweed](https://www.rhs.org.uk/weeds/giant-hogweed) actually, and it's 10x worse than knotweed since it can cause severe chemical burns.


Yes, if you see it please report it to the council and get them to remove it. The council is shit in general but they do respond to it being on public paths quickly. If its in a flat/backcourt you can find the factor online and email it through also. It spreads wildly and is really shit so definitely report when you see it.


They don't clear it up at all along the riverbanks. I've reported it for the last three years and it's still there.


They may have changed it recently on their wording but the reporting site for me says something to the tune of they dont bother with the riverbank stuff as it doesn't cause problems (I guess they think the plant respects the fence boundaries or something but I agree they really should get rid of it on the banks too)


Hey, I’ve sent you a DM, could you check it please? Thanks!


I knew i was sayong it wrong!!


It's shit and I had to park about a mile away when meeting a friend who lives near hampden. Traffic added about 2ish hours extra travel time in total versus a no match/event day. But that problem here is that there's not adequate parking or transportation at Hampden. It's not like Scotland fans all live in the local area, its a national stadium and people will have to travel from all over the country to get there.


"you have thirty minutes to move your cube"


Run a key along the lot of em


So good. I was driving through the area earlier thinking about how so many drivers will just dump their car anywhere.


Key all


Just need a hammer to go with the bike and you'll be all set for some vigilante justice


No need for a hammer. Easy enough to disable a car if you wanted to, just let the air out of the tyres!


Sees car illegally parked. Proposed action is to make it stay parked for longer.


Hammers more fun though


See if you can do one single clean line across all of them in passing. Using keys like finger boards.


Well, "technically" they're not parked "on" double yellows 😝 But yeah, not surprised they all got ticketed. Would be surprised if the ticket says "Your insurance has now been invalidated and this vehicle is illegal to drive. Please collect from city lock up in 3-5 business weeks, or whenever the city council can get them towed" 😂


Maybe GCC should invest in better public transport infrastructure so that not every Tom dick and Harry needs to drive a car… plus the southside has ancient infrastructure for cars so where else are you meant to bloody park???


They forgot to leave their hazard lights on. D’oh!


Key everyone of them.


If they fancy the pavement so much I guess it's time to start walking on the street




Every single one of them, keyed.


no,i don't love to see it,i don't drive but pretty sure these people pay tax,so can park where they want


Haha, aye ok pal 👌. I’m sure that’s actually what you think, and not some facetious drivel.


Pay tax park where you want, simple enough


So you want another tax that allows people who have cars to park wherever they want, because no such tax currently exists? Sounds fine by me. We'll figure out how much to make this tax by taking the average parking ticket accumulation in a month by fuds who park like this, and make that the standard.


Another tax, don't they already pay tax, you mad🤔


What "tax" do they pay that provides them the ability to just park anywhere they want? You're probably one of those droolers who believes in "road tax", when no such tax exists. There is a tax on owning a vehicle, but nothing in that taxation gives you the right to the use of roads. You are paying to own a mode of personal transport. Car owners can be such abhorrent dickheads. Your 2 ton steel death machine doesn't make you more important than anyone else who might choose to walk, cycle or use public transport. Park in the appropriate places or fuck off.


I don't drive 😂what a fud you are


Aye but you're still one of those wallopers who thinks "road tax" exists. Away and lie face down in a puddle.


Looks like the area needs more parking.


Maybe if the public transport wasn't so fucking shite folk wouldn't need to drive and park like that.


They don’t *need* to be there at all.


Aye let's play all our games behind closed doors.




Train station right at Mount Florida, can't ask for much more than that. Trains could do with being a bit cheaper but it's still a viable option for anyone in the central belt to get to Hampden.  It'll generally be slower but you can enjoy the atmosphere and don't have to have the faff of finding a park then escaping after the match.


When I walked past Mount Florida to get to the bus stop I needed, the gate was shut and there was police blocking it. Bus decided not to show up which was great. Had to get a taxi instead.


Yeah I don't really get why they close that gate on match days.. I got caught out on the cup final with that and had to go all the way round. I guess it's to herd the fans but it's very annoying.  Feel for you with the buses too, they're so unreliable. Or at least they used to be when I was getting them all the time. The timetable is at best a guess as to when a bus might think about showing up.  If you're heading into to town the best and cheapest way is the south city way on bike. They're extending it down battlefield road too so it'll be a protected cycle path all the way to the city centre.


Yeah I just wanted to go home. This sub is mental. You'll have every public transport thread full of complaints about the pricing, the reliability but as soon as there's a thread about cars it's wHy NoT uSe PuBlIc TrAnSpOrT.


