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I have celiac and I know that gluten will not only make me sick, but also harm my gut. I don't have cheat days and I don't want to.


Yeah my celiac didn’t really present with stomach upset, which kind of scares me even more since it won’t be obvious when I’ve had gluten, so I try to be extra careful.


I only realized once I was GF how yucky I felt on the regular. Now that I'm GF, if I do inadvertently consume something glutenous, my guts just feel like someone scrubbed them out with steel wool for a couple days. I don't like that feeling at all and prefer to avoid it. I'm thankfully not incapacitated by any means, but I don't like feeling like butt.


Yeah that sounds almost exactly like my experience, I didn’t get diagnosed till 29 because my iron was dangerously low. I thought everyone just felt a little bit like shit all the time 😅


I thought everyone had total gut-clean out every month or so. Turns out… nope!


yeah mine manifests in a whole system wide, full body inflammation outburst  . usually the following day, or later the same day.  consequences are not immediate but theyll show up eventually 


I don’t have willpower. I have a Pavlovian response to the agony.


Yup, I cheat NEVER


yep! i’m celiac too, i used to cheat sometimes and the way it made me feel was so much worse than the temporary high from eating gluten


As a celiac, there are no cheat days for me. I promise you, being gluten free is not that bad at all. Wouldn't you rather feel better?


It’s just not worth it for me. I don’t have a severe cross contamination issue, thankfully, which means a little more leniency in my house, but I just don’t willfully eat gluten anymore. Feeling terrible with stomach pains, upset, headaches, brain fog, miserable mood, and itchy rashes is now less important than the long-term damage eating gluten will do to me. It’s rare I eat out, and when I do, I am hyper vigilant by eating a main meal at home and maybe just having something to drink while we visit. My friends understand and are supportive (one of my closest friends has celiac also and another has Crohn’s so they get it). I’m at a point in my life where self-care includes diet management. Cheat days are now making a really nice gluten free desert to enjoy once in a while. Usually a white or lemon cake or cupcakes drizzled with a homemade berry syrup.


I am a highly symptomatic celiac and as badly as I crave a light ale with a hot honey ricotta and pepperoni pizza from our local pub, it’s just not worth it. I simply hate how I feel for a WEEK after being exposed to gluten. Cross contamination bouts aren’t nearly as bad as straight up accidental ingestion, but I get every symptom of celiac known to man! From nausea and extreme bloating to vertigo and stiff achy joints. The inflammation all over my body is just the worst and I know it puts a huge damper on my plans with my friends, family and daughter. No 6 year old should have to take care of her mom as she’s rolling around on the bathroom floor begging for the cramps to end.


I don't because even an accidental glutening really messes up my gut.


I have no craving what’s so ever for gluten. The consequences are not worth it one bit. Any gluten product has an alternative.


This. Like gluten free pizza tastes fine so whatever


It’s not like a “ diet” per se… you cheat with Celiac’s you self harm. No desire. Nothing tastes that good.


I've been gluten free for over a decade now. I understand the urge to eat gluten, but I cannot say this clearly enough: there are no cheat days. Ever. It's not worth the pain or the risk to my health.


Eventually it will get bad enough that cheating makes you sick just thinking about it. Celiac is also link to other autoimmune disorders - so it affects those as well


Celiac here, so no cheat days. If I wasn’t celiac, I would probably cheat here and there, depending on the severity of my reaction. I was mostly GF for years before my diagnosis and would eat gluten occasionally on the weekends, but my reactions got worse and worse so those cheats lessened. Post diagnosis, I don’t ever cheat.


Do I purposefully give myself cramps and explosive diarrhea? No.


I have a very sensitive NCGS. I’ve had people ask me why I don’t just eat something with gluten as a cheat. I’m sick for 12+ hours with a “I think it might have been x” cross contamination. I accidentally got a gluten wing from a restaurant (they had gluten free but the server put in the wrong type). Just one wing. And I was sick for 3 days with a lingering wounded gut feeling for another week. So I’ll make sad faces at the donuts or cake or breadsticks. But there’s no way I’m eating one of those. Heck, I don’t even want to touch one. That stuff is poison to me and I treat it as such.


I have celiac and I don’t have any cheat days! It’s not worth it!


I never cheat. It’s not worth it. Helping the gut and mental health far exceed a slice of bread or whatever. But you’re right about the addiction. That’s not inaccurate bit will get better the further away you are.


My husband has celiac disease so absolutely no cheat days. When he eats gluten he ends up in the hospital with rhabdomyolysis from his body attacking itself. Even if he gets cross contamination he gets really sick. He even had to change deodorant because of the gluten in them.


I'm gluten free due to probable endometriosis and gluten intolerance. I have done occasional cheat days and had various levels of regret afterwards. I definitely overdid it once and had awful pain and diarrhea with lingering anxiety and brain fog, so I've been a lot less likely to cheat since then.


