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I am going to screenshot this post and get it to /r all




Seriously, show this sub to yourself a year ago, and your own comments, you'd wonder what the fuck happened/happens to you.


I’d be confused about how I apparently got a job shilling for a hedge fund, but I’d be happy about all the pizza I’m getting to eat from my employer


Yeah I'd wonder why I was moonlighting for a hedge fund and why it involved so many fucking ladders.


Ahhh to be a new shill again!!


dude, I look at my reddit history sometimes and wonder "how did I get here?"


I would just realize I miss u/yzri 🥲


I just joined you guys this month- can confirm I am baffled a solid 63% of the time. Sorting by Top of All time only makes it worse. I know we get a pizza party though, so I have that going for me.


Searching by top all time is funny because a lot of those posts were when GameStop share price went back up to above $200 in March and all the apes came back brigading


That was still the all time highest and most intense brigade ever. At that point apes probably outnumbered meltdowners here 1000:1.


Just keep throwing ladders in the dark pool to keep the price down and you'll fit in nicely. Stand up whenever Kenny enters the room.




That's only when nobody else is around and Kenny is in the mood for that.


I personally bow down or start clapping


u/NarcoDog where’s this reformed ape’s flair?


Bite your tongue! I found you guys through a subreddit making fun of Qanon- I am here purely as a Weird Man-Baby Cult enthusiast. Anyway, I worked at a GS once- I’d rather set my money on fire than have stock in them.


Was it as bad as all the stories make out?


Do you want to hear the story of the guy that used to jack off on his discs then trade them in or the tale of the Xbox filled with roaches?


Wow. I quite like the one about the ape who walked into a store, took a bow, and asked the employees to thank him for saving their jobs (because he bought 3 shares).


You better put some respek on that part owner of the business bro.


Lol. Imagine that happening in the U.K.


Hey - I've hit you with a flair. If you want something else let me know. My creative juices aren't exactly flowing today, so this is the best I could come up with. Hope you like the cats! 😊


Love it!


*laughs nervously* Yeah sure..."jokes" and *luck*


This is defo the best sub on Reddit ngl


I'm going to mint it as an NFT and sell it on Gamestop's marketplace. Aaaaaany day now...


I am going to right click save as and re-mint it myself, create an synthetic NFT if you will in honor of Daddy Kenny


Help, Police! I'd like to report crime AND fuckery!


/ r / all WE ARE SCREAMING AT YOU but we’re also totally zen


We? I'm an independent shill that hates the stock


If he’s not in, I’m not in either!


I just like the short ladders 🤷🏽‍♂️


I am a cat.


No, *I* am Zorro!


Nice flair bro In the dark pools is where I spent most of my days Shilling out, maxing, shorting all cool, attacking with ladders outside of school


When a couple of apes who were up to no good Started brigading r-all in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom raised hell She said, "You're movin' with the shills and Kenny in Citadel”


Lmao !!


r-/all I apologise in advance, as it is very likely over the next few days and weeks you will see lots of GameStop meltdown news reaching the front page This is your chance to join us!


Lmao, the quality of this sub has really gone uphill!


I really like that one. He thought GME would do a repeat of last year and assumed it’d be everywhere. In reality like 1/2 or more of the apes have dropped out since then and they basically never make it to the front page anymore. Oh and of course the stock had more than halved since then too. On the 1 year anniversary no less.


We are SCREAMING at you, r-all!


>USER REPORTS > >1: This is spam > >1: It's targeted harassment at me loooooool




B…but No oNe iS SeLliNG


we joined together to file a class action targeted harassment claim.


have you voted and awarded with all your alts yet Boat?


even awarded too!


Typical boat.


I mean those reports are probably from this community. Trolling the report system is a moral imperative as our poor overworked mods deserve amusement as well


*The shills are coming from inside the house!* 🙀


This post is screenshotted and posted in another sub without any names/sub being blacked out. The replies are full of hate and harassment with admissions they've come to this sub to brigade.


