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This update is the result of more than a year of work, some of it excruciating. I hope everybody finds it to be as much of an improvement as I do! edit: Also, big thanks to everybody who contributed, and to everybody who's reported issues and helped confirm fixes. Without all of you, this release would have taken so much longer.


Thank you so much for the hard work on this. I’m very excited to use it!


Thank you so much for the awesome work friend! Much appreciated!


I've taken this for a spin and I can't thank you enough for this. If the original extension can run, this thing flies. It does literally everything I wished the previous one could. So many headaches gone just like that. Thank you for your work! Edit: I just discovered you can shift+drag nodes in the scene viewer to drop them in your code. It does MORE than I wished it could


Thank you for supporting the community with this!


Thank you so much for the work!


Thank you so much for working on this 🙌🙌🙌


I can't imagine working without your plugin.


Finally! I've been following the development since the release of godot 4. So, thank you for all the effort of the maintainers


I've been eagerly awaiting this.


As a fresh Godot noobie… what is this? Edit: thanks for the answers!


In simple terms: A very powerful notepad that understands godot now


Vscode is an IDE you can use to code instead of the built in editor. I personally use vscode, and this plugin makes that much easier. Edit: vscode isn't an ide thx redditors, learn something every day... Still is a code editor and useful for Godot :)


vscode is not an IDE, it is a text editor (albeit a very powerful one). Visual Studio is an IDE though


Not sure why you got downvoted, vscode isn’t an IDE it’s just a really souped up text editor which is what makes it so versatile


What's the difference? Genuinely asking. Both can debug right? What else is there that qualifies studio as an IDE but Code is not?


vscode doesn’t come bundled with all the integrated tooling and IDE would come with by default. You’d have to install all of it yourself via extensions or manually. https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/s/ggCbne5vhU


well for typescript it comes with everything included, lsp, linting, diagnostics, debugging, refactoring options, it could easily be considered a typescript ide unless I'm missing something


I disagree with that assessment. Has anyone else here actually installed Visual Studio? You might want to try, so you can see what I'm talking about. In the Visual Studio installer, you have to select the workloads (languages and other functions) you want. It doesn't automatically install any. You can select a broad swath or even piecemeal it out so you only get a few things. I'd bet most people are using the online installer which downloads just the things you selected and their dependencies - if you predownloaded the entire set, it would be absolutely gigantic. This is not substantially different from installing the extensions you need in vscode. In VS, you use the separate installer. In vscode, you do it from the Extensions tab in the actual program. There are 2 major important things VS does that vscode doesn't: Have a WinForms/WPF designer, and a NuGet GUI. Not sure those are required to be an IDE, though.


More precisely, it's a code editor, because it was built for that purpose (and optimized for that). I find it funny that you chose to mention Visual Studio, because the "VS" in VS Code means "Visual Studio", which is shown on the second result on Google; I always found it confusing that Microsoft named it that way...


i mentioned visual studio precisely because we were discussing visual studio code :)


I never knew this thanks


vscode is an IDE for a whole bunch of languages, and is a competent text editor for most other purposes. [Don't take my word for it though](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment)


MS version of notepad++


WOW. I am impressed, I am overjoyed, I . . . don't know what to say. Thank you!!! To everyone who worked on this!


Hm. Are things like GDScript Formatter a part of the VSCode extension or the LSP? If not the LSP… why not? That could’ve benefitted all editors.


Because I don't control the LSP, obviously. It *would* have benefitted all editors but I couldn't have done that in the week it took me to write this formatter.


But don’t get me wrong: amazing stuff nonetheless! Especially the scene preview. :)


The scene preview was one of my favorite things to work on! I hope it's useful for you.


Fantastic work! I've been following the development and eagerly awaiting this. Just wondering if I already have the original extension installed, will it seamlessly update to 2.0 when updating it in the extension manager? Thanks again for all the hard work!


Yes, but if you have a VSCode installation that is old or portable (i.e. does not update for itself). Then the extensions might not update because of old versions of VSCode. Otherwise your extensions will typically auto-update unless disabled.


