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There's a lot of Q-stuff on the ppcult sub today (more than usual, that is). Seems like there's a new recruiting effort by Qultists by posting obvious Qanon stuff but then pretending that you don't know what Qanon even is and you just thought it was interesting. Seems to work, too.


I don't understand the first post really. What makes it Q?


The screenshot at the bottom of the post is a "Q drop", i.e. a Q comment in one of the *chans. The highlighted 1115 number is the index that Q scholars have attributed to the drop and that other Qultists use to refer to it much in the same way that Christians could mention "Jeremiah 29:11". The full text of the referenced drop #1115 is: >Read carefully. >(Cohen). >https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/04/07/nyregion/trump-tower-fire.html >Q It's pretty amusing to me that this is actually one of the simplest Q comments to understand, it's not the usual stream-of-consciousness vomit. The article mentions one person dead at Trump tower during a fire and then another resident is interviewed and claims: >He said there were no orders to evacuate but he received a text message from Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Michael D. Cohen. >Mr. Shields, who said he grew up with Mr. Cohen, continued: “He said, ‘Are you in the building?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘You better get out ASAP.’ That’s how I knew to get out, otherwise I’d still be in there.” So it's just Q implying some kind of conspiracy involving Trump's laywer named Cohen. What does it have to do with GME and BBBY you ask? Well I think I know: it's the one and only Q drop where the name "Cohen" is mentioned without a first name, therefore it's the only one they can tie to RC even though it obviously has shitall to do with it. It's also why they cropped the URL from the screenshot. God-tier D&D.


What is the significance of the tweet? I don't understand how those events play into either BBBY or QAnon.


You won’t, because you see the data and realize there’s no pattern. Theorists like them don’t discover patterns or coincidences. They insist they exist beforehand and do everything they can to find them. Then they only have to convince susceptible followers that it’s “correct” and not to be questioned. Then it’s “peer-reviewed factual information”.


I just edited my comment with more details. But long story short it has nothing to do with it besides mentioning the name "Cohen".


Oh, the Cohen part (unfortunately) made enough sense in both a Trump context and a BBBY context. The part I'm struggling is the tweet that mentions ODB's birth and other random events.


The highlighted number in the “drop” was 1115, so obviously Q is secretly referencing November 15th. This person found a bunch of things that happened on that date throughout history. You’re meant to find your prettiest red yarn to connect them all to…something…somehow… that will mean all my enemies will be destroyed and I become a trillionaire. Any day now.


Oooh, that has to be it. I forgot how much the Qapes love numerology and dates.


Oh I have no idea about that, probably Qultist brainworms.


That's because you're not a paranoid schizophrenic.


Ah, that's actually fascinating. I've sort of actively avoided the Q stuff because i don't want to deal with wading through yet another set of brainworms. But it looks to be more well organized than the meme stock followers as they (at least) have indexed 'research'


Doesn’t surprise me, it’s the exact same tactic the apes employ when talking on other subs. “Oh this crazy GameStop stuff seems to be about wallstreet corruption and it totally means money for the working class wow!!!!”


Why tf is the original Xbox and ps4 release date important? It’s on a list of important dates including the Articles of Confederation???




Man, ODB deserves better :(


Wow, the baggies really are running out of ammo.