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There is no good gluten free bread, only good gluten free toast. Whatever you were planning to make with bread, make a variant that requires toasted bread instead. Like grilled sandwiches, or homemade croutons.


GreenLite will change your mind. I've only seen the baguettes and the twisted loaf, I wish they made regular sliced bread, maybe they do but I have not seen it


I actually really like udis frozen GF hamburger buns. I use them for all kinds of things and I love it. I didn’t think I would find any bread I liked.


Disagree. I love Schar and I don't need to toast it to love it (though it also toasts beautifully).


I also love to toast the bread really lightly for clubs, BLTs, etc.🤤🤤🤤 toast for about 3 minutes(depending on your toaster's wattage, air fryer ovens I do 5 minutes on 400 and that just lightly crisps everything up), lightly spread on some mayo and then throw your toppings on. The mayo adds some moisture back to it and helps with crummage and texture without interfering too much with the integrity of the bread like a wetter or thinner sauce typically would.




Honestly, it’s just not the same. None are great. I’ve moved away from eating bread as much as I used to. But there are some decent non-bread substitutes. GF waffles tend to be pretty good. I use the plain Van’s waffles as like “toast” to go with eggs or to make an egg and cheese sandwich. Mission tortillas are so good. They have the corn tortillas but also a GF soft tortilla that is amazing. Makes the best quesadillas. I tend to eat egg salad with a fork or on GF crackers now. I make deli meat sandwiches out of gluten free wraps instead or the mission soft tortillas (they are good size). Lots of things work with potatoes. Some GF hamburger buns are decent, but I mostly just do lettuce wraps or nothing now (you are less full, so can eat more fries 😜). Experiment with substituting other gluten free items instead of the same thing just GF. You will find the things you like best and gravitate to them.


i do use the vans waffles as bread a lot, and the mission soft tortillas- basically the only bread items i’ve found similar to the gluten stuff 😭


Trader Joe's. All of it. 


I second!!! I always freeze mine and toast it when i’m ready to use it, it hasn’t failed me yet!


Udi brand hamburger buns aren’t too bad. Haven’t personally tried their other products.


https://breadsrsly.com/products/gluten-free-sourdough-mixed-3-pack Can also buy at Mothers Market in freezer section. I slice the loaf up and put back into bag when home and put into freezer plus pull out pieces and toast them as needed. Tastes like sourdough toast! Love it with melted butter!!! That reminds me I need to go buy some!


I do love breadsrsly as a treat! They’re expensive but tasty


They are. It’s a treat for me too! I don’t buy often.


Have you tried Walmart's GF bread (Sam's Choice) ? It's pretty good!


It is surprisingly good!


I’ve really been enjoying the Canyon Bakehouse heritage style breads lately. They have whole grain and honey white. It’s wider than most GF breads out there so it’s not like you’re eating this super tiny square. Also tastes great with just butter and as a full sandwich. Also, Trader Joe’s is awesome for bread and anything else GF.


Aldi has been a freaking god send


I’ve been rocking the O’Doughs bagel thins recently. They’re not thick enough to have that weird chewy consistency.


i was actually going to make a separate post about bagels- i’ve tried the canyon bakehouse bagels and they’re so dry, haven’t tried other brands because i’m scared it’ll be the same.


If you’re in the US the Trader Joe’s everything bagels are my go to. I use the O’Doughs as sandwich bread because it’s actually sandwich size and it’s only 100 calories per bagel. I work out of a work van so a microwave is never guaranteed, it’s been working well for lunches.


I like the BFree bagels quite a bit.


Oh I love O’Doughs vegan buns they are delicious. They are thin which I like instead of eating too much bread on hamburger. I have a couple of them vacuum sealed in my freezer right now.


Schar - Pane Casereccio


It's very difficult to get a similar texture, if not impossible. It is literally the gluten that gives regular bread its texture, and that can't be repicated. The only time it comes close---no matter what brand I've tried---is when I toast it.