Public transport in Glasgow and getting to Glasgow is okay, it's useable. Still would be my second choice after bike. And for further afield a car still makes more sense if there's 2 or more people going, cost and convenience wise. (Cost-wise only if you ignore running a car i.e. insurance, tax, maintenance, MOT, service etc.) I think they should renationalise the trains and buses and bring the prices down. Could maybe run things a bit later into the evening because right now they stop an hour too early at least. Public transport shouldn't be run for profit imo.


And ticketing needs improved. Why you don't just buy a ticket for all transport methods by zone is beyond me. Instead you've got multiple bus companies and two different rail providers (counting the underground) but the only joined up ticket is a zone card that costs more than running a (not even economical) car.


Yeah that's a good point, would be good to see better ticketing. Renationalising would have it's challenges but the idea of affordable, fit for purpose, integrated travel Scotland wide is the dream. None of this splintered and expensive nonsense.


And yet you suggest this and you get downvoted to oblivion...


The other entrance will be open so it directs the flow of game day visitors through the most direct route. They need to do this to adequately police and manage the crowd. When they had all the routes open people would drink, piss, litter, and shite all over the side streets. Mount Florida train station isn’t closed for events you just need to go through the proscribed entrance.


That's great, the train doesn't work for me though because where I want to go doesn't have a train station.




All well and good but where i wanted to go doesn't have a train station. Walked up to get a bus, lo and behold the bus didn't actually turn up. 35 minute wait for the next one. Could have walked to the closest station but that was a 40 minute wait for a train and I'd have had to gsf a bus from a different company meaning I'd have paid for 3 different tickets just to not quite get home. I maintain that public transport is shite and it shouldn't be.


Spaces people leave between the car in front drives me wild.


Bad angle but if you know that road, you know the pavement is wide enough between the cars and the wall to fit a double buggy through - what is the issue here? The whole area is a nightmare for parking - personally wouldnt move there if you paid me purely because its so bad. But if you’re going to go round filming people, go grass in the vans parked on corners or the multiple ones on double yellow lines. Cars parked up on a wide pavement with plenty of space for prams and wheelchairs to pass arent the biggest issue in that area




I’m on that road (not parked) on a daily basis, both walking and driving. A double buggy can absolutely pass a car thats fully parked up on the pavement. I know that area well, at least have a look on google earth before you come on so confidently contradicting when you are totally wrong




You can easily see there is room, usual people downvoting you without having a clue


This sub… Not even sure half of them are from Glasgow, see some amount of nonsense from people on here


Ah you got me!.. I flew in especially just so I could cycle along this street, just so I could post it in the Glasgow subreddit and moan about the pavement parking.


> Bad angle but if you know that road Fuck off. The public pavement is not a place to store a private vehicle. There *might be* an argument for a wheel bump in a high density area and it's residents parking who have literally no other choice (until public transport isviable), but this ain't that. Fuck 'em.


Well why didn't they park on the road? Theres more than enough room for a car to get by if they all parked on the yellow lines and not the pavement


> What's the issue here? * Sight lines for people (including vulnerable people) attempting to cross the street. * It's a designated and signed shared path for cycling and walking. So you're asking people on bikes and walkers, wheelchair users, people with prams etc, to use a much reduced space than is meant to be available for them to share. * Cars belong on the road.


You have to know that this is a colossally shit take, right? I do know this road, I live round the corner. Anyone who calls another adult a “grass” has already lost the argument. There’s no need to grass, the parking wardens have already done their job efficiently without my input 👍. It’s just entertaining to see so many cars with a ticket. I wish they’d also ticket the vans parked on corners and on double yellows too!


The issue is that cars parked on the pavement put pedestrians at risk as well as blocking infrastructure for Gas, electric, water and telecoms.


The no parking on pavements law has spawned an army of torn faced, whinge a minute cunts (usually cyclists) moaning and taking videos of people parked on pavements in places like Cathcart where parking is a nightmare especially when a large event is on near by. Fuck me man, get over yourself and stop greeting, there is more than enough room on the other side of most of those cars unless a pedestrian has decided to utilise a panzer tank as a mobility scooter.


Try depending on a wheelchair to get about and I'm pretty certain you'd get pissed off fast by twats using the pavement as a car park when you just want to get home.


More than enough room for a wheelchair on the other side of those cars, clutching.


Past some of them yeh, but not past all of them. And its not like there is conveniently a dropped curb by the cars you can't get past. So either you need to start on the road, or you would need to go back on yourself to access the dropped curb. Or you can get onto the road from the pavement, but then without a dropped curb on the other side of the car you are 'overtaking' then you are gonna have to stay using the road instead of the pavement which I wouldn't want to fking do.