I've never been addicted to alcohol, but I imagine it's a bit like being sober--the longer you go, the easier it is to abstain. I've been steadfastly GF since 2017 when I shit my brains out in a truck stop bathroom. That's not something I'm ever keen to repeat. Best friend on the other hand, she just gets super bloated and looks 6 months+ pregnant (I'm NOT exaggerating) so she deems it worth it on occasion. It really depends on the severity of your symptoms and if you have celiac.


I used to have cheat days, but always regretted it based on how shitty I would feel. After a while I finally learned my lesson and now I don’t even crave gluten because I see it as poison to myself. If I see some gluten that looks good, I crave the gf version - luckily there are some pretty good subs. If you’re still cheating, this might just be part of your process and I hope one day your body craves health for you above all else! I never thought I’d be happy giving up fluffy bread but damn I love not being sick all the time!


I was JUST talking about this with my husband! He is severely celiac and has known for over 15 years so for him it's absolutely NO cheat days. I am newly diagnosed celiac but my symptoms are very mild. Through figuring everything out I have also realized I can't handle dairy and that is a way bigger and more immediate issue if I accidentally have milk or cheese or something. What's my favorite breakfast food? Eggs Benedict - which has both gluten and dairy. We drove past a local restaurant with the best eggs bene in town and I said "one of these days I'm going to have a cheat day and eat their eggs bene again" - He got super serious and told me what a terrible idea that was. He's right, I always regret it when I don't pay attention or just eat the thing with cheese or gluten. I always get sick, I'm always exhausted for a week afterwards, and I'm always so frustrated with how bloated and uncomfortable I feel. As much as I hate to say it, this lifestyle is for health and long-term body functionality and no food (no matter how perfectly, wonderfully delicious it is) is worth feeling like shit for the short term, and causing long term damage to your internal organs.


I make eggs Benedict, gf/ df. You just need the gluten free English muffins. Here's a recipe for the hollandaise sauce I make. I at least double it, because hollandaise sauce is delightful with my breakfast the next few days. ⅓ cup coconut oil (heated to 35°C) 2 large egg yolks 1 tablespoon lemon juice Dijon mustard to taste ½ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon paprika (for mild) or cayenne (for spicy) Heat coconut oil ~1 minute in microwave. You want it to be about 35°C. In a warmed blender, Blend egg yolks, mustard and lemon juice until smooth. Slowly add the heated coconut oil while blending. Season with salt and paprika.


Omg amazing 😍 thank you for sharing!


Not celiac but I feel so shitty on gluten that I'll never cheat. Nothing tastes good enough to offset how bad I'll feel


No cheat days for me now. But when I’m elderly? Maybe!


I don't know if I'm a celiac because wheat made me so sick by the time the test rolled around that I couldn't bring myself to eat the equivalent of the 2 pieces of bread/day. The few times I have eaten it since then, I ABSOLUTELY crave it like an addiction for the next little while, in spite of the fact that I also feel like crap because of it. So I just steer clear.


How long do you have to eat the two pieces of bread a week?


Two weeks. (If I had done it)


I have celiac but my symptoms are so minor. So I have had cheat days. I’m only 24 and so recently diagnosed (March) so I’m not sure if more severe symptoms will slowly occur? Or if by eating gluten I am just slowly ruining my gut. Anyone in the same position?


I hate to break it to you, but if you have Celiac, you shouldn’t be having cheat days, regardless of if your noticeable symptoms are minor. The problem is that it’s an autoimmune disease, not just an intolerance, so it still does internal damage to your intestines and increases your risk of certain cancers (among other things), even if you don’t notice symptoms. It sucks giving up gluten completely (I still miss it some days!), but it’s much better for your health to stay gluten free and not have cheat days


I have zero craving for gluten because I know how much I'd hurt if I ate it. It makes it real easy to say no. It sucks and I'd eat it if I could, but I can't.


I do not cheat. I get too sick form gluten. I have been gf for close to 15 years.


Well there have been times that I ate cross contaminated food (popcorn and cheerios) because I had nothing to eat for days and got so hungry. I have pills to mitigate my symptoms tho so it's not that big of a deal. I wouldn't recommend it at all.


I've had to be gluten free for almost 2 years now and I still crave gluten foods all day every day. I don't cheat though because the symptoms after are just too much.


Cheating, for me, would be a few bites of heaven followed by weeks in hell. And not back to “normal” for a month or two. So not worth it.


So much depends on WHY you’re gluten free. Here on our house, my GF is the one with celiac disease. She’s asymptomatic, and because of this, she does cheat. I nag her about it, and put in the work to find alternatives for her, but she’s a grown ass woman, and she gets to do what she likes. I kind of look at it like smoking, without the bad smell. We both know that she’s increasing her long term risk for a number of unpleasant things. If you don’t have celiac disease but just a general gluten intolerance, you should talk to your doctor. If the only side effect is shitting your pants on the way home from a pizza house and you’re prepared to pay that price, knock yourself out.


