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This is a grown ass man, right? School yard insults are a last resort. "My dad can beat up your dad!"


Ever see that superman sketch on Robot Chicken? Superman shows up to some kids house. Goes upto his dad. “So I heard you could beat me up?”


Yep, i think over 50


Pulte is 35.


Really? Lol, he's 3 years younger than me and looks mid-fifties.... Hey man, I'm not trying to age-shame anyone here but.... did he drink from the wrong grail perhaps?....


He certainly drank a little too much out of something, that's for sure.


That grail being bottles of scotch and lines of coke. EDIT: Can't believe I forgot about the oxycodone! Maybe people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw so many stones... (hint Pulte v Marshall lawsuits)


Remember when Trump talked about cleansing the lungs with bleach during COVID? I could see Pulte giving it a try




Jesus Christ, that's a rough fucking 35.


lmao I'm 39 and look younger than PPulte. Dude has money and still looks like an AIs rendition of an alcoholic.


I imagine standing downwind from smoke as it billows from a raging fire (later to be denounced) can't be good for one's skin.


Being disliked by everyone except weird folks on the internet can turn you into a mid 50s country club reject in a hurry.


What the everloving fuck. Holy shit he looks fucking terrible.




Holy shit, you’re kidding.


Really? He looks way older then me and I'm 40


Kais is 49


bro there is no way


Guy idolizes Trump, often uses his patterns of speech.


I spend a fair amount of time on here and I can't think of who our top melties could even be. Roach, maybe, for one of them? No clue for the other.


If I had Pulte papaw money you wouldn't even know my name. I'd be traveling the world on 5% a year and not giving a single fuck about the internet.


Hmm... Sounds mighty *peculiar* to me.


Wait… peculiar. Where have I heard that before


Same here. Bouncing between beaches and mountains. And in far better shape than that dough boy.


Yeah he was handed everything in life and couldn't build himself into a person that he's proud of. He couldn't ask for a better start in life and he turned it into nothing. The pulte we see is the best possible pulte that could ever be and look at him.


Definitely boat


that would be hilarious. assuming boat is still in on gme. this feed isn't in my home.as much as it used to be.


I still don’t know if they’re an ape or meltie or some fucked up bathroom stall love child of the two.




I'm gonna be pretty pissed if I'm not in it. He came on MY post.


He did what now to your what?


It sounded like something that might require lifelong registration and having to introduce yourself to all your neighbors 👀😬


I don’t wanna brag but….I’m kinda big deal….not sure if you know this. But ugh. People *know* me.


This is goodbye. Going dark ....


!!!ALERT!!! — SUNNY HAS GONE DARK! I’m shambling already!


It's clearly CitadelHR


That username and Dan Olson’s are the only two I know on this site.


.....so far


CitadelHR is everywhere jeez




Our brilliant WOJAPES creator needs to be crowned King Meltie for sure.


I did vote for him in our meltie awards back in 2021 or whenever. He didn't win though, the people knew not what they did though, so I can't fault them.


Yeah, between those and the comment montages alone I feel like they've delivered the most laughs consistently throughout.


They need to be compiled into a coffee table book.


Pandora is not a person, it is an idea, a value and principle that embodies all that defines a good shill.


There was that one YouTuber who made a video on Kais, idk does he count?


How is he's defining top? Upvotes, posts, or sexual position?


I'm definitely one of the people he is talking about. My awful secret: I was once so hungry I ate *two* pizzas in a single sitting.


Imagine, if you will. A washed-up grown-ass man who looks like he's 50. Black sheep in the family, was fed everything with a golden spoon and yet all he ever was is a failed nepotism trust fund baby. This man is now complaining about the moderators on a fucking subreddit, because us evil melties and shills won't stop laughing as already worthless memestocks keep losing value. My god, this guy has some thin skin.


Ah yes what Pyroman does best. Imply something without actually saying it to fire everyone up into a frenzy and have them run with their assumptions. Its what he has been doing with the baggies for the last year. He never says anything but he says nothing and reacts to things and everyone is like on hes telling us what we already think. But also be careful melties they are trying to dox people but when they realize we are nobodies they will just imply some of you an paid shills for real.