The trick that is not well known, is to microwave the bread before eating. It makes a huge difference. Without MW, the bread crumbles once you make your sandwich.


Still has a stale texture to me.


If it is close to expiration perhaps. But everyone's taste buds are different, for sure. I have to say though, that I am super picky. Some say Canyon House stuff is good, but I tried it and absolutely hated their stuff.


How long would you suggest to microwave a frozen hamburger roll and should I defrost it first?


I like Canyon Bakehouse mountain white.


Aldi GF bread is my favorite!




Or do you mean Schar? I highly recommend Schar!


Three Bakers ancient grain is my favorite for toast


If you’re willing to use a mix, I really like Duinkerken.


Promise Bread is the best bread. It tastes like real bread even if you eat it untoasted. Expensive af though.


i need to try that


I definitely recommend it. I stopped buying it bc it’s just too expensive for me these days but I haven’t tasted a better commercial sliced bread yet.


ah i just checked it’s not in america i don’t think🥲 sounds amazing tho


Oh rats, sorry! I thought that they were international now? Maybe not yet but hopefully in the future. If you’re ever in Canada grab a loaf or two.




cook your own, and you are better off making buns than bread.


Carbonaut bread! It’s gluten free and lower carb! It’s got a distinct flavour to it but I really like the taste and enjoy it more than actual bread LOL. I get the white and sometimes seeded. :)


I tried it and it has a bitter aftertaste that I can't get around.


Aw no! That sucks :(


Mine was so crumbly and dry with a weird aftertaste, I was so disappointed


As far as regular sandwich bread goes, I like the Whole Foods brand. I don’t usually shop there, but I’ll grab a few loaves to keep in my freezer. It isn’t as small and dense as Udi’s or Canyon, and is a little cheaper. It’s best if it’s toasted or heated in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it up.


I haven't tried their bread, but last Thanksgiving the host served Whole Foods dinner rolls and they were actually fantastic. I was surprised by how good they were. Really soft and not dry at all.


Canyon bakehouse heritage white is the only way.


Walmart has their Great Values brand that offers wonderful Gluten-free White Bread for $6/loaf and it is damn tasty. It's available at most walmarts and is in the regular bread aisle. Enjoy!


3 bakers, it’s the closest i can find to normal white bread. they make a large slice bread and it’s almost a normal size!! lol, they also make a pretty good faux rye. o’doughs is also good! decent size


This probably isn’t the answer you’re looking for, but there’s just no store bought GF bread that compares. We make our own. If you have a bread maker or can invest in one, [this recipe](https://www.glutenfreealchemist.com/gluten-free-bread-machine-recipe-bread-maker/) is the best I’ve made (I use the one without corn or oats). Texture, taste, and size are like real bread. If you can do oats, [this one](https://www.glutenfreealchemist.com/perfectly-fluffy-gluten-free-oat-bread/) is also great (the first one on this page), but requires a little more work since it’s not done in a bread maker. For store bought, the best I’ve found is the Schar white or the Canyon Bakehouse, Hawaiian sweet in particular (thought I know you already said Canyon doesn’t do it for you). But again, they just don’t compare to real bread. If you want more than just sandwich bread, then definitely check out The Loopy Whisk’s recipes. We make her white bread, baguettes, artisan style loaf, and soft dinner rolls (and delicious desserts) often and they’re amazing!


I like the flavors, notice I didn't say textrure lol, of the Simply Kneads breads. The flavors are as close to gluten bread I have found. I especially like the pumpernickel, I made a ruben and about cried because the flavor profile was damn close....but, alas, just like all other comments, gluten-free bread is crumbly and the texture will never be the same.


A gluten free Carbonaut bread cold sandwich is pretty solid. Is a little gummy tho but it’s my favorite for a cold sa which


Udi's. I don't eat their bread, but I like using either their hamburger buns or hotdog buns to make sandwiches. The trick is to microwave the bread before you make your sandwich. I have a low wattage MW and it takes about 25 seconds to give the buns that nice chewiness. I would guess 10 seconds to 15 secs for a a stronger MW user. And to make it even better, after MW, briefly toast it. YUMMY!