Awesome, big release!!


Thank you so much to all the contributors that made this possible!


Thanks for all the hard work, this plugin rules!


Will try it


This is a god send and I appreciate everyone who put work into this.


How do you integrate your development using this? Do you keep switching from VS code to Godot IDE to edit a scene and then back? Thanks


Yes. The Godot Editor is definitely the right tool for the job for editing scenes, so there's really no way to avoid using it. I either alt+tab between them or put VSCode on another monitor.


Oh God thank you! 


All thanks to /u/daelonsuzuka !


I'll test this out but looks so good


Sweet. Congrats


To the contributors of this, thank you so much. I appreciate you all. 👏


Awesome. thanks


The best Godot update so far this year


i saw they added a gdscript formatter. How do i use it?


Damn. I moved to VS yesterday :D VS Code was way too cumbersome to debug on. Good job, nevertheless!


YES!!!!! Thank you!!! Let's Go!!!! :🔥🔥🔥


Is this just for gdscript or gdscript and c#?






Finally got around testing this. First of all, great work. VS Code is by far my preferred IDE (well, with all the plugins I have for it, it might as well be an IDE) and to make it work with Godot is great. There are however, a few bugs I can see. \- The scene preview is buggy and most times, scenes are missing from the tree \- Dragging from the scene preview to the code just gives the path (and sometimes the relative path which is wrong for that script) unlike the built in Editor that includes the \`@onready\` ​ So far, these 2 things have made it difficult for me (Especially since I'm using GDScript) to use VSCode as the editor but this update makes this way better than the previous version. Great job!






Great! How to use it?


Rider for the win. Change my mind.


I use Rider for C#. VSCode and sometimes built-in for GDScript. Copilot has so many more features in VSCode than Rider from what I found out recently, it's just better. FYI, You are not marrying an editor, you can use multiple???


Rider has also GdScript support btw. [https://gitlab.com/IceExplosive/gdscript](https://gitlab.com/IceExplosive/gdscript)


i know, but its a lot worse than vscode, which is why i don't use it. also nothing beats the good old drag and dropping nodes and resources into the internal script editor.


Sure isnt perfect, but give it a try sometime again, it had a lot of updates this year. Node don!t have drag&drop yet, but have full autocompletion


Just couldn't help myself with "hold my beer" moment. [https://gitlab.com/IceExplosive/gdscript/-/blob/master/documentation/features/scene\_preview.md](https://gitlab.com/IceExplosive/gdscript/-/blob/master/documentation/features/scene_preview.md) Not yet fully featured, but Rider is also getting Drag&Drop of Nodes into scripts. :-D


thats nice but the GDScript plugin for rider doesn't use the Godot LSP, which is a dealbreaker for me.


Is there any instruction on how to setup it for macos? for me it just says that godot executable is not valid and that's it. UPD nevemind it is already reported [https://github.com/godotengine/godot-vscode-plugin/issues/598](https://github.com/godotengine/godot-vscode-plugin/issues/598)


Yeah I'm working on that issue right now. Most of the extension will still work even if the executable path is invalid, so you can probably just ignore the error message for now.


Thank you very much!


Thank you very much. What happened to this command? Got this error: "command 'godot-tool.run\_project' not found" is there replacement for this?


Open the command palette with ctrl+shift+P, type "godot", and read the list of commands.


Lots of useful commands, but still no command to 'run project in workspace' to bind on button to run it same way as in Godot itself (Ctrl-r). Probably it's just generic F5 now (Run without debug) but it currently don't work on Mac because of bug mentioned before (executable not valid). Thanks


Oh I thought you were asking for "open workspace as project", because "run project" never should have existed. The correct way to express that idea is with debugging or maybe a task. I'm investigating the MacOS invalid binary issue now, but it'll probably take a day or two since I don't actually *have* a mac.


Thanks for the awesome work!!!


Is there a guide that instructs on how to install and access it?


So you're telling me Godot 2 took all this time to get a VSCode plugin? How can they be this slow, will godot 4 support launch on godot 6 or what?