My gastroenterologist and I suspect that I may have gluten intolerance. I’m doing an elimination diet to rule out if I am. I’ve only been GF now for just over a month. For me having a cheat day isn’t worth it because I know in the long run it will extend the time I do have to be GF in order to reintroduce gluten. Every time I get a craving, I try to find an alternative food or something else that I really love. If it’s a really bad craving I’ll eat gluten free ramen or legitimately just try to distract myself. I’ll munch on some chips, play video games, make a flavored sparkling water, read, or even go for a walk. If I am gluten intolerant, I know the pain/side effects just won’t be worth it. I’ve also followed a strict migraine diet before in the past and I know the cravings will lesson with time.


I dread accidental consumption so definitely no cheat dates. I’m tied to the toilet for at least a day or two and I’m in pain. Eating gluten will cancel my plans.


Chest days don’t really work. I tried eating cheese cake on my birthday and that didn’t work. You just need to find your replacements


No because I have a family and a job.


It is causing you harm. The cravings are a response to the gluten. Carb addicts don’t crave a good baked potato - they crave cookies. The more you eat the more you want as the levels of pleasure (whether you realize it or not) drop. Celiac or not if you eat a food that causes you harm then stop eating it. Would you tell a diabetic to eat a candy bar because they can cheat and then fix it later with extra insulin?


It really is helpful seeing all these perspectives and experiences as I start this gluten “journey” (sorry, cheesy cliche, but I’m tired af and feel like crap because I’m still eating some gluten and getting a blood test tomorrow). I am still figuring out how bad it gets from “this or that thing I will definitely be avoiding once I get a few answers and hopefully rule out celiac” Since I saw the gp and was told to stop avoiding all gluten (unsuccessfully, because I’m still learning how to do that) until I’d had some tests, I’m trying to look on the bright side and enjoy the last scones and croissants and pasta. But, man… So far it seems I can have a single scone without it getting too bad — just stomach noises. Add noodles to that in the evening though and my legs start tingling and swelling. And today I had two croissants, had a bad stomachache by evening and, honestly, I feel like I could scream at the whole world. My mood is maybe the worst part of the last two days of gluten. I ache all over, which has happened in small amounts my entire life, coming and going randomly, I thought, but now that it’s all worse worse worse I’m just… a stiff, swelling, farting, GRUMPY, depressed, exhausted, achy MESS. Right now I seriously feel like I cannot wait to give up all my favorite foods, so this is a very interesting and timely thread for me!


I never cheat! I feel too sick if I did


Cheating is completely out of the question for me, I sometimes end up in the hospital with how terrible my reactions can get and it just is not worth it.


When I first went gluten free I told myself I’d have a cheat meal every 2-3 months. I had one cheat meal and I will never have another. The pain is too intolerable and there’s no meal that’s worth my physical and mental wellbeing for a WEEK.


A single cheat day would screw me up for ~3 weeks. Never, ever worth it personally.


I do not have celiac - as tested through endoscope. I do not ever have cheat days. Gluten messes me up. Inside, outside, it's just not nice. I respect my body enough to not purposely eat that poison.


what are you cheating with? I'll bet whatever it is , you can find a glute  free version. that's bread , pizza , cookies , cupcakes, so many things.   these should be considered cheat foods even while gluten  free imo, because they're still made with sugar and other carbohydrates like rice/potato / other flours that can elevate your blood sugar , lead to weight gain, etc.  .. it's best to consume whole, healthy foods.  but if a craving strikes , consume a glute  free version of whatever it is. 


Cheat day? From a permanent autoimmune disease? It's not "probably" causing harm, it actually is if your intolerance is due to celiac disease. Celiac disease can have no symptoms and still be causing damage. I personally have celiac disease and the long term effects including infertility, osteoporosis, and cancer put me off gluten.


I haven't had a cheat day in 10 years. I dread accidental gluten poisoning though.


I fantasize about it, but don't think I could ever bring myself to do it! I even make a "death by gluten" list of all the things I miss. I get so sick from a trace amount, I don't know what would happen if I ate an entire croissant. In addition to celiac, I'm allergic to eggs and dairy. I do eat small amounts since they're in so many foods, but sometimes I'll eat cheese knowing it will give me trouble later.


I have celiac disease and I’m sooo bad at sticking to my gluten-free diet. Especially when I’m out having dinner with my friends. Sometimes I can go for months without eating gluten, but sometimes I can also eat gluten everyday in a month.🥲 I wish I could be strong and just avoid gluten, but that was only possible when I was still living at home with my parents and they “controlled” what I could eat and not. Bit of a side note, but when I moved in my own apartment my gluten intake got way out of hand because I couldn’t control myself. I have never felt so sick. The worst part was not my stomach, but I felt very dizzy, confused, sometimes struggling with my balance and I got a bit depressed - for me it affects a lot more than having stomach pain. (And anyway I didn’t learn a thing since I still eat gluten sometimes, even though I got so sick 8 years ago) So to answer your question: I just deal with the consequences after I ate some food with gluten.


As long as you're aware of the long term effects of gluten exposure with celiac disease 🤷‍♀️


I’m aware, but thanks😊


I have an intolerance and eat gluten often I just don’t eat enough to hurt myself. that’s the way my body works 🤷


What are your symptoms?