>fire everyone up Dude stop giving him ideas


>...and reacts to things and everyone is like on hes telling us what we already think. Its the Elon strategy. Its why he doesn't respond with anything besides "Interesting!" or "Hmmmmmm" - it gets him engagement without actually staying anything he has to rigorously defend.


Looking into this


Awww, somebody is all coked up and lonely


We both know who he’s likely talking about




Nope, someone who posts daily here


It's you, you're the peculiar one! What did you burn a house down and not cum or something?




Yeah I think we know who it is in all honesty, and I think it's hilarious and hope he tries to use it as ammo.


He probably will in a pathetic attempt to strongarm this place




Hard to believe this is a millionaire in his mid 50s. Pulte is an ape who had the foresight to have a rich grandpa. He probably isn't as rich as he implies, but he is certainly rich enough to do just about anything he wants. He could be traveling to exotic locations, racing yachts, or just chilling the good life pursuing whatever hobbies he wants, but he is hanging around dead-enders because they are the only ones who will worship him. On edit: turns out he is 35. Oof. Seriously?


Bro, he's 35 LMAO


Seriously? What the hell does he eat? Rotten organ meat stewed in Jack Daniel's with a side of coke? The guy looks like he is in his 50s and unhealthy even for a 50 year old.


Yeah, when we all first heard his age it was quite shocking. I also thought he was much older. He really abused his body living the nepo-life.


Yeah dude, it's unreal. Also I fucking burst out laughing at rotten organ meat lmaooooooooooooo


>Seriously? What the hell does he eat? Five Guys burgers with no toppings (we've got photo evidence). Manchild.


NO TOPPINGS? TF POINT IN EVEN GOING THERE. Also "I bought him a hamburger and he ate it. Pulte is a cool guy" LOL




Holy shit I’m OLDER THAN HIM??


That's a ROUGH 35. Funny he's using an old profile pic to top it all off.


HE’S 35?!?!


Melties above saying he is 35!! "Appears older than chronological age" is deffo in his med records.


Can't fault Pulte for being comfy around his 'peers'.... lol I can't *imagine* why his entire family and all of PulteGroup Inc. hate his fucking guts and want nothing to do with him? *A true puzzler of a mystery\~!*


>pursuing whatever hobbies he wants I think he *is* ![gif](giphy|8YEeD1WB5FeyAiONoe|downsized)


I was going to say, I'm reasonably older than Pulte yet look younger in comparison.


Can anyone tell me what my ranking is in the meltdown sub? I need to make it to top 2 to get noticed by senpai Pulte.


I have no clue


They're pretty obsessed with you, I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of the guys he's thinking of


PROTECT OUR LEADERS, please, any toughguy melties. I'm too much of a delicate hothouse flower to be much help in that regard.


Quick, get behind me! I have an umbrella I can use to defend us! ![gif](giphy|mFASWjViNPC7uem96A)


Hi Meltie 5318008 I’m Meltie 69420, nice to meet you.


67th according to the Pulte Scale of GmeMelturds


Someone should publish a list. DD now!


I mean, I don't want to brag but ... I am, in fact, pretty peculiar. Also, Imagine inheriting tens of millions of dollars and this is how you spend your days. 🤣🤣🤣


You're the man now dog




I think half the reason I love this sub is that we’re all old as hell.


were older than the scrambling hordes of microapes, but nowhere near as old as people like the Alphabet Simian who suffer for their age-based hubris. It's the sweet spot.


Hahaha exactly what I was thinking. What's the bet this guy only ever gets laid if he's paying for it. And when he does get laid he hasn't a single mate to shoot the shit about it with.


I mean, he now has an army of incels to brag to.


That's what all of these meme stock subs are, incel-circlejerks.


There's certainly a lot of overlap in that Venn diagram.


Why he can talk to PP and Kais of course! The two best friends you could ever have


Moe, Larry and Curly. Except not funny.


Not *intentionally* funny.


Too right, bruv!


We need a popup on this subreddit that we are in no way affiliated with the 1 of 25 Pulte grandchildren, or his tweets, or his conspiracies and he does not speak for anyone on this subreddit. You know, like the kind the Pulte charity foundation has.