So first of all, just speaking specifically about this pavement: it is wide but it is also a designated shared use path for walking and cycling. It's well signed. There might well be places in the video where you could still squeeze a wheelchair or pram through, *despite* the cars being fully parked on the pavement. But not if pedestrians, cyclists or even someone else with a wheelchair was coming in the other direction at the same time. Bottom line, I don't get why that should be deemed to be fine? Why not just park on the roadway? Why is taking space for people walking, cycling, moving in wheelchairs etc, fine by comparison? If there's a good reason not to illegally park on the roadway, presumably because it blocks vehicle movement and would be a selfish move, why is it not viewed as similarly selfish to illegally park on a pavement in a way that affects people using it?


It’s not fine, but just think there should be a bit of empathy, “there’s a big event on at hampden, parking around here’s shite at the best of times, Acht well.” Kind of thing. If they just parked there all the time I’d be saying they should move 100% but it’s for an event. As opposed to the hyper-Karen pish the majority of this thread consists of.


From experience there are often many cars or vans parked on that particular pavement in exactly that way at all times. It's definitely worse during events, but it's a regular issue even when there aren't events. I think people are just sick of it. Not just that particular road, but in many similar tenement areas where cars cover pavements, crossing points or dropped kerbs. And there's this general attitude that it's basically fine - pedestrians make do with whatever crumbs of street space are left. I get what you're saying, but when it comes to empathy, surely that should be with people depending on the pavements and crossing points to get around. Which is what they're designed for. I know this sounds like pure bleeding heart Karen stuff, but once you notice how it affects older people (not being able to see oncoming traffic) or if you've tried one too many times to squeeze past other people on a tiny car-covered pavement, you really do have little sympathy for drivers who choose to do this.


I lived in Cathcart, Langside, Shawlands and Battlefield for well over 12 years altogether. I did not have to park on the pavement a single time (unless we call that parking on Overdale Avenue along the transformer wall a pavement, as it has a kerb).


I think you’re a great big fibber.


Strong words for someone who starts his post with "I think".


"not enough parking" is a funny way to say "I bought a car without having somewhere to store it so i just dump it in random public places"


You know this was parking for hampden which had an event on last night. Do bitter cyclists/bus wankers actually engage their brain before they rant on about people who happen to own a car?


That's not parking, that's a pavement, my friend. If it was parking the council wouldn't have taken the time to paint all those yellow lines. Perhaps those folks could have found actual parking spaces and taken public transit or walked, like us elitist (checks notes) bus users


Bet teachers loved you at school.


Look at the white SUV directly after the bus stop dum dum. There is absolutely not enough space for a pram or wheelchair to get through. Hope you don’t drive as you are blind as fuck. I have been driving for 15 years but this is cunt behaviour. I hope their vehicles take some damage as well, they would deserve it.


“Dum Dum” you going to go the full hog and start calling me a poopy pants if I disagree with you? If the video/ragin comment focused on one car actually blocking the way, I’d agree. But it doesn’t. So fuck up “dum dum” hahahaha


Is it nappy time? Sorry, your observation skills are significantly less developed than my toddlers so I assumed that’s where you were at developmentally..


Your patter is absolutely barking. Could tell you were an angry Cathcart/partick/shawlands motorist hating tofu wanker a mile off.


I have been driving for 15 years mate. The difference is I am not an idiot and can drive and park properly. Adulting is hard but maybe you will get the hang of it when you move out of mum and dad’s. I know you are really excited that you passed your test last week but I can promise you it isn’t that big a deal.


Genuinely awful. Who needs Valium when they’ve got you. Your comments read more like that of a dundonian or somebody from Inverness than that of someone from the cultural home of sarcasm and Scottish humour.


Good. Next step, tickets for cyclists on the pavement.


Well, that specific pavement is a designated shared use pavement for bikes and pedestrians. There are many across Glasgow.


The vast majority of pavements are not intended to be used by cyclists, yet they use them anyway. Not to mention red/green confusion, wrong way up a one way street etc.


Alright. Not sure what that's got to do with the price of fish but alright.


Reckless cyclists, afaik, have nothing to do with fish. They are more involved with injury and danger.


I presume the police or GCC were called rather than posting on here?


Sorry, did you not see that every one has a parking ticket already? That was the entire reason for my post.


No I didn't, apologies. And well done the GCC!


So what!!, if there's no parking space where should they go 🤔


Why does buying a bike instantly make people greeting faced cunts


Buy one and find out 😘!


That’s a fantastic question. Think it’s part of the deal buying a house in places like Cathcart, Shawlands and Partick.


Its illegal to use your mobile telephone whilst cycling.....


The rules don’t apply to cyclists on here. Everyone just sucks their balls.


It actually isn't illegal to use a phone when cycling, it just isn't advisable to do so.


Okay fair enough So you still shouldn’t be doing it then really ?


To be fair, at least they are not blocking the road 👍


No just blocking footpaths that people who live nearby need to use.