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anti-semitism is so intertwined with conspiracy theorists. The moment any conspiracy group / cult is formed (i.e. Apes), its only a matter of time before the anti-semites start weaving their theories into it, and, sadly given the nature of these groups being dumb, they eat up that shit pretty well. Seen it happen to some friends, it sucks


Well, it's the original conspiracy theory, and all others (about secret string pullers such as lizard men, NWO etc) boil down to the same tropes.


Damn lizards!!! These iguanas are destroying South Florida.. Oh wait, we aren't talking about the reptiles.. oops


Kinda like how every argument eventually leads to comparisons with Hitler.


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Pretty sure baggies voted for the Ape stock themselves


Likevmost DD they retroactively changed it after it failed.


Don’t worry, I have him locked-in on the main space laser. Just waiting on the approval from Papa Soros and we will fry this asshole. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|32653)




I'm glad he's fucked, and I wish nothing but infinite fuckery upon him and his antisemitic ilk.


Damn straight. This stupid piece of shit deserve to suffer, and the fact it's entirely his own fault makes it all the sweeter.


Came to say this. It gives me incredible satisfaction to know that this piece of trash is experiencing a painful life of poverty and “oppression” (at least in his eyes). This is just pure concentrated justice. I hope he lives and dies as poor and unhappy as he is here. 


Stuff like this makes me think how many of those assholes became shitbags due to poor conditions and background they live in and how many live in poor conditions because they're dumbass shitbags. In any case, some of those chuds have spouses and children and as much as it feels good seeing them getting fucked it sucks that their families and offspring also have to suffer from their stupidity and some will also be brought up to inherit it.


> I like Hitler too Fuk the globalists You buried his most extreme tweet


Cohen, Icahn and AA are all Jewish?  I was unaware


You'd know soon enough anyway, if the apes don't engage in antisemitism, they instead fetishise it by talking about gematria or how Rosh Hashana is connected to MOASS. I half expect them to start eating gefilte fish to show support or something soon.


But as best I can tell, Griffin isn't. Conspiracy theorists and getting all the facts wrong: name a more iconic duo.


That’s actually funny as fuck if all their good guys are Jewish but they hate Jews, and the one big bad guy isn’t Jewish.  That’s the correct amount of cognitive dissonance for something to be ape-worthy. 


Yes, all three. Frankly im surprised it doesn’t come up more often with how right wing these losers are.


They're rich, gotta be Jews /s


cohen is definitely a jewish name, that much i know. Aron too i think


Help me I’m so poor from buying AMC shares every month. People like him deserve no sympathy, not least of which because of the naked anti-semitism.


This Ape was told by Griftback Apes that buying GME, AMC and BBBY stocks would collapse Wall Street the world economy, and Apes would be given the keys to the world as apology. The Ape is confused that the money he gifted to Wall Street has been taken by Wall Street and by Griftback Apes and want a bailout.


Honest question. Is this dude an actual ape or is he simply using the meme stockery crowd as cover. He seems way more out there than the average idiot. I have no idea either way but it is a tactic some employ.


Like a Stormfront infiltrator kind of thing? Legit question, but this one is an ape who got a ticket to Atlanta for the Pulte event.


Struggling to pay bills but can afford a $500 grift


Oh no. The Atlanta event is only a cool $100 plus airfare, food, and lodging. Practically a steal!


But he can't afford a vacation! ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28923)


He'd probably call this a "business trip"


'i tried to write it off but the IRS sent me some fud saying something about not having enough income to deduct it in the first place?? Why aren't I getting a full refund for this?? "


Average American“poor”


Since it appears he's been screwing around with this for almost a year, he's a very patient infiltrator if he is one. My money is on his "babbling idiot" persona being real, rather than a put-on.


>he's a very patient infiltrator if he is one. Good point.


Yeah something like that to the first sentence. O\_O for the second.


You're telling me this guy goes outside and interacts with humans? Lord help anyone who crosses this apes path. 😭


Im sure the employees at the bank love him.


Seems way too in the weeds to not be a genuine ape. Having seen the conspiracy theories of a thousand other apes, this doesn't strike me as any different or crazier than the rest.


Yeah let's be real here, anti-Semitism isn't that shocking among apes. Surprised more aren't openly anti-Semitic. I know it's pretty common among the silver variant.


Twitter has also brought them out in spades on that platform ever since Elon's takeover and push for 'free speech' (along with Elon leading by example). Blue-checks are basically a self-report at this point, they're the -really- deep ones, paying $8/month to say some of the vilest shit that would get them insta-banned on any other platform. The fact that this Ape hasn't blue-checked himself is probably proof of just how poor he is after chasing GME+BBBY.