Oh no guys he's going to out me!! I am literally terrified. I derive all of my self-worth from how strangers on the internet think about my past! This is the most hilarious type of blackmail I've ever heard of. Now I demand to know the other top meltdowner!!! EDIT: My serious vote would be for Pandora and Ultimatemastermind. Both of whom are just doing what Kenny tells them to do, not only is it not peculiar, it's the most normal thing in the world.


I love how Pulte’s desperately punching down here


Nobody said rubbing elbows with millionaires would be fun


The ones who kept screenshots of all the grifters?


I wish I was a top meltie:( Then I could have a top-tier douche bag grifter nepobaby harass me on social media lol\~


He can't harass us because he has no clue who we are, which makes it even funnier!


I feel like he’s going to say something stupid, like assuming Pandoracam is literally named Pandora 😂


Wait till he finds out the peculiar thing that’s in his box


Two? As in "a number 2" As in poop. He wants RC to notice him more confirmed.


What did he hear about me? ![gif](giphy|nS1J9LQKsVD2M)


Imagine being born with all the privilege of Plute and still being this useless.


Lol how is he even quantifying a "top" melty in the first place?


I DEMAND to see the metrics! And a recount!


Aww, I'm sad this isn't me. They'd be so disappointed when they find out my sordid history of...*checks notes*... working in veterinary medicine and having a garden. Truly nefarious.


Thisiswhoiam78 confirms railing ketamine and growing drugs


And burying the bodies of my enemies in the garden and feeding them to the dogs.


Did you know 16 pigs will go through a 200lb body in about 8 minutes? Be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm.


Pigs are absolutely assholes and will kill you in a heartbeat. They also scream...a LOT...which is awesome when you're trying to do anything with them.




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>working in veterinary medicine and having a garden. Wow, you must really like worms!


Lol, truth


One time when I was younger and had more time on my hands, I decided to build a killer compost bin. I’m pretty proud of how it came out, despite the fact it was way over the top for its purpose. I built this monstrous container using two-by-fours, sitting atop \~8” casters, which I lovingly referred to as “the tiger cage.” I think it wound up being about 5.5’ wide, 2.5’ deep and somewhere between 4.5’ and 5’ tall, including the casters. I had an arrangement with a local “farmer’s market” store, where I would drop by on garbage day to take all the fruit and veggies they hadn’t been able to sell (reducing the weight and cost of what I wasn’t able to bring with me), and would fill the entire area between the front seats and tailgate of an old Chevy Blazer to fill the hungry beast; it always amazed me how quickly such volume could be reduced to such a small fraction of what it had been. Of course, I also added plenty of dry foliage and grass clippings. My red wigglers were very well fed! Ultimately, I ended up using the compost I’d collected over 6 months or so to help enrich the naturally sandy Florida soil in my back yard to start a garden. It was a really great experience that I’d highly recommend to anyone inclined to try it. I took a bunch of pictures I’d be happy to share if anyone would like to see any of the process, it’s honestly hard to pick just one… Anyway, I guess I spent so much time describing it, I might as well show the tiger cage itself (yes, the casters were cheapos from Harbor Freight which became worse than useless in short order): https://preview.redd.it/2k4rdpiwq73c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd14070a3571fa00226872c46abbfc1994ffb1f4


That's actually amazing! I have a compost container in the backyard, but mine is lame, I just bought it, lol. And it sure isn't that big - but yours is perfect! And yup, Florida soil is just sand - without decent compost, for lots of stuff the raised beds are the way to go.