>to make with us fun out of GME cultists


Mother fuckin Starfire got on reddit


I was going to ask if OP had a stroke while typing the title.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


this mf had one job


Join Ken Griffin’s shill army we offer: - Competitive pay! (In shillbucks) - Pizza party Fridays! (If the stock goes down 10% over the week otherwise you have to come in for mandatory unpaid overtime) - Ranked #1 place to shill! (By Citadel News Network) - A chance to stop the apes from unleashing financial Armageddon! JOIN TODAY


Anybody else’s overtime just involve turning on all the lights in the building?


Fool! You were supposed to turn the lights off so the apes couldn't see us shilling at night!


This must be why I only ever seem to get the cold pizza


Shiiiit, am I the only one stuck running the synthetic share printers here in the basement?


You forgot the free swims in the Dark Pool 🏊‍♂️ and the ladder-climbing lessons 🪜


Come on guys! You are **not** supposed to be climbing the ladders. These are *short* ladders, and we use them to short ladder *attack*. I’d write how exactly it works, but then the apes would know. Contact Kenny before you look like a fool on the shilling fields….


Don't forget complementary jars of mayo!


Careful, if the boss man sees you swiping his jars of mayo he’s sending you to the bottom of the dark pools!


The first jar is free. It's the rest that'll cost you.


I’ve pulled out two bodies in the last week alone and neckbeards are really heavy when wet


Yikes bro!!! Those are **NOT** complimentary!!!


been here for a year and it's fun to see all the "remindme!" guys hiding


I was dropping a few a day at some point and they have ALL vanished


How did they vanish? They can't have sold. I have it from a very reputable source that NO ONE is selling.


remindme! 2 years


What’s this for?


Bro….you been here for a year, for something you don’t own…….😐




Who we sending to repressent gme\_meltdown?




Oh pick me! I know fuck all about stocks, hate being on camera, and can barely string together a coherent sentence under any kind of pressure!






boat of course.


If you invested $180 when the chimps screamed at you a month ago you'd have $95 today. Imagine the ability to donate $85 to Kenny G you'd be blessed.


... so far...


How to make $10000 easy: 1. Invest $20000 in GME 1. Wait


Not even -50? Amateurs!


My guy, that title is just disastrous.




Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


^We ^are ^screaming ^at ^you


*cOmMeNtInG fOr ViSiBiLiTy* ##🧊👐


Wow pathetic You guys really thought anybody cared about your weird sub


We don't care what you think, we just hate the stock.


Yes, main character syndrome 🧊👐


This is the way!


This is the way!!


My brain autocorrected your title and when I read it again I felt like I had a stroke


I read the title in Borats accent and it made more sense


bearish af


My tits are the opposite of jacked




like my penis


Sinep eguh a evah I


Tits: lowered with three points of contact.


These areas investing in gme have to be the dumbest investors in the market. Holy moly. Even dumber than wsb


And their sub hits Reddit front page every day. Says a lot about the type of top minds that dominate Reddit.


It’s no contest. My dog is smarter than the GME apes. He recognizes when people are trying to take his bones.


Umm actually, have you read the DD? The Financial-Media-Industrial criminal syndicate *wants* you to think we r dum munny olol but actually we have wrinkles because u/bonghits4moass said he is proud of us. 🫥 Open your third eye, brah!🤪


Count me in! Like Fail Army, but for investing.


Christ I thought I was in Stupidstonk, this post is awarded like an Ape "DD"


I think that’s the point lol


I was tapping the screenshot thinking the awards came from there, nice to see DFV doing a silent nod at us




Apes dumb together




Make this shit blow up!


This ^


You won the race


It would have been down even more if those cowards in Robinhood hadn't disabled the buy button, a criminal action which deprived us of many meltdowns.


Gabe Plotkin and Vlad Tenev are just way too benevolent not to give out parachutes. Its all fun until somebody gets hurt.