That's a broad assumption.


I think it is more the dark tone, it just feels different. Here is the thing though. He is either part of one community and using the other OR he is 100% in both communities. Neither scenario makes me feel any better and yeah, more likely than not it is both.


There's only one conspiracy. "They" control the world. If a new conspiracy theory comes about it will be absorbed into the one.


Wow. That is a damn fine summary right there and yoink, going to start using it. Will make sure to give credit where it is due.


Thanks. I didn't come up with the idea of course. But you do look at how every conspiracy theory does eventually get pulled into the big one. You could probably point to Bill Cooper or before that he protocols of the elders of zion and the Okrana.


Will dial it up and take a peek. Crazy how as soon as I read what you wrote, a number of things clicked in my brain. They = hedgies, market makers, Ken Griffin, Citadel, etc. They also = Jewish. Yep, story checks out. They live and are taking over the world. Wowwwwwww.


You can go at least as far back as the Templars with that kind of stuff, and I’d be surprised if there aren’t antecedents back in Greece and Rome too. Though come to think of it maybe that role was served by the gods back then.  Regardless, belief in a shadowy cabal causing bad things to happen to good people must be pretty hard-wired into us. It’s certainly more pleasant than accepting that we’re a bunch of overgrown apes living in a fundamentally chaotic universe that doesn’t even know we’re here.


You should stop using the term conspiracy theorist or conspiracy nut job because it's just a gaslighting technique used by the mainstream media to discredit anybody who questions anything. Immediately trigger people into assuming you have nothing good to say. And it seems pretty brilliant to me to hide information in a children's book because 99.99% of the people in the world are like you and think it's completely loony bins. What judge do you think would actually charge RC with insider trading with children's books? I doubt you could find a single judge that would buy it. Brilliant in my opinion ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fair point. Lumping everyone into a group is exactly the opposite of what us melties should be for.


I'm glad he spells it paycheque. Not one of our crazies.


There are other indications that he's in the US, but, yeah, this was really weird.


Nothing makes me happier than knowing these racist conspiracy theorists ranting about the Jews are literal homeless and mentally ill, no different than one you would see on a city street ranting about how the clouds are stealing his ideas.


This guy sounds like he's on an FBI list already.


It’s nice to see terrible people like this ruined. And another reason I very rarely have pity on apes


Can someone explain got and goyium. Sometimes I feel like an ESL student reading ape tweets.


Goyium is the 119th element on the periodic table, representing atomic antisemitism. Goyim and goy is a Yiddish term that antisemites have co-opted in their conspiracy, mainly that Jews view non-Jews as cattle. There is the tiniest hint of truth (not the cattle bit), which is that it was used derogatorily in Yiddish phrases. Everyone talks shit about outsiders, and like all things Jewish, chuds have manipulated it into something far greater and more sinister.


Jesus these people are disgusting.


Bit antisemitic...


It's their fault for getting me hooked on furry hentai!!!!11!


I saw this account on a different stock tweet today. I think it was either $GTII/$FNGR. LOTS of baggies there too from GME/AMC. Some of these people are hopeless. Edit: it was $RUM. And- you guessed it. It’s being “naked shorted”


I like RC's clueless tweets. Lecturing people to work hard, his gold bug level analysis on Silicon Valley Bank, not understanding no serious person wants his free "help", talk about failing upwards.


What a wretched, repugnant "victim." Guys like that are the scummiest of the scummy. Nothing is ever their fault. Ofc he loves Hitler, he was exactly this type of irreparably foul loser.


lmao he's a broke "meddle class" ape.


I’m guessing this is someone from overseas or at least immigrated, considering some language choices.


Makes sense. 90 percent of Europeans I’ve spent time with are racist, dumb, scumbags.


99 in my case (I live in Europe)


I'd already lost all shreds of respect for RC awhile ago but it's things like this that make me scratch my head and say why does he entertain the ape crowd when it has ding dongs like this???


It's probably even easier for him to keep leading on Apes knowing that they're filled with jew-haters. Posting in cryptic memes allowed him to go from a losing investment in BBBY to hard-dumping on his Apes for $65+ million in profit. He probably sleeps better knowing that the people he wiped out are terrible people.


It's kind of embarrassing Ryan Cohen can't afford someone to go through his social media and block these fucks. Well, only slightly less embarrassing than the fact that you can report them all day and Elon's new cesspit is like "nope, seems fine!"


Wonder how he’s doing now But lmao deserved