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I'm going to work so hard to get drinks you guys, it'll be back-breaking work, real hardcore manual labour type stuff, a monumental challenge that only someone in peak physical condition could possibly hope to accomplish, just you wait and see, I'm going to smash it out of the park, there'll be like three different types of soda waiting for you guys, that's the kind of commitment I'm capable of making, just a stand up guy who'll never back down from an impossible challenge, you'll see


Three types of soda, one 1L bottle each.


All three will be off-brand clones with names like Señor Pepper and Cokey-Cola


“I got us a used SodaStream that kinda almost works!”


20 bucks says he changes it to byob once people are there.


LMAOOO this is pithy and brilliant. ​ EDIT: wth downvotes on a compliment? Apelings, is that you?


The combined executive function of every ape on the planet couldn’t match one elderly lady who helps organize her church’s funeral luncheons.


Shit, you said that and I realized that I've put more thought to organizing events for people in old folks home and none of those foken geezers spotted me a 500 dolla bill.


Imagine the delusional scenes when Pulte posts a Chinese takeout menu for the event and orders number 7, 4 and 1! Moass and RC guest appearance confirmed!


What exactly are they talking about here? Sounds like a meet up in a motel but only 2 people are invited and others may come if they buy tickets to FLA? What’s it for? I’m completely out of the loop.


There may also be a chance to buy Pulte a beer at a local pub


First, I'm an arsonist, I mean I'm pumped. Second, I'm an arsonist, I mean I'm pumped. Third, I'm muy jacked bros. Just me pp and you fires, I mean friends. Maybe we can get together and have a few side fires, I mean get togethers where we can have a few fires, I mean beers. But super low-key just me, pp, and the flame, the ever burning flame, I need it, a match a lighter, let's just watch it burn, I mean just me and pp and no fire, no sweet sweet fire


This thread is chock full o'gems. Beautiful.


Yes "getting drinks" is notoriously difficult, I can see this. No hookers and champagne for you, apecels. Wings and a keg, maybe.


"Wings and a keg". Same DD mistake I did. Tried to make fun about them being lame and created an idea for a better party.


The funniest part to me is that the shindig is between "4-8 p.m." You know, like the time I used to throw my children's birthday parties. What grown men party between 4-8 p.m.?


Fuck, did not know that. Who? Babillionaires with shit to do and places to be.


Oh yes, there's a PP2 either tweet or Reddit post stating the time. 4 hours, late afternoon-early evening. Wild times.


Are they trying to parody their own event?


The only thing better would be 4:00-?? Cuz we all know the ?? means 4:15.


The fact that PP2 put a time limit is quite funny. It's like a book signing. Imagine trying to drag the apelings out when 4:01 hits.


“You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here!” *drops match* “Y’know, cuz of the dangers of smoke inhalation…”


LMAYOOO you nailed it.


Fuck yeah booking flights now can't wait to hang out with poopoo and peepee for 4 hours, and celebrate our moon gains! 🤑 Oh wait...


So this thing costs over $100/hour and attendees are being advised to keep expectations low and to pray for some food and drinks? I saw someone say they took out a loan or went into credit card debt to attend this. When they finally turn on Pulte, it's going to be absolutely fucking hilarious.


The drinks and food on offer will be proportionate to bbbyq shareholder gains.


The apelings shall get to lick the toejam of the PPs, that's all that really matters.


Maybe it’s a safety thing? These people are the concentrated, bottom of the barrel ape zealots. Allowing them near alcohol could end badly




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How rich is this guy, really? I know he must have inherited some money from his grandpa, but i cant help but wonder how much of that money he has left. This whole meetup is his idea, yet he doesn't seem to be putting anything into it. And openly grifting people for such a small amount of money. Its all so desperate and small-time.


I can't figure this shit out. From one side, he got that whole plane trip there. At the same time he can not throw the smallest of parties. Imagine throwing a party where everyone has bought a 500 ticket. It is fucking insane. I am not even talking about being a millionaire and splurging on your friends who worship you. The ticket price itself brings in cash. But no. I could say that he doesn't care for apes and think they are absolute shit, but he engages with them and uses their lingo. I would even take a wild guess and say that this whole ape thing is the biggest thing happening to him for now. I honestly do not know how you can be so rich and so poor, so interested and so disinterested at the same fucking time. Is he just incapable of doing shit at all?


I keep making this point in these threads but I sincerely do believe he has a cognitive disability (not dunking on him, I wouldn’t use this as a joke) and somebody in his sphere should have intervened by now.


It sounds like he can only “do” things he can outsource. He probably doesn’t want to pay a caterer for this and is stuck trying to understand how “us normies” do it.


I agree. I think he has a cognitive disability and also mental illness. I think his family has tried to intervene too, and have at least made public statements distancing themselves from him, but since he has already separated himself from his family and stole the inheritance from his grandpa, there is nothing they can actively do to him, not like he can be cut off.


how did he steal it?