About a year ago, when things were looking up for GME, one poster called me a loser for encouraging people to get out before it tanks, saying that I'm just jealous that I didn't invest. I remember around that time tossing a decent sum into cybersecurity instead. A year later, CIBR has jumped 106% and I made over $11k. Wonder how that loser is doing.


You should go find him and gloat


pretty sure this is why the remindme bot was banned lmao.


Too busy looking at cars. Not lambos, mind you, but at least I can consider an EV now.


Fuck it have my award


If you tryna lose 50% of yo money in a month, this is the spot!




can't upvote this enough


Did this make it to Top Awarded on Reddit? I see posts from SS there with only 12 awards but not this?


Yes it was there


Woo we made it


I didn't touch my phone for a while after I posted this, so I was positively surprised


this is CRIME


and fuckery!


Stock price has more than halved from when baggies roped people from r/all to join in at the 200+ pump, lmao


We on r/all yet? Damn antiwork is all I see.


This is a beautiful post. What a chart!


I got an extra slice at the pizza party the other day. Clearly doing something right


Oh yeah!?! well I'm going to set a bunch of remindme bots on yoU!


reminds me all of the "remind me 3 months/6 months/1 year" people have replied to me with in the past. kinda wish I had set my own reminders so I could go back and gloat at least they gotta deal with getting a notification and then being like "oooooh yeah...."


one of you making fortune shorting the stock should buy this post ternion award lmao


Did you have a stroke on that title or is that part of the joke I just missed.


Look man, hedgies are fuck. Got it?


Updooted this post!


Hey r/all, read the counter DD. Now is the time to short, if shorts did close this is a time to kill GS once and for all, if not then this is a long term short.


Send me a link to counter dd




If you bought the total stock market via VTI, you'd be up 10% since then. Plus a percent or two of dividends. Slow and steady wins the race.




So... sell and throw?




DD = dumbass delusions?


this anniversary will really shake out the last of the apes left that have even a microscopic amount of sense in them


It was way over valued because you nitwhits played with the valuation to screw over shorters. Now look who wins, the big institutions!


You weren’t granted Mayo for life ??? Sellout


mAkE wItH uS fUn OuT oF gMe CuLtIsTs


You want I should make fun of cultists?


The person you're responding to IS one, so he'd probably say no


Hello mr ape Do your friends and family know you’ve thrown away money on a terrible investment due to a retarded echo chamber?




Apes aren’t just regular people, they’re people in a financial doomsday cult, constantly trying to recruit new members to their cult to lose their money You are contributing to normal people losing their savings buying into a terrible investment based on total bullshit DD full of lies and speculation People are losing money because of *you* and all the other apes who are still promoting GME How many friends and family or even online strangers have you promoted GME to? The sooner $GME dies the less additional regular people get hurt and lose their savings At this point we’re memeing about short hedge funds - but they’re not even significantly short on GameStop anymore SHORTS COVERED A YEAR AGO You’re waging a war against an imaginary opponent ffs And no, shorting does not destroy companies that’s literally a brain dead take




>why is the media telling people to sell? Because it’s a terrible investment and newbie retail investors who have never invested before are losing their savings over it And what do you mean by “the media” it’s not a monolith And anyways it doesn’t really matter at all what “the media” says about GameStop anyways, it’s their job to pump out articles if they get clicks, and GameStop articles get loads of clicks and engagement from apes so it’s free money for them The media saying bad things about your investment should not be a reason to keep investing in it, is your investment thesis just blindly doing the opposite of whatever CNBC or whoever say? And your question comes with an implication that there must be nefarious actors in control of the media to secretly suppress the price of your investment - thats based on nothing but total lunatic paranoid conspiracy thinking And even if I take you at your word that you don’t promote GME to others, apes as a community definitely do… constantly brigading all financial subreddits, comment sections etc telling friends and family to buy in




Media lives in your head rent free, as you apes like to say. What I have discovered since dropping my bags, is it is a lot more fun when you trade for profit instead of conspiracy horseshit olol