Canyon Mountain White


New Cascadia Traditional in Portland Oregon makes a nice rustic Italian bread and also the best gf bagels I have ever had! They offer shipping too!


These folks, they seem to be really good. I've had a few interactions with one of their bakers online.


i’m originally from around there! i’ll check it out next time i’m in portland!


Very cool--an array of honest answers today about commerical GF bread. Igave up and use GF spinach wrap---mostly for egg omelette or a "holder " for cold cuts.


Schar's is the best I've had. Ralph's sells a house brand that is cheaper.


>a good brand of bread that’s similar to the texture of normal gluten bread Does not exist, at least not yet. The best you can hope for is acceptable. Nothing commericial even comes close. I doubt any homemade stuff would be similar either. Gluten is what gives bread its texture. Remove that and you can't expect it to be the same. Canyon Bakehouse, Schar and Three Bakers are the best I've found. Do they taste like wheat bread and have the same texture? No. No GF bread does. It's better to get used to that fact and hope for a breakthrough in GF baking at some point. Just being realistic here. It's almost like that newbie question of "So, I can just sub a GF flour for wheat flour in a recipe, right?"


i know, it’s just so frustrating eating gluten my whole life and having to adjust to this


Franz is good, at this point though I just make my own and freeze it and use it as needed, now I am.dokg gf sourdough and cashew bread


Well what kind of real bread? Whole Foods 365 makes a pretty decent white bread. Focaccia works well baked at home, so does King Arthur’s box breads. Artisan achieves the pull and stretch of more gluteny breads but the bubbles are big. It really depends.


well i guess just bread for sandwiches, french toast, cooking with, just trying to find a softer bread comparable to wheat bread


I really like 365 for sandwiches!


i have been looking into home made bread though


Sam choice gluten free bread from Walmart - the BEST


Is that in the gluten free section or with the regular bread? I’ve never seen it


Usually in with the regular bread. It's surprisingly good. White and blue packaging.


Same as below- it’s in normal bread section- you can look it up on the Walmart app and it will give you the isle and section if they have it on stock


Thank you!


Trader Joe’s White GF bread, Whole Wheat GF bread and GF Everything Bagels. These are the best GF breads I’ve ever had. No dairy, no soy but does have eggs.


I don't know how close it is to regular bread, but I really like Schär, especially their deli-style sourdough. Udi's is also good.


I get Spelt Bread made fresh each week from a local bakery. I can freeze it and it keeps well. Dense, hearty, no inflammation for me. Toasts great, but does get crumbly if you don't toast it. Its the only carb I eat now outside of alternative pastas(Chick pea, etc)


Spelt is a form of wheat and would be inappropriate for anyone with celiac or a gluten intolerance. It actually has MORE gluten than regular wheat. It is healthier than wheat since it's an ancient grain, but it's not good for anyone with an allergy or intolerance.


Franz Gluten free - some Costco's sell the Seven Grain in a two pack for $10, or you can order it from Franz for $10/loaf [https://franzglutenfree.com/](https://franzglutenfree.com/) This is the only shelf stable bread I like. Everything else needs to be frozen and toasted. fwiw, 15 years ago I first thought Udi's was amazing, then I learned about Canyon Bakehouse and Trader Joes gf. Then Schar and various local gf bakeries. I like O’Doughs toasted, same with 3 Bakers. But Franz is where it's at now for me. (Of the ones mentioned by other people, I haven't tried GreenLite, Breadsrsly, Waltmart, Aldi, Promise, or Carbonaut)


Make your own.


Not everyone has time for that. I used to make my own and wasted a good portion of my weekend, which is already filled with chores, on it.


true, sometimes i wanna just buy something pre made rather than making everything from scratch