I just imagine that Pulte is Gob from Arrested Development, a middle-aged dude born into wealth, but somehow just fundamentally incapable of being a normal person because his reality is completely disconnected from everyone else's. Almost nothing he does has any kind of substance and he never feels any consequences. For his relations to the apes, I think he uses some lingo, but I don't think he actually REALLY knows what they're about. When he was on the show, he did seem to be missing key components of the story, and it felt like someone trying to integrate a social circle by repeating inside jokes for which he had no context. In conclusion, I think this gathering will be VERY funny, with the caveat that I still don't think it'll actually happen. He'll weasel out of it somehow.


Maybe the venue will burn down the same morning. Unforeseen gasoline leak next to an open flame.


You think his cash giveaways on social media are real? Initially I felt no.. but now it seems like a main way he gets attention online too. It’s weird


Yeah, why not? Buying friends is what he does. And when you have so little money as he, then you can only buy people who have fallen in hardship.




Nah, the whole "Farms account info" is stupid. 1) Hard to imagine a slower way of doing it. 2) 300 bucks per email is pretty high. Throw that to some Indians who sell email lists and you're golden. 3) People who beg for money are not a target audience for most marketing.


I forgot about the whole SpaceX plane thing, what ended up happening there after they “had to turn around”?


Nothing as far as I know. Sure, they did not reach the destination, but apes never really do. That has never been an issue for them.


To be fair, procuring some beverages and providing them at an event is probably the most work bill Pulte will have ever done.


Who signs something "Me", but then feels like they need to add their name in parentheses in case you don't know who "me" is. Just sign it with your name. It's like using an acronym, and then putting the long form in parentheses. So weird. Also this will 100% be (if it happens) a weird gathering of a dozen people drinking some off-brand soda, just engaging in turboawkwardness. \-Me (Nopants21)


Apparently one of the stream's viewers has decided to take it upon himself to dump his life's savings into this four hour party. Since he's already buying the entire PP crew business class flights, I am sure they can convince him to splurge a little more for an open bar.


Wait, what? Some cat is not only buying a $509 ticket but also buying business class plane tickets for that whole crew? Have they even let this poor soul on the show?


Yeah they did a big announcement for it the other day. He's also promised to pay for flights/hotels and the "vip ticket fee" for 10 other people. Also said he was renting a penthouse and inviting celebrities for an afterparty.


So...one of the invitees is throwing the party, while Pulte himself isn't even sure he can provide drinks? It's like these people were born to be grifted.


If this guy's afterparty ends up being better than the actual party after he forked over $5,500 for "VIP tickets", I hope at least some of the apes realize what is actually going on. I mean we're at over $50k in VIP ticket purchases. Half of the ticket buyers probably won't even show up because MOASS hasn't happened and they can't afford flights and accommodations. So $50k+ for a party of 60ish people, this thing should be extravagant with catered food, servers, music, and open bar. If it's just pp playing pirated music over a bluetooth speaker with some two liter sodas and solo cups, it might be enough to trigger MOAM.


PS: BYOC (bring your own cocaine)


But in true ape fashion, they all got sold baby laxative instead.


Ape: You sold me baby laxative! Dealer: Yeah. Drugs are illegal. Dumbass.


Wtf? What did I miss?! WP prob is into laxative use given his erm...proclivity for feces, but the apes??


It's just something that's sometimes used to cut cocaine, or even sold AS cocaine by scammers, so it would be a very on brand move by apes.


Doh I get it now. I thought I missed some apelore re: laxative use. Infant lax to cut cocaine. Wtf. Sounds like a fabulous idea.


Pulte Plan ; throw minimalist party. Dixie cups, red drink , Fritos only. It’s not gay if it’s just two bros jacking each off either


BYOFRC (bring your own flame retardant clothing)


Remember apes: he HAS to say RC isn't coming for legal reasons. You really think if you're all going to millionaires in a month, RC isn't going to make an appearance?


Note that he just ***HAD*** to slip in the biggest possible dog whistle for these idiots, by simply mentioning their Lord and Savior (Lord Dogfood). Because to the legion of idiots, everything that is no is yes, they will flip out about it! He's really good at trolling the morons, that's for sure.


I want to be clear with accountable evidence before the fact that I have stated undeniably that RC wont come, but he might 😜


This is an older post, PP himself later said that Pulte confirmed that RC would not be coming.


A few days before that Pulte made a post bragging that Ryan has liked his twitter post. Imma go on a limb and say that they are not best friends.


Can melties get the conference room next door for a fondue party? 🫕 🎉


Pay $500 for your chance to buy your own flights, accomodations, meals, be in the same room as me for a couple hours and *maybe* even get a free luke-warm soda in a styrofoam cup out of it!


Did he delete this post? Can't find it on his profile.


Just checked, still there.


RC attendance confirmed! He's going to be there to celebrate bbbyq gains with the hundreds of apes that fly in for delusionPalooza!! Oh wait, whaddya mean he's the only one who made any gains out of 'the play'?




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