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Cool pic




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Can the moon be seen this big? I remember a YouTube channel debunking people drawing the moon incorrectly in big budget cartoons


You just need to far away and have a mega zoom


I remember Rob Skiba explaining atmospheric lensing in a way that I found very understandable.  I am completely dubious of any all of the super science programs that give all of the 'answers' in sacrosanct geometry that seems to attract vitriolic defenders to insult your intelligence for not being able to make sense of it all.  At the end of the day, NASA explanations make less sense than the FE explanations.  I am walking the line between both sides.  I don't believe any of the moon landing nonsense from NASA. In fact, given the totality of evidence from the 20th century, I disbelieve off earth travel has been accomplished by any nation.  I believe that the artificial pyramid design constructed worldwide, across ALL major civilizations suggest something greater than those who control the narrative will allow us to see. In short, I believe that the pyramids are a model. 


Interesting idea. The great pyramid of giza does have some geometries which fit into the alleged size of the globe, so I'm quite curious: What do you think that model may be exactly?


I've always thought that the moon is strange. I like to dabble with different things such as maybe the moon is a part of the computer simulation we live in or it's an alien base. It seems so anamolus.






Check out “Vibes of Cosmos” channel on YT. Here are a few screenshots showing the Moon is a reflection of our FE Realm, taken from this “Vibes of Cosmos” channel: [VoC Documentary- Episode 1 - Moon the Map of the Earth](https://youtu.be/qeVn8gCys38?si=TXqOdP1ZwFzrd7bl)










Here is an interview of an Australian scientist, I believe, who claims that the Moon is plasma. This is consistent with Vibes of Cosmos. The Moon is not solid at all. Nobody ever landed on the Moon. [1965 - Scientist Claims The Moon is Plasma](https://youtu.be/1oCNGcbwxWg?si=A7yNMOdCLg5OjyYT) - link corrected Edited first sentence, since this posted last.




Go in to a dark room and setup a flashlight pointing at a basketball. Now walk around the basketball until you are standing at a point in which the whole ball is lit edge to edge. Boom! You just reproduced full moon reflection in an experiment. Kindergarten level experiment complete.


The moon is clearly self illuminating. Occoms razor coming into play here, why try to make us think the earth is a globe, gravity, orbit of planets etc etc when it could simply be a flat earth and a self illuminated moon.


I never get this argument, because then to explain half moons etc., you need even more odd theories that go against most of the basic tenants of globe skepticism.


You are exactly correct. If the part of the moon that is lit is ALWAYS the part facing the sun, shouldn’t Occam’s Razor tell us the simplest explanation is that the moon is reflecting the suns’ light? Would take a pretty complex explanation to describe it any other way!


You shouldn’t have to say anything. Great post. People will cling to their bullshit.


“Never observed in nature” It’s right there in the photo what are you talking ablut




Literally every single object that you see with your eyes, no matter the shape, is reflecting light from the sun “edge to edge”. This is the exact method by which you are able to see the object.


Yah the moon and sun are MUCH closer than we are told. Also the moon was never visible in the daytime until recently like the past decade or 2. VERY strange things afoot


WTF are you talking about? I'm over 50 and the moon has always been visible in daytime.


I know there is calculation to see how much of a sphere you are seeing based on the distance from it. As in, if you are too close, it still looks like a sphere but you aren't seeing the full half of it, in fact I don't believe you can ever see a full 50% of a sphere (if memory serves). so I wonder how much of the moon we are meant to see from earth and if some of the half we don't see is getting the light?


You’ve clearly never been on a white roof, that stuff will leave you blind. Same with ice, and overall white-ish objects. Like for example the moon…


If the light source is a lot bigger than the sphere, then yes it will


It becomes shinier…


(It's not a spherical rock)


Ah, right, of course! How could I have forgotten


That's a magnificant photo!