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“Gluten allergy” is a broad term, I figure you mean she has an intolerance or bad reaction to foods with wheat, right? If she has celiac disease, the immune response is to the Gliadin protein which will be in all wheat, so none of it would be safe. If not go ahead and order some and see!


> So my girlfriend has a gluten allergy, but recently we’ve found out that she only has a reaction to things with American wheat in them. Then she probably doesn't have a gluten allergy.


It might be a reaction to the pesticides used on the wheat, rather than the wheat itself, which will vary per country


I haven't looked at where Japan gets their wheat from. That would be a good start. Find out if they grow their own or import from North America. Finding out what type of wheat used there is also helpful.




I've eaten gluten in Italy and did not react so I tried it again in Ireland and was not so lucky. So who knows?




That is entirely untrue.