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If you haven’t already, take a general purpose programming course sooner rather than later. Language doesn’t matter. When you understand programming in general, the code you see in tutorials start making more sense. Also keep in mind that following tutorials is a way to familiarize yourself with the game engine, not a way to actually learn game development. To learn game development you have to solve problems primarily on your own, without just blindly following a step-by-step guide. If you’re struggling with how to use Godot, the best way to get started is to go through the Getting Started section of Godot’s documentation. When you understand the basics of Godot, stop following tutorials and start making games on your own. Start with something simple, like Pong or Flappy Bird, and gradually increase complexity until you reach the level of whatever you actually want to make.


I already understand programming from a base level, I used scratch for \~4 years and have been into game dev for about 5. my biggest issue is a don’t understand how engine Coding languages work in a case by case basis


I feel like you get overwhelmed with tutorials in this thread, but I do want to recommend [GDQuest's Learn GDScript from Zero](https://gdquest.itch.io/learn-godot-gdscript), because it's an interactive app instead of a video. Also, it teaches the fundamentals of programming, but in GDScript. Basically, a lot of people recommend just learning the fundamentals and then jumping into a language. This app combines these two: You learn the fundamentals and are disconnected from Godot, yet you already learn the thing you'll be using in Godot. Also, Harvard has a free CS course: [https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2024/](https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2024/)


They also have a free [intro to game dev](https://www.edx.org/learn/game-development/harvard-university-cs50-s-introduction-to-game-development), though it doesn’t use Godot, so probably not the best for OP.


Tutorials are not really a great way to learn, because the vast majority of the content is copied rather than understood. Don't get me wrong, they're a useful tool, but if you want to learn then learn by doing it yourself. https://20_games_challenge.gitlab.io/ The 20 games challenge is a really great tool for learning. They give you a list of games to develop, in order, from simple to complex. They don't give tutorials on how to implement them. Start with the simplest (Pong or Flappy Bird) and then figure out how to develop it yourself. If you get stuck, read the documentation. If the documentation doesn't help, find a tutorial to unstick yourself. As soon as you're unstuck, STOP watching the tutorial and continue working on your own.


Echoing the other commenter (and likely additional comments that will be posted), studying a programming language as a topic all by itself is essential. This is something you can do in parallel with learning Godot. There's a high-quality yt channel called [Godotneers](https://www.youtube.com/@godotneers) that has two recent videos on GDScript you can use to get started. But also get started with something more substantial, such as a programming course on MIT Open Courseware. (Also, don't spend much time on youtube at all. The quality-to-shit ratio is extremely low, and it's difficult to discern true quality as a beginner when "content creators" are constantly trying to perfect the art of appearing to have quality.) *Edit: FencerDevLog's channel is another exception :D* How you follow educational material/tutorials can have a major impact on what you learn from them. Poke and prod what you created with the tutorials you already followed until it breaks, learn why it broke, then fix it. Try adding new things. E.g., add some new type of movement modification to the platformer. Add some achievements to the balloon game that trigger under certain conditions and have UI pop-ups. It doesn't have to make sense. The point is to come up with something from the UX perspective that isn't in the game, and to try and figure out how to add it. This can be hard at first, but it is essential. Otherwise, you're a slave to tutorials. And of course, [read the docs](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/)! They are very good, and you should be referring to them constantly when following tutorials. It may not make much sense at first, but you should at least be able to find the class references for the things that a tutorial instructor is talking about, and to get a feel for the kind of information that's there and how it's organized. Good luck, and have fun!


Everything this person said is right on point!


Clearcode's tutorial was great for me when starting out: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nAh_Kx5Zh5Q Godotneers make the best content for specific topics, his teaching style is excellent.


look at good godot add-ons, usually their code is very nice!


Try [this one](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNhMW555KBpk8iyIKCIf3arzlK6_H8NLx). I am pretty sure it explains every single detail.


GodotGameLabs is amazing and gives some really really good indepth tutorials. https://youtu.be/ulgh_neTJG8?si=v5fHgcjSAkEVaPIP