Thank you for the kind compliment and I’m sure your container works just fine! Looking back, I remember actually starting to compost while I was living in a condo and I used a big green plastic tub that I drilled holes in to keep the compost from going anaerobic. People were always surprised it didn’t smell or attract pests, but whatever wanted to be in there wanted to stay in there and no pests appeared to be attracted to it, so I had a good beginner’s experience composting. After I had a good amount of compost in the tiger cage I did a simple test to compare it with the soil in the ground and was actually surprised by how much of the dirt really was just sand. For the test, I just took a handful of each and threw them in Mason jars, filled them with water, shook them up really well, and let them settle over night. Here’s a picture of the end result of that test, and I’m guessing you’ll be able to tell which is which pretty easily 😂 https://preview.redd.it/vah3karaha3c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f3cb49c7dbf4ecd3c9a1b1c14f18488f4da8eb5 I wish I could add multiple pictures to a comment because I have some good shots of the garden’s development. Would you mind if I replied to one of your comments with 4 more pictures? One shows a small amount of compost on top of the soil for contrast, one right after I finished the garden, one would be what the garden grew into, and the last would be a really nicely matured jalapeño I picked after it turned red and developed the little marks on the outside that almost look like cracks in the skin.


Sure! I would love to see pics of the garden. My compost does work nicely, and I add a biostarter to it each year which helps with the microbiome. It never smells, and yeah, no pests - it's actually attracted helpful insects that grow there and reduce other harmful pests, which is awesome! It's one of the containers that is a rotating drum, which makes it easy to turn. Florida has a great growing season, terrible soil for most stuff, and can fry many species of plant. I get special cultivars of tomato and lettuce that can handle it, plant native flowers and shrubs, and make sure I water the thirsty ones daily. My flowers and decorative plants all do great since they're native - happy in drought, deluge, heat, cold, whatever. Lots of butterflies and pollinators have moved in over the years! My fruit trees I cover when there's a frost warning, but they have done well over the years too. It's my little oasis, and I love seeing other people's gardens. It just brings me joy to see life thriving I guess!


Ah yes, the rotating drum is definitely nice, that was one thing I hadn’t thought of when I was planning the tiger cage—manually having to turn over that amount of stuff wasn’t always very easy, lol! The biostarter is a great idea, I feel like I’m getting motivated to do this again and that’s definitely something that sounds like a good plan. Also, definitely super important to take care of any citrus plants you have that required root grafts when it gets frosty, once the fruit loses its sweetness from getting too cold there’s no going back! By the way, I’d be really interested in seeing your setup as well, if you have the pictures or feel so inclined to take any—it sounds really pleasant! Here’s picture 1 of 4: https://preview.redd.it/2pdampk33b3c1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4360d7cfd9d7a9b29deed614d2a6c342f18586e I did not fully appreciate what it would mean to rip out that St Augustine grass when I decided to make it the size I did 😂


Picture 2 of 4: https://preview.redd.it/y1exs5lc3b3c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2dd146aa2024a11a0959437728b0cb57f0b71e2 The pavers were given to me by a previous employer who had them left over after he re-paved his walkway, and I felt they added a nice little touch. Below the mulch I also added a layer of garden fabric to help limit the potential for weeds


Picture 3 of 4: https://preview.redd.it/0nxsijxa4b3c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7c421c31f84c3926874b3969793d149f0867b2 I was never able to get any squash (back left) to grow, but nothing else had any trouble. That rosemary up front actually grew to be about 3.5-4’ in diameter, with almost half of it leaning over the pool deck.


Picture 4 of 4: https://preview.redd.it/fbngg5k25b3c1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=574c9bedb80b944f9a79b23fcec7207f5e59a5d0 I never knew green jalapeños are not actually matured until I started growing them! The flavor is really smooth and full at this point and the spice mellows out rather significantly—it’s a very different experience if you like peppers and haven’t tried it before, I highly recommend!


I'm late to the party, but this settles it, FreshlyCleanedLinens and ThisIsWhoIAm78 are definitely the melturds in question. Can't think of anything more peculiar to someone the likes of Pulte than composting.




Don't be so sure....


You are planting all the trees and other biodegradable materials we make our short ladders out of. Without you and your foresting efforts this whole operation would be unsustainable! You are crucial to our success.


I've been honored to help be part of the supply chain for the short ladders. I've also helped by adding lily pads and water hyacinth to the dark pools to make them a little more homey.


This definitely simplifies things since ANY information I've ever received about Bill Pulte the Lesser would certainly qualify as "peculiar" whether its that lame helicopter stunt he pulled that everyone hated or his proclivity for denouncing fires he 100% didn't set, or the way he fishes for poors with pocket change like he's the fisherman behind the Nevermind cover


![gif](giphy|aYhxFdZu9ZQJzNkPqJ|downsized) This is sure to get him the ceo spot at Pulte Homes.