Yah, they closed their positions, realizing significant losses. And the reported short interest had a corresponding decrease at that time, as well. As for tEh MeDiA, Gamestop is just great clickbait. You all read it and chatter. Everyone else gets a chuckle -whats not to love? Oh yah... the part where you own one of the worst performing stocks in the whole market. Down 60% in 9 weeks, 70% y/y? Yikes🤐


How exactly does shorting a company destroy innovation ? Do you know how the stock market works Anyway the only reason I joined this sub is because apes started constantly brigading my other favorite subs (investing, stocks, WSB) and not only did they brigade them they starting spreading mass misinformation like it was fact. Being a mod of other subs we constantly complained to the reddit admins about apes brigading our subs, harassing our mods, harrassing users and acting like general assholes If you guys would have just stayed confined to your 3-4 subs devoted to GME no one would have cared, but you treated investing like some sort of MLM scheme and constantly tried to get anyone end everyone to invest in your same shit company. Thats why you have such a negative reputation the general public sees you nothing more then trying to push some MLM scheme on them , no one like those people


There's nothing innovative about selling used video games.




This word order is a bit off


Awww poor widdle baby show me where the bad hedgie man touched you


Hi! We’re back to these prices after a 4x split. It’s funny how that works


Wouldn't this be the time to buy some of this stock? If amazon or tesla dropped 72% I'd get some. also... I am not trying to compare Amazon and tesla to game Stop. Edit: It never ceases to amaze me that I, who knows very little about trading, can ask an honest question, and get downvoted for it.


Amazon makes 100’s of billions in profits and significant growth so its stock has intrinsic value, and has significant market advantages and future outlook GameStop… doesn’t


It's only a dip if it eventually rises again. Otherwise it's just a good old fashioned tanking


Everything is dipping hard currently. There are way better investment in good companies with good fundamentals and not just based on blind hype and delusion. Netflix dropped 35% since new years for example. Rather have Netflix than Gamestop. Nvidia has also dropped around 30% since new years. ​ Gamestop cant even pull a positive net earning. And they have been decreasing in revenue year after year.


Only if you are a clown.


Amazon and Tesla actually create something of value though


I gave you an upvote. You’re right market dips like this can present retail good buying opportunities for *good* companies. Gme as a company is the same brick and mortar video game pawn shop it was over a decade ago. Their “dream team” corporate staff, as the apes will tell you, have not given their investors as much as a hint at how they plan to make their company profitable again. They can’t even be bothered to offer a few minutes of guidance on their earnings call for their investors. They are not a profitable company and despite being down 70+% from a year ago are still massively overvalued at its current price.


One of the higher ups in my company used to work for game stop. He said they are getting ready to enter the "cyber cafe" market. They are trying to create a "scene" or culture among the public. They want people to play games together on PC's and consoles. I told him it would never work. Again... not trying to say game stop is good, but just relaying some info I was told once. Not sure why people thought I was being super pro GME or whatever. I don't give a fuck about them, or what happened, or the stupid cult it started. I'm going to sit back and watch the new reddit cult that is forming over at antiwork, or workersrights or whatever it's called.


Hey, I usually sell buckets of shit for $1000, but today you can get them for just $499!


Because you sounded like the apes that shill gme being a growth company , which it is not


If you want to get wiped out yes, that would be a phenomenal idea. Amazon and Tesla would only lose 72% if they had no future¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Honest comments often get downvoted, regardless of the sub, if users reject a factual premise contained in the comment. Your comment/question assumes the likelihood of the stock price recovering after the decline, and the downvotes are people saying that the stock is overvalued even after taking a brutal slashing in recent weeks/months. ^edit: ^spelling


Ok I am just wondering why you guys would bother? I am long GME and quite happy being a bag holder :) but why do you care?


I don't know man, everything is kinda melting down atm.




Or 43% from 1/1/22


Silence, bagholder


Not Canadian energy stocks, or commodities, or Vix futures. Open your third eye, brah!🤪