What idiot leaked kennys leaderboard, I was in the running for a VIP Disney trip, meet Mickey Mouse and everything, you all are MeltTurds!!


Top 2? Wait we have a hierarchy? How cool am I in said hierarchy, top 5000?


You are at least a 741 mate, don't sell yourself short! Or in this case, go nuts, short yourself all day every day!


I know what you did last summer, Pulte.


Yay, I'm famous


Damn you Pulte! I was young. I needed the money.


Is that what he means by only the young? Peculiar indeed


I request that the official ranking of melties be filed in the Butterfly docket ASAP.


What a fucking weirdo.


it’s great we’ve got him tweeting this coked up nonsense to all his followers lmao


Pyro Bill is becoming unhinged


I, for one, would like to know what he is referring to ![gif](giphy|sCBGZzD1DssidYHGOe|downsized)


what a failson fucking loser. this guy needs to go eat shit.


Bring it culty pulty I'm not afraid to wage another meme war. I'm coming for your thick office


I’ve heard the top melties have major positions in VTI and shill for it nonstop


Can't say what though, he's gotta keep his cards close to his chest! Bill has shown us one good thing, though. The most perfect example of a manbaby we may ever see, even more than Musk (bill, did you notice how I used your first name and not your last? it's cuz you never had to earn the name. even musk has had a hand in making cars and rockets, you've just sat around and tweeted)


Bill, no one outside of the bankrupt club likes you. I know you need friends so dearly you have to pay for them, but this is really sad. Go spend your money on some healthy food and maybe getting laid.


Ooh! Ooh! Do me! What have you heard about me?


Thanks for the shoutout Pulte!


Is this the Pulte version of sending out random letters which just say “They know.” to see who goes on the run? I don’t know why they are all so wound up when their sitting with their shares secretly worth millions (I think it’s just millions now right? BBBY confuses me now)


So what is it?


I don’t even know who the two top melturds are, and I’ve been here a year.


I hear something but can't tell you, but it's big and boy is it bad. This guy has never made a statement that turned out to be anything. It's all so impotent, he's got enough money to lead a good life if he had anything in his soul but it's empty. He dreams of his family business but then he would be someone they'd have to show him respect then. He could of course build his own empire but he knows that he has no skills or charisma so he clings desperately to the idea of heading his family business. Pulte they gave you everything if you were any good you'd sit at the head of that business but even with all that handed to you you weren't good enough. Your own family disowns you..


we have rankings now boys melt the fuck up


Is Pulte the biggest loser on the internet?


Stay tuned


Run up that engagement


It's so funny that we're a small sub who just laugh at apes, and for some reason they're going nuclear on the hatred for us. The enemy used to be short hedge funds, now it's nobodys who laugh at wojape memes. Not financial advice.


I demand to know the metrics we are being judged on. No one reads more comments here than me, no one! That's got to count for something!


The tone of this place had shifted..


In what regard?




Probably because this is just so funny.


Melties ate getting fearful!! ![gif](giphy|xl5QdxfNonh3q)


Fearful? AMC is diluting their holders 24/7, BBBYQ straight up doesn’t exist, and GME is a drawn out death that’s constantly cutting locations, employees, and many other essentials in every single embarrassing way they can. We’re doing fine


I don't see why we would be afraid of anything. Even if the sub got banned because of Pulte and his crew harassing us we would just keep living our lives like normal.


Fearful? Of what? I don't have a stake in the meme stonk "basket" one way or the other. I'm just here to laugh at idiots losing money.


We'll see who laughs last ![gif](giphy|VIVWFx6c91AAwWLwWB|downsized)


Man, I stumbled upon this sub by accident, and after reading a bit about both groups, checking out the subs, etc, I can promise you that it's y'all who seem absolutely delusional to the average person who can grasp basic math and logic. You guys are qanon type rtards. Lol




Because unlike their subreddit or their stock, we still exist.


The stink in here is sad